Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 394

Yu only felt tears well up in his eyes and kept choking, trying to reach out and squeeze Miaochang's hand, not wanting to let her go, not wanting to let her go.

But at this moment, a long sword suddenly pierced through Miaochang's chest.

This sword is mixed with the power of sword dao, and it easily destroys Miaochang's fleshy body, her soul.

Yu stared at his mother with wide eyes, and died tragically in front of him.

However, Miao Chang, at the end, seemed to be amazed, and laughed lightly to his own reputation.

Seeing this, Mo Junheng bit his lip and even shed blood.

He couldn't, really couldn't.

He doesn't seem to understand, why did he come back to this realm, to witness this tragedy.

Jiujin Crown Prince said with a big smile: "Okay! His Dao Heart disintegrated, you two, don't act fast!"

Chang Xin and Chang Yu heard that , was about to revive his own cultivation base again, but the reputation of being subdued became crazy again.

He widened his eyes full of blood and tears, roared towards the sky!

This is his roar from the soul, this is his last scream.

His mother died, and in this Human World, his strongest sustenance, deepest obsession, and the woman he wanted to protect most, died! He died tragically in front of him! !

The surrounding atmosphere is constantly roaring, Heaven and Earth are constantly shaking violently, and his this time chanting seems to be completely shattering Heaven and Earth!

Even the more than 100,000 Celestial Court army couldn't hold back this roar, which was full of anger, as if to tear Heaven and Earth apart.

Chang Xin and Chang Yu didn't dare to be scornful, and slammed their own strongest moves at him, but Yu was still screaming, and even the body was punched with big holes without realizing it. .

The next moment, Chang Xin grabbed Yu's neck, and Chang Yu was going to blow his entire head with all his strength.

"Emperor! Die!!"

However, the sky cracked at this moment.

From the highest point of the universe, directly to this Nine Realms world, the boundary is cracked, and the sky is full of fire, as if the endless Raging Flames that will completely burn this side of the world, from the highest point flow down.

Someone came out of the flowing fire. Every time he took a step, he took dozens of steps. The light wheel behind his head was constantly opening, and that body, hiding the sky and The Diwei covering the earth is also like a mountain and sea, as if sweeping the entire Nine Realms.

The Crown Prince of Jiujin was at a loss, and the two Divine Emperors, Changxin and Changyu, also said dumbly: "Emperor...Emperor."

Heavenly Dao was blocked, and he could not perceive the mortal world. .

But the roar of the split soul in despair finally resonated with him.

And the next moment, the memory of the soul, his feelings, like a tide, poured into his mind.

The emperor looked at the woman lying on the ground, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

This is a tear of blood.

He said in horror: "Emperor, Emperor!? This... this is none of my business, the Heavenly Family asked me to do it, I work for the Heavenly Emperor, I am a dog of the Heavenly Emperor, Crown I will do whatever the Prince and Heavenly Emperor want me to do, Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with me!!"

However, Tian Yan's body is getting bigger, and the fleshy body is getting bigger and bigger, enough to Standing up from this capital city, enough to overlook this world, the Changxin Divine Emperor was randomly shocked when he saw this, loudly shouted, and hurriedly fled away, bursting out the highest cultivation base of his nine-turn life wheel, and fled with all his strength.

But it was at this moment that he saw the other side of the space, and it also cracked.

The other side of the space seems to be endless void, this void is pitch black everywhere, as if everything is needed.

But next moment, in Chang Xin's pupils, he seemed to see a sword, a Divine Sword that was constantly burning in the depths of Taixu.

The Divine Sword was getting closer and closer to him at the moment, and he seemed to feel that no matter how he flew, he couldn't escape this cracked space.

"Tai Xu! This is the Taoist soldier refining by the emperor in the land of Taixu, this is the emperor's Taoist soldier?!" Changxin Divine Emperor exclaimed in shock.

However, by the time he reacted, the soldier was already in front of him, and the fire of the soldier was raging, easily swallowing it up, and he tried to resist.

But the flames were too intense and too hot. His dignified Divine Emperor, the expert of the Great Perfection of the Nine-turn Life Wheel, was attracted by the gravitational force of this soldier, and was constantly burning Primordial Spirit and fleshy body, by the time this soldier came into the hands of the emperor, he had already been burned to black coal, and he had completely body dies and Dao disappeared.

"Taixu Falling Flame Sword!?" Jiujin Crown Prince also said in horror, "You...why are you here, Heavenly Dao has obviously been blocked!"

But the emperor did not say a word, looking down at the Crown Prince of Jiujin and the Divine Emperor.

Jiujin Crown Prince said repeatedly: " dare not kill me, I am Crown Prince, I am the son of Heavenly Emperor!! You can't kill me!! I just killed a Human Race It's just a woman, a Human Race woman, as humble as an animal, I just want to destroy your soul and make you lose some cultivation base!!"

But this sentence is not over yet, Nine Gold Crown Prince found that his body also began to burn.

