When the officials in the court heard about the "Acoustic Listening Technique", they all showed complicated expressions on their faces.

No one likes to have their thoughts peeped into, especially those in power.

If the other party is just an ordinary person, he may not live for a few days.

But facing Zhang Tian, ​​they can't raise any thoughts of resistance.

Fortunately, according to the description of the Prime Minister and the Shangshu, this "Acoustic Listening Technique" needs to touch the forehead like the legendary beast.

If you can know people's thoughts from a distance, it would be too terrifying.

When Zhang Tian brought Xu Wen to the hall.

I saw a person kneeling in the middle of Chongzheng Hall, naturally, it was the Imperial Censor who repeatedly scolded him-Liu Fang.

After Xu Wen saluted, Liu Fang took the initiative to say: "Ashamed, I am not strict with my subordinates, which led to this evil guy. I beg Mr. Zhang and Xu Xiucai to forgive me."

Seeing Liu Fang's face full of shame, Zhang Tian didn't know whether it was true or false.

After Xu Wen came back yesterday, he explained to Zhang Tian how their bureaucrats handled money.

Generally speaking, the court salary alone cannot support such a grand official family.

There must be other income.

The most direct and safest way is to buy more land and use the income from the land to maintain the family's expenses.

Therefore, usually the higher the official position, the more land the family has, and there are thousands of acres of good land at any time.

This is very consistent with the phenomenon of land annexation in feudal society that Zhang Tian learned later.

Another way is to do business.

But officials themselves and their immediate family members cannot do business directly.

They can only find an agent among the collateral family or slaves.

Or a businessman without a backer who surrenders, just like Xu Jingye wanted to wait for his nephew to become an official and become his backer.

Yesterday's shopkeeper Chen was one of the agents under the censor Liu Fang.

Like this kind of framing a civilian without a backer, Liu Fang may really be unaware of it.

First, the matter is too small, and someone in the family has handled it, so there is no need to ask.

Second, try to avoid suspicion as much as possible and don't get involved in these money-making and despicable things.

Therefore, the nobleness of many officials needs a lot of dirty means to maintain it.

But ignorance does not mean no responsibility.

If Zhang Tian hadn't appeared in this matter, even if the emperor knew about it, he would probably scold him a few words and lightly cover it up on the grounds of "not governing his subordinates strictly."

Emperor Anyou asked: "Mr. Zhang, how do you want to deal with it?"

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and said: "He is your minister, the emperor can make the decision yourself."

In the feudal dynasty, the emperor and the ministers are a community of interests.

It is not realistic to expect them to consider the common people.

Zhang Tian knew that if he used his prestige to forcibly punish Liu Fang or even execute him, it would not be impossible.

But it would only attract more officials' fear.

If he were really an immortal, he would not be afraid of them, but unfortunately he was not.

If Xu Wen becomes an official in the future, or dies of old age a few decades later, these past events may be a huge source of trouble.

Instead of this, it is better to let the emperor deal with it, which also shows that he is tolerant and generous.

Emperor Anyou and Prime Minister Cai looked at each other, and it was obvious that they had discussed it long ago.

Emperor Anyou said: "Liu Fang, you are not strict with your subordinates, which caused the servants in your family to do evil and rob people's property."

"I will punish your Liu family and compensate the Xu family with the same amount of money or shops."

"In addition, since this matter is caused by money, I will punish you to be a supervisor in the gold and silver mine."

"When the gold and silver in the gold and silver mine are mined, you can return to the court."

Liu Fang kowtowed and said: "The guilty minister obeys the order."

Zhang Tian smiled slightly. Now that he has experienced so many things, he can also see some ways.

It was a difficult problem to send someone to supervise the gold and silver mine that Zhang Tian sent.

This is a lucrative job.

A lucrative job means there is money to be made.

Emperor Anyou has been the emperor for so long that he naturally knows what the officials below will do, and even condones some officials to embezzle.

But he still feels uncomfortable when he thinks that his own gold and silver mines are embezzled by officials.

Now Liu Fang has run into the gun, and he just happens to use him.

How dare he be appointed as the supervisor as a guilty minister?

Once he is discovered, he will be punished for both crimes, and I am afraid that the whole family will not be able to bear it.

Although it cannot be guaranteed that Liu Fang is absolutely honest in the gold and silver mines, he will definitely be more restrained than other officials.

See that the matter is over.

Emperor Anyou asked: "Mr. Zhang, can mortals learn the art of listening? Just like the art of resurrection and the art of longevity."

Zhang Tian shook his head: "No."

"Alas..." Emperor Anyou was a little regretful, "If you can learn this art, there will be no more difficult cases in the world, and the loyal, treacherous, wise and foolish can be distinguished at a glance."

Zhang Tian laughed "Haha": "Emperor, distinguishing loyalty and treachery is likeWhat?"

"Among all the civil and military officials in the court, who is loyal and who is treacherous, don't you really know anything about it?"

"Will you listen to the loyal ministers?"

"Will you scold the treacherous ministers for flattering you?"

"If that's the case, it's better to be a little confused."

"Don't be too thorough, and don't be too clear about things. ”

“Even if everyone has the ability to listen carefully, the world will still be confused when it should be confused, hahahaha…”

The whole hall was filled with the clear laughter of Zhang Tian.

When he was in Xiangyang City, Zhang Tian felt better, as most people did not have such complicated thoughts.

When he arrived in Lin’an Prefecture, everyone was a top figure of the era, with thousands of thoughts and endless calculations.

If Zhang Tian had not been detached from the world, he would have been fooled countless times.

Today’s loud laughter was not only a ruthless mockery of everyone, but also a release of the depressed mood of the past few days.

Amidst the laughter, Zhang Tian led Xu Wen and left gracefully.

Xu Wen hurriedly bowed deeply to the emperor and a group of ministers, and followed them out of Chongzheng Hall.

Only the embarrassed ministers and the emperor were left in the hall.

Everyone watched Zhang Tian leave.

Prime Minister Cai broke the silence and said, “Mr. Zhang is indeed the god-man that the ancient sages said, as unrestrained as clouds. "

Emperor An You was thinking in his heart, is the immortal satisfied or dissatisfied with me for what I said just now?

If he is not satisfied, when he leaves Lin'an Prefecture, where can he find such a true immortal again?

However, as the three gifts came out, Emperor An You found that he had nothing to attract Zhang Tian.

Looking at Xu Wen's figure, Emperor An You secretly thought that the only way to keep Zhang Tian in Lin'an Prefecture might fall on his disciples and his sister Su'er.


The next day.

Soon after dawn, Zhang Tian was awakened by a burst of "squeaky" chicken calls.

From time to time, there was a low roar of "Ah..." from the short legs, and Su'er's voice scolding the short legs was faintly heard.

Zhang Tian was worried that Su'er would be in danger in front of the short legs, so he had to struggle to get up and walk towards the backyard.

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