Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 306

He couldn't understand why his mother was like this, because he had been educated by the Imperial Family since he was born, and was told that he was the most honorable family in the empire and the direct son of the Li family. So even after learning that Si Yan saved his life, he thought it was as it should be by rights.

Because isn't it? He is a prince, isn't it right and proper to save his life!

But her mother was not only inside, but she was obediently pouring tea for the man she was with in the Imperial Concubine Ling's bedroom, and now she slapped him twice, which made Second Prince completely at a loss. , It seems that the world view established before has collapsed, and he can't understand the abnormal behavior of his mother.

He saw Queen Xu's face flushed with anger, and then she stared at him with such a hate iron for not becoming steel.

Actually, from Queen Xu's point of view, she is already very nervous, but her own son, who is not a weapon, is still insulting her and Emperor Zhong Yan outside, and even threatened that Queen Xu is insulting the national sports. , is putting their Li family to shame, so how could she not be annoyed!

You know, the man sitting inside today.

He was the founding emperor! This Heavenly Flame Imperial State was created by him alone. In fact, this is the dynasty of his Zhong Family, not his husband's Li Family, but Second Prince has been emphasizing that this is their Li family's empire and Li family's home. He also claimed that Emperor Zhong Yan was a dog thief and a role that was not on the table, so how could Empress Xu not be annoyed with him.

You must know that all their power, high position and great wealth today are bestowed by Emperor Zhong Yan. Back then, he could have entrusted the empire to the Gao family and the Bai Family, but he did not. I didn't do this, and I always relied heavily on Li.

And because of Emperor Zhong Yan's entrustment, neither the Gao family nor the Bai family dared to be on the surface and have disobedience to Li Xizhen.

I'm afraid this Second Prince doesn't know, not to mention himself, even his Imperial Father didn't dare to make such a loud noise when he saw the man sitting inside, he could only be in awe of his brother. Just because all the glory of the Li Family is only the choice of Emperor Zhong Yan back then.

"The queen can you fight the emperor for an outsider! You have never beaten the emperor before, you are the woman of the Imperial Father, the mother of the emperor, how can you go Kneel down for the son of a bitch, go and pour tea for him, are so cruel, Queen Mother! How can you be worthy of Imperial Father and my Lee family, you are my Lee family's woman, how can you be so dissolute ." Second Prince was so angry that he screamed and stomped his feet, "Mother, still beat me, where did you put the child!"

"Unfilial son, you unfilial son." Son! Shut your mouth for Ben Gong!"

Empress Xu furiously shouted, and also showed her dharma, so she forced her son to kneel on the ground with a 'pop'.

And because of his emotional excitement, Xu Qing'er was so angry that his towering chest was constantly heaving, and even his calf seemed to be shaking a little.

After being reprimanded like this, Second Prince may know that there may be a reason for this, so he can only hold back and stop making a sound.

Although his mind is more mature than his peers, he is very selfish by nature. With the current situation, he will only think in a bad direction. Men, there is also some unspeakable ambiguity, that's why this is the case. Just because this man came out, he called his mother by his nickname and called Empress Xu Qing'er. You must know that even his Imperial Father would only call Empress Xu's boudoir like that in private. name.

Second Prince felt particularly humiliated, after all, it was already nighttime, and it was still in his mother's queen's bedroom, the most private place.

Second Prince, at this moment, just wanted to inform the Imperial Father now, and let the Imperial Father chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades for that shameless thief, and tortured him to death!

But because Second Prince could see inside, Queen Xu simply put down another curtain, completely blocking her son's sight.

After returning to her inner room, Queen Xu greeted Si Yan again and said, "Brother, Qing'er didn't discipline this unfilial son. The unfilial son offended you today. I hope my brother can understand."

Si Yan gave a soft 'um' and responded, "I won't bother with him, little child, let him stand outside first."

Queen Xu responded quickly, and then sat down again in awe.

Si Yan saw her like this, although her heart moved slightly, but she still did not lighten her tone, but still had a stern look.

"Qing'er, back then I asked you to assist Xizhen and become his internal assistant, you still remember this." Si Yan's eyes kept staring at her, "I told you then, If he acts too much, you have to stop him. If I come back one day, you also need to tell me all these truths. Do you remember how you promised at that time?.

