Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 148

But Su Taoer couldn't even say a word. Her mouth was full of blood, blood... Even her nostrils had two blood blisters, and there were a lot of blood in her ears. Exuded, the whole person, even the thighs began to twitch lightly.

Si Yan was desperately shouting her name, almost piercingly.

But it was still useless, her throat was already filled with blood, and it was spitting out and flowing down from her mouth, all the way down to the base of her neck, all the way to Si Yan's wrist.

Su Taoer tugged at Si Yan's sleeve and could only make such a whimpering sound.

Si Yan saw this, she couldn't hold back her feelings any longer, and the unstoppable hot tears just fell down and dripped on her face continuously.

Behind Si Yan not far away, Xing Shangzun showed a satisfied smile.

Si Yan was so choked up that she could barely control her emotions.

Su Taoer's trembling hand suddenly lifted up at this moment, and she lightly stroked Si Yan's face, wiping away his tears.

Su Taoer whimpered, but she didn't know what she was talking about...

But from the shape of her mouth, Si Yan knew that she was persuading him not to cry.

Si Yan's Dao Heart, collapsed.

And when his Dao Heart fell, the Heavenly Dao chain was produced again, and then passed through his head, it seemed that it finally completed the last step of its imprisonment, and was about to officially take him, leave this world.

And when this Heavenly Dao chain passed through Si Yan's head, the original scene seemed to appear in front of him.

That was the first opportunity for him to accept Su Taoer.

Remember that it was a late night with bright stars and he was walking in front of the main pavilion of the Heaven Fate Pavilion.

This day, Heavenly Dao has been throbbing slightly.

But Si Yan understands that he hasn't come to leave, just not sure why this Heavenly Dao is reacting to the unfathomable mystery.

Bai Lan and Mo Junheng came together, Bai Lan said: "Master, why is this chain coming out again."

Mo Junheng said: "Master, you are here Refining the rune that cannot be resolved?"

Si Yan pondered for a moment, then replied: "This rune has been reacting all the time, but I can't feel that it will be refined by me, maybe it is this Maybe rune is choosing for me."

Bai Lan and Mo Junheng asked back in confusion: "Choose?"

Si Yan excitedly said: "You probably There will be multiple Junior Sisters!"

Yu Ling suddenly appeared from behind him and said gloomily: "Master, I don't want Junior Sisters, okay, I'm so afraid of women now..."

Bai Lan clearly said with a smile: "Master, you are still imagining, how long have you been thinking of recruiting female disciples? Stop dreaming, wait for Lan'er to wash your feet for you, and rest early."

Si Yan was about to refute when he heard Mo Junheng echoed: "Since I joined the Master, the Master has been talking about female disciple every year, but no one has come to the door."

Yu Ling Thoughts: "No women, no women..."

But at this moment, when Si Yan was sulking, the rune humming became louder.

The night sky above suddenly became bright, everyone was stunned and looked up, only to see a light falling with a colorful glow, passing through the cold and still sky of the fantasy sea, and even obscuring the moon. He Xingchen, headed straight for the Southwest, and disappeared here.

Si Yan looked at the ray of light, even though it had crossed Si Yan's field of vision, Si Yan could still see it.

This colorful ray of light came to a prosperous capital and fell into a palace.

And it was not long after the fall of the rosy glow that a baby girl gu gu landed in the harem of the palace and came to this Human World.

When the baby girl was born, there was a natural phenomenon, the natural phenomenon came from the east and landed in the Imperial Palace in the capital, and when the baby girl was born, almost overnight, the capital The streets and alleys, within a radius of several dozen li, are full of peach blossoms in full bloom, and a hundred birds contend, so that some people see all kinds of strange animals passing through the night sky one after another.

It was also this year that Celestial Phenomenon was blessed, and the whole Heavenly Saint Country was blessed with good weather, the country was prosperous and the world was in good order. Heavenly Saint Country was also at that time and began to move towards the historical flourishing period.

Si Yan recovered from the sudden stun, and immediately said excitedly: "Woman! It's a woman! When she turns sixteen, I'm going to step on the Seven Coloured Auspicious Clouds... No, treat her When she was sixteen years old, the master wanted to accept her as a disciple! Treat her as the most precious discipline! Hahaha!!"

Bai Lan sighed: "Crazy, the master is crazy about women, I will definitely want to do it in the future. Open an estate for the Master, so that he won't be so mad."

Mo Junheng said: "Is this the person who has raised me to this day."

Yu Ling said: "No women, no women..."


Si Yan woke up from that brief memory, and the one in front of her at the moment was still the seriously injured Su Taoer.

He choked and said, "The master said back then that when you reach the age of sixteen, he will come to you, to accept you as a disciple, to treat you as the most precious discipline, master...master ..."

Si Yan couldn't speak any more, he hugged Su Taoer tightly and cried loudly like a child.

As for Su Taoer, she also began to gradually close her eyes.

Xing Zun said aloud with a big smile: "A mortal! An ignorant mortal! You dare to disobey God and even kill the Son of God. This is the end of your disobedience!"

