Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 166

Huang Taizu's voice was a little hoarse:

"I'm just thinking about a sword move... I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it... Huo'er, you go down first, I know about the family's affairs, and I naturally know it in my heart."

The Fire Emperor took the order and retire.

And this Emperor Taizu, after drinking a sip of tea, still couldn't help shaking his head.

Yes, since I can't remember it, I don't want it.

It started to rain.

His abdominal injury also seems to be starting to ache.

Thinking about how high-spirited and vigorous he was back then, he was young and promising, he was a god of cultivation success early, and he was the genius most likely to be succeeded to the throne after his Imperial Father.

He was Heaven's Chosen Child back then, so proud!

But his arrogance collapsed one day more than 6,000 years ago!

That day, when the two gods released the magnificent Primordial Spirit and came to overlook the dynasty.

He knew what the fear of power was!

His imperial brother provoked a character outside for a woman, and even threatened to slaughter their entire family if the other party did not hand over the woman!

However, they were all princes in the Tianyun Empire at the beginning, so naturally they could do wrong, kill their husbands, take their wives and daughters, this is just a common thing, just because they are princes, they are the most important in this dynasty. Honorable man!

However, when those two gods stood before the dynasty, the entire kingdom was terrified!

And he also stood under the shadow of the two gods. He was afraid. After the fear, another kind of emotion broke out in his emotions!

He doesn't agree!

And his younger brother even knelt in front of him and begged bitterly!

So, he is even more reluctant to admit defeat!

So! He took the sword and killed the two gods!

But in the end, the other party only made two moves.

One of the gods pierced his Primordial Spirit with a silk thread, and the other god slapped him from the air and knocked him to the ground, almost bursting him. And died...

And his last memory at that time was seeing a man standing on an ancient pavilion, between two stalwart gods, those two gods, He even knelt down on one knee to the man.

Later, he learned that his younger brother was the one who hated that person, and that person sent two Disciples of his own to shock the entire dynasty!

His Imperial Father even beheaded his own prince and burned his body alive in order to beg the two gods to pacify his anger.

It is also since then that the injury on his Primordial Spirit has not been completely recovered, even on the constellation of his cultivation success.

However, at this time, Huang Taizu was actually laughed again, and he began to whisper to himself: "Although I have been slumped since 6,000 years ago, what about you, you walk the heavens-defying road, to build the Human Race Heaven Territory, trying to become the Human Emperor, so you are dead dead, crippled crippled, hehe... But I am still alive, I am still alive and well."


After arriving on the treasure ship, Si Yan and the others were also allocated several cabins for rest.

Mo Junheng is nowhere to be found again.

He and Wei Zisheng didn't know where they were hanging out.

And it seems to take a lot of time to travel to the open sea.

So now everyone is pretty much resting in their rooms.

As for Su Taoer, Si Yan was also kicked out.

After all, it's night now~

Waiting for the concubine of the Fire Emperor, most of them start playing games at this time of night.

So Si Yan was wearing pajamas, waiting for that wonderful touch in the cabin.

It's just that he waited for a long time drinking a small wine by himself, and the moistness and warmth in the softness that he expected have not yet come. After a while, Si Yan suddenly realized that, and said: "Wait! I forgot the range of the effect! The range of the sensory sympathy is only ten or twenty miles, and now the water beast has humped the boat too far!"

Si Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of loss when he thought of this. .

"Ai, I can't play with the beloved concubine and the queen tonight." Si Yan helplessly said, "I really miss the warmth of the queen and the beloved concubines!"

In fact, Si Yan can still tell who is who from this spell, just because the names were engraved on those instruments, so he can also tell from it.

And in his spare time, he made detailed judgments on the twelve wives of the Fire Emperor.

But he really liked Empress Xin the most, as well as Concubine Zhou and Concubine Tang. Of course Concubine Yan was also good, but Concubine Yan was young, and in terms of charm, Si Yan still liked the first three. It's a pity that he, Si Yan, can only feel it through magic, but not in person.

