Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 403

Si Yan repeatedly said, "It's good-looking, of course it's good-looking."

After Zhuyin said goodbye to Master, a man like a father kindly.

This is where we enter the Transmission Array.


On the other side, the Disciple in the mountain gate and Heaven Territory has long been standing in awe.

The senior Thai Senior Brother reminded many of the same sects: "Everyone pay attention, be serious, Zhuyin Martial Uncle is coming back soon, and now Youxin teacher has gone far away, and it's Martial again. Uncle is the biggest, we have to obey the Martial Uncle point, you know, Martial Uncle can be severe and fierce."

――――――The dividing line

Today I went to catch shrimp account.

So the update is a bit late.

Speaking of which, when my friend was driving, his girlfriend suddenly said, "Father is here to pick me up...

Chapter 133 Traitor

Gu Zhuyin is still very excited, and being able to stay with the teacher for a few days is almost like a dream.

They have been separated for too long, and now they meet, how can they not miss, how can they not be intimate.

In order to impress him, Gu Zhuyin is now wearing a beautiful, youthful one-piece floral dress, and the girl's fluffy double ponytail.

When she waved goodbye to Si Yan and was about to be sent away by space channel, she was still so reluctant to part.

She actually just has a kind of attachment to the Master. This kind of attachment has started from a very young age. Although she has grown up, this mentality has never changed. .

And it is only when she is in front of Si Yan that she will appear so calm, so unsuspecting, she can completely put down all her pretense, and can act like a spoiled child.

However, on the other side of the realm, when Gu Zhuyin was gradually teleported over and returned to the location of her Sect, when she completely appeared in front of many Disciples, so many greeted Disciples when they saw this, But they were all stunned on the spot.

Because in front of them, Martial Uncle, who was always dressed in green, always had a straight face, was so serious that he would curse Zhu Yin at every turn, was actually wearing a very exuberant floral dress at the moment, with a stern face on his wrist. Tied with a beautiful silver-white ribbon, and she was also smeared with rouge, her lips were cherry red, her double ponytails were cute, her head not only had a flower, but she also wore a bracelet from the Master on her wrist.

It's completely a young girl's dress, if others don't know, they think this girl is only in her teens, not in her twenties.

But for so many sect disciples, what a mental shock this is, of course, one can imagine.

Tai Senior Brother first opened his mouth slightly. As for the other Disciples with the highest seniority, they were also stunned, not knowing what to do.

Gu Zhuyin was stunned for a while, not understanding what was going on, but when she realized that everyone was staring at her whole body, she suddenly reacted, and she immediately rose in shame and indignation. until flushed.

"What are you looking at, be careful to poke the eyes of you bastards!"

Thai Senior Brother and the others were scolded, so they quickly looked away.

Only the following Disciples have been discussed.

"Hey, why is Martial Uncle dressed like this? Didn't Martial Uncle go to see the legendary Ancestor Master?"

"I don't know, but Martial Uncle was there. I was very happy a few days before the departure... Could it be that it is fake to meet Master Ancestor, and it is true to meet him? Master and Martial Uncle have never married, maybe Martial Uncle went to meet him?"

A female disciple said: "Martial Uncle used to be so serious, but now she's dressed younger than others, that skirt is so short that you can see her thighs, it always feels weird, and she has double ponytails!"

"It seems good." Another Disciple said, "I just found out today that we Martial Uncle can look good when we dress up."

"Cute, I want to marry Martial Uncle."





Many Disciples around I looked around, but I couldn't find who the voice was.

I can't help but say that person, and for the safety of my own life, I don't have the courage to admit it.

But soon, Gu Zhuyin asked sternly: "Where is your Master, where did that bastard go, let him come to see me, and see if I don't tear him to pieces. Stupid mouth! bastard, you dare to harm me, so I have to kneel down and apologize to that woman!!"

But Gu Zhuyin stomped his feet so many times and got angry, everyone remembered again, this Zhuyin Martial Uncle has a bad temper, not to be trifled with at all.

Tai Senior Brother trembling with fear said: "Martial Uncle, Master is going away again, he said to find some old friends, come back soon, now we are all at your disposal."