The fire of the Taixu Falling Flame Sword also ignited him and the Divine Soul of the Changyu Divine Emperor.

"You... how dare you!?"

But he didn't finish a sentence, and the emperor swung out a sword, wiping them to ashes on the spot.

The emperor glared there angrily, and then looked towards the gods and demons on the cloud and mist. His fire began to permeate again, and began to burn these gods and demons all over the sky.

The gods and demons will be burned to the point of crying and screaming, and the gods will be destroyed.

Next, he held Miaochang and his Avatar's fleshy body in his hands, and stomped the ground with his own cultivation base, shaking the barrier between the world and the underworld. He looked towards the underworld world. Go, confront the Ghost God in that underworld, and ask: "Houtu! Where is her Divine Soul! Give her Divine Soul back to me!!" The underworld is surging, all kinds of ghosts are so frightened that the soul flew away and scattered, even the Netherworld River is surging and boiling!

――――――The dividing line

Introducing a new book to a friend

"Supporting Miss Ghost Makes Me Toil"

It is also an old author, I hope everyone hopes that the quality is guaranteed.

And, I ask for a monthly pass myself! !

The monthly pass at the end of the month will expire when you don't use it! ! !

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Origination and Destruction...

When the emperor's questioning sounded in the underworld, even the Netherworld River was constantly boiling. There are also some who have committed crimes in previous lives, and the souls carrying karmic fire, many of them were frightened on the spot, the soul flew away and scattered, turned into a cloud of gray flying sand, dissipated in this universe, and no longer exists.

This river that has been calm for an unknown number of long historical years and communicated with All Heavens and Myriad Realms is now full of surging waves, and the towering surf one after another keeps slapping towards the Netherworld River On the shore, even those Resurrection Lily exuding faint rays of light were all submerged.

The ghosts and wandering spirits who sailed on the Netherworld River were almost overturned by the big waves.

In the Nine Prisons, there are long chants and voices of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

Even even the emissaries in this underworld are most panicked at the moment, just because such a situation has never occurred in the underworld, and there will be holy people who dare to impudent in the manor's territory.

These scumbags, these Ghost Gods, also looked towards the heights of this endless space, and saw that the barrier between the boundaries was shaken by the great magic power. At this time, there was a sacred dharma image , Looking into the depths of this underworld, this holy figure is now fierce appearance, with endless flowing fire on his body, and there is a little Red Seal between his eyebrows, which is also flashing scarlet rays of light at this moment.

After Tufu Jun was immersed in the abyss, he was silent for a long time, as if he didn't see the emperor's actions in the underworld at all, or seemed to be very indifferent.

However, the mansion still waved his hand gently, and calmed down the Netherworld River with his great magic power, and it echoed with a unique Taoist sound, as if to appease the entire Nine Hells and the Underworld. lose one's head out of fear and Ghost God.

In the end, when everything was almost quiet, he finally spoke.

He slowly lifts the head from the abyss, this Ghost God is equally powerful, his words, his every move, are full of infinite coercion.

At this time, the Queen of the Nine Prisons was responding to the sacredness of the underworld that seemed to enter the underworld at any time, with the ancient Taoist language that only both parties could understand.

"Her soul is not with me, I can't perceive her soul, her three immortal souls and seven mortal souls have dissipated."

The emperor's eyes kept on The fire spewed out, and he shouted angrily again: "How powerful is her soul, she is like you and me, it is Heavenly Dao cultivator, it is this universe, it is the supreme powerhouse left by the ancient Celestial Court, how could he be killed by nine golds? That kind of thing kills, nine gold is nothing but a bastard of Heavenly Emperor and inferior goods!"

The emperor's voice is still echoing in the underworld, and the world is screaming for it, and there are ghosts everywhere. scramble.

"Fellow Daoist, she is not with me, if she is, I will give it back to you, and although she is a cultivator of Heavenly Dao, Fellow Daoist, don't forget, you blocked her Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Dao Power, how powerful is her soul now? How does her Taoism come into being?"

When the emperor heard the words, he seemed to be slightly dumbfounded.

Those past events, those times, that repeated snowy night, the most important woman in his life, is gone, disappeared again.

He felt that his Dao Heart, deep in his heart, the most important thing seemed to be gradually losing, as if it was dry sand, it was drying up gradually, gradually, when these sands After all disappeared, he felt scarlet blood, dripping gradually into the empty, completely dark and empty space, drop by drop, looking very mottled, so eye-catching, so cold.

Her voice still echoed in his ears, the admonitions there, the tireless teaching.

The years they spent together.

It was he who was sorry for her.

The two had a disagreement back then. For the sake of the world and what he thought was righteousness, he defeated her and blocked her Heavenly Dao. This imprisoned her and made her a mortal.

But in his heart, he has always loved her deeply, and it has never changed from beginning to end.

This is the starting point of his Dao Heart.

That was the beginning of his life.

That was a very distant time.

In a snow country, a soul came to this world.

But soon after that soul was born, it was abandoned by people.