Xu The Queen actually had a little doubt just now, but when Si Yan mentioned these past events between these two people, Queen Xu didn't dare to think about it any more. She really knew that Emperor Zhong Yan had returned, and it was right in front of her at the moment.

Because these instructions back then were all privately given to her by Emperor Zhong Yan, she was kneeling to answer them.

So she also hurriedly spoke out, in order to make some sense. He explained to him in a flustered tone: "Brother, since you entrusted the empire to Xizhen, Xizhen has been arrogant, carrying the righteousness of Human Race on his shoulders, and has never relaxed himself. It was so big back then, but at that time our empire was also in internal trouble and outside aggression, swaying in the wind and rain, so we ceded the land to the aliens, but now our Heavenly Flame country has become a lot richer, and there are some talents in the younger generation. There are few, and the study style is booming everywhere, and the Heavenly Flame Imperial State is also thriving. "

Si Yan listened to this, his expression softened a little, but he immediately questioned: "The Bai Family was persecuted then, and the Gao family was attacked before, whether Li Xizhen did it. "

Queen Xu suddenly started, and only then did she probed: "Brother, you... have you met the Gao family and the Bai family?" "

"No. "Si Yan said, "They didn't even know I was back, you were the first person I came to see. "

"That's it. "Empress Xu first secretly relaxed," I thought my brother had already recognized them. "

Si Yan knew her concerns and said, "I'm not suitable to come forward now, and I can't see them either. They have too high expectations for me. If I stand up, they will definitely hope I pulled Xizhen down, but I didn't mean it. If Xizhen you did good, he should be the co-owner of Heavenly Flame country, but I will assist him in private. "

Queen Xu clutched her chest and calmed down for a while before she said:

"Brother, whether Xizhen planned the Bai Family attack back then, I don't know much about the inside story." Clearly, maybe... Maybe it's what Xizhen did, but at that time the Bai Family was pressing Xizhen very hard, and Xizhen couldn't do anything about it! Empress Xu pursed her lips, "Brother, it's been more than 20,000 years since you left. The empire Xizhen received from you back then was a mess, and he paid a lot, perhaps the Bai Family, or even today's Gao Family." , These things are indeed what he did, but when he is on the throne, he sometimes has to do it, brother, you should also understand these things. "

Si Yan pondered, Gao family and Bai Family, Si Yan really can't be too subjective to judge Li Xizhen's right or wrong, because after all, he has no personal experience and can't make a decision. Conclusion.

Si Yan only nodded lightly, and then said again: "The Gao family and the Bai Family can be put aside for a while, but what happened to the three city-states? I heard that in the seventh year of Xizhen's ascension, the Shenxuan Kingdom took away the three cities of the Heavenly Flame Imperial State, slaughtered the city for seven days, killed all 770,000 people, and killed all the people who were regarded as slaves. Made red land! I heard that it was Li Xizhen's instigation, so he didn't send troops at first, is it true? If he really treats his people like livestock for his own rule, let the aliens slaughter, even if he has worked hard and made great achievements, and Have what skills and abilities to be the emperor! Even if I can accommodate him! The 770,000 people's grievances cannot tolerate him either! ! ”

When Si Yan’s voice was loud, Empress Xu was obviously a little frightened, not to mention that when Si Yan was knocking on the table, she was obviously very hard. The anger was more than Li Xizhen did not know. Empress Xu was involuntarily frightened again, her body trembled, and she hurriedly said: "Brother, this... Qing'er doesn't know about this, Xizhen never told me about it. , I have never asked. In fact, Xizhen also knew that I had great power, so he loved that Lingfei so much and used it to suppress me. I... Now my brother asks me, I can't figure it out. "

Si Yan heard the words, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said slowly: "Qing'er, then you go and find out this matter, it is best when he comes to you for the night, Ask thoroughly and then come back and tell me the truth. "

Empress Xu hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she still answered nodded: "Yes, Qing'er knows, wait until Qing'er finds out the whole story." If you figure it out, you must report it to your brother. "

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." "

After taking another sip of tea, Si Yan saw Xu Qing'er still in a panic, and finally said softly: "Qing'er, don't be afraid of me, I Although you have come back, it will not embarrass you. "

After finishing speaking, Si Yan got up and said: "Today, I'm leaving first, I'll wait for your news in two days, when the time comes you need to tell the truth." "

――――――The dividing line

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Chapter 456 You are my Heart Demon

"Brother! Seeing him get up, Queen Xu stopped him and said, "Brother, you... where have you been all these years, and why have you disappeared for such a long time?" "

In fact, from the very beginning, Xu Qing'er was not as greedy for power as he was at first, but he has always taken the fate of the Human Race as his own responsibility. It would be great if Emperor Zhong Yan could come back one day. So when she calmed down at the moment, the old nostalgia for this elder gradually emerged from the bottom of her heart.

