Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 144

They were extremely frightened, and in the panic, they all put out the best tributes from their families. Almost day and night, they bowed their heads and bowed to several Deity statues floating in the sky in the capital, praying to Heavenly God. Forgiveness and understanding!

A woman with a baby in her hands knelt down and begged at the punishment from a distance, even her forehead was broken, and she only longed for the forgiveness of these gods. .

Among the many people, especially the elderly, some old women, and some elderly people, they bowed down and worshipped, showing great piety and reverence.

The people in this capital gradually began to become indignant.

They are not outraged at the decision of these gods to slaughter the city, but outraged at the murderer who killed the god bloodline! It is because of him that Heavenly God will come here to condemn, and it is because of this person that they will suffer such great calamity and bad luck!

Everyone in the capital hates Si Yan so much that they can't wait to swallow him alive! Take his corpse to worship these gods!

Even those who sacrificed with offerings and incense were crying bitterly and begging the gods not to punish themselves, but they were more than vicious to Si Yan, consigned to eternal damnation, and cursed him. He went down to Hell Yellow Springs, was cooked in the oil pan, and never entered reincarnation!

But in fact, this is human nature. When they find that the direct cause of these disasters is something they can't violate, they can't resist and reach, their humble anger will not disappear. , they will just pass on it!

Even Yongning, who was tied up on the high platform, also suffered from their viciousness.

After the night fell, people passing by said bad things to her, what's more, they threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves on her, and the behavior of adults was very * * When a child is infected, even a virgin girl of a few years old will follow the same example, swearing and swearing, and throwing stones at her, a stone hits her forehead, and all of a sudden, it is a Blood flowed down.

Emperor Yongwen couldn't bear it any longer. He was sealed with a true essence. He ignored the emperor's demeanor and scolded: "When I'm out of trouble, I'll pull all of you people out of trouble. Go beheaded, and the heirs will also be sent to the frontier to fill the army! Send your wives and daughters to Official Brothel! I and Imperial Tutor will also visit in person!"

Su Imperial Tutor, who is also a vegetable leaf, reminded Said: "Your Majesty, Official Brothel was abolished by you ten years ago."

"Then open it again! Specially for their wives! For their mothers!"

Mrs. Imperial Tutor asked Yong Ning: "Yong Ning, how are you, can you hold on?"

"Auntie, Yong Ning is fine, it's just a little pain in the forehead, but you can still hold on."


Mrs. Imperial Tutor suddenly burst into tears and choked up: "You child is also a hard worker. Although you are the daughter of Prince Ning, you are indeed a concubine. You have not been allowed to be seen at home since childhood, even your brother elder sister. I've left you out in the cold, and now I've finally made it to the end. I've been married to a good man, but in the end, I've suffered a sudden disaster, and now I'm even humiliated by this market!"

this remark Ning The prince naturally heard it, and lowered his head, ashamed of Yongning, he didn't even make a sound.

However, Yongning shook the head and said instead: "Auntie, if it's just Yongning alone, Yongning doesn't want Husband to come to the rescue. If he rescues or die, Yongning hopes that Husband will be more affectionate and leave me alone. That's good, I'll die when I die, and there's never been anything, anyway, there's never been a child between me and Husband, Husband shouldn't be bound by me."

But just after he finished speaking, Yongning realized that There are also a large group of people with him.

Almost all of Su's Imperial Tutor family were there, and even his concubines were tied up on it.

Yongning's face was slightly red, and he said ashamed: "Auntie, emperor, father, Yongning is selfish, Yongning shouldn't say that."

Emperor Yongwen said: "Yongning, you She is a good girl, Prince, this is your blessing."

Prince Ning lamented: "What the emperor said is very true, this king was ashamed of Yongning's mother and daughter before."

Xiao Muping was just sarcasm, but the concubines of Su Imperial Tutor, none of them were someone who is easy to deal with, they all hit a person when he's down and said: "You old man, when you are lonely and helpless, I just remembered how good my daughter was, why did you go earlier, hypocrisy!"

