Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 430

You Xin Human Emperor first wondered if the Heavenly Flame Imperial State had been attacked, but then, he reacted very quickly and knew why he even disappeared from this Formation.

His heart pounded.

But the Youxin Human Emperor didn't show it. He first signaled to all the Disciples, and then casually walked over to Yongning and said: "Little sister, it's windy here, you should go back first. , there is something wrong with this Transmission Formation, it will take a few hours to fix it, you are not well blown by the wind here, you should be feeling the fetal air."

Yongning looked a little dumb, she opened her mouth A little dry and pale lips tried to ask what was wrong.

But the Youxin Human Emperor immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mistress, it will be fine later, but if Mistress you have fetal qi, Disciple will not be able to explain to the teacher, okay, you guys Send my wife back."

After hearing the words, the maids gathered around and took her away with a sound of persuasion.

Gu Zhuyin saw that Yong Ning was far away, so she hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, Senior Brother!"

"Master, he destroyed the Transmission Formation." You Xin Human The Emperor turned his head and left.

Gu Zhuyin was shocked, but immediately said: "Where are you going!?"

"Go to Nine Nether and take a shortcut!"

P Chapter 181 I want to unify

Gu Zhuyin heard that, of course, he immediately took a step to follow behind Youxin Human Emperor, but Youxin Human Emperor then said while staring: "You stay!"

Gu Zhuyin was originally unconvinced, and thought that he had to participate in this battle.

This is already the case with Yongning. She is pregnant and her cultivation base is not high, but she is more attached to and loves her husband than anyone else, but Gu Zhuyin is different, she has her own position. She has her own position. The only way she can be a teacher for herself and her adoptive father is to participate in this battle. She still refuses to admit defeat. Then she will also finish her own ending in a very heroic way.

Because she knew that after the teacher cut off the Spatial Teleportation channel, in fact, she was ready to fight against the odds and be desperate.

But at this time, You Xin Human Emperor stared at her with such fierce eyes. You Xin has always been very restrained. , and today such a Senior Brother, Gu Zhuyin is the first time to see.

"You take good care of your teacher at home, she still has a teacher's child in her belly."

This is the last sentence before Youxin Human Emperor leaves, and this is also the sentence, Gu Zhuyin finally stopped.

Because Gu Zhuyin also knew the meaning of Youxin Human Emperor's words, if the teacher had an accident, the responsibility of raising that child and teaching him the mission of Divine Ability will also fall. On her Gu Zhuyin.

Gu Zhuyin still stopped, she could only watch her Senior Brother go away silently.


As for this moment, in the Profound Ascension World's Shenxuan Kingdom.

A black army of gods and demons is everywhere, constantly being teleported from the Nine Realms.

And on the other side of the city, those grains have already piled up like a mountain.

Both gods and demons like blood, and the most numerous of these are the herds of cattle and sheep.

These livestock are grazing outside the imperial city, and they are still grazing leisurely.

The decisiveness of the great victory and defeat, even if the strength of the upper battle strength is required, but in the end, at the level of occupation and plunder, it still depends on the basic strength.

After the Celestial Court abolished the promise of protecting the Heavenly Flame Imperial State, the Ling family has decided to completely pacify Heavenly Flame and unify the Profound Ascension World.

In fact, the population of Shenxuan Kingdom is not large, and the number of Human Races in Shenxuan Kingdom has already exceeded 100 million.

But Shenxuan Kingdom is an imperial kingdom ruled by Divine Race, and the slave system is still implemented here. Human Race can only become a slave and become an object of enslavement.

And the way of reproduction of Human Race is almost humiliating, without any dignity.

Human Race can have its own social environment. Although they are slaves, they have no land, no clothing, no food, and the culture they inherit is suppressed, so slaves are not educated. Right, however, they can still have their own family, they can build a thatched house in a specified place, and then live with their loved ones to reproduce.

But these, just because those Divine Races and Hybrid Divine Races, need population to satisfy their rule.

Divine Race does not engage in labor or production, whether it is the cultivation of land or the production of various utensils, it must be done by Human Race, so the population is related to the finance and national strength of the entire empire, so it is also seem particularly urgent.

However, a slave is a slave, and the living environment is extremely poor. Even though the Shenxuan Kingdom has passed for so many years, the population has not increased much, and after the restoration of Si Yan, there are still other places around the imperial city. A large number of Human Races fled to Heavenly Flame Imperial State, which further exacerbated the population crisis.

But now, it seems that these are not a problem. Heavenly Flame Imperial State and Azure Cloud World add up to three billion Human Races!

This is definitely a huge treasure!

It is thirty times the size of the entire Shenxuan Kingdom!

What's more, these Human Races are especially rich. The millions of cattle and sheep, the contiguous pieces, billions of acres of golden fields, countless gold and silver treasures, countless young women, Soon to be theirs!

There are a large number of various direct lines and branches under the Divine Race of the Lingjia, especially in the Shenxuan Kingdom, where interests are intertwined and intertwined, they seem to regard the entire Heavenly Flame Imperial State as their own. Things, are secretly planning, how to share the power.

Human Race pays the most attention to family relationships, which is the nature of Human Race and has long been integrated into the bloodline.

But under this slave system, even this nature is being restrained.

A large number of gods and demons enter the Shenxuan Kingdom, of course, they are endlessly absorbing the resources of the Shenxuan Kingdom. From a large amount of food, as well as the meat and spirits needed by the gods and demons, these poor Human Races are needed. Provide and carry, strong labor, almost all become porters.