Gu Zhuyin continued to yell: "What do you mean by listening to me, don't you guys listen to me before?"

Brother Tai hurriedly said: "No, dare not...only Zhuyin Martial Uncle is right on the horse."

"Damn." Gu Zhuyin sternly said at Senior Brother Tai with her ponytails tossed, "When he comes back, I won't kill him!"


And at this time, in the universe on the other side.

You Xin Human Emperor is wandering in the vicinity.

He just teleported from his realm not long ago.

Not long after he received the news, he hurried over.

But for a number of reasons, he got the sign too late, so it was already too late.

But this time, the meteorite that their 'Renaissance' organization would go to every time they held a meeting was already not in, and it was completely shattered.

The surrounding space is littered with fragments of meteorites.

And apart from this, there are still a lot of traces of battles.

Divine blood was poured into the space, and it was still drifting everywhere, looking especially scarlet.

There are also a lot of Divine Ability residues, and the Youxin Human Emperor recognized several Divine Ability spells that he was familiar with. At this moment, they all exuded colorful rays of light, which seemed to illuminate the universe. space, but it also makes it very weird.

Even if the surrounding Divine Ability is only residual, the formidable power is still extremely strong.

Just because of these Divine Ability, they are all strengths that can only be possessed by the likes of the Divine Emperor!

"Is this the sword qi of the first generation." He murmured, "This sword qi is very familiar... I have never seen the first generation make a move. When he defeated the Jiuxiu Demon Lord, I had to bring him with him. He fled with the heavens, but this sword qi is a bit similar... eh?"

You Xin Human Emperor lightly sniffed a few times, then stained his hand and threw it into a stream of Spiritual Qi and disappeared.

He said to himself: "These are the blood of Human Race, and the smell is very strong, and the bloodline level is very high. Is this the first generation? Perhaps only the blood of the first generation can have such a surging blood. Strength."

The Human Emperor looked around, and he also found traces of the bamboo couch man's brand here.

After swimming in circles, his heart sank.

"They seem to have been ambushed, and each other is expert...just don't know how they are now."

No one was seen around, except for one who was killed by the first generation. The dive corpse that was beheaded on the spot did not seem to have died.

However, the Youxin Human Emperor did not dare to be optimistic, he said: "If the first generation senior is all right, he should come to inform me, but I don't even have any news. It's going to be a big trouble."

And what Youxin Human Emperor is most afraid of is that the first generation or whoever, after the ambush, has already been captured.

And it is inevitable to be tortured and forced to confess some secrets.

You Xin Human Emperor also realized that he was very unsafe at the moment, he only said with a gloomy face: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, I also need to leave, otherwise my head will be big, and the Master should be in a hurry. ."

Fearing that someone would come, Yu Xin Human Emperor changed his body and first escaped for thousands of miles, then he found a place and began to draw the formation diagram.

As he drew, he coldly said: "It seems that there is a traitor among us."

――――――The dividing line

It is still Ask for a monthly pass every day~! ~! ~!

Chapter 134 The Battle of the First Generation

You Xin Human Emperor knows how secret this place is, how they communicate with each other, and how cautious they are. So now this place is exposed, either there is a traitor between them, or someone has fallen into the hands of Celestial Court, was tortured, and after abusing the Divine Soul, the result will only be obtained when the memory is uncovered.

Thinking of this, You Xin Human Emperor brows tightly frowns, and her mood also fell into some kind of stalemate and anxiety.

The organization they 'revive' has never encountered such a crisis since its establishment to today.

And this time the first-generation Human Emperor was also injured, so I don't know how the first-generation was.

"If the first generation is detained by the Celestial Court, there will definitely be news about this, and it is not the way to be anxious now, but the first generation is so strong, it should be a blessing."

You After the Heart Human Emperor murmured this, he also began to draw a formation diagram in a secret place, and then teleported himself away.

But it was only when he teleported away that he discovered the scope of this fierce battle in the colorful space channel.

Except for the hundreds of thousands of li in this battlefield, there are still traces of fierce fighting!

You Xin Human Emperor saw the vast and vast sword qi of the first-generation Human Emperor, standing still in the universe, spanning tens of thousands of miles!

