Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 412

As if in this world, she was the only one left.

Rhyme thinks of death, a means of ending her own life.

But at the end, she realized she couldn't die.

Absolutely...never die.

She wants to live for another person.

For, a young life.

――――――The dividing line

The plot in the book is not unexpected, and it has already passed most of it.

I have been a little slow in writing recently, please forgive me~

And I have a lot of things recently... It's hard to say.

By the way, ask for a monthly pass~! !

Chapter 148 Monks, Masters, Blacks

But all the Human Race realms within the Nine Realms have completely fallen and turned into pieces of fire sea, turned into pieces of purgatory on earth.

The entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms almost set off a crazy massacre and looting of Human Race.

But even so, the Celestial Court celebration is still going on.

Divine Race does not have a strong concept of the ebbing of time, especially those Supreme God races, which are almost Undying and Inextinguishable, are immortal existences, they may be closed for a little while, and they may be hundreds of years old. time.

So after they wiped out their scourge and eliminated this Human Race force, the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms no longer had any races that could threaten the Divine Race.

Demon Race is originally homologous to Divine Race. In this universe, Demon Race's status is also very high.

As for the Monster Race, even if there is a powerhouse, Monster Race does not have a strong racial concept, and many of them acknowledge allegiance under the jurisdiction of the Celestial Court, which is of course the result of the war. Beneficial.

Therefore, once the representative of Human Race, Tianyan Dijun, dies, no one in this world can threaten Divine Race's rule over All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

But in contrast, Human Race began to die in large numbers, suffered an unprecedented catastrophe since splitting heaven and earth apart, almost every day, there are nearly one million dead souls, who are led by evil spirits When they arrived in the underworld, the entire underworld was filled with the souls of the human race.

However, this still does not hinder the carnival of Celestial Court, as if even the Nine Realms can hear the singing and dancing above the Nine Heavens, the chatter of the gods, and the ridicule of the Divine Race to the misery of the Nether and ridicule.

Heavenly Emperor laughs at the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, indulging in sensuality, bringing in groups of showgirls and dancers to sing and dance for the gods.

Those dancers and singers are all very beautiful and alluring, with graceful figures, and they are all first-class beauties of Celestial Court.

The Heavenly Emperor also invited the Great Emperors from all over the world, Buddhism, Demon Realm, Confucianism, all influences came to Celestial Court to celebrate, making the event even bigger.

The gods drank, abandoned all restraint, and threw themselves into this feast.

Even the harem concubines of the Heavenly Emperor, when they were rising, came forward to perform dances to please the Supreme Existence and the gods present.

The entire Celestial Court was excited, and the Heavenly Emperor also acquiesced to the plundering of the Human Race by the other races, as a reward for them after the Nine Heavens battle, and also for the Human Race. punish.

The Heavenly Emperor no longer has any scruples, because his Myriad Realms country has been stabilized, without that race, without his scourge, of course he can sit firmly on the Heavenly Emperor Throne and suppress the ancients! Host Heavenly Dao, when this world, the eternal co-owner!

Celestial Court's singing and dancing continues.

But Nine Realms on the other side has already fallen into a heavy snow.

Just because, Heavenly Fire Heavenly Dao went out.

This world has also cooled down, and Nine Realms, and even the major heavens, will usher in a long period of winter and ice age before Myriad Realms can adapt to it.

All kinds of creatures have ushered in the disaster.

Crops were frozen to death, and even livestock were almost wiped out under the White Catastrophe.

Under such circumstances and in such a desperate environment, Shi Yun learned that she was actually pregnant.

At the beginning, Shi Yun thought that she was not feeling well, which is why she occasionally vomited.

But over time, her belly began to grow slowly, and while she was looking for Yu'er, she touched her slightly bulging belly, and even felt the baby. The squirming in her body, and the slight but hot heartbeat.

It wasn't until then that Shi Yun realized that she was pregnant.

She has a new life in her belly, a crystallization of love that belongs to her and the person she loves. It is also the last hope and obsession for her to live.

Shi Yun took the child in her stomach to hide in Tibet, not only to avoid the pursuit of Divine Race, but also to protect this unborn little life.

She also has a certain cultivation base, and Yu also taught her a set of original cultivation techniques, so she can take care of herself in troubled times.

She can get food, and she can find a place to hide and survive alone.

In order to avoid this severe cold and ice age, she found a cave between the mountains and forests, and found enough food and clothing. In this cave, she looked at the heavy snow outside, Outside the mountains and forests, the winter that cannot disappear for a long time.

The mountain is very quiet, as if the animals in the entire mountain have been frozen to death and have completely disappeared. Throughout the long winter, there is not even a single sound, whether it is night or day, almost all Quietly terrifying.

Rhyme feels very lonely, a kind of loneliness, emptiness and loneliness from the depths of the soul.

No one is there anymore.

Perhaps Lian Yu is dead.

How could Yu survive when the Celestial Court army was there?

She feels so cold and so terrifying.

She even seemed to feel that in this world, she was the only one left, and the child in her belly.