“Go to Where is it. Si Yan lightly muttered to himself, "I can't explain it in a few words. I was stuck in one place for a long time, and I met some people after that, but anyway, I'm back, Qing'er, you have to remember. As long as Xizhen doesn't make a big mistake to the people, I personally can let go of what he did to the Gao family and the Bai Family secretly, and I can help him secretly and let him continue to be the emperor, and I will never let him go. There will be any prejudice against him, Qing'er, so do you. You must know that Xizhen was the one I relied on the most back then, and you should know all this. "

Queen Xu's lovable body trembled slightly. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, but what she understood was that the man in front of her might have endured a lot of hardships over the years. It's a bit darker than before.

Maybe it's not that Emperor Zhong Yan is hiding, but Xu Qing'er also knows the character of Emperor Zhong Yan. The catastrophe to endure will disappear from the world.

And Xu Qing'er can clearly feel that the breath of Emperor Zhong Yan at this time is not as strong as it was in the past, and it seems that even the cultivation base is a little bit. Damaged.

"Yes, Qing'er understands. Queen Xu lowered her head and said, "When Qing'er finds out what happened, he will definitely tell the truth to his brother." "

Si Yan first said 'um', and it was at this time that Si Yan suddenly turned his head and smiled at her, saying, "Qing'er, after such a long time, I can be with you." Recognize each other, as brother is also very happy. "

Queen Xu was immediately flattered and said: "Qing'er is also very happy, my brother is still thinking about Qing'er!" ”

Only when Si Yan smiled at her did Xu Qing'er feel that the kind elder was back, and could not help but warm her heart.

However, This feeling did not last long, and her heart was still occupied by the sudden appearance of Emperor Zhong Yan, the kind of unknown fear. Even though Emperor Zhong Yan had made a promise to her, she still could not calm down.

"By the way, Qing'er, Xizhen seems to have some relationship with Nine Heavens, you have to ask clearly which Heavenly God he has friendship with and who he is attached to. This matter is also very important. , we are Human Race, although it is sometimes a last resort with the help of Divine Race's power, but I am afraid that Xizhen has any unnecessary commitment to it. "

Queen Xu hurriedly said: "Yes, Qing'er understands, and will definitely figure it out for her brother." "

"It's getting late, so I'll go first." He said.

Queen Xu said quickly: "Brother, let Qing'er send someone to take you out!" "

"It doesn't matter, I know you well here, and I have a way to escape without being noticed by the guards." ”

Queen Xu sent Si Yan to the door, and at this time, the Second Prince was still kept outside by the law, just because he was only a Qi Refinement Realm, and Si Yan was a law. He simply couldn't move.

Because Queen Xu pulled down two layers of curtains just now, Second Prince couldn't see at all and couldn't hear what was going on inside. He only knew about this Azure Cloud World messenger , when he came out of his mother's inner room, his expression was so indifferent, as if this was his residence and home, as generous as the real owner of this palace.

As for Empress Xu, His mother is docile, following behind like a little woman. This is a state that Second Prince has never seen before, even in front of his Imperial Father, his mother has never been so docile!

Si Yan looked at the Second Prince who was still staring at him, and said to Empress Xu: "He is your direct son, I only saved his life before, but his temper is too impetuous, this is not good, in the future It has to be changed, you know. "

Of course, Queen Xu would not tell Second Prince Si Yan's true identity, so she just responded quickly.

After Si Yan left, Queen Xu replaced Second Prince The Prince dissipated the influence of the Dharma's coercion, allowing him to stand up.

