Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 418

When Bodhidharma asked this question, the entire Great Thunder Sound Temple seemed to have quieted down, even the sound of Buddhist scriptures had stopped, so many Buddhist Disciples , as if they were all looking forward to the Buddha's answer.

In fact, many Buddhist Disciples have long wondered why the futon by Buddha's side is always there, and no one has ever mentioned it.

Although some Buddhas know about it, they never say it. Some Bodhisattva have vague features, but they never deliberately know about it. Some Arhats have only been here for hundreds of thousands of years, and naturally they never knew it.

The children of Buddhism are very strict.

When the Maha Buddha heard the words, he first looked at the disciple of Bodhidharma with displeased and questioning eyes. The disciple of Bodhidharma was immediately startled and hurriedly recited the Buddha's name. took a step back.

But the Buddha didn't care, just explained with a smile: "She is one of my Disciples, the one with the most innate talent among all my Disciples, and also among all my Disciples, The one with the most buddha nature, if she persists, she will definitely be able to realize the Buddha way and surpass me, but she finally said that my buddha was hypocritical and did not want to become a buddha, so she left, left me Buddhaism, left me Great Thunder Sound Temple."

Buddhist Nadharma and many Buddhist Disciples were stunned when they heard the words.

The Buddha Sumeru, who was beside him, couldn't understand it either. Since he has entered Buddhism, it is Buddhism Disciple. How can we say that Buddhism is false. Moreover, he was able to realize the Buddha's way, and even was told by my Buddha that he would definitely surpass my Buddha in the future, but that person still did not stay.

Yuqing Bodhisattva sat on the lotus pedestal, also stunned.

Many Buddhist Disciples, seeing the Buddha Ancestral God, seemed to have a subtle expression that had never been seen before, and vaguely understood that that person was probably very important to the Buddha, and the Buddha called her the best Innate talent and the most Buddha-natured Disciple, and I still have this futon, of course I understand what the meaning of the Disciple to the Buddha is.

And what made them even more strange was that the Buddha actually brought this up on his own initiative.

The Buddha in the past has not been mentioned in the past for so many years.

So even a few Buddhas were surprised.

At this moment, the Buddha said loudly again: "When she came, she had hatred in her heart, so I told her, your Buddha-nature is very deep, but your demonic nature is also very heavy, you need to cultivate your heart for 30,000 years. , 30,000 years of cultivating scriptures, and 30,000 years of cultivating Buddhahood, can you get rid of the Divine Soul demonic nature, and only then can you get rid of the obsessions in your heart. realm Great Perfection On that day, I allowed you to go down the mountain, because at that time, you were a Buddha, your heart was detached, your eyes could see farther, and you could no longer be bound and blinded by your demonic nature. You are more at ease."

Xumi Buddha said curiously: "Then what happened later, since this Senior Brother is following my Buddha's cultivation, has it been for tens of thousands of years that he has never recognized the Buddhist scriptures? Is it the meaning of the scriptures?"

The Buddha was still smiling slightly, but did not speak.

But at this time, Nayuqing Bodhisattva first explained: "She may have seen it through, she has seen it too clearly in her own way, not in the way of my Buddha, our Buddhaism. The way."

The Buddha heard the words, gently nodding.

Yuqing Bodhisattva found the embroidery thread on the cushion futon and said in surprise: "It seems that this is not a Senior Brother, but a Senior Sister!"

Then The disciples of Buddha and many disciples of Buddhism, Venerable, Vajra, and Bodhisattva heard the words, and they all exclaimed in amazement. Only at this moment did they know that this Disciple of my Buddha was a woman.

"Yes, this futon embroidery thread was sewn by herself." The Buddha sighed, "She is too smart, and her innate talent is the most outstanding since the birth of this universe. One of the people, even my Tao tree, loves her so much that even my Buddha can't sit under this tree, but she can."

The whole Great Thunder Sound Temple heard the words , once again let out a low voice of surprise.

"Before she came, I made an appointment with her for three chapters. I hope she will follow my teachings, obey the Dharma, and study the Dharma. Before that, she is not allowed to go down the mountain until she becomes the Buddha."


Maha Buddha approached and said: "But she is too worldly, she has always been nostalgic for the mortal world, and her heart has never really stayed in Spiritual Mountain, in Buddhism."

