Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 410

But before he finished speaking, Tianyu seemed to realize something.

"Or maybe this place isn't complete, it's just one part of it, there are many parts to this Divine City, but the place where it exists is different, it's divided..."

He looked around these buildings and great halls of different styles, and couldn't help but secretly said: "Who created such a Divine City in a certain era, a place so similar to Celestial Court, in this Divine City. People, where did you go after that, and where are you now?"

Just walking, Tianyu also saw a beheading platform.

The beheading execution platform, even if Tianyu has not completely approached, his expression changed immediately, he immediately said: "What a heavy baleful aura! This execution beheading platform has killed a lot of people. The expert of the great realm, otherwise it will not be possible to condense such a fierce baleful aura, and this baleful aura has been here for how long, but it is still so fierce!"

Tianyu around this execution platform After looking around, he found that he could still see a lot of blood lingering around. In order to prevent those baleful aura from invading, he left quickly. Such a thick baleful aura, perhaps even him, would be affected.

But while walking, he found another stone tablet in one place.

In his senses, it appeared suddenly in a very unexpected place.

This stone tablet is especially weird. It is square, with several corners broken around, and there are many Taoist texts engraved on it. The previous inexplicable expression was different. It seemed to mention a kind of alien beast. At that time, it was a disaster for the world, and it caused loss of life everywhere, blood flowing into a river. The Eastern Emperor Heavenly Emperor ordered a divine general to lead a Criticized Heavenly God, went to surrender the nine-headed Divine Beast, and sent the Divine Beast to the beheading sentence, beheading it.

Tianyu was looking at the Daowen above and reciting it softly, but until the end, his voice seemed to be a little hoarse.

"Yu Donghuang's first year... 3,827,347 years!" Tian Yu said in shock, "What's going on, and now Celestial Court has only passed 1.3 million years. But in the first year of the Eastern Emperor, how could it be more than three million years old at the time of this record!?"

Tianyu was stunned, walking around the stone tablet. , that expression seemed to be very incomprehensible, and did not understand why.

"My body may know, he knows a lot of things, I don't have his memory, but here..." Tianyu suddenly responded, "This is far away from the Ancient Celestial Court! It's in the Celestial Court today. Build another Celestial Court that existed before the Great Desolate!"

――――――The dividing line

Ahhh...and help others write a national photo album , so uncomfortable!

Chapter 145: The Yin-Yang Sky Mirror

Si Yan is now hiding in a sea of mud.

He was like a tortoise, so lying in the sea mud, he didn't move at all, and even his breathing had disappeared.

And in order to prevent the sea mud from raising dust, he gently burrowed into the deeper part of the sea mud in a wriggling way, thus avoiding Wu Xin's pursuit of him. .

Si Yan also sighed curiously: "Why is Wu Xin so weird, not only did his realm strength improve so fast at a young age, but he also targeted me so much, but I just teased his wife, I only touched it a few times, but I didn't have a real thing on it, and I didn't make her belly bigger. How can I have such a big grudge with me, I really can't understand it, I really don't understand it!"

After muttering for a while, Si Yan said: "He is the seed of Brother Hao's family, probably because he wants to get some valuable clues from me, but since he is the son of Great Heavenly Venerate, why is he always in the Nine Realms, instead of returning to Nine Heavens, is there something tricky about his identity..."

Si Yan murmured in his heart for a while, but he couldn't guess a reason.

But he's sighed now. Wu Xin has passed here, so he shouldn't be able to find him.

He is injured now, and his internal organs have been shattered a lot. Liu Yu realm is still in the stage of pregnancy, and he can't fight against Wu Xin at all. Even if he can play against it, he is afraid that he will If Lu Ziwen was brought in, when the time comes, he himself would fall into the trap first.

Si Yan first found some medicine pills from his Universe Bag and swallowed them. He barely healed the injuries on his fleshy body. It was also at this time that he tried to perceive Tianyu. , but felt nothing.

"What's the matter, I can't feel this kid." Si Yan hesitantly said, "He shouldn't have an accident, if he had an accident, my feeling would be very strong, what is blocking our relationship? Time?"

Si Yan is actually quite at ease with his Avatar. Although his Avatar is separated from the soul, only a strong independent mind is left, but the fleshly body strength is already six imperial realm Now, even in the face of Divine Emperor Lu Ziwen, there should be some means.

