Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 422

But he heard that Qingluo used to be one of the dancers, and only startled slightly: "Yes, but she is a dancer, and she can still be Bo Jian's wife. , this has several points of ability."

Bo Yi smiled lightly when he heard this, but he didn't know how to explain it, as if he was a little helpless.

But it was at this moment, when the singing and dancing kept going, when many Lords of the heavens, especially the Lords of the great heavens who were close relatives, were toasting the Lord of the Sect and Bojian, Si Yan has been sitting in his position, never got up from the beginning to the end.

There are many Divine Races around the Zongshangjiezhu, all vying to get close, and it was at this time that a burly Divine Race suddenly approached and took Si Yan so far away. Before Si Yan could return the gift, he took a sip and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhong, although I never knew you, but yesterday I heard that your continent has billions of Human Race, and the land is very rich. I'm afraid you are the richest fellow among all the Fellow Daoists we are present. If the Nine Realms lack population in the future, then the realm here will rely on you. If you migrate over a few hundred million, I'm afraid it will be stable. ."

He just finished speaking, he has already turned to the other side, went to toast with those Divine Races, and ignored Si Yan at all, as if these words were intentional. to all present.

Si Yan vaguely remembered that the Divine Race was called Song Yin Fan. He seemed to have been chatting with Wu Xin and Ling Ran before, but now he walked over and toasted with Gongsun Lin.

In fact, most of the principals of these big realms have some connection with Nine Realms, or have had an intersection, so it may not be surprising that they are familiar with each other.

After hearing this, he immediately revived his body, and immediately said: "Yes! Father, our southern border population is very difficult to deal with, it's time to introduce hundreds of millions, We have come to reclaim the wasteland, how extensive the land in our southern border is, if all are reclaimed, this will definitely greatly increase the strength of the border! This is really a good idea!"

This Gongsun Lin and When Ling Ran heard this, they all looked at each other and smiled, and the Celestial Court faction headed by Wu Xin also added: "Oh! There are so many Human Races here in Zhong Yan. It's as much as 3 billion. This is a huge amount of wealth. Today, All Heavens and Myriad Realms are short of population. If they can sneak in 200 million to 300 million, this must be a great benefit, and it will also be of great benefit to Celestial Court. ."

Si Yan listened to this, and didn't move at first, he knew it was the other party's intentional agitation, of course he didn't respond.

But the rest of the Divine Race heard that they were targeting Zhong Yan, so they couldn't help but chuckle a few times.

But Bo Yi then said: "Uncle, why should we talk about the migrant population today, now is a festive day, and the specific payment of the innate talent tax has not yet had a clear boundary. There is a lot of corruption in the family below, so why mentioning the migrant population so quickly is of course out of date.”

The sect master knows the meaning of Bo Yi, but he is a messenger in Celestial Court and many others. In front of Divine Race, it can't be too obvious, it's just nodded and agrees.

What's more, the sect master actually knows that Si Yan and the others, the Human Race emperors, are all in the mood to treat their own race.

Not to mention the migration of hundreds of millions, even a hundred, ten of their compatriots, without dispatching hundreds of thousands of Nine Realms troops, breaking their entire realm, killing them in one of these realms. , they would rather die than agree.

The Human Race, especially the leader of the Human Race, when they called themselves the Human Emperor, these Human Emperors all had an arrogance, they all used their own race to take their destiny, and they would rather die than die. yield.

That Bo Jian still seems to want to continue to speak, especially after Bo Yi opened his mouth, he has even more desire to fight against each other, but he knows that before he can speak, Zong Shangjie will first talk to him. Si Yan, who has never gotten up, raised his glass and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Zhong, I admire the name for a long time, Jiu Xiu and Youjun entrusted messengers to old man here, and let old man send people to find you everywhere in Nine Realms, all We can be considered as old acquaintances, old man first toast to you.”

――――――The dividing line

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Chapter 166 The Beauty of the Dancer

When Zong Shangjie mentioned this, All Divine Races, including Nasongyinfan, were stunned.

Wu Xin and the others knew about Si Yan's background, but the other masters of the great heavens didn't know it, so when they heard the taboo of Youjun's name, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Who knows the name of Youjun All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Youjun is the Lord of Nine Nether, the existence of the same name as the King of the Underworld, and the most powerful Demon God in the world! In charge of the entire Nine Nether Demon Realm, and Heavenly Emperor can both be called Fellow Daoist!