Su Imperial Tutor scolded: "Don't be rude! This is Prince Ning!"

These oddities Women are still frigid irony and scorching satire.

"Master, you used to scold this lord the most fiercely at home, why did you forget it today?"

"That's right, our lord is also extremely hypocritical. "

"My lord is greedy for money, and he collects a lot of pickle jars every year, but in fact it is full of gold and silver jewelry. The bracelet of your servant is still pulled out of the jar!"

Emperor Yongwen sneered: "Imperial Tutor does collect a lot of local produce every year. I heard that they are piled up in the cellar. If I have time, I must go and see!"

Su Imperial Tutor's old face turned pale Hongdao: " women, don't smear people's innocence!"

Su Taoer was silent, she only felt that her eyes were hot, and she didn't know how to speak.

She still feels that she is too useless. At this moment, nothing can help. Compared to being so awe-inspiring, I hope Husband will ignore her. I hope that Husband will live well alone in Yongning, Su Taoer's heart. But she was hoping for the arrival of the Master, hoping to rescue her... She really felt that she was useless.

In her heart, this girl felt that she had lost to Yongning for the first time. She was very sad, and her tears fell like broken pearls, but she was afraid of being discovered, so she could only hold back her choking. Grit your teeth.

As for Xing Shangzun on the other side of the capital, a smile suddenly appeared, and he said, "I said I want to give up his wife's arm, haven't I fulfilled it yet?"

As soon as Xing Shangzun's belief moved, a Divine Ability went out and rushed to Yongning, and at this time, no one can stop her.

Su Imperial Tutor and Yongwen Emperor were both turned pale in fright!

It's just that with such a muffled sound, the dazzling light from Xing Shangzun did not hurt Yongning, but dissipated out of thin air.

As for Yong Ning, the phoenix hairpin on her bun also made a 'pop' and broke on the spot.

And that's exactly what Husband gave her before the wedding.


At the same time, Si Yan, who was far away in the fantasy sea, moved slightly, and took out a jade pendant from his arms. This jade pendant has been broken into two pieces. cut.

He instantly complexion greatly changed.

Chapter Two Hundred and Four If Everything Is Just For One

Si Yan is still sitting on the main pavilion of the Heaven Fate Pavilion.

He hasn't touched it for seven full days!

At this time, he looked at the jade pendant in his hand that had been shattered into two halves, and suddenly got up, with a look of astonishment, he looked towards the distant sky, which happened to be the capital. direction.

Because Yong Ning and Su Taoer's cultivation base are low, Si Yan has cultivated two hairpins for them respectively, both of which were gifts from Si Yan, and the hairpin was mixed with Si Yan's blood Essence, and heavy rune, although small, at least can resist the full force of the cultivator above the Spirit Emperor! But now Yongning's hairpin is suddenly broken!

Si Yan only hesitated for a moment, he seemed to realize this subtle change at this moment, something is different between Heaven and Earth, something seems to have entered in this world something that doesn't belong to it.

He doesn't want to stay here and wait any longer, and he also knows what he should do now.

Only at this moment, Si Yan, who was standing above the main pavilion, has disappeared. He almost raised his breath to the limit, and started running to the capital at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after he left, the Heaven Fate Pavilion, which had already landed in the phantom sea, also rose from the ground, making a rumbling sound, carrying mud and gravel. Follow your master.

While giving out that Divine Ability, the High Priest was surprised, but laughed, he said softly, "It's amazing that there are mortals who can make a Treasure Item that resists this God. , Now the refiner of the treasure should have already known that if he doesn't escape, he will arrive tomorrow, hehe ... Then wait, wait until he arrives, and then in front of him, maybe even more Interesting."

As for this time, the shocking changes that occurred in the capital have spread very quickly. Although the capital was blocked, the news could still be delivered. Countless Flying Sword , was inspired from the main building of the cultivator daily, disappeared in the sky of the capital, went to all parts of Heavenly Saint Country, and within a few hours, the gods of the upper world came and the news of the fall of the capital was the news of the whole country. Everyone knows.