Besides, if his Avatar and Ziwen fought, there would be a very strong Divine Ability fluctuation, but he didn't feel anything right now.

"My Avatar is really only cultivated to the Six Imperial Realm." Si Yan secretly said in his heart, "If he is the cultivation success Divine Emperor, even if it is only a small part of my Divine Soul, but its Primordial Spirit Power is enough to wake up Heavenly Fire Heavenly Dao, he has only cultivated to this extent, and he even deliberately sealed his own strength before, I am afraid that is also for this reason.”

But at this time, Si Yan It seems that he is a little aware that he is in the sea mud of an undersea hill, so the angle of view is also high, and his slightly exposed pupils seem to see something in front.

"What is that." He whispered softly, "Is it a capital city, but why did it sink under the sea... Wait, could it be!?"



Tianyu, who was surrounded by this stone tablet, was still extremely shocked when he came to this conclusion himself.

Yes, since this Celestial Court has existed for far longer than the current Celestial Court, there is only one possibility left.

And the stone tablet discovered by Tianyu was only established during a certain historical process, and that year happened to be more than three million years of the Celestial Court of the Eastern Emperor, but the real Celestial of the Eastern Emperor How long has the Court existed, and how long was the process? Before the establishment of the Celestial Court, how long did it rule the universe? Tianyu did not know.

The only thing he knows is that before the first year of Tianhao was opened, Celestial Court called that era the Great Desolate Era, claiming that it was a savage, devour raw meat and fowl, everywhere. Killing and fighting, the strong prey on the weak, is a wild era that has never been educated, so there has not been much historical records.

As for the opening of the first year of Tianhao, it was because of the establishment of that ancient war.

This is the current Celestial Court. After defeating the old forces, this honored the Hao Clan as the Heavenly Emperor. Up to now, it has experienced more than 1.3 million years.

And the etiquette began in Saint. When Saint spreads ideas and spreads ideas, the creatures of this world have been educated, and this is the beginning of the prosperous world. Only then did the corresponding system come into being, all kinds of civilizations with deep purples and brilliant reds were born, and only then did the law and moral shackles come into being.

Compared with the Eastern Emperor era that existed in those days, the Celestial Court may still look very young now.

But Tianyu knew at this moment that the Celestial Court today, for its own legitimacy, should have concealed a lot of things and the truth. Perhaps the Great Desolate Era was not like their ancient The book is as wild as depicted in the book, but it also has the color that belongs to them.

Tianyu lingered and stopped in front of the stone tablet for a while, and said, "Perhaps that era was not as prosperous as it is today, but it should have its own unique civilization, otherwise how could it be established? A Celestial Court, since it is a Celestial Court, it must rule the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and it must rule all living beings."

After reading this, he went to Deep inside the ruins.

Walking, Tianyu met a copper mirror again, in front of this mirror, he could clearly see the direction of his Qi pulse, and he could see the appearance of the realm life wheel in his fleshy body , Before this copper mirror, he seemed to be completely transparent, and he didn't even have any secrets.

"Yin-yang Tianzhao mirror." Tianyu read, "I don't know much about Taoism, but it should be this way of thinking..."

He was left and right. I looked around, read the inscription on it, and muttered to myself again: "This Yin-Yang Tianzhao Realm seems to be able to see the origin of Divine Soul, it is used to illuminate Divine Soul, and it can still be seen. The race of the owner of this Divine Soul... it's a strange thing, but how can it hang here."

Tianyu thought about it for a while, then took it off and put it in In your own Universe Bag.

"It doesn't matter, it's a treasure anyway. If it's a good thing, it's mine first. Next time I have the chance, I'll take out my own Divine Soul and take a picture."

Tianyu With peace of mind, he put it into his own bag, and with high interest, he continued to hang out in it, trying to find some secrets from it.


As for the other side, Si Yan's eyes actually began to faintly discernible the scene on Tianyu's side, but there were many restrictions in the ruins, The maintenance between the two sides is not obvious. Although it can be seen, the thinking cannot be exchanged.

And he didn't look too long from Yu's point of view, and it gradually turned black again and there was nothing.

"Sure enough, this is the ruins of the ancient Celestial Court. Unexpectedly, a part of it is sunk in this endless sea... There are many restrictions in it, and I can't mix with Avatar's thinking." Si Yan's eyes Mo looked around and said, "I want to go in and have a look, but Wu Xin and Lu Ziwen are most likely still in the vicinity."