"Wait, I'm in the Green Fire Emperor! I can't do it! How can I be such a shameless person as Pavilion Lord Si! How can I put a cuckold on the Fire Emperor!"


After all, what happened to Si Yan now is really known, only he knows.

Beautiful Nephrite Warm Countryside, hello, hello everyone!

Only at this time, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and the door was knocked.

Si Yan thought it was his little girl who was looking for him, so he said, "Come in."

The door opened, and after the door was locked, a light footstep sounded also came.

Like a ball of nephrite, it suddenly pressed against Si Yan and sat down.

“Imperial Teacher, why are you drinking alone?”

Si Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked down and found out who the other party was.

At this time, Xia Lin, wearing a red dress, also painted her lips with rouge, which added a bit of maturity against the almond eyes.

"Imperial Teacher, would it be nice for Lin to drink with you?"

Said, she poured herself a cup, which was also the quilt that Si Yan drank, He turned his head and drank.

And the cup was also stained with her faint red rouge.

Si Yan paused, looking at this woman who was a little dismissive of him a few days ago, but now looks at himself with flattering eyes.

"The Fire Emperor asked you to come?"

Xia Lin poured herself another drink, then said with a smile: "Imperial Teacher is a smart person, it seems that he knows Lin'er's purpose."

Si Yan said: "The Fire Emperor wants me to persuade Emperor Yongwen, not to encourage him to resist, he naturally wants some favors for me, he promises me power, and also If you promise me, you are the daughter of the Xia family, and if you come here, you will become the promise he gave me."

Xia Lin had already drank several cups at this time. Under the special wine, his face quickly turned rosy.

She took off her hairpin, let loose her long hair, and fell on Si Yan's body.

Xia Lin said: "Imperial Teacher, just as you said, then Lin'er doesn't need to talk to you any more. Before you get to the island... it's up to you."

Chapter 237 Seeing

Many thoughts flashed through Si Yan's mind.

Holding a woman in her arms, and the woman asked to act wilfully on her.

Xia Lin's face was flushed because she had been drinking, which made her look a little bit more charming.

But Si Yan's expression was flat and strangely said: "If I touch you, doesn't it mean that I obey the Fire Emperor?"

Xia Lin looked only slightly nervous, But her expression was more calm, she said, "Even if the Imperial Teacher gets me, it doesn't prove anything, Lin'er is just a gift from Your Majesty to the Imperial Teacher, and the Imperial Teacher enjoys it himself. "

Si Yan's mood is actually a bit complicated, Lin Ruoxu likes Xia Lin very much, but she, in turn, lies in Si Yan's arms so easily. And as long as Si Yan wants to, she can tear off her clothes as much as she wants, vent her desires, fuck her delicate body, and let her moan under her own body.

A woman that others can't get is so easy for him now.

Even if he knew that the other party was just playing with him.

And if he wanted to, he could have completely abandoned her after sleeping with her.

So when his hand touched her, he was actually hesitant.

But even from her waist, slowly upward, poking into her clothes, and reaching her chest, Xia Lin still didn't stop him, let alone resist, some just trembled slightly, As her body began to straighten, she arched a little, and her breasts gradually rose.

Si Yan paused at this time and asked her, "Do you like your Senior Brother Lin?"

Xia Lin paused, then smiled and said, "I like it. , Senior Brother He is handsome, speaks well, and takes good care of Lin Er, but he likes, in fact, just likes it, Senior Brother He is average in cultivation talent, he is not worthy of me, he is not as good as Mu Senior Brother Feng The future, Mu Senior Brother Feng, he also has some thoughts about Lin'er... Ah... But the Fire Emperor Your Majesty asked Lin'er to accompany the Imperial Teacher, in fact, how could the Imperial Teacher be worse than them, the Imperial Teacher defeated Mu Senior with three fingers Brother Feng, when Lin Er was in the great hall, he was watching... Lin Er followed the Imperial Teacher, and Lin Er was not at a loss."