Between the continuous Snow Mountains, a man in a bucket hat with a long sword in his arms was standing on the towering mountain gate. He also knew about the great changes in the capital.

And this has already passed a round, and it is the news that came from the capital a day ago.

Mo Junheng pondered for a long time, and he said to himself: "Three gods... three gods really came, and the place where they descended is not in the east, but in the capital."

And it's not only that, above the letter and the letter, it is mentioned that there are many powerhouses above the spirit emperor among those who come from the border.

Mu Yingxue was standing behind him, she still persuaded as if not knowing what to do: "Balance, Master wants you to stay, he means that he will solve it, you go. Maybe it's useless."

Of course she wanted to keep this man, just because she knew the result after he left, maybe when we meet again, that's the difference between yin and yang.

Mo Junheng seemed to be thinking about these as well, but after a while, he seemed to be laughed, as if he no longer hesitated.

"I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

He threw his Divine Sword and stood on it.

"Equally... balanced!?"

"You still have a long way to go." He didn't reply, "Don't come to me, and don't remember me anymore. "

Before he finished speaking, he had turned into a sword light, disappeared from here, and flew to the sky.

Mu Yingxue stood in the same place, her eyes were also red and swollen. She looked at his disappearing back, and she lost her soul.

The elders behind her hurriedly stepped forward, earnest and well-meant advised: "Headmaster! Headmaster! Ink Sword God is for the family, and the master is here. He has his consciousness and determination, but you are different, Headmaster, you still have the family business of your ancestors! You must think twice!"

But Mu Yingxue was still crying, she shook her head. Shaking his head and bowing down, he said rather choked with sobbing: "Elder Feng, uncles, Yingxue is unfilial, and may no longer be able to support the family business of his ancestors."

"Headmaster, You!" Another Elder also slapped his legs in a hurry.

However, without waiting for Elder Feng to persuade her, she quietly stepped out and fled away.

Feng Elder stomped his feet in a hurry, and cursed in his mouth: "Ink Sword God ah ink Sword God, since you are leaving, what are you doing, what are you pretending to do, you will die if you don't pretend! It's so sad! If something happens to the Headmaster, the old man will go to your grave every year.

The rest of the people are also swearing and swearing.

Wind Elder said: "Everyone, the old man is not ignorant, and he is messing with the little Headmaster who violated the ancestral system, but we still have a few Junior Brothers still in the capital, and we need to bring them back. ”

The rest also said yes.

The next moment, they also got up and fled into the air.

As for Heavenly Saint Country, In another quiet mountain, is the Xuannvmen.

This mountain gate is very elegant, and the forest trees even grow into the inside from the outside, and there are patches of shade everywhere.

In the backyard of Xuannvmen, there is even a spring introduced from the outside, which flows turbulently day and night, converging into clear spring streams.

It's almost night now, the female disciples of Xuannvmen have also been idle after a day's class, wandering and playing in the mountain gate, or washing clothes, and the clothes they hang to dry are all without exception. It is a woman's thing. In addition to beautiful dresses, there are many apron of different colors, and even trousers are fluttering in the wind.

If an ordinary man enters this place, I am afraid that in this life I don't want to think about Sichuan, I don't want to leave, I just want to sow seeds and live here.

But at this time, these young female disciples all began to gather in one place, under the darkness of the night, in a wing room In addition, stick one's head around to look for, all the women can only hear the whimpering sound of 'creaking' and 'humming' of the bed board, which has never stopped since one hour.

All the girls were blushing when they heard it, their little hearts were beating, and there was even a woman who had been pregnant for a long time, quietly pinching her thighs, rubbing it gently, she couldn't bear it. Live.

Of course, there are also thirteen-fourteen-year-old girls, who don't seem to understand this very well. Although they blushed, they have never had any excessive or dirty thoughts in their hearts.