Si Yan is feeling quite entangled now, and feels a little bit anxious.

That is the Far Ancient Celestial Court, which is part of the Eastern Emperor Celestial Court. Although he later broke with the Great Heavenly Venerate and had a very tragic end, about the Far Ancient Celestial Court, there are too many hidden treasures. What a secret, even Ziwen, the powerhouse of the Divinity Emperor Realm, has never known the secret...

Tianyu walked around in this ruins.

He did see a lot of things that were completely different from what he now knows.

Especially the buildings and statues gave him a particularly strong feeling.

He saw several statues of male goddess in it, but these statues were all naked, even those female goddess, and even the details were depicted like that. Really, just exposed to the air.

Tianyu stood and admired it, and then touched it and felt it for a while, and then he exclaimed: "Although the style of Donghuang Celestial Court is primitive and rough, it seems that the aesthetic concept is not bad. , have already returned to the Natural State, hehe."

Tianyu's character is actually similar to Si Yan, and from a certain point of view, they are one personality.

But Tianyu hides her nature better than Si Yan, especially in front of several Disciples, she is always a good teacher. That is to take advantage of the present, when no one is around, to be a little so arrogant.

It's just that Tianyu also has races that he doesn't understand.

In these statues, there is a woman with a human head and a snake body and many wings on her back.

This statue, Divine Race is not like Divine Race, Demon Race is not like Demon Race, and he has never heard of Monster Race.

But these statues don't even have inscriptions on Taoism, and Tianyu naturally couldn't find any valuable clues.

But from the realm where he had been staying before, he was in a good mood, but he encountered a lot today. Originally, he thought he encountered a disabled person who let the Mo Sect doll sprinkle petals. It's weird enough, but who knows that on the way to rescue the main body, he came to the ruins of the Celestial Court of the Eastern Emperor by accident.

Tianyu has been trying to find a library in the ruins. If he can find documentary records, then he will definitely have a thorough understanding of this disappearing history.

It's just that Tianyu found it all the way, and he didn't even see the shadow of a scroll.

There are many murals and reliefs in the ruins.

East Emperor Celestial Court seems to prefer to describe it in this way, rather than writing it into a book.

But also at this moment, Tianyu suddenly heard a voice behind him, he turned around suddenly, only to see Master Ziwen, who was already behind him.

In silence, he suddenly approached him.

Lu Ziwen stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly with a smile: "It turns out that the person I'm chasing is you...hehe, but the result is the same, with you, I'm not afraid to find that kid Zhong Yan! "

Lu Ziwen was coldly snorted, and when the big hand stopped him, Tianyu was about to be captured.

Tianyu was shocked and reacted immediately, he subconsciously took out the yin-yang sky mirror and aimed it at Ziwen!

Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six Meat Cocoons

After Yu Yu aimed at Ziwen with the Yin-Yang Tianzhao Realm that day, Ziwen was stunned for a moment, and was about to use a random thought This mirror is crushed, his cultivation base is extremely thick, and many times he doesn't even need to directly activate the true essence, just relying on the extension of the Divine Ability field, a single thought can easily mobilize the spiritual power in the atmosphere.

But at this moment, Ziwen suddenly saw a strange phenomenon in this copper mirror.

He saw the direction of his energy veins, and saw his great realm of life wheel burning with nine hooks.

In the center of this life wheel, there are countless veins leading to all parts of the fleshy body, almost every pore in detail, and this life wheel is not only in the fleshy body In the body, the life wheel is divided into two parts, and even the Primordial Spirit has the same imprint, but this part of the life wheel is more illusory and ethereal.

Moreover, Ziwen Kan also saw the origin of his Divine Race bloodline, he is Divine Race, and has a part of Qilin Divinity bloodline, he can see behind him when the Divine Soul manifests There is a Fire Qilin standing now, and it seems to be roaring, constantly roaring up to the sky. It seems that he is protesting the injustice this world has done to him, and he is so standing behind him.

At the end, when these natural phenomena disappeared, Ziwen saw many other illusions in the copper mirror, he saw himself, he saw that he was still young, and followed Saint Studying by my side, what I looked like when I was a book boy.

Saint has had many Disciples, but there are only a few who can follow Saint so far, and even for a long time, there are only Ziwen.

Ziwen has a prominent family background, but he is the youngest son of the family, and he does not have a very high status in the family. However, when he was young, he studied the Confucian classics and meanings, and then he insisted on joining Saint's door and working hard. He was also very hardworking since he was a child, and admired the Confucian Saint very much, and respected him as a teacher for life.