But who knows, the Second Prince immediately burst into a rage and roared loudly: "Mother, don't obey women's ways. , what is your relationship with the son of a bitch, and why do you obey him? ! I'm going to expose you with the Imperial Father, expose your adultery! mother, you... you still kneel on him, you still kneel on him! You are the biological mother of my Second Prince, you have insulted my Li family! It also insulted the Imperial Father and me. Our Li family is the most honorable family in the Heavenly Flame Imperial State! "

But there was a hint of cruelty on Queen Xu's face at the moment, and this appearance also startled Second Prince.

"Shut up!" Empress Xu slapped her face again at the same time, making Second Prince's face swollen, and said sharply, "You are so impetuous, how can you replace Chongyi and become Crown Prince in the future? I can't help you, Ben Gong would rather be your son and beat you to death! "

Second Prince saw her like this, and knew that his mother was really angry, so he covered his swollen face, and then fell silent.

When Queen Xu saw this, she lowered her voice and coldly instructed him: "Nansheng, you have to remember that you are not allowed to mention today's events to anyone, you know, see you If you pass him, you must keep this matter a secret, and when you see this envoy of Azure Cloud World in the future, you must be respectful, and you must not overstep the slightest, and you must not mention a single word to your Imperial Father, otherwise, the fate of your mother and son will be yours. , maybe it will not be good!"

"Yes...Yes, the emperor knows." Even though Second Prince was dissatisfied, this was the only nodded answer at this time.


As for this time, on the surface of the Eastern Sea, there are two gods, constantly observing the surface of the sea, trying to search for the ruins under the sea. . But even if they took out the magic weapon and started to explore from the bottom of the sea, there was still no trace.

Li Xizhen had also flown from the Imperial Palace at this time, and asked the two gods who arrived first: "Two Daoist Brothers, have you looked for the trace of that palace."


These two gods also have official positions in the Celestial Court. Even if they are not big, they are in the lower realm, which is no trivial matter.

Moreover, these two gods are from the Superintendent of Heaven. The Division of Superintendent is set up in Nine Realms and is responsible for monitoring the movements of All Heavens and Myriad Realms in the world. If there is a natural phenomenon, it will report to Nine Heavens. , when Azure Cloud World built Heaven Territory, it was observed by Supervisor Tiansi. Therefore, in terms of exploration and search, Ji Tianji is quite experienced, so the Celestial Court sent these two people to the lower realm after learning that Heavenly Wolf Star Monarch had been unexpectedly.

The burly black-faced god o, named Dongyan Heavenly God.

As for the thin, but still quite handsome, named Junya Heavenly God.

Dongyan Heavenly God shook his head and said: "The ruins seem to have disappeared, and there is no way to find its traces below, even if there is not even a trace of magic and Divine Force."


"And even if we push the magic weapon, we can't find it, it's really weird." Junya Heavenly God looked at Li Xizhen and said, "Did you see with your own eyes that Heavenly Wolf Star Monarch was dead at that time? Then Although Heavenly Wolf Star Monarch is not an orthodox constellation, and its cultivation base is not as good as mine, but its strength has just entered the Sihao realm, how could it be so easy to die."

"It is indeed me. I saw it with my own eyes." Li Xizhen couldn't help sighing, "And I not only saw the tragic death of Heavenly Wolf Fellow Daoist, but I also saw a Divine Emperor inside!"

The two Heavenly Gods heard the words , the stature is not made by startled.

"That Divine Emperor had already opened the nine life wheel hooks at that time, and all the auras of the gods were opened, and even the space was distorted by his surging mana, but it was just a blink of an eye, I can't see him anymore, I don't know where he went!"

After hearing this, Dongyan and Junya Heavenly God first fell into a long silence, and then asked Li Xizhen if there was the ruins After the inscription on the inscription, he said: "We can't make a conclusion on this matter. There are many secrets hidden in the All Heavens and Myriad Realms of the entire universe, as long as these secrets have not affected this world. , we shouldn't explore."

Junya Heavenly God came over to patted Li Xizhen's shoulder, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, let's go back to your Imperial Palace first, my brother Dongyan and I But I will stay with you for a few days, and I need you to take care of me these days."

Li Xizhen also understood, and immediately said with a big smile: "This is natural, when the Two Daoist Brothers leave , I also have a generous gift of beautiful women, and when the time comes, I hope the Two Daoist Brothers will like it!"

