Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 172

The rune lock appeared suddenly from the void, without any sign at all.

It's just that rune seems to be looking for something, but just because all the Ghost Gods around him are scattered, and there is turbulent mana everywhere, the rune chain can't find what he is looking for for a while. people.

Gong Xiaoxiao just swept through the chain of rune, her eyes finally fell on the two gods in front of her, even she herself did not understand, why these two Zun Shenhui suddenly came out of the jade pendant.

She knew that the two jade pendants had been worn on her body since she was born, and her mother just told her not to take them off, but now she knew that there were actually two jade pendants in them. God!

And he is also a god with a tenth of realm!

However, after the two Ghost Messengers stood firm on the Netherworld River, they immediately spoke in unison, with a very harsh and sharp voice: "In the Nine Hells is the land of the Nether Soul! It is the afterlife! The place! No matter whether it is a human being or a god, no one should take a single step! Those who violate the Law of Nine Hells, die!"

This virgin Ghost Messenger wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth almost at the same time, Then he stretched out his hand and held two weapons that were proportional to his body. The boy was an iron rod full of barbs. As for the girl, there were two lancets, but the willow leaves The knife looks very dark red and strange, as if there is thick blood flowing and surging inside!

The boy immediately said: "Sister, these two gods are above the realm of the moon, should we mobilize the Yin Power of God?"

The girl pondered then said: "The Nine Hells space has not been opened, and I don't feel it, why do I have the ability to enter the Nine Hells... Wait! This is not a god! These are the imprints of two dharma images! It is these two gods who sacrificed the cultivation base as the price. The medium Treasure Item is imprinted with its own dharma image!"

The two silhouettes in the colorful light have no real fleshy body, but the whole body exudes brilliance, just two imprints!

At this time, Chang Yi and the rest of the Mo Sect Disciple were also in amazement. She saw two gods blocking Gong Xiaoxiao's face, releasing a strong dive might!

divine might scare away all the hungry dead, so that they all hide in the depths of the water, and never dare to probe out.

But of course Chang Yi didn't understand the reason, she knew that Gong Xiaoxiao was very talented and loved by the Sect Master, but she never thought that she, with a commoner background, would actually hold two The image of the gods was branded, and the two gods were branded on this jade treasure Treasure Item for Gong Xiaoxiao at the cost of damaging their own cultivation base.

No matter who they are, they attach great importance to the cultivation base, because the cultivation base is also equivalent to their own Good Fortune, and any loss of it will have a profound impact on themselves!

The girl said with a sneer: "It's just two dharma images, why use our own Yin God, there are nine prisons in the nine prisons, even a high-ranking god has entered the palace's nine prisons. You all need to obey the rules! You all need to acknowledge allegiance in front of the ruler!"

The boy said with a smile, "Breaching the rule of nine prisons and breaking Ghost God, Now even the son of the Heavenly Emperor, the prince of the Nine Heavens world, still needs to keep his soul here!"

But the two dharma images were also branded and gradually emerged from the colorful light, and they still stood there. In front of Gong Xiaoxiao, release your own dive might, for her to resist the death energy of the underworld, and the Ghost Messenger twins who glare like a tiger watching his prey on the opposite side.

These two dharma images will protect Gong Xiaoxiao at all costs before their power is exhausted!

In just a split second, when the Ghost Messenger twins approached, the two dharma images also jumped up, and immediately began to fight with the twins!

Once the Divine Ability on both sides is deployed, even the water above the Netherworld River is constantly exploding!

The Netherworld River is surging!

And the Ghost Gods everywhere have stopped, even the Ghost Gods pulling the island above the tributaries are all looking at the tributaries above the Netherworld River at this moment, and at the ferry There are also more and more Nine Prisons messengers staying there. Among these Nine Prisons messengers are elderly people and women who seem to be young. They all use their Yin God eyes to silently watch this scene. Battle on the Netherworld River!

A woman standing on a paper boat also drifted over to the ferry.

