Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 157

And since the Human Emperor has appeared, does this also mean that there will be danger coming?

Si Yan began to worry about the safety of several Disciples.

He took out a Yuxiao from the Universe Bag and began to blow it together slowly.

The voice is very tactful, and in it, there is also a trace of melancholy and longing.

Because of Heavenly Dao's relationship, most of his memories only stop at the time of Rinqing and them, and therefore, he has deep feelings for these three Disciples.

Su Taoer heard his mood from Si Yan's music, so he walked slowly to Si Yan's side.

Si Yan finished playing a tune, and suddenly asked: "Taoer, do you want to learn **? Master will teach you."

Su Taoer twisted: "People have no talent. Yes, the last time the Master taught people to play the piano, they just couldn't learn it."

Si Yan then said: "The way of ** is different from that of the piano, come, come and play, and follow the instructions of the master just now. Action."

He said, and said with a smile: "And the master can teach you an interesting spell. The master has already performed it on this Yu Xiao just now. !"

Su Taoer was still hesitant, but under Si Yan's perseverance, he still pointed his cherry mouth to the place where Si Yan had just blown.

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Chapter Sky Cloud Fire Emperor

Si Yan has a lot of skills, and what he has learned is also very complicated, and he especially likes to ponder things.

Although his piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are not very good, he still has several points of ability.

Let's just talk about the piano. Although he can't compare to Bai Lan in terms of art, if he turns the sound of the piano into Divine Ability, Bai Lan can't compare to his Master.

After all, Bai Lan is always better than him in the cultivation base of mana and true essence.

And in those long years, he also comprehend a lot of interesting techniques.

A certain technique of his was used on the last female disciple, and after knowing it, the end was very miserable.

And now he tricks Su Taoer into playing, which is one of the restorations.

This spell of his is called 'inductive sympathy', which can add his own feeling and skin contact to the object, and where he blesses the spell, it can be transmitted to what he has encountered before. A certain part, the range effect is also very broad, and now Su Taoer is playing the jade flute, the softness on her lips is also transmitted to Si Yan, and even a shallow pressure is generated on his mouth. mark.

Well, it's so soft~

But Su Taoer still doesn't know, and is still trying to learn the melody that Si Yan played before.

The small waist is still straight, the head is lowered, and the long legs are also stretched there.

This song is very long, Su Taoer still imitates it clumsily, but she is actually looking forward to practicing it well, after all, she is very envious of Senior Brother Bai, who can turn into Divine Ability with the sound of the piano The technique, this is really cool, elegant and handsome!

If she Su Taoer can use the flute, she will turn into Divine Ability, stand on a high cliff, and defeat the enemy, not to mention how much fun this is!

It's just that she is really not very good at learning these things. There are still many mistakes in such simple places.

In fact, the cultivator's memory is very good, and Su Taoer remembers the steps, but he can't find the feeling above the rhythm.

"It tastes like lychees?" Si Yan suddenly said to himself, "Taoer, did you steal lychees in your room just now?"

Su Taoer stopped Playing, he said blankly: "Hey... people eat a few fruits when they see the fruit in the room, how do you know, Master?" He waved his hands and said, "Nothing, nothing, hurry up and play, the master is listening!"

Su Taoer then obeyed and began to play again awkwardly, and because of her inexperience, her lips pressed down. It was still a little heavy on top, and Si Yan felt a ripple on his side.

However, it was only at this time that Su Taoer found out what was wrong.

She found that she was so solemn, standing with her hands behind her back, and the Master who was standing in front of her and instructed, there was even a faint indentation on her lips.

Su Taoer was stunned and asked softly: "Master, what are you doing with your mouth sucking?"

But when she started to speak like this, Si Yan's lips recovered again undisturbed.

Si Yan hurriedly covered up: " this girl! No matter what the Master does! Hurry up, hurry up! Blow hard! It was wrong just now, how can you be so stupid!"

After that, Si Yan hurriedly demonstrated to the side again, and then handed it to Su Taoer again with a little panic.

Su Taoer looked hesitant, but did the same, and began to blow again.

This time she was even better than before. When she played, she didn't seem so unfamiliar.

It's just that at this moment, she also discovered the weirdness of Si Yan. Every time she put her small mouth on, a slight indentation would appear on Si Yan, and she left, Then it disappeared again.

Su Taoer tried several times, almost all of them were like this. As for Si Yan, at this time, her questioning gaze made her back sweat profusely!