At this moment, in the mirror, he seemed to see his whole life. Under the teaching of Saint, he gradually grew up to the cultivation success True God, to the cultivation success Divine Emperor.

It's just that Ziwen has always been yearning for the highest realm that can achieve cultivation success. After the cultivation success Divine Emperor, he has been trying to get the tenth cultivation method from the Confucian Saint to the highest realm, but Saint Always refused, from beginning to end, never let go.

Ziwen couldn't understand why. He always regarded Saint as a teacher, and even his own parents had already trusted Saint, but Saint was always reluctant to teach him the last realm. . It was also from that time that Ziwen felt a sense of separation, and gradually felt that there was a gap between himself and Saint.

From the moment Ziwen saw the copper mirror, he was already in a vortex of sight.

He felt that he had changed back to his childhood again, and he was working hard to endorse the letter beside Saint, while the Confucian Saint was watching and nodding his head. The impression is that, so kind...

Tianyu took a closer look and saw that the copper mirror had been restored, but Ziwen was still stunned.

He was startled and said: "Master Ziwen seems to have been hit by some kind of illusion Divine Ability, this mirror is so powerful, fortunately my Divine Soul is hidden, otherwise I would have been hit before. Recruited."

Although Tianyu saw that Lu Ziwen didn't move, he also knew that he still couldn't kill this Divine Emperor.

His great realm Nine Life Aura is still behind his head, Primordial Spirit Phantom and the realm are standing, Tianyu will immediately wake up his Divine Soul from the illusion, and Lu Ziwen It is a martial arts powerhouse, with a very high fleshy body, even if he doesn't move, Tianyu can't kill him.

And Tianyu could vaguely feel that Lu Ziwen would be like this, maybe because of his lack of Dao Heart, if Dao Heart is complete, even if there is only a little flaw, as a Divine Emperor, he shouldn't be able to. in this way.

"It turns out that Lu Ziwen is the bloodline of the Qilin Divinity clan." Tianyu looked at it and said, "The Yin-Yang Tianzhao Realm is really a good thing, even the Divine Emperor can block it, but I don't know how to follow it. What will happen to the women, will they stop moving, can they see inside..." But Tianyu just finished speaking, he quickly looked around in a panic, and saw that no one was there. Only relaxed, fortunately no one heard.

Tianyu restrained the Yin-Yang Tianzhao mirror and continued to explore this ancient ruins by himself.

He found the ruins of the Ancient Celestial Court, not only with many great halls, but also residences.

The specifications of the Celestial Court in the Eastern Emperor's era seem to be the same as today. Those gods and demons in important positions are also qualified to build a house in the Celestial Court for living.

And Tianyu saw more and more kinds of murals, but these murals were more primordial.

Some of the pictures are directly intercourse, which looks particularly exposed.

There are not only Human Races, gods, demons, even gods and some never-before-seen species, those ancient beasts, are also intertwined in the murals, in the visual impact, It seems especially weird.

However, in today's view, these pictures full of wildness and desire may be the civilization and history that that era should have.

Tianyu looked at the backgrounds of these murals, almost all of them were wilderness, sea, mountains and forests. This kind of primordial behavior was never performed in a room.

"The era was actually very open. If I could walk in the wilderness and suddenly see them making children, then I would be very happy, haha."

Tianyu was a little emotional, but in the end, he came to a very strange place.

This seems to be deep in the hinterland of the ruins.

He has seen too many places in the ruins of Celestial Court of the Eastern Emperor, and even those residences have already gone in and looked around.

It's just the hinterland in the middle, but it looks especially strange.

There is actually a big sunken pit in the middle, and all around the big pit, something like an altar surrounds the big pit.

And what surprised Tianyu was that on these altars, there were still many Taoist texts that he had never seen before.

He took a closer look at the clues, and then said to himself: "No, this is not Taoist, these are Heavenly Dao rune..."

Tianyu's realm is only Cultivated to Liuyu, and in the long river of millions of years, he is also sleeping most of the time, so he only has a rough understanding of Heavenly Dao, but he does not know much.

Tianyu ran back and forth between several altars, but these Heavenly Dao runes were too esoteric, and he couldn't understand them now.

And at this time, he also found that there was a ** in the depression. After a little thought, he also entered the cave.

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