Although her face was hidden by her long hair and could not be seen clearly, the voice was extremely pleasant and pleasant.

She also whispered softly: "A stranger, it's been a long time since a stranger was sent to the Nine Prisons..."

But while she said that, the tears kept falling. , dripped on this paper boat, in this Netherworld River.

Gong Xiaoxiao finally recovered herself at this time, she tried to stand up, and took a few steps staggeringly.

However, at this time, Gong Xiaoxiao still found that the rune chain was still looking for something, but there was a fierce battle in the sky, and even the river water was surging above the Netherworld River, and the rune chain was simply lost. direction!

But Chang Yi and the rest of the Mo Sect Disciple had no idea what Gong Xiaoxiao was doing, just because they couldn't see anything there, he only saw Gong Xiaoxiao who seemed to be dazed in the distance.

However, there are more and more rune chains generated from the void.

And under the influence of these more and more rune chains, a rift opened.

The gap grew bigger and bigger until it was fully able to accommodate people in and out.

Gong Xiaoxiao saw two men and stepped in through the gap in the space.

Si Yan's face is very ugly, his face is pale and bloodless, as if he has spent too much mana.

And above the night sky behind him, under the bright moon hanging high, a quaint, ancient pavilion that Gong Xiaoxiao seemed to be familiar with, floated there. Many rune chains were derived, passed through Si Yan's body, passed through the crack, and reached the world after death.

Si Yan stroked his forehead, quite helpless, and said something angrily: "You really are here... Hey, did you guys take something from the Netherworld River, or they How could it be entangled."

Mo Junheng raised his head and said: "Master, the battle above is fierce."

Si Yan also looked over and said, "That is the Dharma sign. Brand, these two guys lost the body protection talisman that they gave to Little Junior Sister from their 20 years of cultivation base, and they have enough money to spare, and they did not waste my advice before leaving, but they did love her."

Su Taoer probed out of the Universe Bag on Si Yan's waist, but she was about to say something when Si Yan pressed her back.

He said: "Don't come out, beware of being robbed of your soul! Come out again and I'll beat you up!"

Speaking, Si Yan also walked towards Gong Xiaoxiao, coldly His face said, "Come on! Give me trouble!"

But Gong Xiaoxiao was stared at by Ghost God just now.

Si Yan hurriedly supported her, but she didn't let her hands down. She fiercely punched her ass with her big hand, and then scolded: "You're not good!"

Gong Xiaoxiao was immediately stunned.

And Si Yan, under the surprise of everyone, he used a roll of his sleeve to send them all out into the world one by one.

On the way to send these people away, Si Yan also said to them: "Let you skin!"

Qingming Senior Sister, he also beat his tender buttocks .

And Qingming Senior Sister's fiancé, Senior Brother Mu, is behind.

"Let you skin!"

Chang Yi, the uncle of the master, was beaten in the same place by him!

Chang Yi eyes opened wide in astonishment.

"Let you..."

The last thing Si Yan saw was the Senior Brother Mu and Gong Juechu, who struggled out of the Universe Bag.

"Fuck you!"

Si Yan casually said, "I don't want to hit you!"

After finishing this series, he Just Princess walked outside the Space Crack with Gong Xiaoxiao in her arms.

But it was also at this moment that the yin girl finally took the help of the yin Power of God, used a lancet to destroy the dharma brand, and rushed towards Si Yan! Behind the girl, a terrifying phantom appeared!

"Do you want to leave the Nine Prisons!?"

At this moment, Mo Junheng suddenly took a step, the halo jumped up from the back of his head, and the Divine Sword slashed with it. out!

The undercover girl suddenly swung a sword, shook the sword, and said sharply: "such insignificant ability also dare to display one's slight skill before an expert!"

