Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 116

Su Taoer shook his head indifferently: "Certainly not."

"Yeah, of course not, even if his strength came from his own penance, even if he It's the Great Cultivator, even if he is a god! If he kills a person, if he humiliates a mortal, he will also pay the price!"

Si Yan's eyes suddenly became cold, and he continued: "So master I admire Emperor Yongwen, your Imperial Father. Although he has a problem with his orientation, he is a good emperor. He curbs the power of the sect in order to curb the sect's exploitation of the people, enslaves them, and digs the canal, which is also for the people. There are many opportunities, although the yamen he set up is incomplete and does not act, but his original intention is still there, his philosophy is still there, he still stands behind his own people, but sometimes he seems to be a little weak."

Su Taoer muttered: "Is he so powerful... Yes, it seems that, back then, he, together with San Gong Jiuqing, and Empress Dowager, fought across the border, leading hundreds of thousands of troops to suppress the sect, It even beat the Monster King of the ten directions to death and severely wounded the people, so that the people could live in peace, seized the land from the sect and distributed it to the peasants."

"Yes, your Imperial Father is still It's very difficult to deal with, but he never said much, and he has always paid very little tax to the country." Si Yan sighed, "No one is more noble than the other, the common people are human beings, cultivators are human beings, they are all human beings, why? Even if they are gods, even if they are born holy, even if they are the existence of the cream of the crop in this world, I don’t think they are more noble than anyone.”

Si Yan stretched out a finger, Su Taoer nodded on his forehead and said, "Because of the premise, we are human beings, and we have to consider the problem from a human point of view. This is the key."

Su Taoer seemed to understand something but not understand it. A little at a loss.

But Si Yan said with a smile: "In short, you must understand that we have met so many people and suffered so much before. Although we have helped them, there are still many people like them. , we can't help, and we can't help, but these, your Imperial Family can do it, your Imperial Father develops this country, and your brother prospers this country, then you can do it, a country, a country, and a home."

Su Taoer was still confused, but looking at Si Yan, she still answered.

But Si Yan didn't force her, just said, "You'll find out later."

Su Taoer looked at Si Yan strangely.

She thought to herself: "Master, this man really doesn't understand him. Sometimes he likes to eat other people's tofu so much, but sometimes, he is so serious and meticulous."

Si Yan He patted her butt and said, "What are you doing? Hurry up!"


Yu Jingcheng.

Xieyuelou, Bai Lan has packed his bags, packed his belongings, and is ready to go.

Ridie immediately said nervously: "Teacher bishop, where are you going? Are you looking for the master!?"

Bai Lan said with a smile: "I don't look for it. If you don't look for him, what do you do with him, hehe, people will go roam around."

――――――The dividing line

I'm going away today, and the update time will float. Uncertain~

Chapter 161: Xiaozhou, three brothers, Mujiang and Divine Sword

When Ruidi saw that Bai Lan was leaving, she quickly asked: "Sect Lord, Then you're gone, what should I do with the Xieyuelou, who will take care of it!"

Bai Lan frowned slightly, saying with a smile: "Isn't there you, normally? You are also in charge of the Xieyuelou, so you will naturally take care of it when I leave. If you encounter difficulties, pass the book to Eunuch Cao. He is the king of my teaching, and of course he will come to help you, even if you are more daring. , outsiders can't bully you."

Ruidie still seemed at a loss, but Bai Lan was comforted: "Qingqing and you have followed me for so long, she manages Jiangnan by herself, and the territory is much larger, It's just a sloping moon building, so you can, of course, it's not leading troops to fight, it's just cashiers and daily management, there is also a Disciple underneath for troubles and fights, you can just issue orders, what are you worried about."

But Ruidi said in fear: "But Sect Lord, you are not here today, the new Crown Prince Yunxuan came to Xieyuelou, and today insisted that there is something wrong with our dishes, and it is a little unclean. He also clamored to let the shopkeeper come out, saying that if the shopkeeper did not come out, he would ask the inspectorate to check our Xieyuelou! He is the Crown Prince, Sect Lord, what should you do with your servant? Ah! Your servant said that he was the shopkeeper, but the Crown Prince didn't give up, saying that your servant was just a supporter, and the must came out behind the scenes, he was the Crown Prince, and Eunuch Cao couldn't do anything about him! Your servant The servant said that you were not there today, and that's why the Crown Prince left first, but he... but he will come tomorrow, what should I do!"