Su Taoer gradually puffed out his cheeks and stared at his Master.

Si Yan also faltered and said: "Master didn't say that he wanted to teach you this technique, come on, master will teach you, master is not teaching you how to play, but to teach you this sense of sympathy. The technique..."

"You nasty!" Su Taoer exclaimed.

"Just kidding for, master..." Si Yan said with a smile.

"Master! You are so old but still lecherous!"

Then, Su Taoer hummed like that, stomped his feet, and went straight out of Si Yan's room.

Only when she left, she stuck her head out and shouted to him with her blushing cheeks: "This is a girl's family, Master, you are so messy, you don't even think about others, will they get married in the future!"

Si Yan didn't know what to say when he saw this, but he did realize that maybe it was wrong for him to make fun of her.

But when I think about it, it doesn't seem to matter. After all, this girl will at least give birth to him in the future... You find a husband, even if your this girl is always with other men, You can only give birth to a child to the master forever!

In fact, in the post house, there are naturally people who witnessed the scene of Her Highness the Princess of Heavenly Saint Country, entering and leaving the Imperial Teacher's room late at night. Good means in complimenting Si Yan.

And on the second day, Si Yan and Su Taoer, led by Court Eunuch who came to preach, also entered the pilgrimage.

The empire of the Tianyun Empire was built very grandly, even bigger than that of Emperor Yongwen!

There are towering city walls and palaces of gold and jade in glorious splendor everywhere.

As for this harem, it is even more extravagant.

The inside of the harem is huge, and the area is not known to how many hectares. I heard that the biggest hobby of the Tianyun Fire Emperor is the beautiful woman, especially after his cultivation success god, who is in the whole Tianyun. The empire has recruited concubines, and let all the beauties recognized by all places come to the capital for him to choose!

He chose a total of twelve beautiful concubines from them, and built a bedroom and a forest garden in the harem for them to live and nurture.

However, in fact, the so-called beauty of women, to a certain extent, is similar, and there is not much difference between them, some are just different in charm, and some are just different in temperament and preferences .

There are just subtleties of that body structure.

Women have their own tastes.

That's why men like harems, because harems can let themselves taste women who have all kinds of different tastes.

But as a man, especially for those women who are in high positions and have a certain appearance, they will have more ardent desires and desires.

Si Yan went to court with Su Taoer today. When the so-called face of the saints, he first met the queen of the Tianyun Dynasty. The queen's single name has the character Xin, so she is called Queen Xin.

Queen Xin sat there with the Emperor Tianyun and Huohuang, and met Si Yan, the Heavenly Saint Country Imperial Teacher and Princess.

As for Si Yan, I saw Empress Xin at a glance. I saw that Empress Xin was indeed very good-looking. Even in those loose and luxurious clothes, she could still see that she had a very good figure, with big breasts and buttocks. Also very warped.

At least according to Si Yan, a woman's ass must be good-looking, followed by her breasts.

If a woman's buttocks are too flat, it's a bit off-putting.

Of course, it can't be too big.

The key is beauty and fullness.

It makes me want to look at it.

It's just that Queen Xin, she has such a charming look between her brows, as well as her aloof and remote attitude. From the analysis of her face, she should also be a woman who is keen to pursue power. .

But her figure is so good...Si Yan couldn't help but take a second glance when she saw her sitting down.

That loose Chinese dress is still able to see the faint outline!

This woman must have given birth to a son!

Si Yan also quickly calmed down and glanced at the Fire Emperor.

On that day, the Emperor of Cloud and Fire was the god of cultivation success six hundred years ago. At this time, he had a halo behind his head, and he was looking down at Si Yan with such majesty.

And today, in the imperial court of the Tianyun Empire, in addition to the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, there are even many sect disciples. others are also there.

Seeing this, Mu Feng couldn't help sneering and said: "It turns out that he is an Imperial Teacher of a dying country. It's ridiculous, he even talked back to me yesterday!"

As for Among these people, Xia Lin was also there.

She was also slightly frowned after knowing the identity of Si Yan and the others.

But in her mind, she didn't take a high look at this Si Yan.

Just because she knew that Heavenly Saint Country, there was not even a god within the borders, it was a faulty dynasty, and sooner or later it would be swallowed up by their Heavenly Cloud Empire. Naturally, this so-called fruit was Can't get into her eyes.

As for the front row, the Crown Prince of the East Palace and the Prince Yunfu who visited the capital before were standing.

