Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 384

This servant girl named Wen'er just sat down with the flow. Although she looked a little jerky, she was still brave, so she hurriedly sat aside and gave Si Yan the liquor.

Si Yan 'um' and took the glass from the servant girl.

During this period, Liu Qinsheng winked at Wener again, as if to be bolder.

Wen'er understood, and even got closer to her body.

Si Yan is a little confused now, he suddenly found out that it is really cool to eat and get a card, the key is that others are still holding you, no wonder there are so many corrupt officials.

Liu Qinsheng said again: "Sir, you are in my mansion these days, let Wen'er serve you. This girl is very clever, so I think the adults will like it."

Si Yan He said solemnly: "I'm alone, isn't it a little less?"

Liu Qinsheng immediately understood, and said: "Then... that adult still likes whoever is in my mansion, I'll let them all come out. ."

Si Yan put one arm around Wen'er, her squinted eyes, but now gradually placed on Liu Xu.

The catkin was taken aback, covered her chest, and even leaned back.

Although the catkin didn't say anything, she still couldn't help being surprised and angry: "This fat pig is eaten a bear's heart and a leopard's gallbladder, and dares to peep at me."

Liu Qinsheng also started, feeling that the censor was going too far, so he hurriedly said: "Sir, my sister is already married."

Si Yan then narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, this is so. Ah, that's it... In fact, I'm looking at the previous dish, how could I be trying to make Lingmei's idea?"

Liu Family siblings laughed awkwardly for a while, as if trying to ease the atmosphere.

"But your sister is married, so why is she still at her parents' house? Shouldn't she be staying at her husband's house?"

Liu Qinsheng sat upright and said in a quite righteous tone: "My lord does not know, my husband is in the family, so naturally he still lives in my Liu Family, but my husband is also very promising, not only has friendship on Nine Heavens, but also the cultivation base is Wufang From now on, Xu'er still has to follow him out to set up the mansion, and the title of being in the family can't be obtained, otherwise it will be wronged my capable brother-in-law."

Liu Qinsheng said This remark is actually another meaning, and it seems to imply a warning to Si Yan.

I want Si Yan to know that his Liu Family is of course not ordinary, his Liu Family can compromise, but it can't be too impudent.

Liu Xu is still secretly annoyed. She has a noble status. She was insulted by Si Yan in a closed place before. How did she get home and was teased by a censor.

You must know that their Liu Family status is more than ordinary now. Although she asked, Wu Xin did not admit it, but Liu Xu is now sure that her husband is the one above Nine Heavens. Existence related...their Liu Family is truly noble, when will it be the turn of a small patrol to make a noise. It sounds ugly, now that this patrol is beaten to death, what can I do?

And it happened to be at this moment, when the catkin's face showed a hint of sternness, she suddenly saw a group of silhouettes who came to the lobby.

In the middle of the group, there was her husband Wu Xin.

Catkin immediately said happily: "Husband, you are back!"

Wu Xin and everyone, let a jade-faced Young Master walk into the lobby, Wu Xin is very He respectfully said to the Young Master, "Brother Hua, my wife and brother are here, but you have to come to see me. come there are guests in this family."

This Young Master surnamed Hua Shaking his folding fan, he glanced at Si Yan lightly, and said quite indifferently: "Is the Celestial Court patrol? How can the patrol have such a big pomp, a little censor, but enjoys such a big table of wine and food alone. "

Chapter 104 is harder than the background?

When Master Hua Young came in, he was almost surrounded by everyone.

Even if it was Wu Xin, it was also headed by him.

And when he knew that Si Yan was a patrolman, there was not the slightest compliment between his words, but a trace of disdain.

Si Yan also raised his head and glanced at Master Hua Young. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still smiled lightly, expressing his calmness, as if he was showing goodwill to the other party. .

It's just that his expression just fell, and he has already put his hand on the waist of the servant girl next to him, and it seems that he is still lightly **, which is naturally extremely indecent.