A Buddha He approached and said: "She not only does not obey my Buddhist teachings, but also refutes Buddhism. She is not a disciple of Buddhism, why should I miss her, and she is extremely beautiful, which Disciple has never seen in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with a devastatingly beautiful appearance, female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, she used to be covered in the human world, but when she came to Spiritual Mountain, the Master asked her to remove her veil, but she followed you out Teaching the Dharma, but it provoked countless Buddha Country novices in my Buddhist world to return to secular life, countless Buddha Country Buddhas were unstable, the king of Buddha Country swore that she would not marry, deposed the queen, deposed the entire harem, she also broke the cultivation of Yinzhen Kasyapa, It is a sin to break the great Buddha bond of my true Disciple of Buddhism, and it is indeed a sin, and now I am a Buddha. Why should I regret it." In this way, I hope that I can get over her, and being able to get over her is also my great good fortune."

Several Buddhas looked at each other, but they saw that the Buddha was still smiling.

"I don't teach her the Divine Ability Dao method, let her cultivate her mind for the first 30,000 years, and let her cultivate the scriptures for the middle 30,000 years. The last is to cultivate Buddha, to realize the nine-turn life wheel great. realm, as long as she completes this process, I am willing to teach her more, and even let her join my Spiritual Mountain and replace me." After all, they never knew that the Buddha had this idea.

The Maha Buddha hurriedly recited the Buddha's name and said, "Master is not allowed, absolutely not."

Yuqing Bodhisattva herself is also a daughter, because she has a predestined relationship with my Buddha. Having attained the status of Bodhisattva, so she is also a woman, and when she heard that this Senior Sister is so peerless grace and elegance, devastatingly beautiful, she also asked curiously again: "Master, Senior Brothers, you mentioned Yinzhenga earlier. Ye, what's going on with this sound really Kasyapa?"

Maha Buddha hesitated, but after getting the Buddha's consent, he sighed and explained: "Yuqing, once in my In the Buddhist world-Buddha Country, there was a woman who devoted herself to the Buddha. After obtaining the consent of her husband, she became a monk. She cultivated in a temple at the foot of Spiritual Mountain, but this woman never knew that before she became a monk, she became a monk. But she is already pregnant."

Yuqing Bodhisattva complexion stiffened: "Bhikkhuni is pregnant..."

The Buddha also continued: "After this incident I I also learned that they also came to give my tree to Lonely Garden, but I was selfish and didn’t want to ask myself, so I left it to Upara Venerable, who was the first in the precepts. Upara Venerable said that this woman was pregnant before becoming a monk. She was pregnant, so it was not considered a violation of the precepts, and she changed her name."

The Buddha continued: "The bhikkhuni gave birth to a son, who was adopted by a king, and the boy grew up to seven At the age of 20, he learned that his mother was a Buddhist, he also began to devote himself to the Buddha, joined the Sangha, and became a monk. One day, when the Buddha met him, he gave him a topic for visualization, and he went to the woods He meditated vigorously and diligently, so he attained Arhat in a very short period of time."

Yuqing Bodhisattva said in amazement, "Achieved Arhat at the age of twelve? It is indeed a genius...but what does this have to do with that Senior Sister?"

The Buddha didn't say anything, and continued: "But in the past ten years, their mother and son have never seen each other. , but one day, his mother met him outside Spiritual Mountain. His mother was very excited and had not seen him in twelve years, so he went up crying and called Yinzhen Kasyapa's name, but Yinzhen Kasyapa had a great reputation. Wisdom, seeing his mother like this, knows that if he speaks softly, it will definitely affect mother cultivation, because This sound really Kasyapa pretended to be indifferent, and even scolded his mother coldly, asking her to give up her love for her flesh and blood, and good cultivation is the right way. "

The disciple of Bodhidharma immediately said: "This sound really Kasyapa has great wisdom. If it is like the world in this Buddhaism, how can it be Buddhaism!" "

The Buddha said helplessly: "But she witnessed it. She saw with her own eyes how Yinzhen Kassapa treated his mother indifferently, and how his mother was heartbroken. She was imprisoned by the Buddha, so she was obsessed with her family, she was obsessed with her mother, and she was also obsessed with the father she had never seen before. "

Yuqing Bodhisattva asked, "Then what? "