Song Yin Fan, who had deliberately provoked Si Yan before, immediately went to ask his companions, and after some details, he learned that Zhong Yan and Demon Realm have such a relationship! I couldn't help but be startled again and again, I never expected it to be like this! If he had known this earlier, how could he have stood up and picked on this thorn first.

In addition, this matter was first stated by the sect master, and the rest is nothing more than a result, that is, the sect master was trying to win over this Zhong Yan, otherwise there would be no need to mention it deliberately.

And Si Yan seems to have a vague impression of this Upper Realm Lord, but I can't remember who it is, maybe I saw it on Nine Heavens millions of years ago.

But when there were so many Divine Races back then, he could remember every single one of the emperors of Heavenly Words clearly, and the only ones who had the impression were those ancient bigwigs and those around him.

At this time, the melody of this song and dance is one after another, as if like the wave, it is becoming more and more high-pitched and more and more exciting.

But who knew that at this time, Nabojian suddenly said to his wife: "Qingluo, it's your turn."

When Mrs. Qingluo heard the words, she became shy. With a smile, she got up shyly, she handed Anqing to Liu Xu, and bowed slightly to everyone present: "Everyone, the little girl is here to show her ugliness first."

Si Yan and the others first She couldn't help but stunned, just when she was thinking about what the young lady was going to do, she had already taken off her clothes.

Seeing this, they all widened their eyes immediately and watched Qingluo take off all the clothes she was wearing and put them aside. But who knows, Si Yan thought that there would be a belly pocket inside, but the inside of her turned out to be the same colorful sleeves as the dancers.

And at this moment, another maid approached and untied the woman's hair for Qingluo, causing her jet-black hair to fall down. Qingluo's jet-black hair was extremely long, almost hanging down to her slightly plump buttocks.

The singing and dancing vocal music almost reached a climax, Qingluo also took off her embroidered shoes, she first stepped lightly a few steps with her bare feet, and then she started to trot, just like that light milk swallow. , took a tiptoe, flew like a Fairy in mid-air, and finally jumped into the middle of the dancers.

Boyi also said at this time: "My sister-in-law dances very beautifully. If it is an important occasion, my brother will let her go down and sing and dance to cheer up the guests."

But when Si Yan heard it, she couldn't help but feel strange, who would let their wife dance to please the rest of the men. This is generally regarded as a taboo, not to mention that dance girls are often called the name of inferiority.

It's just that the young lady Qingluo danced very softly. When she stepped on the cloud and entered the stage, all the dancers, centered on Qingluo, were dancing one after another, and Qingluo was constantly dancing. Her water sleeves and her hair are also following the movements of her body, dancing like waves.

Almost every movement of hers is in line with her petite figure. She is very agile and has a large range, which almost shows the beauty of her body vividly and thoroughly.

Qingluo's body is very soft, but in this softness, it seems to contain an explosive force. When she dances her water sleeves, these ribbons and long sleeves also seem to be very fresh. , sometimes intense, sometimes elegant.

During this period, the eyes of all those present were already attracted by Young Lady Qingluo. All the men in the audience, except Zongshangjiezhu and Bo Yi, seem to have a bit of unfinished meaning, and it seems that they have some kind of desire to be deep in one's heart, even Wu Xin. , he squinted his eyes, from surprise to smile, this sincere appreciation and possessive desire, as if he could not hide it simply, until it was Liu Xujiao who slapped him angrily, which made him realize Wake up.

Si Yan is nobody's business now, so just take it easy.

Besides, Qingluo was also very involved in this song and dance at this time. As the curvature of her singing and dancing changes, her expression also changes. She is sometimes laughing, sometimes sad, and sometimes very enthusiastic and unrestrained!

Ke Boyi reminded Si Yan again: "Brother Zhong, my little sister-in-law, don't look at her so delicate, in fact she is also vicious and merciless. , when you come this time, my brother has great opinions on you and me, he may set a trap for you, you must be careful about their couple."

Si Yan came over suddenly, he also said : "I naturally understand this, Boyi, you don't have to worry too much about me, don't you understand me as a person?"

Boyi was stunned, thinking that they only met yesterday, why? This Zhong Yan was told by him today that the two sides seemed to be very familiar with each other.

What makes Bo Yi even more strange is that he also has a feeling that he knows Zhong Yan very well. It is precisely because of this familiarity that Bo Yi is more and more worried about him, and he always feels that Zhong Yan will cause some trouble for the woman.

