Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 177

And after learning about the god of cultivation success in Xuancheng, there is an endless stream of visitors.

even more how When the festival was held, the Sword Sect Mountain door opened, and many family members of Disciple came to visit their relatives.

However, at this time, his elder disciple suddenly came in and reminded: "Master, the City Lord of Qingcheng is here to ask for an interview, saying that it is a matter of great importance to discuss with each other."

Xuancheng coldly snorted, saying: "See you, Master, I'm in the critical period of practicing, I've been in retreat for so long, just for this small realm, who I don't even see, now the outside world is so dangerous, Master must consolidate the realm, in order to be able to. Go out."

eldest disciple said again: "Master, the ancient lake daoist has also arrived, and said that there is an important business to discuss."

Xuancheng still waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't see it. No, it's annoying. His sons and daughters didn't hide from me. This guy always thought that I hid his sons and daughters. They only came to hide for more than a month last time, and I didn't hide them all the time. Didn't he leave yesterday, why are you still pestering me, telling him to go, telling him to go, and then blasting him out."

eldest disciple took out a letter and said, "Emperor Yongwen also gave the Master Your letter, Master, Disciple will read it to you."

Xuancheng said: "If you don't listen, don't listen, whoever wants to listen to Dog Emperor's letter, isn't it just a request for my help? I'm done."

eldest disciple also said: "Master, there are several senior members in the Imperial Court today..."

Xuancheng was finally angry: "I don't see anyone today! Someone came to attack the mountain gate, even if the ancestral land is on fire, even if the ancestral tablet is burned, even if my mother remarries, before I break through this small realm, even if I die, no one will be seen!"

The eldest disciple was terrified, and hurriedly stepped back and said to his Junior Brother: "Master is angry, Master has not seen anyone today, let the Queen Mother Empress, who came to visit with the Imperial Court officer, go back."

But Before he finished speaking, elder disciple suddenly saw that a person who looked like his Master quietly walked over beside him, elder disciple stayed for a while, then looked back, um, his Master is indeed not on the futon.

Chapter 253 All the hustle and bustle in the world is for the benefit, and the bustling world is for the benefit

Xia Lin is still following behind Si Yan, no matter what Si Yan is Persuasion is useless.

So Si Yan is a little helpless.

He said, "Miss Xia, I'm just an Imperial Teacher in a small country, so naturally I'm not worthy of you. I have a family, so you should go back."

Xia Lin said with a smile: "Imperial Teacher, you are here again, you are a smart person. We were in the cabin last time, haven't we already had a conversation, why are you still fooling Lin'er."

Si Yan only shook his head, but only heard Xia Lin say: "Imperial Teacher, my father is a member of the Dynasty Grade 1, even more how Fire Emperor Your Majesty will reuse you in the future, you don't have to worry about me, just let me go Just follow you."

Xia Lin looked around and saw that no one noticed them, she took the initiative to stand on tiptoe and kissed Si Yan's cheek.

Xia Lin pursed her red lips and said with a smile: "Imperial Teacher, Lin'er is still a virgin, but now it's yours, if you want to get Lin'er, Lin'er can come to your room at night ."

Si Yan was a little reluctant to kiss her, and thinking of Lin Ruoxu, her mood was also very complicated.

After that, Si Yan met Xia sword edge and Xia's patriarch, Xia Linfather Xia Heavenly Monarch.

This brother of the Xia clan has repeatedly surrendered to Si Yan and called each other as Fellow Daoist.

As for after.

When Su Taoer saw Xia Lin, he almost walked over with his cheeks puffed up.

Fortunately, about Xia Lin, Si Yan explained it to her before, but even if the precautions were in place, Su Taoer still looked around with big eyes and a few slices of dried lemons in his hand. biting.

Actually, when Su Taoer overturned the vinegar jar, it was interesting.

This girl is not too big, not too small.

But still maintains the temperament of a little girl.

She can tell the difference between right and wrong, and she is not hypocritical, but she has only been spoiled very difficult to deal with before, so she has a squeamishness.

In fact, in the past few days, Su Taoer's cultivation has not been lowered, and she is still practicing hard, but she is meditating more.

little girl realm has improved very quickly, her qi and blood are much stronger than before, so her face is still very rosy.

She only asked Si Yan when Xia Lin was talking with the rest of the Tianyun Empire: "Master, why did Tao'er enter Xuanyuan not long ago, and the foundation is very stable, Tao'er is not? I understand very well, and the realm is still soaring, Tao'er even feels that she will break through to the realm of the emperor soon!"

The realm of the emperor has not returned to the Azure Cloud in Heavenly Saint Country. World, but can be a Peak Master or even a Sect Master in one Sect! But Su Taoer is worshiping Si Yan master, only seven or eight months, and he is already approaching the Spirit Emperor!