Both Dongyan and Junya Heavenly God immediately laughed and said that they were good.

However, at this time, when they both returned to the Imperial Palace, Li Xizhen saw the head of his cabinet, and Yang An rushed over from the other side.

"pay respects to Your Majesty, I have seen two gods." Yang Anxian saluted respectfully.

"Aiqing, you are still coming to me at this hour, is there something important?" Li Xizhen couldn't help but say.

"Your Majesty, this matter is indeed of great importance." Yang An approached, "Your Majesty...that person has been found!"

"Oh!" Li Xizhen was instantly delighted said, "Where is he and when can he be brought here?!"

"It is estimated that it will take a few days to bring him here, but Zhong Yan's memorial ceremony will be the day after tomorrow. There is a conflict at this time." Yang An still whispered.

"It's not a problem at all." Li Xizhen waved his hand, "Since there is a conflict in time, let's wait a few days. The key is that the person must be present."

"Yes, follow Your Majesty's will." Yang An respectfully stepped aside, "The old minister must let them arrive at the imperial city as soon as possible!"

After pondering, Li Xizhen suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. , said loudly: "Brother, you are my Heart Demon, from the day I met you, you are my Heart Demon, but today, I will finally break your Heart Demon!"

Part Four hundred and fifty-seven chapters of triangular cakes

Li Xizhen was the first to follow Emperor Zhong Yan and fought with him.

Before this, Li Xizhen has always been outstanding, whether it is cultivation base innate talent, or leadership ability, but until Emperor Zhong Yan appeared, his rays of light, all his abilities, seemed to be the same. Became a vassal of Emperor Zhong Yan.

Because Emperor Zhong Yan is really good. Whether it is the cultivation base or the charisma, they are almost impeccable. Even if Zhong Yan went to Nine Heavens with the determination to die, he was able to achieve a very good relationship with Divine Race on Nine Heavens. Even the great enemy of Heavenly Flame Kingdom, Shenxuan Kingdom, was crushed by the sword in his hand, unable to lift his head. In the end, even the Princess of Demon Race became his woman. Back then, Mo Li had proposed to marry Zhong Yan several times, but they were all placed by Zhong Yan, and that Mo Li had been willing to wait for him until Zhong Yan believes that the time is right, and Mo Li has no turning back, even if he is threatening his family with death, he must be with him.

For such Emperor Zhong Yan, Li Xizhen admired him back then, but he also hid the rest of his emotions in his heart, just because he believed that everything that Emperor Zhong Yan could do, he would be able to do. It can also be done. If he were to be the emperor, he would be no different than Zhong Yan.

He is not reconciled! He has always been unwilling to be a vassal behind Emperor Zhong Yan, only his follower.

He just doesn't have a chance. As long as he has this chance, he will definitely surpass Zhong Yan!

In those days, what Li Xizhen wanted to do was to become another Emperor Zhong Yan and support the empire of this Human Race.

At least for now, Li Xizhen thinks he's done it.

He greatly promoted the style of study, so that students could know their achievements in the scriptures and books, and under his leadership, the imperial commerce, agriculture, and even forging were very developed. more than ever.

Li Xizhen replied to the great hall where he was dealing with government affairs, and he was still smiling, unable to hold back the joy in his heart.

Zhong Yan is his Heart Demon, because Li Xizhen has been afraid that Zhong Yan will come back and his throne will be lost. If he was allowed to change from an emperor to an idle, opposite-sex prince who didn't even have any rights, as well as his own children, his own queen and concubine, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing him!

He once stood in a high position, and even if he died, he would not be willing to go down from this position.

"Brother, I am at ease when you are dead. I want to replace you and get everything you have, instead of living under your shadow. I am taking care of this empire, you If I come back, can't I still give you this great country? How is it possible? Why! But fortunately, brother, you are dead, as long as you are gone, the following things will be easy to deal with, these gang It is time for people to clean up. I have no more worries, I can just let go!"

After a small smile, Li Xizhen continued to immerse himself in government affairs.

For Heavenly Flame Imperial State, he is very diligent, and he never dares to be lazy.


In Si Yan's life wheel, that fleshy body is still refining, and only when all of them are refining will he have the cultivation of Sihao realm Peak base, but with the current situation, within a few days, even though he is not considered Perfection, he can also step into Sihao.

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