Su Taoer's blood is slowly flowing on the ground, slowly, contaminating Si Yan's Heavenly Dao chain, slowly soaking in, that rune, that when she was born, cheered for her, also for her In her throbbing rune.

Then, this rune becomes.

gradually disappeared.

After this rune disappears, the power it imprisoned is also released.

The liberated power gradually flowed into its original owner, Si Yan's fleshy body, his Divine Soul.

And, behind his head, quietly turned into a dazzling light wheel.

After a long time.

He began to regain the power of God again.

Chapter 210 Rage

This is a power that has been sealed in a long time.

And he has been asleep for too long.

Si Yan's Divine Consciousness has come to the depths of Heaven Fate Pavilion at this moment.

He saw a god here, and that god was him.

Si Yan stood there for a long time, hesitating, he stared at himself as a god, the life wheel in the body, the life wheel has nine arcs, which is called the nine-turn life wheel.

One of the arcs was also lit at this time, igniting a faint fire.

But at this time, Si Yan was unemotional, and for a moment, he seemed to enter a state of detachment, he was thinking in contemplation, he was contemplating in thinking, and then he Towards that God, into oneself as God.

And after entering this god, his emotions, his pain, all his human emotions, as if in this brief moment, suddenly came back, and this is also his most urgent desire.

Before Su Taoer closed her eyes, she saw the Master who was crying for herself, and a dazzling halo jumped out of her head. The halo was very beautiful and beautiful, if she If she still has the strength, she will definitely reach out and touch it. If the Master allows her, she would like to wipe it with a cloth to see if it can be brighter. However, she may never have this chance again. She feels that she is fast Dead, from the thighs to the body, there are continuous bursts of convulsions, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls, about to collapse from the body.

She can't help the Master, she's not as powerful as several Senior Brothers, she's just a weak woman, even in the end, she will trouble the Master and make the Master cry so much for her Sad, she was really useless.

And Si Yan's aura at this moment is suddenly rising to another level, Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth seems to be gathering on him crazily, the halo behind his head Produced a bright seven colors light, even in this daytime, can not cover its brilliance!

Xing Shangzun was also slightly surprised.

"You have become a god, you are not from this world..."

But Si Yan is not like the other gods, his body has multiple zhang highs. Still retains the size of a mortal.

Si Yan ignored him, he still knelt in front of Su Taoer without saying a word.

However, Xing Shangzun's surprise didn't change much, he just said: "You are just entering the realm of God for the first time, you are still not my opponent, your actions, your struggles, It is also in vain.”

The profoundness of the divine realm, how can a person who has just entered this way understand it?

What's more, the forces behind their three surnames are so powerful! It even sent a god under his command to help today! Now that there are three other gods in the room, how could it be the person in front of him who would create a storm.

However, Xing Shangzun still had a slight movement in his mind, he looked towards the rest of the group who were fighting, and pointed out several volleys.

His finger is the Divine Ability in the Formless Art of Fuxing. The formidable power is extremely strong and also very domineering.

One of them pointed to Mingxuan, Mingxuan's golden body was broken, the god holding the treasure seal took out Treasure Item again, after a thunderstorm, it drowned Mingxuan, and then pointed to Xuancheng. Kill it, and press it down again and again.

Xing Shangzun's other finger, Formless Art, pointed to Mo Junheng, Mo Junheng immediately resisted with Divine Sword, but even if he resisted, he was still affected by the power, and even was caught by Zhong Shangzun. At the weak spot, Chong Shangzun jumped over again, and with an extremely powerful punch, broke his body protection astral qi, and dented his sternum on the spot.

Third Finger, Chu Xuanyin, passed through her abdomen, which also caused the battle formation of the three to collapse at the same time. Bai Lan and Yuling were immediately beaten by Hong Shangzun.

But, however, it was at this moment that Si Yan, who supported and protected Su Taoer with mana, turned around.

He stepped out step by step, his expression was gradually changing, he was glaring gradually, today, at this time, Heaven Fate Pavilion Pavilion Lord, has disappeared from here.

At this time, in front of Xing Shangzun, perhaps only is a pure god, a god with rage!

Xing Shangzun's expression seemed to be a little dreadful. He painted twice in the void, and transformed into a long spear from his hand, and finally summon came out with his Life Source Magical Artifact.

But Si Yan is still stepping forward, and every step he walks out seems to have a diffused dive might.

Every time he took a step, one of the Heavenly Dao chains that locked him was snapped.

And Si Yan's increasingly strong breath at the moment naturally attracted the attention of the other three gods, and they all looked up.

They saw Si Yan, on top of the vacancy at the highest point, opposite the Xing Shang Zun, standing in front of the opposite corner.

Xing Shang Zun said: "You have only just entered the realm of gods, you still can't wait with me..."

But when it was mentioned here, Xing Shang Zun was dumbfounded, He only saw Si Yan's nine-turn life wheel, and another Dao fire was ignited, and behind his head, the Second Layer light wheel was produced!

There are two colorful halos!

Xing Shangzun said in horror: " are..."

Zhong Shangzun, Hong Shangzun, and the god holding the treasure seal, their expressions have long been dull, Then look at Si Yan.