However, this song and dance has reached its climax so far. This Qingluo is in the middle of many dancers, flipping back and forth again and again, her beautiful thighs, in addition to the roots, also There are skirts that can be covered, and it seems that they are all exposed to their naked eyes. In the end, Qingluo made a small jump, stepped on the shoulders of the two dancers, and supported her on the highest point. The vocal music that was already like a shower stopped abruptly here, and around her, those colorful water sleeves were slowly falling down like thin clouds around her.

All the audience present stood up in a moment of silence, giving out extremely warm applause and praise.

Mrs. Qingluo Shao was already dripping with sweat at this time, and even her hair was sticking to her flushed cheeks.

After this song and dance, the young lady Qingluo also went down.

But the difference is that all the men present also remembered Mrs. Qingluo, the wife of the Young Master in the southern border.

At this time, although many present were jealous of Qingluo, even Wu Xin, but everyone knew that this was the daughter-in-law of the sect master, and who would dare to confront Divine on Dongji Island? The daughter-in-law of the Emperor World Lord indulges in her crotch, unless it is a real old birthday star who eats arsenic, it is really worthless!

And after all the singing and dancing, the feast for All Heavens and Myriad Realms is almost over.

When Si Yan saw Qingluo again, she changed her clothes and came out and followed behind them.

Now, the Sect Upper Realm Lord is walking in the back courtyard with these great masters of the heavens. There are servants and maids who have come to invite him. Please go down and rest first.

This Upper Realm Lord met so many days on Dongji Island, of course, not only for this banquet, but also for a series of documents to be completed and signed, from taxation details to verification systems , are all to be refined and discussed, this is the main reason why so many heavens are in the East Pole Island.

Si Yan was the last person after all the Lords of the Heavens around Zong Shangjie left.

In addition to Wu Xin and Ling Ran still present, even Gongsun Lin has already gone.

But what Si Yan didn't expect was that this Upper Realm Lord was more refined than he thought.

He talked a lot with Si Yan, from Divine Ability, to racial views, to the current state of the world, and the sect master also gave Si Yan a promise, a Si Yan couldn't refuse a heavy promise, and he said so clearly in front of Ling Ran and Wu Xin.

He patted Si Yan's back and said so gently with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you Heavenly Flame Imperial State and Azure Cloud World, as long as you are under my southern border, old The man can keep you safe, and no gods and forces will dare to attack you. As for the tax, the old man will not force you to mortgage it with the same clansman. What do you think? And the amount of the tax, in fact, we It’s also good to discuss, and it’s okay to use grain, cattle and horses.”

After listening to this, Si Yan was about to speak out, but Zong Shangjie added: “But naturally, these are not There are no conditions, the old man will still be useful to you in the future, and when that time comes, please Fellow Daoist, you must not shirk."

Si Yan heard this, and immediately pretended to be awe-inspiring: "Of course it is. , as long as the sect master can keep the races of our two borders safe, I, Zhong Yan, must be willing to do my best to serve!"

"Okay! That's good, it's convenient to talk to smart people. , just a few words, let's each take what we need, okay!" Zong Shangjie couldn't help saying with a big smile, "Fellow Daoist, your Human Race domain is very powerful, and the two Human Races combined are my southern domain. The most prosperous and powerful heavens are, and I can't lack you! Now the Myriad Realms are back, there are those who acknowledge allegiance, and there are those who resist, all kinds of forces are intertwined, and we should unite, not fight infighting!"

Bo Yi was happy to see that they were able to negotiate so quickly.

And Si Yan has been talking with the sect master and Bo Yi all the time, and the two sides seem to meet each other quite late and cherish each other.

Zongshang Shangjie also called his servants to come up with his own treasured wine to enjoy with Si Yan.

This wine is extremely fragrant. It is brewed with the secret ingredients of Nine Heavens. It is more mellow than today's banquet. It can also directly affect the Divine Soul, even the Divine Emperor great realm. Get drunk.

The two of them have been exchanging views until the end, drinking several large jars, and it was getting late, and the two sides seemed to have nothing to do with each other, but when the master of Zong Shangjie left, he unexpectedly made a big hand. With a wave, he summoned his confidant and entourage, and instructed: "Go, go and choose a few dancers, come and sleep with my little friend tonight."