Si Yan Seeing this, he couldn't help frowning, and immediately reminded: "Balance, you step back, she is the Ghost Messenger appointed by the government." When she was a girl, the girl was stunned, her expression couldn't help being stunned, at that moment, her appearance was so unbelievable, so frightened, in the end, she didn't even swipe at Si Yan, and The whole person fell straight into the Netherworld River.

Si Yan also took the opportunity to close the Space Crack opened with the help of Heaven Fate Pavilion.

Seeing the disconnection between the two worlds.

Si Yan was only relaxed, but he was still very tired. In order to open the barrier between life and death, it took him a lot of strength, and he even summoned Heaven Fate Pavilion in a very short time. coming.

He looked at Gong Xiaoxiao in his arms, shook his head and said, "You're too embarrassing, but fortunately there's nothing to do, eh... Wait, am I ruining you by doing this? The process of training? Well, forget it, I don’t care, the other two bastards didn’t follow it anyway, so we can’t let the master die, right?”

Si Yan hugged Gong Xiaoxiao and went with him. Mo Junheng, and Wei Zisheng, who was waiting outside, went to the sea.

Until the Mo Sect disciples behind shouted at the same time:

"Put Xiaoxiao down!"

"Put down my Junior Sister!"

"Put her down!"

"Put my elder sister down!"

Si Yan then stopped and pretended to say suddenly: "Oh, Yes, I forgot to return this big living person to you."

He dragged Gong Xiaoxiao with true essence, then sighed and left with Mo Junheng and the others.

But before leaving, Si Yan still reminded: "You leave this Sea Territory as soon as possible, the fleet is not far ahead, be careful that the evil will find you."

Gong Xiaoxiao looked at Si Yan who had put her down so dumbly and left in front of her.

And in the process, Si Yan waved his hand, and the ancient pavilion also rose and entered the cloud.

In fact, at this time, Si Yan was also muttering in his heart, and he silently said: "If Yanyan is experienced, her soul should return to the original fleshy body, now Is Gong Xiaoxiao just an empty shell? I don’t know if Yanyan would like to give me Gong Xiaoxiao’s fleshy body, I’d like to keep it, and I’ll take good care of it.

The two hundred and forty-sixth chapter nine prisons are unscrupulous, the sword of the Human Emperor

In the depths of the nine prisons, this is a place that even the Nether Soul cannot reach, here are some It's just endless darkness, and the endless abyss at the bottom can't be seen at all. At this moment, except for the faint lantern in the Ghost Messenger's hand, almost no rays of light can be seen.

But even though there is darkness where you can't see your fingers, the Ghost Messenger girl knows that she was born in the Nine Prisons, the most powerful Chaos Creature in this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, this Universe Great Desolate is the most powerful One of the existences, the Lord of the Nine Hells and the Lord of the Underworld is in front of her.

This is one incomparably stalwart Ghost God, rising slowly in this Bottomless Abyss, it controls and Sovereign this undead world, he is the only co-owner of the dead world, no matter what is in front of him Glory, no matter how high a man was in his life, bow his head to him when he dies, even the Nine Heavens.

He is the rear of the All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

And after listening to the description of the girl Ghost Messenger, the god of earth fell into silence.

It was a long, long silence.

Fujun's rich voice resounded around him, he said, "No, it's that person who is impossible."

"Fujun, your servant seems to have really seen him. ..."

In front of the girl, the largest Ghost God in the Nine Prisons seemed to be expressing emotion.

"When he killed the Nine Heavens for that person's death, he wanted to ask Celestial Court for his life, he was crazy, he just didn't care about the life and death of one person, he not only slaughtered the gods , and there is one world's creatures who suffered great calamity because of him, even my nine hells became Nether Soul everywhere because of him... But he still lost in the end, he still lost to the Nine Heavens gods, And he also knows that he has made a big mistake and is willing to be punished. If he is still alive now, he is just a cripple. He cannot escape the bondage of Heavenly Dao. He even has one thousandth of his own strength at the peak period. Unable to mobilize, he will only drift and sink in the void forever."