Therefore, whenever she feels lonely, she chats with the child in her belly, talks to the child, tells her about her feelings, tells the child about her pain, and herself. Thoughts for loved ones, for loved ones.

Or she often cooks some food by herself. She had collected a lot of food in Human World before. She tried to feed herself as much as possible and add more nutrition to this child.

How much she wished that the child's father could be there, to accompany her and the child, but the truth is cruel and ruthless, even on the day of giving birth, on a snowy night, She was alone in the cave.

The rhyme is clear, and Yu is probably dead.

But as his woman, she has the responsibility to give birth to the child between them and leave some incense.

When Shi Yun was born, she was in labor pain for a long time, she was in pain all the time, and she was crying all the time.

And this child is also extremely special.

When Shi Yun was still producing alone, the natural phenomenon outside appeared frequently.

First, there were a large number of flaming meteorites, streaking across the sky in the distance, almost illuminating half of the night sky.

Then, Shi Yun thought that there were no living creatures in the forest, and suddenly many small animals appeared.

Whether it's a rabbit, a small elk, a hedgehog, or even a tiger, they are all wandering outside her hole.

In the snowy night sky, there are swarms of Phoenix flying around, and Dragon Clan flying incessantly.

This is a very auspicious sign, and all the auspiciousness seems to prove that the child who is about to be born will definitely have great achievements in the future.

But the problem is, this child is Human Race.

His mother is also Human Race.

This natural phenomenon caused by unchildren is too violent.

A large number of fire meteorites landed on the Nine Realms, and even the spiritual power in the atmosphere was all disordered.

At this moment, there are too many people who can perceive powerful existence.

Dragon Phoenix all disappeared, all fled.

The day was also getting darker, and there was not even a single light.

Those gods and demons harboring malicious intentions have arrived.

They are standing outside this cave, they are standing, they are being instigated.

Those Demon Races kept twisting in the dark, their appearance was very strange, very strange, as if waiting for Shiyun to leave this child, they immediately rushed forward and devoured it thoroughly.

The gods, each with their own shining halo, stood outside the pitch-black hole.

They are also laughing, but also rejoicing.

There is hope for Human Race, and, perhaps, a communist leader who can once again lead an era.

But unfortunately, they found out first.

They will certainly kill it in the cradle and swaddle.

Beyond this cave, the mountains and plains are full of these gods and demons full of malice and evil thoughts.

Shi Yun looked at the outside, and she seemed to have discovered that it was not only these monsters, but there seemed to be some powerful existence. She was also standing in the darkness, above the clouds, watching. The scene in front of me is also looking forward to, and the next one will be a very bloody and cruel scene.

Rhyme also panicked.

She looked pale, and her heart was already very cold.

She didn't understand at all why she and this posthumous child had such an encounter.

She managed to escape those gods and demons, but was found again at the end, and even her child was about to suffer bad luck...

Shi Yun cried.

She wept for her own destiny, for her child's destiny.

As if, she also accepted her fate.

But, at this time, she suddenly heard a Zen sound.

After this sound, an old monk in ragged clothes suddenly appeared between the mountains and forests. He held a bowl and a staff in his hands. He said Amitabha and went straight through all the places. The gods and demons went straight to the outside of the cave where Shiyun was producing, and sat down, he smiled slightly, and in front of so many gods and demons, he nodded to Shiyun in the cave.

Those gods and demons couldn't help being furious, and scolded the monk one after another, as if they wanted to go up and shred him at any time.

However, it was at this time that another person appeared.

This person is a middle-aged teacher. He wears a Confucian shirt, and his smile is also gentle and elegant. He is very tall and looks quite burly.

He, like the monk, bowed to the inside of the cave first, then sat down, and said repeatedly, "Have it, Qiu has it, Qiu's fault is like a sin."

The old monk pursed his lips lightly, bowed to the middle-aged teacher and said, "I have seen Dao brother."

The middle-aged teacher also bowed back and said, "I have seen Daoist. Brother."

The Demon God in the mountains is still dissatisfied, they are roaring, roaring, and arguing for their rights.

However, another person appeared.

This guy is dark and tall.

He coughed while walking from the hillside. On the way, he seemed to have found a coin that fell on the ground, and he didn't know who it was, so he hurriedly picked it up and put it in very preciously. in the pocket.

Finally, he also came to the cave and sat down safely.

To the monk and the teacher: "Two Daoist Brothers are good."

The monk and the teacher replied in unison: "Hello, Daoist brother."

The monk said : "Brother Daoist must be very busy recently?"

The dark man said: "Busy, no disaster."

The teacher replied: "Qiu Zhiguo, it's all Qiu It's my fault."


The snow is still falling.

This child is finally born.

Like her father, she was born into this world on a snowy night.

Chapter 149 Nian'er

The snow is still heavy outside, and the pieces are falling like goose feathers.

And she, this new little life, was born in this world today.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire realm, and even the Myriad Realms, felt something.

It is like a throbbing, like the rhythm of Heavenly Dao, the sound of Dao.

The monk at the entrance of the cave chanted the Buddha's name first, and then his expression seemed to be relieved.

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