—————— ―Separation Line

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Chapter 167: The Stratagem of Broad Views

The wine and Divine treasured by Zongshangjiezhu The Emperor can get drunk, not to mention that Si Yan has not fully recovered to the six imperial cultivation base, and after repeatedly persuading him to drink a lot, he drank a lot, so of course he is invincible. This pace is already a little unstable. Started to flutter a little bit.

Si Yan actually drank this nectar when he was in Nine Heavens before, but he was the emperor of Tianyan back then, and his cultivation base was extremely thick. Even if he drank so much Yaochi, he probably wouldn't Blushing, but now, of course, can not be compared with the year.

And even the sect master was flushed, and when he opened his mouth, he seemed to be a little inarticulate. The few servant girls who were serving not far away just smelled the smell of the wine, so He had already fallen to the ground, got drunk, and was quickly helped by the other servants with cultivation bases.

But these followers and cronies heard that the sect master wanted to call a few dancers to come to sleep with Zhong Yan, and they couldn't help but stay where they were. You know, most of these dancers were There is a Divine Race bloodline, and the sect master is very protective of them, even he has only selected a concubine from it, but today, he has to get a few dancers to sleep for the Human Race of Zhong Yan. make them incomprehensible.

But this Upper Realm Lord seems to have seen the hesitation of his cronies, so he increased his tone and urged: "You guys can't find a few, and call that Little Wu to the old man. Come! Give me this little friend tonight to be comfortable and comfortable... What! What are you still doing here!?" And Yu, just opening his mouth like this, these few followers panicked.

The few cronies and followers were shivered all over their bodies, and they responded repeatedly: "Yes, yes! This subordinate will do it now!"

Zong Shangjiezhu Only then coldly snorted, he instructed Si Yan: "Okay, little friend, you should go to rest early, don't lose interest, old man and go to handle official business."

Si Yan followed. When I came back to my senses, when the sect master had already made a final decision, he pretended to be in a hurry and said: "Jiezhu, I have always been clean, how... how can I let the dancer come to sleep for me, this is absolutely inappropriate!"

But even if Si Yan declared that he didn't want it, the Sect Master still waved his hand: "It's alright, Fellow Daoist, you don't have to shirk it, you should laugh at this dance girl. Otherwise, how can I fulfill the friendship of the landlord? Tonight, they must take good care of you and give you some comfort."

After exhorting these, before Si Yan could refute, the sect master also He left with Bo Jian, Qingluo and the others.

At this time, night has gradually fallen.

This Nine Realms East Pole Island, it seems that the night is very long, but the day is still normal.

Si Yan was a little dizzy after drinking, so he had to go back under the guidance of these servants, and Bo Yi was still on the road teasing Si Yan: "Brother Zhong, you are blessed, my uncle's These dancers not only have the Divine Race bloodline, but also have virgins who have never done anything before. Today, you can have such a blessing, and you can comb the cages for them, which also proves that my uncle values you very much, especially that Little Wu, she But the well-known figure among the dancers is not inferior to my little sister-in-law. Earlier, I was worried that my uncle would have an opinion on you, and I specially called a friend of mine to persuade my aunt to be a lobbyist. But now it seems that my thoughts are superfluous, and my uncle values you very much."

Si Yan still shook his head and panicked, pretending to be an upright gentleman and saying, "I can't, I can't! How can I be a lewd and lecherous person, I still have a wife at home! Let the world master take back this dance girl!"

This Bo Yi laughed and didn't say a word, as if he didn't want to expose his hypocrisy , Boyi thought, if you want to refuse, when my uncle mentions it, it is already enough, why wait until my uncle asks the entourage to call the dance girl.

But at this time, footsteps suddenly sounded in front of them. Si Yan looked up and saw that this was a young woman. She was slightly tall, with a plump body and skin, and her appearance was also very special. Dignified, there are many phoenix hairpins on the bun, and there are also two servant girls behind him.

Bo Yi saw the visitor, so he bowed his head and paid respect: "I've seen my aunt!"

This woman, Si Yan, of course knew that this was because he had an affair with Avatar Tianyu. The woman, and when Tianyu left, he also entrusted Anqing to her.

In fact, Si Yan also knows that this Yunwei has a lot of ideas for Tianyu, and hopes to form a pair with Tianyu, and has also mentioned it with Tianyu several times, but Tianyu is estimated When it comes to her identity, she has always been ambiguous, and she has never made a promise to Yunwei.

