Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 92 Ancient Mechanical Giant!! Trump Card Unfolded!

Liu Qingyi was standing by and didn't expect that You Chen had just arrived at the academy and had already dueled twice in a row.

The first time could be said to be unavoidable, because he had to take an assessment and faced the captain of the assessment department.

The second time, it was not long before he had to challenge the second-year students of the master class.

This spanned several ranges.

The students of the master class were supposed to be better than Wang Hao, and the second-year students of the master class were stronger, not to mention that Qin Chuan was one of the top students in the master class.

However, You Chen didn't seem to care who his opponent was at all.

Was he confident in his own strength, or was he trusting his deck?

Liu Qingyi couldn't see the freshman clearly.

"If you two want to duel, go over there."

"There is a special duel field here to solve the problem of dueling for the same rare card."

At this time, the bald old man guarding the door came over in slippers.

He said lazily, his eyes were like dead fish eyes, and this old man looked very salty.

If you have to describe it in a more vivid way, it looks very much like the Fire Cloud Evil God.

"Life still needs more freshmen like this, otherwise there will be no fun."

"Boy, do you think you are a genius just because you enter the master class?"

"You don't know at all that the gold content of the first-year master class is completely incomparable to that of the second-year."

"The second-year master class can only be achieved through countless challenges and fights. You are now a first-year master-level freshman, and you may be challenged down next semester and become a third-rate student."

Qin Chuan walked onto the duel field with a steady step, tilted his neck, with a rebellious smile, and flicked his left hand, and the duel disk unfolded instantly.

"Ready to count!"

Qin Chuan said calmly.

"Already ready."

The pink-haired boy said with a chuckle.

You Chen was not affected at all, but he still exchanged the Overload Dragon first, then put it into the deck and walked directly up.


"This newcomer You Chen seems to have the same passion for duels as me! He dared to challenge the second-year student of the master class right away!"

Xu Huohuo was as enthusiastic as ever, as if he was always in the middle of a hyperthyroidism attack.

Long Bing crossed his arms over his chest, remained silent, and his indifferent eyes stayed on You Chen.

And Mi Xue was excited to watch from the side, but she still liked to squat on the ground and watch with a grin.

"Hehe, I can watch his duel again."

"In my eyes, he is the strongest."

Mi Xue grinned.

"The duel begins! DUEL——"

The duel between the two sides is about to start.

The two eyes stared at each other, bursting with unprecedented aura and fighting spirit!

A coin fell in the middle of their sight.


It was the front side, You Chen attacked first.

You Chen didn't like to attack first, but he had no choice.

Head side means he attacks first, and tail side means the other party attacks first.

"First, I activate the magic card [Electronic Emergency SOS] from my hand."

"Add 1 "Cyber ​​Dragon" monster or a Mechanical-type/Light monster that cannot be Normal Summoned from your deck to your hand."

You Chen quickly unfolded a card, then skillfully retrieved a card from the deck and added it to his hand.

"Then, I Normal Summon [Cyber ​​Dragon Core] from my hand!"

"Activate if this card is successfully summoned. Add 1 "Cyber" Magic/Trap Card or "Electronic Technology" Magic/Trap Card from your deck to your hand."

[Cyber ​​Dragon Core]

Light Attribute/2 Stars/Mechanical

Attack: 400/Defense: 1500

You Chen retrieved another card and added it to his hand.

Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly gathered, his expression slightly moved, and he said in a deep voice: "It's actually a Cyber ​​Dragon deck? ”

He also knew about this deck. Although no one in China has used it yet and the news of foreign blockade is good, he knew about it with his experience.

However, he didn’t have much information. He only knew that the Cyber ​​Dragon deck was very strong and popular at the moment.

It was a quick attack and kill flow. He only knew this information.

The specific content of the card was unknown.

He didn’t expect that a freshman would have a deck that no one in China could use. This really surprised him and made him pay more attention to it.

“Then I activated the effect of [Cyber ​​Dragon·Next Generation Star] from my hand.”

“You can only activate it by discarding 1 other monster from your hand. This card is special summoned from your hand.”

“Come out!! ”

“The next generation of Cyber ​​Dragon. ”

You Chen held this card and another card and threw them out.

The card spun in the air and transformed into a black-bodied electronic dragon with round spots of blue energy on its body and thin electronic wings on its back.

[Cyber ​​Dragon·Next Generation Star]

Light attribute/One star/Machine

Attack: 200/Defense: 200

“Not only that, if this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, you can activate it by targeting 1 Machine-type monster with 2100 ATK or DEF in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster. After this effect is activated, you cannot Special Summon a non-Machine-type monster until the end of the turn.”

“Then Cyber ​​Dragon! !”

“The ace is here!”

You Chen shouted, waving his hand violently.

[Cyber ​​Dragon]

Light attribute/Five stars/Machine

Attack: 2100/Defense: 1600

"Ambush two cards, then end the turn."

You Chen ended his turn very quickly.

He summoned three monsters on the field in one breath, and it was smooth and silky. Although their attack power was not high, there was obviously an unusual crisis lurking.

Qin Chuan was still sensitive to this.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Qin Chuan put his two fingers on the deck and quickly drew a card.

"The game hasn't started yet, but I already feel it's over."

Qin Chuan looked at this hand of cards, grinned, put his two fingers together like a sword, and picked up a card.

"I will activate the continuous magic card [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] from my hand."

"Then activate the field magic card [Gear Street]!"

"Then activate the quick-attack magic card [Double Cyclone]!"

"You can only activate it by targeting 1 magic/trap card on your field and 1 magic/trap card on the opponent's field. Destroy those cards."

"I will destroy [Gear Street] on my field and the left cover card on your field!"

Qin Chuan sneered and waved his hand, and two whirlwinds swept through in an instant.

You Chen was not panicked at all, and smiled and opened his cover card: "Open the ambush card! Activate the trap card [Intimidation Roar]!"

"This turn, the opponent cannot attack!"

The Cyber ​​Dragon deck is very afraid of the first move and likes the second move.

So how to avoid the embarrassing problem of the first move?

The answer is simple, just put in a lot of life-saving red pits.

Just in case, you can't put too many attack pits, otherwise you will be finished if they explode.

A roar that shocked the world came out.


Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "The weak are weak after all, and this is the only way to delay time!"

"But no matter how you struggle, there is only one result!"


Seeing that you are so awesome, and there are several people who want to see more, I thought about it and sent another one. I will update it tonight, and I will finish it even if I don't sleep.

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