Master Hua Young looked rather displeased.

Between Master Hua Young and Wu Xin, there are several young people, one of them tall, immediately glared together, about to open the mouth and said: "You fellow, do you know Brother Hua? It's...!"

But before he could say anything, he was stopped by Master Hua Young, he said first: "It's okay, no need to talk to him."

Liu Xu then came to Wu Xin's side, and said in a surprised tone: "Big Brother Hua, why are you here, if you are here, why not inform us in advance, little sister, I also want to have a plan in advance, why are you here? It came so suddenly."

Although Liu Xu doesn't know who Big Brother Hua is, every time Big Brother Hua comes, her Husband greets him with a smile and often talks with him all night long. With her Husband's unruly character, Liu Xu knew that Big Brother Hua was definitely not an ordinary person.

Especially after returning from that locked place, Catkin knows that Husband is very likely to have the most noble bloodline in the world, so being respected by her husband must be extremely unusual.

The Master Hua Young said first, "You don't have to worry about your younger siblings. I just happened to pass through Nine Realms with a few friends, so I came to see Brother Xin."

At this time Liu Qinsheng heard this patrol, and seemed to be not very dealing with Master Hua Young, so he quickly got up and calmed down the atmosphere: "Brother Hua, it's Qin Sheng who excuse me for not going out to meet you, please come to the inner hall quickly. Go and sit, I'll let the servants of the mansion prepare the banquet."

"Isn't there such a big table of good dishes, as well as sashimi and dishes made by Spirit Beast, even in Above Nine Heavens, that's not often seen. It's not very good to let this lord eat alone. We can also sit down together, drink together, and have a company, isn't it beautiful?"

Master Hua Young sat down first with such a smile.

Wu Xin also said, "Big brother, don't bother."

Liu Qinsheng couldn't help it when he heard the words, but Liu Qinsheng really put a lot of effort into this table today. All are good enough to be called a table at Celestial Court.

It's just that Liu Qinsheng doesn't know the identity of Master Hua Young, and he doesn't even know what kind of background and means his brother-in-law has, so he can't help but worry.

The other party is a censor anyway, even if his previous behavior was a bit excessive, but now if he is too offended, then it is their Liu Family's problem. If the imperial censor went back to the Celestial Court to impeach them a few words, then the Liu Family wouldn't be able to eat and walk away.

But it was also at this time, just as Wu Xin smiled and bowed to the censor, the young man beside the Young Master in Nahua had already spoken, he said with a smile: "The patrol According to the censor, it is indeed a beautiful job. This is that when you come to the lower realm, you can get soft hands. Not only do you not have to worry about eating and drinking, but even women are not lacking. A few days ago, a censor also came to my house, and it was delicious in my Kong family. It's delicious, and I slept with seven of my beautiful maids, and I patted my butt for fear of leaving, which is really annoying! But for the sake of the heavens that took over from my family, I also recognized it."

After hearing this, the servant girl in Si Yan's arms seemed to be embarrassed and disturbed, not knowing what to do.

Liu Qinsheng didn't feel right when he heard it, and when he saw Master Hua Young laughing, just as he was about to dissuade him, he suddenly said, "Brother Kong, you are also the Great Family from Nine Realms, Maybe you don't understand the Nine Heavens thing. In fact, this censor is just bluffing in the nether world, and you can just show off. In fact, now that the Myriad Realms are back, Celestial Court has sent an unknown number of censors, and now the censor It is no longer possible to face the Holy Spirit directly. They are all reported to Your Majesty by the left and right servants of the Celestial Court Inspectorate. These censors are just trying to scare you, the Nine Realms family, when the time comes no matter how their copy is written. , all have to be annotated by the supervisor."

The surnamed Young Master Kong was acquainted with Wu Xinhe, but he was not familiar with the person who opened the explanation, so he was a little confused. Surprised: "Brother Lin, is this true?"