Si Yan said lightly with a smile: "Didn't the master give you his own dao fruit, that dao fruit can't be refined immediately after you eat it, it has always existed in your body Here, not everyone can have dao fruit, but this dao fruit can only be eaten by you. You have a special physique, and you have learned the cultivation technique of the master, so naturally there is no problem. If someone else eats it, it will ruin your life. , exploded and died."

Su Taoer raised his right eyebrow, clutching his stomach, and seemed a little worried.

But in fact, she doesn't know the true value of this dao fruit. If some existences from All Heavens and Myriad Realms know about this thing, they want to snatch this thing, let alone the kingdom of the kingdom. In time, they can even destroy a world for this, at all costs to plunder!

The emperor's taboo, and sometimes, the Fire Emperor held a ceremony on a stage in the capital.

As for the sacrifices accepted, it is the gods of heaven.

The number of gods who accept sacrifices is very large. Some of these gods' Divine Idols can't even recognize Si Yan. After all, no one can tell how many gods there are. are often replaced.

It's just a few high-level gods, but he recognizes them all.

One of the twelve God Kings is Heavenly Fire God King.

The light wheel carved behind the Heavenly Fire God King is like a flame, burning fiercely.

The sacrifice also used a lot of cattle and sheep. These cattle and sheep were slaughtered and placed on the terrace, and the scene was a bit bloody.

But this may also be the magic of the sacrifice. The flesh and blood of the sacrificed cattle and sheep disappeared on the terrace very quickly, and disappeared quietly.

Even Si Yan hesitated a little. He looked under the altar, as if he was at the bottom of Taishan, and felt something.

The number of cattle and sheep that were slaughtered was extremely large, almost covering the other side of Taishan.

And during this big festival, all the children of the Fire Emperor, except for the youngest son of Crown Prince Yun Wu in the East Palace, even the Emperor Taizu, was present.

The Emperor Taizu looked senile, but he was still full of energy. When he walked over with his hands behind his back, almost everyone, even the external Sect, would pay him respect, just because he was God o of the constellation realm!

He is a great expert in the Three Realms of the Divine Realm!

Even the Fire Emperor was very respectful to him, and in front of him, he became a humble junior.

It's just that when Huang Taizu's eyes passed over Si Yan, he was a little hesitant.

The Fire Emperor also noticed it and asked, "Taizu, what's wrong?"

The Emperor Taizu said: "Who is that person, it looks familiar."


"He is the Imperial Teacher of Emperor Yongwen. I mentioned it to Taizu before, and he came from the old country that was split and returned." Indifferently said: "Yes, it turned out to be from the lower realm, that may just be my illusion."

After he learned about Si Yan's identity, he never took seriously.

Now that he is proving the constellation of the Dao, why would he put in the eyes of people who can't even reach the realm of God?

It's just surprising that the twelve concubines of the Fire Emperor also arrived.

And Concubine Zhou is already a mother, and she also has a one-year-old child.

Si Yan was nothing at all, but when the princess passed by, the little doll suddenly stretched out her pink hand and gestured to Si Yan, clenched her small fist, and was happy. Laughing, so Concubine Zhou stopped.

The little prince smiled happier when he saw Si Yan, and rushed over to make a gesture to him to hug.

Of course, Si Yan also held the child in his arms. He should not hold the child too standardly, and he could hold the baby very comfortably at once. Concubine Zhou was amazed, and Si Yan was just casually teasing. After a while, the child in this arms burst into hiccups with laughter.

Concubine Zhou hurriedly took over her son and asked the maid to fetch the warm water, and said in amazement, "Imperial Teacher, you are so in tune with the Qing'er in this palace, and Qing'er rarely treats people. I'm laughing."

He explained with a relaxed expression: "I'm just particularly fond of children, and it's always been like this."

Si Yan finished hugging the Fire Emperor's son, Those eyes swept across Concubine Zhou, carefully looking at the female body that had been sung at a distance, until Concubine Zhou noticed that Si Yan's eyes were disrespectful and seemed to be a little angry, Si Yan was already satisfied, and even left with a little tune .

When Queen Xin saw this, she came over and asked: "younger sister, what did the Imperial Teacher tell you, why are you a little angry?"

"This fellow is a bad embryo with a thief eyes. Very! You dare to stare at the imperial concubine, are you not afraid that Your Majesty will kill him!?"

Queen Xin said with a smile: "The thief is to let him go to the thief, he is a thief, this is a good thing, Your Majesty also has a way to give him some benefits, not afraid of his principles, but afraid that he has no hobbies, is a womanizer, and a good thing, it is better to be greedy for money and power, which is even better."

Concubine Zhou angrily slapped her son's ass and said, "Why are you still smiling at his back, why haven't you ever smiled at your Imperial Father."

Queen Xin Gently said said with a smile: "younger sister, this Imperial Teacher has never been able to eat our meat, and can't even touch his body. You still care about these things, and you're a little bit puffed up."