The baby knew this, he could feel the loss of his body temperature, he could feel his life slipping away, but in the end, a woman picked him up from the snow , is so caring...

The emperor's soul, Yu'er, he is still screaming in the sky, he doesn't know who he is.

But he only knew that his mother died, blood and tears were streaming down his eyes, he hugged Miaochang's body and wailed in the sky, his voice seemed extremely sad and tragic. .

He wanted to get justice from the sky and get back his mother's life, but he didn't have the ability.

Fu Jun said again: "Fellow Daoist, there is something wrong with your Dao Heart right now, if you tear up your face with Celestial Court, you will be signed to eternal damnation, although Jiu Jin is dead, Heavenly Emperor The Heavenly Emperor will not be too entangled with you on this matter." But the next moment, the Emperor was surprised,

Just because he saw By that time, the sky of Nine Realms was split open, and his underworld world was gradually closing. The hundreds of thousands of Celestial Court troops were all scattered by the fire of Heavenly Dao, and at this time the sky had melted away. Looking up from Nine Realms, one could clearly see the Celestial Court standing above the sky!

The emperor waved the Taixu Meteorite Sword in his hand, opening the direct barrier between Nine Realms and Nine Heavens. His fleshy body also began to gradually enter Nine Heavens.

The emperor's real body is extremely huge, and he only has half his body when he enters the Celestial Court from the Nine Realms, but the spiritual pressure of the entire Celestial Court rises in an instant, and even the tiles on the palace are released. , and some have cracks.

The endless fire of Dao has begun to permeate the Nine Heavens world.

But Celestial Court had already made preparations at this time, and above Celestial Court, the sky was already full of gods and demons.

These gods and demons have opened the realm life wheel at this moment, standing in various places of Celestial Court.

And there are more than thousands of these gods and demons. Even the rest of the Heavenly Emperor's hidden guards were ordered to be transferred. These tens of thousands of gods and demons all stand above the Celestial Court.

When the Emperor's fleshy body completely entered today's world, and overlooking these gods and demons, the Crown Prince Master of Celestial Court, Crown Prince's Master Bao, immediately walked up with a smile and said to the Emperor with a a smile: "Emperor calm down, Dijun calm down, Your Majesty doesn't know about this incident, if the Crown Prince of Jiujin is dead, he is dead, Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty forgives you for this, now Your Majesty is in Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, waiting for you, let me wait to invite the emperor to a banquet."

From the Celestial Court, several more saints came out, even the head of the three princes and the Four Great Heavenly The Kings, the God of Water and the God of Fire, all led their respective forces and stood in front of the Nantian Gate. They all released their full realm strength.

A lot of them are holy, they are the accomplished Divinity Emperor Realm, not like Changxin and Changyu, who can't stand a single enemy in front of the emperor.

The God of Fire and the God of Water also shone with their nine-life auras, maintained their battle positions, stood their Primordial Spirit Phantom, and bowed to the emperor: "Please calm down your anger, Your Majesty is here. Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace is waiting for the emperor to have a banquet!"

The fire and water tribes also followed suit: "Please calm down the anger!"

Celestial Court three masters, Heavenly Emperor Taifu, The Imperial Tutor and Grand Guardian also flashed their 9th layer halo, and said to him: "Please calm down the emperor, Your Majesty will wait for the emperor to feast at the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace!"

The seven Gods The King, led by Helan Qingyan, was the same, they handed over one after another, with the spirit pressure of their combined forces, they pressed against the huge sacred that stood in front of the Celestial Court, and also said: "Emperor calm down, Your Majesty Waiting for you at Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace!”

The emperor turned his head slightly, looking at that moment with a smile on his face, protecting his Crown Prince and Crown Prince's master.

Crown Prince Shaobao said with a smile: "Emperor, that's just a Human Race woman. There are as many Human Race women as there are in the world. There's more to the world than absolutely, why do you have to be so aggressive, right? "

"Yeah, that's right, Human Race is like livestock, as much as you want, as much as you want...!"

Junior Crown Prince, and Crown Prince Junior Paul All fell silent.

Because they suddenly realized that their fleshy body was ignited, from Primordial Spirit to fleshy body, they were all engulfed by flames.

"Tian, Tianyan, you are such a big dog..."

Before a sentence was finished, the two of them turned into black ashes, and they dissipated immediately when the wind blew.

The flames on the emperor's body became more and more intense and terrifying.

The gods and demons above the Nine Heavens were furious: "Tianyan, you are bringing about one's own destruction! Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty has given you a way out, but you would rather either. the fish dies or the net splits!!"

But he remained silent, but the sword gradually resonated with the eighteenth Heavenly Dao.

The whole Nine Heavens, began to pervade the sound of Taoism.

And the war began.


As for this scene, it was naturally observed by the town Heavenly God Palace.

Wen Ye Divine Emperor and Xu Young Master stood above the Heavenly God Palace, where all the battle strengths were assembled.

They also all lit up their realm halo, watching the current scene.

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