"How can it be false?" He said, "I'm here with Brother Hua this time, and my father is the superintendent of the Department of Heaven. Servant, this is what my father told me, it is absolutely true, if you don't believe me, you can ask Brother Hua, his family background is even more...haha!"

As soon as these words came out, it was the Confucius family's direct son. Xian and Liu Qinsheng were stunned, and quickly said: "Brother Lin, it turns out that Ling Zun is the waiter of the Governor of Heaven. This is a high-ranking member who can directly meet Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty!"

Liu Qinsheng was also there. Suddenly coming over at this moment, he recalled that his brother-in-law's job in Celestial Court was to be in Tiansi, and then he was awe-inspiring, and he hurriedly poured him a drink and said, "Brother Lin, in the future, you must let your respected Please take care of my brother-in-law, I have a lot of work."

But this Young Master Lin said: "Hey, what am I, with brother Hua, I can't stand on the table at all, these are actually Hua Brother's arrangement."

Liu Qinsheng was shocked again: "Then this brother Hua, I don't know who is from Celestial Court...?"

Wu Xin got up and said: "Brother, these are all my friends. You don't have to be too polite. Brother Hua is just coming to see me from the lower world." asked.

But now that he knew that there were so many great character's direct descendants sitting in front of him, he felt that the imperial censor could't be considered.

Especially, this patrol doesn't seem to know much about flattering, and he is eating and drinking with a beautiful woman in his arms.

Master Hua Young suddenly said with a smile to this Si Yan: "Sir Pain is so elegant, not only good at eating and drinking, but this beauty has not fallen behind, beware of negligence in the lower world, return to Nine Heavens, be Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty, show your head."

Si Yan asked the servant girl to pour himself a drink, still putting the perverted hand there, and said: "Beheading? How can Your Majesty control us petty officials? , you think too much, Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty is very good to our Divine Race, this world is more corrupt than I am, Your Majesty is just letting go of our Divine Race.”

Young Master Lin and Hua Young Master They glanced at each other, and said to Si Yan with a faint smile: "My father is the Director of the Department of Heaven. Go and arrange a crime for this lord. Would you like to show it to Your Majesty?"

But instead It was at this time that Liu Xu realized that this Young Master Hua had been staring at the beautiful maid Liu Xu in the censor's arms, but it was a coincidence that she bought this beautiful maid, and her beauty was naturally excellent, so how could she not understand? .

Besides, why is she still worried about the censors to make things difficult for her?

She thought about move, and was trying to find an excuse to let this beautiful maid go down first, and then serve it to Master Hua Young for her to enjoy.

But speaking, this Young Master Hua is really not an ordinary person, the conversation between words is so elegant, and the elegant bearing is still there.

The atmosphere changed so fast that even Liu Qinsheng could see that his brother-in-law and these friends were helping him, and the power behind these guests was enormous!

However, when Si Yan heard the threat from the other party, he still pointed up: "If you want to arrange a crime, arrange it, I'm not afraid, there is someone above me!"

Young Master Lin was surprised and said, "My father is the Zuo Shilang of the Governor and my uncle is the king of Nanming Ming. If the two of them participate in your book together, wouldn't you be afraid? You can keep the person above you. Can't you do it?"

Si Yan still pointed up with her index finger: "There is someone above me!"

Another person also felt good said with a smile: "My surname is congratulations. Lan, he has some relationship with God King Helan of Celestial Court, he is my uncle, how about I invite God King Helan to read your book in front of Your Majesty?"

Si Yan was still drinking, He said loudly: "Don't be afraid, there is someone above me."

At this time, even Wu Xin felt interesting and said, "You are interesting, Mr. Censor, then I and Celestial Court Prince Wuji has something to do with him, I invite that Prince Wuji to read you a copy from his Imperial Father? Can the person above you also keep you?"

Hearing Wu Xin's words so clearly, Master Hua Young smiled lightly, his eyes still on Wen'er next to Si Yan.