"She has never smiled since she came to Spiritual Mountain in the western polar sky, she is always so cold, as cold as the ice on Snow Mountain for thousands of years, but in the sound When Zhen Kasyapa was 20 years old, Yinzhen Kasyapa walked past her and saw her wearing a monk's robe, sitting under a banyan tree, but at that time, she laughed, and she was so soft to Yinzhen Kassapa. A smile... Yinzhen Kassapa, he has never seen such a beautiful, peerless grace and elegance woman, especially when she smiles, Yinzhen Kassapa only thinks that the most beautiful thing in the world is this woman Allure smiled. Later, she told Yinzhen Kasyapa that she wanted to set a date with him tomorrow, and she would come under this tree tomorrow. She asked Yinzhen Kassapa, would you like to wait for her to come? "

Yuqing Bodhisattva hurriedly said: "She... why is she? As a woman, she is also a Buddhist Disciple, but seduces Arhat's attainments. It is really absurd, that Yinzhen Kassapa, there is no Going to an appointment? Did she wait for her, she... Did she commit a big taboo at the foot of Spiritual Mountain! ? "

"Yuqing, do you see a stone statue under the banyan tree at the foot of Spiritual Mountain?" "


"Yinzhen Kassapa went there on the second day. He returned to the secular world and went to wait for her under the tree, but Yinzhen Kassapa never waited for her." She, but he kept waiting, but until he died, he never saw her beauty. ”

So many Buddhaism Disciples heard that, they couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice.

A Buddhist Disciple who had achieved so much at just twelve years old was just laughed at by her. The Buddha's heart disintegrated, he gave up his faith, and went back to the secular world to wait for her under the tree.

Buddha Bodhidharma suddenly became furious and said, "There is no such thing, it is simply impossible! This sound really Kasyapa is just a bastard. As a Buddhist Disciple, how can he have such desires? "

The Buddha just smiled wryly when he saw Bodhidharma like this.

Yuqing said: "How can this woman be like this, she knows she is beautiful, yet she seduces men, is it my Buddha?" Didn't you punish her? "

"Punish, how can I not punish, I punished her for thinking, but she told me that she was really thinking, she has been cultivating her mind and Buddha, and she has never practiced Divine Ability. Why haven't you thought about it? "

Maha Buddha said: "But she has been in my Spiritual Mountain for 78,000 years. She has read all the Buddhist scriptures, but she still doesn't care. When she finally left, she was still with me. Mountain debated Buddhism, she refuted me Spiritual Mountain so many Disciples were speechless, she also refuted me to think hard, but in the end, she left, even the great magic power of the Master couldn't stop her, We couldn't keep her either. When she came, she was very obsessed, and when she left, she was even more obsessed. She even burned my Spiritual Mountain Bible library. "

Yuqing Bodhisattva said in horror: "She, she actually lacks a scripture library!" ? This person is so devilish, how can she let her go so easily! If he left, wouldn't he go to harm All Heavens and Myriad Realms, to harm the common people! Senior Brother How could you let her go! ? "

Several Buddhas looked at each other in blank dismay, only bitterly said: "We also have something to hide. "

Buddha Bodhidharma also followed the trend and said sharply: "Brother Maha Senior, how can you let her go? You should suppress this devil in my Spiritual Mountain, and listen to the Dharma for 100,000 years." Row! "

Maha Buddha said bitterly: "We stopped, but we didn't stop. "

Yuqing Bodhisattva said: "Hey, Senior Brother, what does this mean?" "

The Buddha said with a smile: "It took her more than 70,000 years to cultivate into the realm Great Perfection of the Nine-Life Divine Emperor Tianying. I wasn't there that day, she was leaving, I went up and down Spiritual Mountain, all Buddhas , All Buddhas, Venerable, Bodhisattva, Arhat Vajra, go to stop her, but they can't stop her. "

Yuqing Bodhisattva said at a loss: "But... but Brother Maha Senior is also a realm of the Life Wheel Heavenly Infant!" "

"No, the Divine Emperor can't beat her. She has been in my Spiritual Mountain for 78,000 years. In fact, she is already a Divinity Emperor Realm, but she knows that the Divine Emperor can't escape my palm." "

Buddha said with a smile again.

"So she continued the cultivation, and finally, she realized Heavenly Dao, she was born close to Tao, she realized Heavenly Dao, this Universe Great Desolate, Ancient God is gone, she is invincible in the world. "

Yuqing and many Disciples exclaimed again.