Bai Lan thought for a moment, then Yan Ran With a smile, he threw an embroidered handkerchief from his cuff, and said, "Next time this When the servant comes back, you give him this embroidered handkerchief and say that I have gone far away, and he will naturally know his interest and will definitely leave. "

Ruidie was stunned, with a puzzled expression on her face.

After saying goodbye to this little girl, Bai Lan took advantage of the night and set off on the road.

Bai Lan flew away from the capital, but because he was born with a lack of sense of direction, he followed the canal and Mujiang line, far to the Magic Sea, and went to the Black Tortoise country with all his strength.

However, Bai Lan had only been flying over the Mujiang River for a long time, when he saw a small lonely boat traveling over the Mujiang River. Although the boat was very fast, it did not stir up any waves. It's just eerily smooth, with only constant ripples rippling around.

And on that calm boat, there is a thin silhouette squatting.

The ship is obviously a Treasure Item. Under the catalysis of mana, it has a good effect. Compared with the escape, it is not too slow, or even worse.

Bai Lan's expression moved slightly, and the weak and helpless silhouette curled up in the boat seemed to have spotted him as well, and looked up as well.

Yu Ling's face darkened, and he was about to drive the boat to escape, but Bai Lan The stern, which has already fallen behind him, cannot allow him to have this desire.

Bai Lan looked at him with a faint smile and asked, "Why, you also go to the Master? "

"I...I...just go around." "Yu Ling still replied with fear.

Bai Lan put his feet on his back, and then kicked him so hard that he was slanted and kicked directly onto the boat.

"Speak human words. "

However, even if Yu Ling was bullied, he still looked at him in horror, obviously scared, not to mention the desire for revenge.

But it seemed that after a short period of time After hesitating, he curled up in the corner of the boat, hugged his knees in fear, and said dumbly: "I... I can't worry about Master, so I went to find him. "

Just after he finished speaking, Bai Lan snorted softly, also sat on the edge of his boat, and took out a cushion 'Hey Yo' from the Universe Bag and leaned down, yawned. : "Then you can drive the boat, I'm tired from flying, so I'll rest for a while, make up my sleep, and then I'll leave it to you on the way. ”

Yu Ling panicked in his heart, and was still full of alertness to the person behind him, but he was also very obedient, he walked to the bow and squatted down, catalyzing the mana and making the boat faster.


But under this small boat, there is still no waves, just the slight ripples.

Bai Lan shrank, like a curled up cat, There is also laziness on his face.

"Hurry up. "Bai Lan seems to be urging, "Go to the Magic Sea before dawn. "

Yuling opened the mouth and said with a bit of bitterness: "It's already very fast, and I'll feel a little uncomfortable if it's too fast... Actually, I'm seasick." ”

Bai Lan, who was sleeping there with his eyes closed, put his bare feet as white as suet on his back, and kicked him so hard that he almost kicked him into the river .

"Don't talk back to Senior Brother. "

Yu Ling still didn't dare to be angry or speak, so he could only sit on the bow with his hands on it, which almost catalyzed the treasure ship to the extreme.

After all, He doesn't dare to resist.

Just because the person behind him has been bullying him since he was a child, and also since he was a child, he dare not refute half a point.

Not to mention Senior Brother Bai's heart He is very young, in fact, he is similar to a woman.

Not only is he very vengeful, but he also likes to be petty.

However, when it comes to Senior Brother Bai's petty personality, it is actually something that Master is used to. The Second Senior Brother is still the most favored.

However, there was silence between the two for the rest of the journey, but after the silence, Bai Lan couldn't help but ask: "Junior Brother, you have heard of that one too. Rumors, just rushed to see the Master. "

Yu Ling was lying in front of him, steering the boat, avoiding a merchant fleet above the Mujiang River.

He was indifferent for a while, and he didn't want to answer. , turned his head, only to see Senior Brother Bai's handsome smile, he couldn't help having one's hair stand on end, and immediately replied: "I... I heard Gu Hu mentioned before that the contemporary Headmaster of Xingtianjiao is the youngest in the world. One of the Mortal Gods, with a very high cultivation talent, it is rumored that this Headmaster has a very special origin, he is not an ordinary person..."

In fact, many people know this rumor. It is said that about a hundred years ago, in In the eastern kingdom of Black Tortoise, it is rumored that there was a god in the lower realm. When the gods were in the lower realm, the night sky in the east seemed to have been burned red.