As for the big Court Eunuch beside the Fire Emperor, after seeing that Si Yan just bowed his hands to pay respect and did not kneel, he stepped forward and said loudly at the Fire Emperor's instruction: "The Fire Emperor Your Majesty face to face! Those below the realm of the gods, kneel!"

But Si Yan remained indifferent, standing in the same place with a smile on his face.

Until the Grand Court Eunuch reminded them again: "Your Majesty, the Fire Emperor! Your Majesty, kneel!"

They saw that Si Yan still didn't respond. Prince Yun Wujian took a step and said sternly: "I am the Imperial Father, why don't you kneel! Hurry up and kneel!"

After the Crown Prince in the East Palace made a sound, the ministers above the court, Headed by the Xia clan's brother, they all shouted: "Fire Emperor Your Majesty is now! Whoever His Highness is standing on, kneel!"

Si Yan heard their unanimous voice, and then the Zhuang people suddenly realized, laughed and said. : "Fire Emperor Your Majesty, I am the Imperial Teacher of the dynasty, and I am also the master of the Sect. I don't need to kneel to the emperor. Those who want to honor the emperor are all the emperor's people, and I am your minister of the Fire Emperor, Your Majesty. It's a mistake!"

In fact, they don't understand this truth. The reason why they want Si Yan to kneel is to tell him the status and situation of Heavenly Saint Country now.

The Fire Emperor looked very solemn, just like the emperor of aloof and remote.

At this time, everyone was silent, as if waiting for what the Fire Emperor would suggest.

But at the end, the Fire Emperor suddenly laughed heartily, his voice was like a bell, he said heartily: "So Aiqing, you are the master of the Sect! You really don't have to kneel!"

After that, the Fire Emperor said to Su Taoer again: "You are a Princess, so you don't have to kneel!"

――――――The dividing line

Daily Asking for a monthly pass~

Chapter 225, Three Fingers

Su Taoer is slightly frowned, knowing that the Fire Emperor calls Si Yan a lover, which is taking advantage, but at this time , she has nothing to do.

After all, they will also have reservations before they understand the strength and background of the Tianyun Empire.

As for the Tianyun Empire, the same is true here. They want Si Yan and the Yongwen Emperor behind him to know the strength of their Empire, so that they can surrender without a fight and belong to the Empire.

The two sides were tacit, Si Yan pretended to be deaf and did not hear.

As for the emperor, he smiled and loved each other.

And the Fire Emperor suddenly said to Si Yan: "Aiqing and Princess, you have come from a long way, and I should reward you well, I need to give you some rewards!"

The Fire Emperor waved his hand, and then the Grand Court Eunuch read out from the previous issue: "Reward 20 Imperial Teacher maids! Thirty boxes of jewels! One Divine Weapon! Reward Her Highness the Princess thirty pieces of jade brocade! Thirty boxes of jewelry! One piece of Divine Weapon!"

Su Taoer heard that he first thanked him, and then said bluntly: "Fire Emperor Your Majesty, we don't want the palace maid, and there is no place for us."

The Fire Emperor turned to said with a smile: "Of course the maids can stay in my palace temporarily, wouldn't it be better to bring them with you when you go back."

In fact, this reward is a common practice for almost all emperors.

Emperor Yongwen also gave Imperial Tutor several concubines, and they all stayed in Imperial Tutor's mansion, that is, Su Taoer's little mothers.

But in fact, this also means that the Fire Emperor arranged his eyeliner to be around them. The same is true for the concubine that Emperor Yongwen gave to Imperial Tutor, otherwise Su Taoer's little mothers are all good at all. , drinking and fighting in the mansion all day long.

Si Yan didn't refuse, but didn't answer, just said to Huo Sovereign Dao: "Huo Huang Your Majesty, my Fellow Daoist Heavenly Saint also has a gift to reward Your Majesty, Si Yan shook himself. The Universe Bag , the boxes flew out and fell to the ground."

He fluttered his sleeves again, and these boxes were opened.

The inside is also filled with fine jade and jewelry, which is no worse than the Fire Emperor's reward just now.

However, this Manchu civil and military officials, as well as the Crown Prince and Prince Yunfu of the East Palace, all looked very bad.

Just because Si Yan used the word reward when referring to Emperor Yongwen.

The Fire Emperor moved the corners of his eyes and stared at Si Yan with a deep expression.

But after a while, he didn't say anything, just smiled and accepted it.

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