Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 184

Although Emperor Yongwen's main ship is small, it is the emperor's treasure ship after all, and the space inside is still large enough to accommodate everyone.

During the night, Emperor Yongwen also ordered the royal chef accompanying the ship to cook a lot of good dishes and entertain all those who helped him today.

In fact, these sect Sect Masters, even Xuancheng and Mingxuan, all have official positions. I think at the beginning, Yongwen Emperor and Su Imperial Tutor took Heavenly Saint Country's elite Sweeping Across At the time of the World sect, all the Great Sects of Zhao'an were assigned nominal titles. Xuancheng and Mingxuan were actually the senior members of Grade 2, and they even had salaries every year.

Emperor Yongwen held the glass first, as it should be by rights on the top seat, pleasantly smiled and got up and said, "My dear friends, I thank you all today, I respect and love you for a glass first. ."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yongwen had already done it first, and he was really proud.

It's just that after he finished saying this remark, there was a dead silence with almost no sound in the audience.

Whether it was Xuancheng or Guhu, or even the senior and junior brothers like Mo Junheng, Lin Hongying, Mu Yingxue, and the great grandfather combination of White Beard, everyone had no trouble, only Mingxuan was in his own wine. Desperately picking vegetarian dishes on the table to eat, his mouth is still smashing.

As for Mu Yingxue, those eyes were staring at Bai Lan who was sitting with Mo Junheng, full of vigilance and hostility.

"hehe...hehe, Aiqings are a big credit today, why don't you eat, why don't you eat...hehe." Emperor Yongwen's face was full of embarrassment.

But there is still no response from below. Guhu originally wanted to reply a few words, but when he thought of looking for something to eat in the kitchen in the middle of the night, he felt annoyed and didn't bother to be polite to the emperor.

Chu Xuanyin, who was sitting not far from him, coughed a few times: "Your Majesty, don't take advantage of it, be a little bit more restrained."

The one behind Emperor Yongwen Su Taoer hit the bottom with his elbow, reminding his father not to be unsatisfied.

Therefore, Emperor Yongwen was like an eggplant suffocated by frost, only to sit down regressfully.

However, Nangong Sect Lord, who was sitting next to Pope Ancestor Master, hurriedly shouted: "I am me! The emperor and the emperor! They also have Grade 3 official positions! They are also the emperor's love!"


After speaking, Nangong Sect Lord hurriedly took a sip of wine, and even a little bit of wine spilled out of his lips, just like a girl who didn't grow up.

But Pope Ancestor Master seemed very satisfied, then looked at his granddaughter.

Emperor Yongwen looked up at this time, the more strange his expression became.

Chu Xuanyin was helpless, she also got up and said to everyone: "Everyone, today many thanks, you have helped, although Heavenly Saint Country is the dynasty of my late husband and Yongwen, but now there are threats from outside. It is also obvious to all that everyone's sect and power are also the relationship between the lips and the teeth, so now the Fellow Daoists have to bear more."

After Chu Xuanyin spoke up, everyone raised the glass.

Pope Ancestor Master said: "As Xuanyin said, we should work together now, don't care about the source."

Mingxuan smiled, and Xuancheng was silent. Be silent.

However, the two do not object, which means they have no opinion.

Chu Xuanyin said to Si Yan again: "Pavilion Lord Si, you are working hard for the Aijia, the emperor, and the people of the world, and you have invited many people to help out, and the Aijia will also respect you. One cup."

Si Yan said: "The Empress don't have to thank me, I just did what I wanted to do."

When Chu Xuanyin spoke, Xuanyin said Cheng coughed, but she didn't think she heard it.

Xuancheng coughed again.

Chu Xuanyin still ignored her, even coldly snorted.

Si Yan thinks it's nothing, but there are more people present than he imagined.

And the banquet didn't last long before dissipating. After all, the emperor was not welcomed by anyone.

However, Si Yan is somewhat relieved, the current form should be gradually flattened.

If the Fire King was smart, he wouldn't risk the aftermath of a war with Heavenly Saint Country and go his own way.

The purpose of showing strength has been achieved tentatively.

And at the Fire Emperor and Queen Xin's place, the two fell into a long silence again.

The Fire Emperor snorted and said sternly: "He hides so well, he has such a cultivation base, and the old country has such strength!"

Queen Xin hurriedly comforted: "Your Majesty, he really hid well. He must have investigated our Tianyun a lot during this period. They do have the power to fight now." The color of the color, he said: "If I write to Taizu, Taizu will take action, maybe I can get them all tonight..." "Your Majesty, please think twice!" Queen Xin immediately advised , "It's okay for Taizu to take action, but if there is an accident, none of us can afford the consequences! Who knows if there is a supreme powerhouse in their country, they know us, but we don't know them."

The Fire Emperor was helpless to hear it, and had no choice but to walk with his hands behind his back.

Queen Xin said: "Your Majesty, either we can make friends with them temporarily. Since we can't start a war, maybe we can develop with the old country. After we seek more, we will make plans!"