Those people saw that in the far distance, there was a The god o, who was more than ten feet tall, had a halo behind his head and came out of the cracked space.

At that time, the dive might permeated the air, and those who looked up in the lower world were all It was as if I heard the sound of Taoism echoing in the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of people who saw God's face all knelt down and worshipped, some were crying, some were laughing, and some were begging God to treat them The forgiveness of God, God's great love for himself.

That God, I heard that he finally descended into the ancestral land of Xingtian Sect, and stayed in this world for many years, and after that God left, Xingtian Sect's Saintess also became pregnant, and later, gave birth to the contemporary Headmaster of Xingtian Sect. That Headmaster was already a spiritual emperor at the age of thirty, and at the age of sixty-three, he had already proclaimed Mortal God!

It is rumored that the Headmaster has the bloodline of God and is the real Son of God! Moreover, since he preached Mortal God, he has never met an opponent. They can't be called emperors, they can only be kings!

Yuling worriedly said: "I am afraid that the Master will be in danger. If the other party is really a god, I don't know if the Master will be the opponent of that god, after all No one knows how powerful God is, how big the gap between us mortals and God is..."

Bai Lan also seemed to be thinking, in those eyes that didn't change much, it seemed It also became deeper.

It's just that before the two of them finished speaking, they saw a silhouette suddenly appear on the river in front. Sword walked on the river surface. Although he walked very slowly, every time he took a step, there were dozens or even hundreds of ordinary people. It was almost like a Form Displacement Shadow. Walking on the river surface was like a ghost.

Bai Lan was also quite surprised: "He can actually be like a Master!?"

That kind of step seems simple, but in fact, it is very difficult to train , Bai Lan has also learned, but it is only initial understanding at present.

Yu Ling was lying on the bow of the boat, and she was fascinated by the sight, and whispered: "The strength between the Eldest Senior Brother and the Master may not be much different, and the Master is trapped in Mortal God. The realm has reached the peak of Mortal God, but the Eldest Senior Brother is almost there..."

When Mo Junheng was walking on the river, there was another fleet route. They are all water beasts on the tugboat. They can tame the water beasts, and their identity should be very good. The people above the fleet and the people walking on the river surface all uttered low-pitched admiration, and it seems that they are also I feel very new.

However, their realm is too low, but they have never seen how many Young Sect Masters there are. They only think that the cultivation base of the person above the river should be considered to be ok, should there be a mysterious Origin Realm?

It seems that a noble Young Master came out of the boat, and shouted to the Mo Junheng from a distance: "This Fellow Daoist! The chief eldest disciple of the Great Firmament door! Please also invite Fellow Daoist to join the boat!"

But Mo Junheng still didn't care about it. He didn't even turn his head back. He was still stepping on the river, but it seemed to be a little slower, not far from the big ship.

Seeing him ignoring him, the young Master flew into a rage out of humiliation and said angrily: "This Young Master is the True Disciple of the Great Firmament Sect! The old father is the Great Firmament Sect. Headmaster, you are shameless, and you are ignoring me!"

However, just as these words came out of his mouth, Mo Junheng suddenly took out the Divine Sword in his arms, the sword light of the Divine Sword Violent, suddenly golden light masterpiece!

sword qi is endless, and the sword is unsheathed! Even the river surface was completely cut off, and the flow was cut off on the spot!

The man on the boat was so terrified that his legs were weak on the spot.

All of a sudden he fell to the ground and lost his voice: " are Sword God! You are Sword God!?" At this time, Yuling's boat broke from there It broke out of the water and moored not far away. As for Bai Lan, he shouted impatiently: "Stop pretending! Get on the boat!"

Mo Junheng pressed his straw hat , showing an intriguing smile under the shadows, and immediately retracted the Divine Sword, with a vertical figure, he came to the small boat of Yuling.

Under the astonished gaze of the other party, Yu Ling was already driving a boat, carrying two Senior Brothers, and went into the distance, and disappeared all of a sudden.

As for the inherited eldest disciple who fell to the ground in fright, he still muttered to himself in fear: "Sword God...Isn't Sword God dead, he is still alive!?"


Chapter 162: Half-step God Realm (four thousand-character chapter)

And in the Mujiang River under this night, there is also a woman who is riding a boat upstream.