Hearing this, Concubine Zhou said, "That's true, he can still touch our sisters, right?"

The Imperial Palace is a big banquet, from the great hall to the outside, I don't know how many tables are placed.

Su Taoer seemed to find a familiar voice and shadow in the banquet, pulled Si Yan's sleeve and said, "Master, look, the Great Buddhist Monk is also there."

Si Only then did Yan see that Mingxuan was there with a monk, talking with Crown Prince Yunwu, and both parties were very interested.

He murmured, "How did this Great Buddhist Monk get in here, is he drinking?"

But in fact, today, another thing happened quietly.

It also changed Si Yan's original plan.

Because Si Yan didn't expect, in fact, Lin Ruoxu's siblings were also invited to the Imperial Palace for the banquet on the same day, but Si Yan did not find each other, but after entering the table, Xia Lin actually Sitting next to Si Yan again, even in his manners, there is no lack of intimacy.

Xia's brother came to toast a few times. Not only that, but even the Fire Emperor and the Empress frequently came to toast Si Yan, and everyone present was so stunned.

Mu Feng of Heavenly Palace in the southwest was so angry that he even smashed the cup in his hand.

Not only because Si Yan made him embarrassed before, but also because Xia Lin sat next to Si Yan!

He would personally invite Xia Lin to join the Heavenly Palace in the southwest, also because he had his own ideas.

But now who knows, Xia Lin actually became Si Yan's person!

"Senior Brother Mu, Changli senior."

When the voice behind them sounded, the two looked back and saw Lin Ruoxu standing behind them.

"What! What's the matter with you?"

Mu Feng still ignored him, but Chang Li didn't even look towards him.

But Lin Ruoxu gently laughed, and suddenly said to the two: "Divine Emperor cultivation technique, I wonder if Senior Brother you are interested in Heavenly Palace in the southwest?"

This statement is one When he came out, Changli turned back.

"Shuzi, what did you say?"

"Divinity Emperor Realm's cultivation technique, Changli senior."

Lin Ruoxu's eyes kept staring at Si Yan, who was sitting with Xia Lin, was no longer jealous, but deep hatred in his eyes.

He said: "The cultivation technique of Divinity Emperor Realm is on the Imperial Teacher of Heavenly Saint Country."

After a while, Lin Ruoxu added: "Last time in Youdao, behind the picture of the Nine Heavens gods, is branded with the cultivation technique of Divinity Emperor Realm! Changli senior, whoever can get this cultivation enough to dominate the Azure Cloud World!"

― ――――Separation line




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Chapter 254 is so angry!

Mu Feng abruptly got up from his seat, and even Chang Li couldn't contain his astonishment.

He suddenly opened his pupils that were full of folds all around, and even the cup in his hand shattered on the spot with a 'pop'!

Divinity Emperor Realm's cultivation technique!

It's self-evident what this means!

Mu Feng was young and energetic, and in addition to being shocked, he muttered to himself: "Divinity Emperor Realm, Divinity Emperor Realm, if I can get the cultivation technique of Divinity Emperor Realm, I...I can too. I can prove Dao too!”

As long as he has obtained the cultivation technique of Divinity Emperor Realm, there are many places in this world where he cannot walk unhindered, and he can even rely on the strength of oneself to be alone. Establish a dynasty, enjoy high position and great wealth for thousands of years, countless women and boundless power will be firmly in his hands!

Changli immediately knew the extreme importance of this matter, glared at Mu Feng, and reminded sternly: "Mu'er, don't make any noise."

The last time they were southwest of Heavenly Palace's entry to the island is not without gain, but a Treasure Item was obtained from it.

The Treasure Item is even filled with Taoist sounds, and you can see the lingering Divine Light in it.

But such a Treasure Item is nothing compared to the cultivation technique of the Divinity Emperor Realm!

It's nothing at all, the Treasure Item is nothing but something that can increase the cultivation base and condense the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth.

Changli pondered for a while, then stared straight at Lin Ruoxu and said, "Shuzi, do you know why you came to tell me about this, instead of looking for the picture yourself?"

Seeing that the other party has taken the bait, Lin Ruoxu said: "Changli senior, if Xu knows his ability, of course he can't take it from the Imperial Teacher, even if I am Martial Uncle. The Imperial Teacher should have extremely high attainments in the Mortal God realm, no one can kill him if he leaves the realm of God, not to mention that I, Martial Uncle, have left now, and there are only me and my sister in Tianyun.”

Lin Ruoxu took a deep breath, also pretending to be very greedy, and said: "Changli senior, Ruoxu has no other requirements, only wish for Senior After you get this news because of Ruoxu, you can use you both. Heavenly Palace in the southwest, give me a lot of protection and worship Yang Sect, and I also hope that if senior is willing, you can give me a part of the cultivation technique, just give it to Sihao realm, what do you think of senior?”

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