The Fire Emperor said in a sullen voice: "What else can I do, now I'm looking ahead."

Queen Xin quickly reassured: "Of course, it all depends on Your Majesty Consideration,"

But at this moment, the sound of Court Eunuch's report suddenly came from outside.

"What's the matter!" The Fire Emperor shouted out angrily.

"Your Majesty, someone is begging to see you." The big Court Eunuch said, "It's an external sect, a person named Lin Ruoxu."

two hundred and sixty-four Queen Zhang's Invitation

Lin Ruoxu was only in a small Foreign Domain Sect, so when he came in, the Fire Emperor was polite, but his face was impatient and indifferent, As Lin Ruoxu spoke, the Fire Emperor gradually opened his horrified eyes. He looked at him in disbelief.

"Is this true?" The Fire Emperor said in surprise, "He really got the cultivation technique of the Divinity Emperor Realm!"

Lin Ruoxu bowed down and said, "Naturally it is true, Your Majesty, if there is a fake, you are willing to deal with Your Majesty, and if you are fake, you can wait until Your Majesty gets the cultivation technique of the Divinity Emperor Realm and then leave on your own."

Not only was the Fire Emperor unable to calm down, but even Queen Xin are big startled.

The Fire Emperor strode back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, without stopping for a long time.

Divine Emperor cultivation technique Ah, this is really important!

The Emperor Taizu of Youdao also boarded the island, and it was on the island that he came back with nine deaths and still alive, and then he got the cultivation method above the stars! And now, if you can get the Divine Emperor cultivation technique, there is no need to say what it means. It doesn't even matter whether you can merge Heavenly Saint Country. What to fear in Heavenly Saint Country.

In order to convince the Fire Emperor, Lin Ruoxu even took out a part of the cultivation technique from it, he said: "Your Majesty, I took the opportunity to record it with the use of seals when he was not paying attention, but This is just a recording of the constellation realm, not yet, Your Majesty, please take a look first."

The Fire Emperor himself is the cultivator of the 2nd layer of the God Realm, and after reading these briefly, he The expression was horrified, because this is really the cultivation technique of Constellation Realm, and there is obviously a follow-up later.

"Is there any more!"

"No, at that time the villain recorded such a bit, the cultivation technique of the Divinity Emperor Realm is too complicated, and even this, the dharma seal took a lot of time. It took a long time to record it."

After getting some affirmation, Lin Ruoxu also put forward his own request, he said: "Your Majesty, if Your Majesty can get the Divine Emperor cultivation technique , I hope Your Majesty can protect our sect, you can also give us the realm part above Sihao, and I also hope that Your Majesty promises me one thing."

Fire Sovereign Dao: "What's the matter?"

Fire Sovereign Dao: "What's the matter?"


"Give me my Junior Sister Xia Lin, and I hope Your Majesty can make it happen."

The Fire Emperor was stunned for a moment, and only after looking at Queen Xin, did he say so clearly with a smile: "I know, if I can really get the Divine Emperor cultivation technique with your news, I will give you Xia Lin as a betrothal!"

Lin Ruoxu immediately bowed and said: " Many thanks Your Majesty! May Your Majesty, Blessed and Happy, Heavenly Might forever!"

The Fire Emperor laughed immediately.

Lin Ruoxu also secretly showed a weird smile below.

After Lin Ruoxu left, the Fire Emperor and Empress Xin entered into a long conversation again.

The Fire Emperor looked worried, but also full of excitement.

Although he is now thinking about the gains and losses between the two, he knows that he already has the answer in his heart.

The Fire Emperor hurriedly asked: "Queen, what do you think!"

Queen Xin's heart also couldn't help beating, she rubbed her heart and said: " Your Majesty, Divine Emperor cultivation technique is the key now, if we don't take it, wait a hundred years later, they will cultivate Divine Art, Your Majesty, your country will not be guaranteed, at all costs, take the opportunity to snatch it. Today's top priority."

The Fire Emperor couldn't stop nodding and said: "Queen, you are very right in what you say, my world, must not lose this cultivation technique!"

And now that he has to tear up his face with Heavenly Saint Country and snatch the picture of the Nine Heavens gods, then Xia Lin gave Si Yan this thing, he can also completely regard it as not happening, and it is okay to give marriage to others, after all, for a person People who are dying, why should there be too many concerns.

But Queen Xin hesitated at first, then she stepped forward and said softly: "Your Majesty, the Imperial Teacher has to heal the hidden illness for the concubine, and now we want to tear our face, it's not good for no reason. , in case some forces get the handle... that's not good, not to mention the Nine Heavens gods map, also absolutely cannot be leaked, there must be a reason to do it, and outsiders can't find the slightest clue, otherwise it will come later. , even we can't protect it."

After a long period of pondering, the Fire Emperor finally nodded, he said: "Then I will wrong you, Queen."

Xin The queen rubbed his ears and temples again: "Your Majesty, we are not in a hurry, we can discuss with each other for two or three days, first delay the time, at least let the Imperial Teacher clear up the illness for the concubine, the concubine. But I've been troubled by this hidden disease for too long, and it's hard to find someone who can cure it."