Study of Buddhism for 78,000 years, passed down by the Buddha himself, but finally betrayed Buddhism, burned Buddhist scriptures, and destroyed people's cultivation.


"She is the enemy of Buddha! "Yuqing Bodhisattva lost his voice.

"Yes, she is the enemy of Buddha." "The Tathagata said with a smile," My best Disciple. "

―――――― Dividing line

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Chapter 159 Bo Jian, Qingluo

In the Central Zone, the capital of the eastern extreme, a huge palace was built.

The palace should also be built in the Human Race here, almost all of which are exquisite to the details. The black tiles and the black and white high walls also look particularly unique. aesthetics.

In addition, the architectural style here is generally high, and the roof tiles are very steep, which seems to be deliberately due to the heavy rain and the humid climate.

It's just that when they arrived, the island was still in the storm that followed the aftermath of the Divine Ability.

There were three Divine Emperors in the nearby Sea Territory before, and the aftermath of this Divine Ability may have a wide range of tens of thousands of miles, and many places, including this East Pole Island, have been greatly affected. The aftermath of Divine Ability energy cannot be easily dissipated, and the rising sea caused by spiritual power is also enough to cause large hurricanes and torrential cyclones one after another.

It was still a strong wind hunting outside, whistling, and the pouring rain began to pour down again. Although this southern realm master prepared a very rich feast, he did not show up. Maybe he I want to wait until tomorrow when all the heavens under the jurisdiction of the Southern Territory have arrived before the official banquet begins.

Or maybe, the Southern Boundary Master, who is also the Divinity Emperor Realm, felt the Divine Ability that these Divine Emperors were fighting, and he had already followed.

It seems that the wind and rain are too big, and there are still ferries that have lost contact with them.

And the one who came out to receive tonight was the adopted son of the Southern Realm Lord.

The southern realm master is named Zongshang, but because of his profound realm, even though there are many female concubines around him, he has never had children, so the Zongshang realm is adopted from his own sister. He brought a son over, and he has been raising him since he was a baby. In addition, the two sides are related by blood. This world master is also very fond of him. He has always left many affairs to him, and he has high expectations for him. Entrusted with the responsibility to cultivate.

The adopted son of the Sect Upper Realm Lord is named Bo Jian, which is only one word different from Bo Yi.

It's just that his attitude towards life is very different from Bo Yi. Bo Yi has a touch of nobility and a touch of extraordinary in the atmosphere, but it is very intimate and not pretentious. a feeling of.

But Bo Jian is different, there is a hint of arrogance and arrogance in his expression.

Bo Jian brought his wife to meet the many guests on the spot tonight.

His wife is gentle and elegant, with a woman's hair in a bun, and even her voice is very soft, and his wife is also very petite, just like Mo Li, quite exquisite. But there is still some difference between her and Mo Li's personality. This woman looks more nephrite and delicate, and her personality is also very restrained. She wears a dress similar to Ao Dai, which further sets off her rather charming and exquisite small figure. Extraordinarily pleasing to the eye.

Bo Jian's sweet wife is named Qingluo.

These East Pole Islands all call their Bojian wife Lady Qingluo.

After hearing the introduction, the rest of the guests also used the same title.

Bo Jian had a few words with many guests before toasting them and said, "Everyone, my father is not in Dongji Island now, so I will come to receive you first, and invite Fellow. Daoists, don't mind, after a few days, my old father will definitely be there in person, and then banquet and entertain you well."

These so many realm masters and their representatives who have been present, except for Si Yan, this The exception is singlehanded, they add entourage and officials, this number is enough to enter 10,000.

But among so many people present, the one with the highest strength has not yet fully cultivated success Divine Emperor great realm, but they have not yet reached this Dongji Island, but they have encountered three Divine Emperors in the The battle, the scope of the battle, and the influence of the Divine Ability are far beyond their imagination!

The overwhelming majority between them has never seen the Divine Emperor great realm in this life!

The masters of these realms, or the representatives who come here are not stupid, they are all very thoughtful people, plus most of them are Divine Race bloodline, know the strength of Celestial Court and Nine Realms, They even thought that this was deliberately done by the Southern Realm Lord, to give them a disarming power and a potential warning to the messengers and representatives of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, so they still dare not obey, and dare not understand. , Everyone has an excellent attitude and dare not have the slightest temper.