Although this is a small building ship, there are water animals hunchbacked underneath.

Lin Hongying alone looked around, it was late at night, but she hadn't slept yet.

But it was also at this time that she suddenly saw a woman as well. She was walking by the river with a sword in one hand, wearing a plain white clothed dress and a few golden hairpins on her head, which was also very sassy.

Lin Hongying recognized the man after a moment of surprise, so she waved and shouted, "Sister Yingxue!"

The woman with the sword heard someone calling her, Of course, he was surprised, but after turning around, he found out who the other party was, and jumped onto the boat.

"Hongying, hey, why are you here?" Mu Yingxue looked into the cabin and said, "Where are your Junior Sisters?"

"I let them They all went back first, and the sect matter has been put down for a long time, it is time for them to go back to preside over the overall situation." Lin Hongying said with a smile, "Sister Yingxue, where are you going?"

Mu Yingxue was a little stunned, she pursed her red lips and said: "I...I don't know, in short, I want to go upstream!"

Lin Hongying seemed to be laughing with understanding, and then said: "Since it is Go upstream, then come with me, we can be a companion on the road, and I am indeed a little lonely by myself."

"That's good, that's good, let's be a companion!" Mu Yingxue was also happy.

And just as the two were talking, they suddenly heard a voice.

They looked up and saw a middle-aged Taoist man, looking around in the vicinity, the Taoist man also found the two women, and immediately cupped his hands and asked: "Sect Master Lin, Mu Headmaster! Did you two see a man? One girl, about twenty years old, seems to be walking by water!"

The two girls looked at each other, and they couldn't help but look right and solemn: "Fellow Daoist, the ancient lake, we are late, we have never met. When it comes to these two, you can go ahead and look for it, maybe it's going up."

The ancient lake daoist thanked the two daughters, then turned his head and fled away.

But as soon as he left, Lin Hongying and Mu Yingxue burst into laughter.

and on the other side.

Si Yan has already turned from Qingzhou to the corner of another state, and has also successfully crossed the Magic Sea.

But in fact, it was only when he arrived at the Magic Sea that he realized the change, because when he was passing through the hinterland of the Magic Sea, he actually saw a large number of Heavenly in and around Yongle City. The Army of Saint Country!

That number is more than 100,000!

These troops should have been mobilized from Qingzhou and other states close to the Black Tortoise country, and they were all stationed in Yongle City, which was closely associated with Heavenly Saint Country.

It seems that Emperor Yongwen also has foresight, although the Imperial Court strength is great injury, but this does not mean how much his army has lost, the fundamental strength of the Imperial Court is still not really lacking!

These armies are formed into battle formations, and their formidable power is not trivial. On the plains, their battle strength is not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators.

even more how these armies are actually still going here continuously, and the supply line behind them is even more long.

Emperor Yongwen seemed to have already known the mutation of the Black Tortoise country, and began to arrange his troops, making perfect preparations for the war in advance.

Si Yan is more familiar with the magic sea. He went straight to Black Tortoise from another place, and he arrived in just two days.

The country of Black Tortoise is not big, not even as vast as Qingzhou, it is probably just a small continent, and the number of mercenaries does not exceed 100,000.

The kingdom of Black Tortoise is nominally under the jurisdiction of Xingtianjiao.

This is a few years ago, after the Xingtianjiao got the other three countries to bow down one after another, the lord of the Black Tortoise was under pressure and was willing to acknowledge allegiance, and the lord also cut his title for this reason and changed his name to the emperor. Cheng Wang, from a dignified emperor, became the king of a country, like a prince.

But even so, Xingtianjiao has been pressing the Black Tortoise country step by step in recent years, and even secretly tried to assassinate the country's lord many times in an attempt to complete the success of the country, and these factors have also led to The lord of the country is getting closer and closer to the great country of the Foreign Domain, Heavenly Saint Country.

However, in this Black Tortoise country, Si Yan finds it a little strange. The climate of Black Tortoise country is somewhat similar to that of Jiangnan. It also has four distinct seasons and abundant blood and water, but within this country, the people are not rich. , There are many people with yellow skin and thin skin, it seems that they are malnourished.

Actually, it is reasonable to say that in good weather, as long as the people are willing to work, there will be no shortage of food, but here some things are just the opposite.

It's just that the people here are still very peaceful. When Si Yan was going to the Black Tortoise capital Yunteng, he passed through a village. .

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