As for Si Yan at this time, he was actually here with everyone.

He negotiated with Emperor Yongwen and Chu Xuanyin.

Although Mo Junheng was also present, he still likes to stand.

Si Yan said: "If the Fire Emperor is a smart person, he should avoid this battle with us and develop his own kingdom with peace of mind, but if he has an idea, he will definitely find an excuse. We also need to be prepared to fight against us, the two countries are at war, and Tianyun may not be as strong as we think."

After listening to what Si Yan mentioned, Chu Xuanyin said: " That's true."

Chu Xuanyin looked rather tired, but she looked at Si Yan and seemed to be smiling ambiguous.

She was sitting beside Si Yan, and she was below, gently placing her jade finger on the back of Si Yan's hand.

Chu Xuanyin said: "Pavilion Lord Si, you have worked hard for you these days. You have been running around for Aijia and the emperor."

Si Yan still sits still, his body is not in shape. move.

"It's a small matter, it's just a small matter."

Emperor Yongwen noticed the change between the two, and then coughed lightly to remind him.

He turned a little blue.

Su Taoer also frowned and looked towards Chu Xuanyin, Chu Xuanyin said with a smile to her: "You want to call Ai's royal grandmother, you have never called Ai's family."

Su Taoer, looking even more eccentric.

Emperor Yongwen urged: "Taoer, call the grandmother, you have never called."

Su Taoer only bowed his head and said, "I have seen the grandmother."


Chu Xuanyin nodded, as if very satisfied.

But at this moment, there was a sound from outside, and it was Court Eunuch who came to report.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, Queen Xin of the other party, sent someone to invite Pavilion Lord Si, and would like to invite Pavilion Lord to treat her."

Emperor Yongwen frowned.

And after Si Yan explained, he also added: "She is indeed sick, and I can help her, but I don't know if this is a trap, if it is a trap, they should take it from me. Find a reason."

"Then why don't you go?"

Si Yan said: "It's okay to go, I can go myself, they can't trap me, they want to find a reason , I can't find it today, I can find it tomorrow, they will always find an excuse, but it doesn't matter if they find it on me, they can't trap me, I will go and see it first."

Si Yan After getting up, he hesitated for a while and said: "But the emperor, your fleet first retreat ten miles, if I am in danger inside, you guys have a time to react, the Fire Emperor's cultivation base may also be around the 2nd layer of the gods."

Emperor Yongwen pondered for a moment, and this was nodded.

When Si Yan boarded the deck under the night, he drew a sword qi from the middle and cut the ice between the two sides with a sword. After the anchor was lifted, Emperor Yongwen's fleet drifted backwards. went.

Xia Lin's father Xia Heavenly Monarch smiled at Si Yan on the deck, but he saw what Si Yan was doing, but he didn't ask.

As for later, when Si Yan entered Queen Xin's cabin under the guidance of Court Eunuch, he found that there was only the Queen in the main cabin.

And in the cabin, it was very dark at this time, only one oil lamp was swaying gently, and the two silhouettes in the room were swaying left and right with the oil lamp.

As for Queen Xin, she was sitting in front of the dressing table at this time, combing her long hair with a comb.

Si Yan hesitantly said: "Empress, where is the Fire Emperor Your Majesty?"

He thought that the Fire Emperor would also wait for him here, but it turned out that she was the only queen herself.

Queen Xin then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, he has returned to the palace. He has to discuss this matter with the Emperor Taizu before he can answer Heavenly Saint Emperor, maybe he will not be able to come back until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. ."

Queen Xin, who was only wearing loose clothes, said lightly with a smile: "Imperial Teacher, the medicine you made for this palace is not for internal use and external use, you help this palace get it."

Done yet?"

Si Yan suddenly felt a very strange atmosphere.

And he also discovered that the queen was actually barefoot at this time, and ordinary women would not show their feet in front of men, not to mention the queen of the mother world, how could she have sex outside outsiders? own jade foot.

Si Yan said: "Refining is done, it can be used both externally and internally."

Empress Xin, who is also smeared with rouge on her red lips, sips lightly. Mouth, said to Si Yan: "That's good, it's really hard for you, Imperial Teacher, and this palace has caused you a lot of trouble."

But Queen Xin went on her own and went to the place before the copper mirror. On the bench, he slowly lay down and said to Si Yan, "Imperial Teacher, do you still need to come for palpation? If not, you can apply medicine for this palace."

Si Yan hesitated, but he stepped forward.

And at this time, he found that Queen Xin didn't even have a palace maid here, or even outside.

But Empress Xin went on her own and gently stroked the clothes behind her, revealing her beautiful and fair skin, and even under her skin, she could see the transparent blood vessels.

Queen Xin didn't move when she saw Si Yan.

She turned around, stroked her hair, and said with a rather ambiguous smile, "Imperial Teacher, why don't you move? I even lifted my clothes."


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