Si Yan is getting drunk now, and the stamina is gradually coming up. He was stunned for a while, and seemed to want to open the mouth and said: "Yun... um! I have seen this girl!"

Si Yan was secretly frightened, thinking that he was so quick that he almost revealed his secrets.

Yunwei looked at Si Yan, then looked at Boyi and asked, "Boyi, where did Anqing go, why didn't you see him, where did Qingluo hold that child? How come the banquet is over, and the child hasn't been returned to me."

Bo Yi dared to be casual outside, but in Dongji Island, he didn't dare to lose his courtesy in front of Yunwei, so He immediately responded: "Little aunt, Anqing is still with Sister Qingluo. They went to the backyard. My aunt is walking faster now and will catch up soon."

Displeased, she couldn't help complaining: "I haven't gotten to know this child well, how can Qingluo be so procrastinating, I'm really annoyed, if Anqing went back to him, saying that my aunt didn't take good care of him and left him to someone else, So what should I do?"

Yunwei didn't seem to be interested in Si Yan at all, so she took two servant girls and left here to chase Qingluo and Bojian.

When Bo Yi saw this, he couldn't help being relaxed, and explained to Si Yan: "My aunt is very difficult to deal with. Sister-in-law Qingluo and my elder brother are most afraid of her, and my uncle loves her very much. Sister, so my little aunt has a stronger personality, and she just ignored you, so don't take offense."

Si Yan is actually a little confused, the wine just now has a lot of stamina, he I lost my guard after not drinking for many years, and now I do drink too much, so I only care about nodded.

"It's okay, I know Yunwei's character as well."

Bo Yi said in surprise: "Brother Zhong, do you know my little aunt!?"

Si Yan hiccupped and said, "No...don't know me!"


As for this moment, on the other side, Bo Jian was pointing at his wife, In this way, he lowered his tone to Qingluo, who was holding Anqing, who was already asleep, and said in a fierce tone: "Father himself asked the dancer to serve him in bed, This is a few moments that are inseparable in a thousand years. After a while, you will be wearing a dancer's costume, covering your face, and sneaking into the house with them to serve him. After a certain time, I will bring someone in. What do you think of you being caught on the bed?"

This Qingluo hugged Anqing with a very hesitant expression and hesitated several times before saying: "Husband, I'm your wife anyway, why are you? You can let me serve other men, and he is a Human Race, this... This is not good, let's pretend a little, Husband, come in quickly, save me, and I will break the dirty water on him, won't it? Beautiful?"

"What are you afraid of! When the time comes, I have something to say, and it doesn't matter if you are touched, as a husband who is a big deal, how can you care about these little things, how can you Disgusting your body, you can only be convincing if you become that kind of thing, and this will make the father believe me. At that time, the father will also be angry with him, and the matter of Boyi uniting with Human Race will also become a A big laughing stock!"

Qingluo seemed very hesitant, as if she didn't know how to answer, but when she looked up, she saw that her Husband was so enthusiastic, and her eyes were still full of Shares urgently.

Seeing this, Qingluo only sighed: "Well, since Husband you said so, what else can I do? Naturally, I depend on you Husband, but... but Husband, you Don't come too much...otherwise Qingluo and that Zhong Yan are still,'s embarrassing."

Bo Jian didn't seem to think about it at all, he just agreed: " Alright, alright, that is when you are all asleep, and then come in for your husband, you must be measured... Also, do you remember what to say about those things?"

Qingluo's face was blushing, it looked like she was blushing in white, she only said nodded and said: "What should I say, Qingluo understands, of course he understands, and he is drunk, Even he himself can't figure out who it is, so he probably can't refute it."

It's just that Qingluo can't figure out what her Husband is thinking. The file thing is particularly difficult to deal with, and she lacks interest in her, but is very obsessed with power. In the past, when she was fighting for favor with those concubines, she had poisoned several people to death, but now it seems that this Husband has never responded to women's lust, and asked her to accompany other men, the previous hard work, but instead There is no need.

After seeing Qingluo's agreement, Bo Jian couldn't help but feel happy, he patted his thigh and said, "Okay! Let's hurry now, the dance girl has also arranged it, and now I'll wait for you to mix it up.

Going in, that is where water flows, a canal is formed, it's very easy! This is not only to sell Wu Xin and the Ling family a favor, but also to eradicate the boy's proposition, which makes him unshakable My status!"

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