“After my birthday next month, do you want to get a driver’s license and buy a motorcycle by the way?”

Annan, who was walking home alone, looked at the dark roads around him, and always felt a little eerie.

Mainly because he heard some untimely background music that added some rather senseless atmosphere.

“Why did you suddenly hear the sound of black magic? Forget it, leave him alone.

If Annan had known this, he should have let the kind magic professor drive him back.

He used to take the bus home and walk back on the street without a few street lights, and he was not very afraid of the dark environment.

Provided that there are not some superfluous sounds ringing in the ears.

Annan didn’t want to venture to another world for the time being, and these voices now sounded like just unnecessary harassment.

“Is the reason for the horror of horror games really music?”

Annan quickened his pace and walked through the dark street, not far from the apartment building where he lived.


Annan was taken aback by this sudden greeting.

He turned his head sharply, and the sound came from the alley next to him that was not clearly visible.

It was a rather old voice, probably the voice of an old woman.

“Young man, do you want to come and divination?”

“Can I not?”

Annan, who was standing at the mouth of the alley, asked rhetorically.

“Of course, you are a guest, it is your choice.”

The old woman’s voice was tinged with laughter.

Annan didn’t just leave, he tried to see clearly in the alley, which was almost dark.

It’s just that no matter how hard he tries, what can’t be seen clearly is always unclear.

“What should I do?”

Under normal circumstances, Annan would have run away long ago, and he had little interest in so-called divination.

However, when he discovered that the source of the sound of black magic that had been ringing in his ears was actually in this inconspicuous alley, his steps stopped uncontrollably.

“That, how much is divination?”

“It depends.”

The old woman’s voice came clearly and powerfully.

“First of all, I don’t have much money on me.”

Annan said as he stepped into the dimly lit alleyway.

This is a narrow alleyway, barely enough to get a person forward, and if you raise your hand a little, you will hit the wall on the side, and normally no one should be setting up a stall here.

“Please rest assured, I will not collect money indiscriminately, please come here.”

As the voice fell, a little candle lit up in front of Annan’s eyes.

Annan subconsciously looked at the flames lit up on both sides of his feet.

When he looked up again, the original dark depths were now a small light red tent. Moreover, he was

obviously in a narrow alleyway, and the place where he was now became inexplicably empty, even if he opened his hands, he could not touch the walls that should exist on both sides.


Annan walked into the small tent without stopping.

Inside the tent, a small table with red cushions was set up, and on the table was a burning white candle, and the faint light of the fire flickered, barely illuminating the small space. At the back of the

table, sat a woman wearing a red turban, unable to see clearly in the shadow of the fire, her dress was very unique, her red clothes were full of embroidery and different intricate patterns, like some kind of ethnic minority clothing.

Annan obviously couldn’t see the other party’s appearance, but for some reason, this woman gave him the feeling of being a kind old woman.

“Please sit.”

The voice of the old woman with a smile sounded.

Annan stepped forward and sat across from the old woman.

“You’re a soothsayer?”

“Yes.” The old woman nodded slightly.

“Is this the inner world?”

Annan, who still had countless whispers echoing in his ears, asked directly.

“This is the gap between the present and the foreign.” The old woman answered the question briefly.

“So, who are you?”

“I’m the Witch of Fire, I wonder if you’ve heard of my name?”

“Fire Witch…”

Annan had really heard of the name not long ago.

He heard about it when the magic professor was explaining some common knowledge about the hidden magical world.

“The elusive fire witch will appear in front of some lucky ones and divinate for the other party, the witch of unknown origin.”

“The origin is unknown, huh.”

As if she had heard a joke, the Fire Witch laughed happily.

“Since the guest knows me, then I don’t think I need to explain too much, guest, do you plan to divination?”


Annan nodded nonchalantly.

Anyway, they all came here, so let’s divination.

If what the magic professor said was correct, as long as he didn’t provoke the fire witch, then the other party was indeed an object that could communicate peacefully.

“Okay, then, guest…” The

Fire Witch raised her head.

It was clear that they were looking at each other, but Annan still couldn’t see the true appearance of this witch whose voice sounded quite old.

“When the turquoise moon appears, after the storm passes, you will be faced with a choice.”

Annan raised an eyebrow.

“That’s the point of divergence of fate, redemption or destruction, it’s all up to you to choose.”

“Although I know that soothsayers are all diviners, you don’t seem to have divination at all, right? You put a crystal ball out for drama!

Annan couldn’t help but complain.

The Fire Witch just sat and looked at him, and nothing else.

“Guest, what do you think divination is?”

The Fire Witch, who couldn’t see her face, seemed to be smiling.

“Speculating into the future?” Annan says whatever comes to mind.

“Yes, speculating about the future, calculating the future, isn’t that the essence of divination? Well, prophecy is the same. ”

“…… Aren’t we talking about divination? Annan was full of question marks. “All the same, guests, all the same,

whether it is divination or prophecy, the essence is the same after all, all in order to see the future changes and development.”

“So, you’re not so much a soothsayer, you’re actually a prophet?”

Annan always felt that this fire witch was talking nonsense.

In this low-demon world, there is no real way to predict the future.

“Guest, you have to see the essence clearly, divination and prophecy, they are the same for me.”

The Fire Witch stretched out her hand.

Annan looked at each other inexplicably.

“My divination is over, thank you for a thousand yuan.”


Annan wordlessly pulled out his wallet.

According to the Professor of Magic, the name Witch of Fire appeared in the world thousands of years ago.

Although the Fire Witch is haunted and rarely appears in front of people, she is already known for her way of acting.

To put it simply, if the Fire Witch has done divination, then it is better to pay the corresponding reward, or it will be conceited. The

Fire Witch, who accepted the money, smiled and nodded.

“Thank you for your patronage, guest, and I hope we don’t get a chance to see each other again.”

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