The fear in Xing Shangzun's heart is beyond words.

The mortal he was still mocking just now, an insignificant person, he didn't even have to use all his strength to deal with it, a mortal person who could play to death, not only stepped into the realm of the gods, but also at this moment, produced Second Layer Colorful Light Wheel!

" are just a mortal, you are a mortal! How can you become the god of this realm! I have the bloodline of the Divine Race! I have the bloodline of the Divine Race and I can't cultivate success!"


Si Yan didn't say anything, he waved his sword gently, the bright red magic sword was heading towards Hong Shangzun. The magic sword broke through the many mirror images easily, as simple as tearing a piece of paper, the magic sword swept past, and a sword slapped the head of Hong Shangzun!

However, Hong Shangzun's fleshy body is a god, and the Primordial Spirit is equally powerful. When the Primordial Spirit was about to escape, the Divine Ability hidden in the neck wound also erupted. Hong Shangzun's Primordial Spirit And fleshy body was divided into countless pieces in an instant, and became a blood mist in the atmosphere. Immediately, the soul flew away and scattered, and did not enter the Nine Hells and Underworlds even in death, and did not enter into the karma of reincarnation.

Si Yan waved his big hand in the air, countless blood-red threads, penetrated Zongshen's fleshy body and Primordial Spirit in an instant, Zongshangzun was terrified, and immediately burst into flames with Divine Ability, trying to break free, But he hadn't really exerted his strength yet, Si Yan pulled his Primordial Spirit out of his fleshy body with a gentle pull, with ten fingers sticking to the blood-red thread, he opened his hands and peeled it left and right. , The Primordial Spirit, which was highly respected, was torn apart by him, and the same body dies and Dao disappears, not even a sound.

As for the god holding the treasure seal, after seeing the death of the two gods, he took out his own treasure seal body protection, and ran away frantically towards the Space Crack without looking back. Si Yan immediately volleyed a punch, smashed his treasure mark, and knocked him down in the capital.

The rest of the people, from Si Yan and several Disciples, to Mu Yingxue, Xuancheng and the others, all looked at Si Yan at this moment in astonishment.

Bai Lan said dumbly: "The Master never said, never mentioned that he is a god..."

Bai Lan only remembered that whenever he asked, Si Yan He always sighs and sighs, claiming that he is not worthy of being a god, he only speaks half of his words, and he is unwilling to say more.

The rest of the people were also shocked. Ye Jiangyue, who was watching the fierce battle in the dark, was still persuading her father and younger brother not to fight with these gods. Otherwise, when the Pavilion Lord Si is killed, they also cannot avoid it, and the end will be very miserable.

But who ever knew that Pavilion Lord Si, who was despised by her at the earliest time, has been sold by her for a wave of people, and even slaughtered three gods!

Ye Jiangyue even started to tremble at the base of her thighs.

She is just a mortal woman, she can't live with such an existence, and she also requires kindness with enmity!

If Si Yan wants her to die, who would dare to say nothing! !

Xiao Yaoyuan's old face was equally frightened, and this experience was the second time Si Yan had brought him, but the shock at this time far exceeded the last time he was in Jiangnan!

This Pavilion Lord Si turned out to be True God!

The god who descended on this world and wandered in the mortal world!

Xiao Lingyue shook his head beside the father, and he sighed: "father, you exposed Pavilion Lord Si, and let his wife, Yongning Princess, be nearly killed, you want to After thinking about it clearly, even if Pavilion Lord Si can let go of the past, the emperor will not let our Xiao Family go!"

Xiao Yaoyuan complexion ashen, couldn't help saying aphasia: "Then... On Ying'er's side..."

Xiao Lingyue sighed again and said, "Father, stop talking, Ying'er hates you too. ”

In the airspace.

Xing Shangzun only became frightened after seeing that the rest of them were easily killed by Si Yan, and he truly felt frightened from the bottom of his heart!

And that was almost his subconsciously reaction, he roared wildly, stirred up all his mana, and used that long spear to attack Si Yan's life gate!

But just At this time, the Xing Shangzun realized that his movements had come to an abrupt end.

There were red threads all around him, and these bright red threads penetrated his body. The fleshy body and Primordial Spirit imprisoned his true essence of a movement method.

Si Yan also retrieved the magic sword in his hand.

At any time in the next moment, it will bring back the magic sword.

His head!

Xing Shangzun was stunned, after trying to break free, he hurriedly said loudly: " can't kill me! I am God, and I am also True God! It is the True God who descended on this world! I still have the bloodline of Divine Race on me! I have the bloodline of Divine Race! If you kill me, you will be infected with my karma, and the forces behind my three surnames will not spare you either! You will be contaminated with my cause and effect! "

"Are you tainted with your karma, you are a lower world god o, also worthy of letting me taint with karma?" Killing you is also worthy of contaminating me with karma! ? "Si Yan's expression suddenly turned fierce, "You want me to be contaminated with karma, unless you are the God King of the gods above the Nine Heavens!" One Great Emperor! You're worthy to talk to me about cause and effect! ! "

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