Willow catkins no longer concealed, and immediately said: "Wen'er, come here."

Wen'er hesitated, and her eyes looked towards Liu Qinsheng, who had asked her to accompany Si Yan before.

But Liu Qinsheng also said with a smile to her: "Wen'er, Miss let you go."

Wen'er had to get up when she heard the words, but in the end Si Yan Instead of letting go, he kept hugging.

Because it was also at this time that Si Yan had discovered that Wu Xin had been holding a few sheets of paper since he came in. Those sheets were exactly what was missing from his book. Wu Xin will be with them, I am afraid it is also the Taoist text in the comprehend book page.

Seeing Si Yan not letting go of that beautiful maid, Master Hua Young also said with a smile to Si Yan: "And that Prince Wuji, but he knows the head of the Celestial Court cabinet, can you please move The chief teacher of the cabinet, let's play a copy of your book together, isn't your backer afraid? Will he also come to protect you?"

"Protect, of course, this is to protect." Si Yan then responded, "Frankly, I have more than one backer, and they are all very powerful. Although, it's mainly that one."

Master Hua Young Said: "Oh, then tell me, who is the backer behind that?"

"Okay, don't pretend, it's a showdown for me." Si Yan slapped his hand in frustration, " Excuse me, do you all know that the Northern Emperor, one of the six imperial emperors, gave birth to a Princess a few years ago? Do you know who the Northern Emperor gave birth to?"

There are many people present, suddenly you look at me , I see you, all looking extremely strange.

As for Si Yan, he poured the most shameless dirty water on the Northern Emperor in his life.

"Everyone, it's me. You say I'm not a big supporter!"

Chapter 105 You bully me, and the Northern Emperor is looking for you to settle accounts

When Si Yan blurted out such a hot news, everyone's expressions seemed a little stiff.

Especially Master Nahua Young and Wu Xin, who were stunned in their place on the spot, and Willow catkins, with their cherry mouths slightly open.

And he is not afraid of talking nonsense like this. Anyway, the Northern Emperor is not here, and he is not the inspector of the imperial censor himself. time comes is complete, he has already run away, and he doesn't know where to find others. If you have the ability, come to him to settle the account

Si Yan took a sip of wine, pointed his head up again, and repeated: "So there is someone above me!"

Liu Qinsheng didn't know what to do anymore, he originally thought he was home There is a backer, but as a result, such a shocking truth suddenly emerged.

Master Hua Young quickly came to his senses. After all, he is a high-ranking person, and even if it is the Northern Emperor, although he can't move her, it is not false. What's more, what the censor said was obviously a lie and could not stand scrutiny at all.

"It's a lot of nonsense!" Master Hua Young said coldly, "How could the Northern Emperor see you as a greasy and ugly thing, born with you, what thing are you, that Ancient God Great Emperor, how arrogant, noble and beautiful!"

Wu Xin was also on Nine Heavens. He was fortunate enough to have seen the Northern Emperor once, and remembered the beautiful Goddess Great Emperor. He could not imagine that the Northern Emperor would have such a relationship with the censor. relation. This is not an insult at all, but just passing through the mind, it is a kind of blasphemy.

Young Master Lin also sneered: "You are worthy of mentioning on equal terms with Beidi Your Majesty, this is really a big joke, you are afraid that even Beidi's daughter I’ve never seen it before!”

Liu Xu also teased: “Lord Xun, your mouth is so open, in fact, who wouldn’t say it, the little girl dared to say that my Husband is actually a bloodline of the Heavenly Emperor family. , I'm the prince and concubine of Nine Heavens, isn't that okay?"

Wu Xin laughed helplessly when she heard the words, but instead, Master Hua Young opened the mouth and said: " The words of the younger brother and sister sound like jokes, but they seem to be undervalue oneself, this heavy language, but you can hear different contexts."