He saw more dharma imprints. The first-generation Human Emperor refreshed his cultivation base to the limit, so he was able to leave a lot of his imprints in the void!

And when Youxin Human Emperor experienced hundreds of thousands of li in the space channel, he suddenly realized that this fight was still going on.

A few hundred thousand li away, he saw a god with his own eyes.

That is a Sword God, a true Sword God!

A Sword God who has achieved cultivation success Divine Emperor great realm!

He has white beard and white hair, and his whole body is on fire at this moment. in the azure flame.

And he is facing the same realm as himself, at least three Divine Emperor great experts!

One of them is hidden on the back of the moon. It seems to have horns on its head, and its body is billowing with demonic energy.

There is a Goddess on the side, and behind her is a projection of stars, like the vast Star Sea, connecting into a strange scene.

As for the other god, that fleshy body is extremely vast, and the Youxin Human Emperor can't even see the edge at a glance, only this Divine Emperor, when he looks down like that, Only the Youxin Human Emperor felt that this surging and vast mana had such an oppression. At this moment, the Youxin Human Emperor clearly felt that his space channel seemed to be slowing down, and the speed was gradually slowing down. Appears flat.

At this moment, the god who is looking down on him wants to pull Youxin out of it. Youxin is also a member of the 'Rejuvenation', and it is one of the most important things to have a heaven.

Youxin also looked serious. He held his Divine Sword, and he also wanted to smash all his realm. He wanted to fight with the first generation and fight to the death, Divinity Emperor Realm... He Youxin must not have the first generation. Powerful, but at least it can help, even with his strength, it is very likely that he will die!

But when Yuxin made such a decision, he saw another scene.

The azure flame on the first-generation Human Emperor has become more and more intense and vigorous, even the Primordial Spirit Phantom behind him is still the same.

The first-generation Human Emperor slashed away with a single slash, easily breaking through the vast mana of that Divine Emperor, making the colorful passage of Blessing Heart return to normal again.

Just as You Xin was about to speak out again, he felt that the colorful passage suddenly became much brighter, and a scorching force entered it. .

You Xin was stunned, but in the end, all he could see was the back of the first-generation Human Emperor.

The first-generation Human Emperor was already injured, and his body was also stained with his own hot blood.

You Xin also knows that this will be the first generation's full-scale battle. The first generation has already burned his Divine Soul and started to do his best, so this is also the first-generation battle of life and death!

This scene was fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, it was already disappeared.


and on the other side.

At the bottom of the Profound Ascension World Eastern Sea.

When Su Taoer walked among the ruins, he found that everything was so peaceful, there was no sound at all.

Whether it was the flower petals that would come to greet her every time, or the demon dragon floating above the Divine Palace, it was already not in at this moment.

Su Taoer was so surprised, she hurriedly went to the ruins to look for it, but she couldn't find anything, the surroundings were already empty, even the flowers in the courtyard, the withered buds, were all empty. Has been disappeared.

Of course Su Taoer felt anxious, she didn't even know what to do, she kept coming to this ruins because she thought it was very friendly, and every time she came here, she also felt as if she could see to many things.

Those strange beings would also teach her various cultivation techniques and pass them on to her in a very special way, and Su Taoer was surprised to find that the cultivation techniques taught by these beings were very similar to her. The Absolute Art of Heaven Fate Pavilion is very compatible with each other, and many of them are spiritual methods. Her recent realm cultivation base is advanced by leaps and bounds.

But when all this was gone, she felt so frightened and frightened, and her heart suddenly became extremely empty.

She felt that she had already become friends with them.

The small petals would rotate gently on her head every time, those skeletons, those various natural phenomena, that demon dragon, were also beside her, as if whispering lightly to her , and communicate with her to that extent.

Everyone likes her very much, and treats Su Taoer like a relative whom they haven't seen in a long time.

Su Taoer was looking everywhere in the great hall of Mingde, until she came to the door of a palace and found a silhouette walking around, she was in a panic and rushed in. in.

But what she saw was her Master. Si Yan seemed to have just put the lid on the coffin, and her expression was a little subtle, like she was smiling, she was sad, and she seemed relieved.

And Su Taoer also found that there was a huge lotus pod next to his Master.

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