One of the female disciples asked: "Senior Sister, isn't it good for us to eavesdrop on Sect Master's sexual affairs? "

The Senior Sister gave her Junior Sister a chestnut and reprimanded: "The Sect Master told us before that if there is time, he will come to demonstrate the Dual Cultivation cultivation technique in person. Let's observe it with us. , speculate, Sect Master Senior Sister is a generous person, how can you care about these with us! Look at it, look at it with confidence! With the realm of Sect Master Senior Sister, it's not that we don't know we are outside at this time. "

After saying that, the girls were even more pleased, and they became more courageous, and they also poked holes in the windows and peeped in.

But they only saw clothes and pantyhose on the ground. After throwing it to the ground, the gauze curtain on the bed was put down, but it was still tossing inside.

One of the female disciples said with a smile: "It's really fierce! "

Another thirteen-fourteen-year-old little girl stepped forward, pushed the Senior Sister away, looked inside, and found that the whole bed was shaking, and also praised: "It's amazing!" "

But it was at this time that a man was tied all over his body, a rope was passed through the middle, and the chest was reversed, and he was only wearing a two-sword cover-up shirt. The woman rolled off the gauze bed, and that person was Lin Hongying.

Another female disciple immediately said happily: "Sect Master Senior Sister, good waves! Love this trick! "

Lin Hongying spat out the cloth gag, and said sternly, "You bastards, come and help me untie!" The old lady was plotted by him! He ran away again! ”

The women were startled instantly, and hurriedly came over to untie her, and also untie the Blade Qi that sealed the cultivation base on her body.

Lin Hongying ** with a fair complexion. Her thighs, the half-exposed breasts were still surging up and down, she put on a dress, and while wearing it, she complained softly, "He's also my younger brother, so I can't care! I'm not saying that you won't be allowed to go, I'll go if you go! It's just that I don't know if it's life or death. I just want to be a husband and wife with you before leaving. Why are you in such a hurry! "

The other Junior Sisters also knew the whole story in a short period of time, and hurriedly comforted them: "Sect Master Senior Sister, brother-in-law doesn't want you to have an accident, he just went by himself, don't be angry. ."

Lin Hongying finished wearing, tied his black and blue silk, and took out the protecting sect Treasure Item from his ancestral land to his grandmother, and also walked away with his sword.

As all the women look at each other, they have to get up and follow.

But Lin Hongying played the Treasure Item backhand, covering the entire Xuannv Gate with the Treasure Item, and no one could enter or exit.


And after this long night, dawn has come.

The eastern sky is white, and the clear morning light seems to embellish the capital with a bright and bright light.

And it's only been a day or two. In this capital, almost every household has put up tributes, and almost every household, the old man and the child, are all kneeling to the gods.

But the rest, in fact, the capital has not changed much. Although the capital is strictly forbidden to go out, those people who are separated from the border have no restrictions on the people. They just told the whole story of the massacre, but Never interfered too much with the people.

The people still go about their daily routines, open a store, and do business, as usual.

Bai Lan was wearing a woman's fancy dress, on top of which was embroidered with peach blossom petals, among the plain white, embellished with its own pink and white, just sitting like that. The topmost floor of the inclined moon building.

At this time, Bai Lan also wore light makeup, which was even more charming and charming, and her appearance was even more intoxicating. Even her waist-length hair was scattered behind.

Bai Lan's beautiful and alluring at this time seems to be unprecedented.

At least, Bai Lan rarely dresses herself so delicately.

Ruidie accompanied Sect Lord, and even Liu Qingqing was there.

The two girls laughed sweetly when they saw Bai Lan's beautiful eyes suddenly moved.

That is to ask: "Sect Lord, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Lan said: "My Master is here."

Two hundred and five The three gods of Zhang Zhan

In the early morning in the capital, the morning light poured down, and it was also very soft.

Except for those who were kneeling and worshipping and offering sacrifices, this capital was almost the same as before, only slightly deserted.

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