Liu Xu hurriedly said that she was joking, but it was just a sentence Just for fun.

Seeing so many people mocking, Wu Xin also smiled at Si Yan and said: "Actually, when I mention that Her Highness the Princess, I have a friend, but I know her. The biological father of Princess, he must know her current situation, dare to ask Lord Censor, how is Her Highness the Princess's current situation?"

Young Master Lin ridiculed again: "You must be in order to You are responsible for your own words and deeds, if your nonsense is passed on to the ears of the Northern Emperor, the Northern Emperor Your Majesty will definitely not spare you, and will definitely cramp your muscles and cause you to die!"

"Of course I know about Lin'er's current situation. After she came out of the North Pole, she went to study with Master Ziwen, but Ziwen betrayed Sect a while ago and went to the mountain gate. Now Saint has taken back the academy, I, Lin'er, have already gone to the Confucian school where Saint is to study, but I ran out again a while ago, mainly because I wanted to see me once." Si Yan took a sip of wine and said, "And she is in the academy. It seems that there are two other friends, one is called Brother Jie... As for the other, um, I forgot."

Wu Xin heard the words, and there was a brief stunned, just because Si Yan did What he said was true, and the friend he mentioned was exactly this brother.

When Master Hua Young saw Wu Xin like this, he couldn't help frowned: "Is this true?"

Wu Xin said dully: "Brother, what he said is true, my friend and I The North Emperor Princess has a good relationship, and was invited to the North Pole some time ago, the Princess's story is not fake..."

Master Hua Young's expression changed, especially when he realized the surrounding The atmosphere has become a little subtle at this time, and he seems to feel a little out of stage.

But the most difficult thing to be present is probably that servant girl. She is just a nobody. Now she is caught in the middle, and she doesn't know what to do.

But Master Hua Young quickly restrained his emotions again and pointed out: "Brother Xin, listen to what he said, it can't be true, let's not mention that he is a small patrolman, the North Emperor is a How can the Ancient God have sex with him, just say this, if you hear it, then he is very likely to hear it, if this is used as evidence, it is a big joke!"

Si Yan coughed lightly, then got up and said: "My affair with Beidi Your Majesty...cough cough, sorry, my affair with Crape Myrtle is actually a secret, alas, frankly, Crape Myrtle's cultivation technique, I know some, she once taught me some methods, if you still don't believe me, I can show you."

When they heard this, their eyes became completely amazed. .

And at this time, Si Yan had already put on a forehand, he first volleyed a punch, and then said: "The cultivation technique of Crape Myrtle is the fusion of Divine Ability and Martial Arts. There is martial arts, and there is Divine Ability in martial arts. She created a Life Source cultivation technique called Zhongtian Zixing Bahuang Douzhuan Gong."

Si Yan repeatedly punched in midair, That fist is windy and fierce, and there is continuous frost condensing out. His fist technique and palm technique are fully integrated, and even the movements are very coherent, and there is a natural phenomenon between the fist and palm, and the frost makes the lobby even more. The temperature inside dropped sharply, and the beams of the house were frozen with a layer of white mist.

Si Yan jumped his true essence, and condensed a pair of Crape Myrtle stars Battle Qi behind him!

After the demonstration of this cultivation technique, Si Yan converged on the true essence and said with a smile: "It's probably like this, I only learned a rough idea, the old lady of Beidi... It's my Crape Myrtle Religion. "

Master Hua Young looked shocked and said after reading it: "This... this is indeed the cultivation technique of the Northern Emperor, how can you know the cultivation technique of the Northern Emperor!"

"All Come on, I have someone on top of me." Si Yan said, "Northern Emperor is my lover."

Si Yan pulled a waistband and said with a smile: "Don't look at Northern Emperor so serious, She seems to be a full-fledged Ancient God Great Emperor, but she actually likes to lie in my arms most in private and let me call her Sweetie, you know?"

When he finished saying that After that, the expressions of everyone present were completely frozen.

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