Fu Jun seemed to fall into a long silence again, and a very huge scroll appeared in front of him, until he met him after a meeting. Cai said: "I can't even find his name in the Life and Death Book."

The Ghost Messenger girl hesitated, then asked: "Fu Jun, within the Nine Hells is your birthplace, you Haven't seen those people before?"

The mansion pondered for a while, and said, "I didn't see it, I was dozing off."

The girl said suspiciously: "I really didn't. ?"

"I'm asleep, and it's just a little movement, I won't go to see it, and you've only seen his portrait, never really seen that person, It's normal to admit mistakes, not to mention that it can open the barriers between life and death, as long as you have learned Daoist of the Nine Prisons, there are many people who can do it."

The girl was still a little skeptical, but she saw the government You don't want to say more, so you can only retire.

But the girl only took a few steps before turning back and said, "Fu-kun, Adi and I have been in Nine Heavens for seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-three years and eleven months and twenty, and we haven't had a rest. You give us a few days off, Adi and I want to go back to our hometown to have a look, we haven't been out in all these years except to hold our souls."

The Lord of the Nine Prisons was silent for a long time before he said: "Three days … Come back on time, or there will be no one to pick up Nether Soul. "

The undercover girl grimaced, stuck out a long tongue that almost hung down to her throat and said, "In the last seven thousand years, you only gave your servant three days, and the monthly payment was not enough." It hasn't gone up for seven thousand years. "

"Nine prisons need you, young people don't just want to play, don't just look at the things and interests in front of you, don't just think about the monthly money, learn more things, increase your knowledge, increase The cultivation base is what you should do. In the future, this underworld will still need you to take care of it. As I get old, I will let it go to you sooner or later. I value your siblings, especially you, you know. "

The undercover girl complained a few more words in a low voice, but after listening to Fu Jun's patience to appease her, she flew away quietly with the lantern.

"Wait." Wait. "

The girl stopped and said, "Fu Jun, please instruct me." "

"Don't tell anyone about today's events." "

The errand girl nodded and said: "Yes, your servant knows." "

The Lord of the Nine Prisons fell into silence again.

He hadn't heard the name of that person for a long time.

Thinking back to that time , he took the sword to the Celestial Court alone, the stars and the stars saw him kneeling and begging for mercy, and the masters of the Heavenly Palaces saw him trembling.

This chaotic Ghost God in the abyss of the Nine Prisons said to himself Said: "No, it definitely won't be him. If he can open the barrier between life and death, it proves that he is regaining his power, and he will come back sooner or later. If he loosens the bondage, it proves that Heavenly Dao cannot Imprison him, and when the time comes, he will eventually return to Nine take back what was once his, take back what he should have. "

But it was also at this moment that another eunuch came to ask to see him.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons stared at the woman in front of him and asked, "Why, What are you looking for from me? "

Nai He's voice is very pleasant, but her face is covered by long hair, and no one knows her true appearance.

"Fu Jun, I haven't seen her for a long time." It's 23,200 years, nine months, twenty Nine Heavens, and the little girl can return home. I also want to rest and go home to save my relatives. "

The Lord of the Nine Hells coughed a few times in a concealed manner: "Three days... wait for their siblings to come back before you leave." "

Nai He complained bitterly: "Fu Jun, it has been 20,000 years, and the monthly payment has never risen. "

The Lord of the Nine Prisons hurriedly interrupted: "It's been a long time since you came to me, but you are highly valued by me. Young people should look forward, learn more, and work hard." Cultivation is, pulling Nether Soul is a very good way to practice, and the monthly money is not very important, the monthly money will always rise, even more how you will be the backbone of the nine prisons in the future, I am old , the nine prisons are still left to you to take care of, I value you very much, you know. "

Nai He still whispered: "Fu" "

The Lord of the Nine Prisons pretended to be deaf and dumb, and hurriedly urged: "Okay, you go, don't tell others that you are going back to your hometown." "

Nai He helplessly said: "My concubine knows. "

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