Si Yan's expression moved slightly.

He knew that Xia Lin was greedy for power, but who ever knew that she was so explicit.

However, Si Yan doesn't hate her either, just because everyone has their own choices, Xia Lin is just like that.

The most hypocritical people still want to set up a memorial archway when they become **.

However, after Si Yan's hand touched her chest for a while, he suddenly exerted strength with one hand and easily pushed Xia Lin up.

Xia Lin was stunned, looking at him like that.

"Go out, I won't need you tonight."

Xia Lin said with a smile: "Imperial Teacher, I really don't need Lin'er to accompany you?"

"Well, let's go."

Si Yan still has a balance in his heart, he also knows the importance of some things, Lin Ruoxu likes her, how can he say that he is ripping off other people's skirts? Even if there is no cost and no responsibility for stealing other people's skirts, Si Yan still can't do it. The so-called courtesy, integrity, and shame, he still has a benchmark.

But Xia Lin didn't obey, she wrapped Si Yan's neck from behind, kissed at the base of his ear, leaving those wet hickeys, and said: "Imperial Teacher, you really Drive Lin'er, can Lin'er leave?"

Si Yan got up and said calmly: "Go away, I really don't need you today."

Xia Lin was suddenly caught Si Yan, who got up, was startled, she didn't expect that the other party would reject her like this.

You must know that she is the Eldest Young Lady of Tianyunxia Clan, how has she ever been rejected like this!

Therefore, there was naturally a hint of shame on her face.

However, her psychological quality is also very good, so she said: "Okay, Imperial Teacher, then Lin'er will leave tonight, and come to Imperial Teacher to stay overnight here."


However, at this time, when Xia Lin was about to open the door to go out, Si Yan heard footsteps coming from outside, and he scolded: "Stop, don't go out yet!"

But at this time, Xia Lin had already opened the door.

Of course, Xia Lin also heard someone outside, and she even heard who it was from the sound.

But even so, she wanted to open the door even more!

But Si Yan moves faster!

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Xia Lin, and he easily pressed it against the wall! Makes her totally impossible to move even a little bit!

"You Senior Brother Lin is outside!"

Xia Lin immediately said with a smile: "Imperial Teacher, are you afraid?"

Si Yan coldly said: "I just don't want to bear the name of injustice."

"Imperial Teacher, you were still touching Lin'er just now. Serious people."

And because Xia Lin was pressed against the wall of the cabin, her figure at this time was even more eye-catching.

Si Yan released Xia Lin after hearing the footsteps outside disappear.

He also coldly said: "If you touch you, your belly won't be big, you can go."

In fact, Si Yan is also afraid, after all, the one who walked outside was Lin Ruoxu, it would be bad for him to see him.

Xia Lin had to leave at the urging of Si Yan.

But when she was leaving, she still stood on tiptoe, circled Si Yan's neck, kissed his face several times, and finally left a mark on his mouth. The kiss mark, Si Yan was wrapped around her neck by her, that was unavoidable.

After seeing her go, Si Yan whispered: "One of the scumbags."

And then, he also returned to the room.

Si Yan certainly can easily suppress Dao Heart.

It's just that he is worthless for Lin Ruo, so a woman who can easily use her body as a bargaining chip is not worthy of his affection.

As for the other side, Lin Heqing found that his brother had been standing at the door, and couldn't help but be surprised: "big brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Ruoxu was a little flustered. Zhong closed the door and said, "Ah... I'm fine, I just stand for a while for my brother."

But even if he said that, Lin Ruoxu still couldn't suppress his psychological shock. .

He just saw Xia Lin with dishevelled hair and came out of Si Yan's room disheveled. There was even a red tide on his face, with a coquettish look on his face... Lin Ruoxu still couldn't make himself His mood calmed down, the woman he liked was actually possessed by the person he regarded as a friend, and this friend of his even persuaded him to give up Xia Lin before!

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