Besides, they also knew that they would definitely not be able to compete with Celestial Court Nine Realms, and would definitely be willing to acknowledge allegiance.

Bojian found that so many guests from the realm were very polite to himself, and even boasted, he was naturally in a happy mood. On this banquet, he also frequently met with several parties from all over the world.

The Lord communicated, and at Bo Jian's request, even his wife went to toast.

Only, when Bo Jian came to Si Yan, his attitude changed significantly. There was a rather arrogant tone in that tone and asked: "Are you Human Race?"

Bo Yi was sitting next to Si Yan, he quickly explained: "Brother, this is Zhong Yan Fellow Daoist, my uncle has always been looking forward to meeting him."

He heard the words, but there still seemed to be a strong grudge in his expression, and there seemed to be a hint of grief in his eyes. He couldn't hide his disgust, but when Bo Yi moved out of his uncle's name, Bo Jian gradually revealed a deliberate smile.

In addition, Si Yan is the lord of the heavens who has ruled over billions of Human Races. In the presence of so many people, Bo Jian is the only one.

"It turned out to be Zhong Yan Fellow Daoist, and as a brother, I have already heard about Fellow Daoist Zhong's deeds, and now Zhong Yan Fellow Daoist not only has an empire in Profound Ascension World, but also a Human Race Azure Cloud World. Boss, the combination of your two sites would have at least more than three billion Human Races, your Heaven and Earth boards are so rich, I’m so envious!”

When Bo Jian patted Si Yan on the shoulder and mentioned it, almost all the rest of the people present turned their attention to Si Yan.

You know, All Heavens and Myriad Realms see Human Race as a resource in most places, but after hearing that Si Yan has billions of Human Race, their eyes can't help but light up .

As for Lingran, he heard the other side of the meaning, so he sneered a few times in the heart.

Only Wu Xin, his smile never seemed to change, always so faintly discernible, it was impossible to guess what he was thinking.

It's just surprising that Wu Xin's wife, Liu Xu, came along with Mrs. Qingluo at this time.

Liu Xu and this young lady Qingluo are actually some distant relatives. Although the relationship is distant, but the two are close in age, there are still many topics to talk about. Now they have a good relationship and are considered sisters.

Catkin and Si Yan's eyes met, Catkin naturally showed displeasure and snorted coldly to Si Yan.

Si Yan first asked: "Brother and sister, are you in a bad mood? Why are you not happy to see me? You were very happy to see me before."

When Catkin heard this, she immediately widened her beautiful eyes, staring at her so fiercely.

And this young lady Qingluo smiled knowingly at first, but she also toasted with Si Yan, and still said in a gentle, even weak voice: "Fellow Daoist Zhong, you and I I know something about this little sister and her brother-in-law, but now my father-in-law values you very much, from now on, we are still our own people, so we can't quarrel."

Mrs. When she spoke, her slender fingers were still gently tugging at the side hair on her side, her ear beads were also very small, and her ruddy complexion was like a thorough white jade.

Mrs. Qingluo is like this, it seems that it is precisely because she is very timid, and her tone is still timid, and she feels that the action of pulling her hair on the temples is because she wants to. Cover up your nervousness.

Si Yan hurriedly pretended to be flustered, and said with a serious expression: "Of course, this is for sure! I definitely want to have a good relationship with my younger brother and sister! The relationship must be better and better!"


When Si Yan spoke like this, it seemed to be a little provocative, especially when he said that he wanted to have a good relationship with his younger brother and sister, it sounded like a disciple, and the catkins recalled In the last experience, she couldn't help but become frosty.

When Mrs. Qingluo heard the words, it took a while to react. She was a little surprised at how bold Si Yan** expressed her desires naked. He said in a gentle tone: "Zhong, Zhong Yan Fellow Daoist, my father-in-law is trying to win you over with the truth this time, why do you have to be sloppy, this is not good, a gentleman must keep the way and pity women, how can you use women as the object of jokes? ?"

After saying this a bit angrily, Qingluo realized that she was gathering too much attention at the moment, so she glanced at her Husband Bo Jian, gave Si Yan a light salute, and then followed. When he went to the other side, his steps were also very small and fast.

Si Yan seemed to be in a better mood when she saw their backs.

He also said a few words about love and women.

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