Even with military discipline, many of these gods and demons are daring and can do anything. Even on the streets of Heavenly Sovereign in Dabai, a Human Race girl who was still sewing clothes in that workshop was spotted by Divine Race officers.

The Divine Race officer was not ambiguous either, as if he saw a tender white lamb without an owner on the prairie. After the girl struggled for a while, her whole body was quickly removed. He dragged this girl, who had only been married for three days, to the corner of the alley and raped her.

Dozens of her husbands, who had only been married for three days, came to inquire, and seeing that the other party was Mr. Divine Race, he had to wait and watch, from day to night and dusk. , has been allowing the other party to ravage, and directly played the girl until she was half-dead, only to leave in high spirits.

But their husband and wife are actually very blind to these, and they have a trace of indifference.

The husband could only endure the tears of humiliation and comfort his wife a few words. In fact, he still has a trace of happiness in his heart. He is glad that his wife was not directly abused to death, at least this life is still reserved. .

If the wife dies, he will not even get a little compensation.

He finally cried and laughed, carried his wife and went home.

And also muttered to himself: "Go, let's go home, it's the Lord God who committed the crime, and it has nothing to do with us. The manager should let you rest at home for a few more days."

As for this scene, it is actually happening in the imperial city, especially in the gathering area of slaves.

There was even a Demon Race who entered the house and raped a woman. The woman's husband was full of blood, he picked up the hammer on the ground and rushed over, but unfortunately it was only a trick, and the husband was caught by the man.

The gods and demons punched, and it instantly turned into a mass of meat sauce. When the blood poured out, it splashed onto the little baby whose mother was being ravaged, who was just about to stumble and roll on the bed.

But the little baby still didn't understand anything, smiling innocently, crawling happily beside the mother's swaying white legs, in the constant whining and begging for mercy. , and even want to crawl on mother's breast to drink milk.

But of course, in the Divine Race of murder and rape, he would never have imagined that at the next moment, maybe half a quarter of an hour later, he would be hit by a sword qi from outside, Directly, the Primordial Spirit is destroyed.

In fact, Shenxuan Kingdom still has certain guarantees for slaves. This kind of behavior is usually contradicted by the slave master, that is, their owner, and there are legal restrictions.

But now, the Shenxuan Kingdom is going to capture Heavenly Flame, and there is a greater wealth waiting for them. In a sense, they are actually turning a blind eye to this kind of thing. It's only an eye, it's a private indulgence.

There are three billion people on the opposite side, but what about Shenxuan Kingdom?

It's only 100 million!

It doesn't matter at all.

Even the clansman with shameless are even willing to Divine Race to do this kind of thing, because they have an illusion that if they can conceive the seed of God, it will be a blessing for the family in the future.

And right now, in the great hall on the side of the Imperial Palace, a heated debate is beginning.

The descendants of the Ling family, especially the elders of these clansmen, in fact, after briefly discussing the matter of Lingran, even the elder brothers of Lingran are already arguing. After this war, how should these interests be divided?

After arguing over the Heavenly Flame Imperial State, they're arguing again over the wider Azure Cloud World.

That Lingran's second brother stopped first, and said to these relatives: "My uncles, the Heavenly Saint Country in this Azure Cloud World should be given to the little nephew, and its region is also It’s not too big, the land isn’t fat, it’s not suitable for grazing, it’s a land of agriculture and forestry, not to mention the Heavenly Saint Country is on the edge of the border, and it’s not the center, so I’m sure your uncles aren’t interested.”

But he just finished speaking. Instead, his Third Brother coldly snorted: "Second brother, you have such a big appetite! Although Heavenly Saint Country is not big, after many changes and reforms, who does not know Financial resources and population are at the top of Azure Cloud World, but now you have to monopolize it all by yourself."

Lingran's second brother frowned, thinking how this younger brother was scolding himself.

As a patriarch, Lingwei is sitting at the top, but he is brows tightly frowns at the moment, looking impatiently at so many relatives below.

He had a very bad feeling in the past few days, especially today, it has an indescribable feeling.

His own favorite, and best son was abandoned.

But these clan brothers are still arguing about their interests.

So much so that Lingwei is too lazy to explain, in fact, this Heavenly Saint Country has long been promised to Gongsun God King by him.

Lingwei got up and left before the fearless competition was over.

Ling Ran's accident made him feel very heavy all the time.

He walked in the courtyard and walked towards his own son-in-law.

The night was so quiet that it was a little terrifying, as if even the sound of the wind had disappeared.

Lingwei came to the courtyard where his son was basking in the sun.

He knew that his son-in-law was in a bad mood, and he was afraid that he would have nowhere to vent, so he brought in a few women to accompany him there, Hu Tianhai.

But Lingwei, his footsteps slowed to a halt. When he looked at it, he actually found that his son was not in the wheelchair. Then, he looked up again, and was surprised to find that in this quiet place. At night, his beloved son's limbs were twisted, like a puppet that was messed up and twisted over, and was nailed to the wall so hard that the diving blood had been poured out on the ground.

Si Yan gradually stood up from the flowers, there were tears in his eyes, and there was a fierceness in his eyes. He lurked for a whole day in this imperial city, and watched for a whole day. Now, he looked at Lingwei, at the Divine Race of the Divine Emperor cultivation base and said softly: "Kill you, I will be able to unify the Profound Ascension World and liberate my race."

100th Chapter 82 originates from a Heavenly Dao

Human Race, born in an extremely ancient, wild time.

They were the last intelligent beings to come into the world.

This seems to be the price of the high wisdom given to them by the Cosmic Dao. Human Race is born weak, and even the lifespan is only trifling several decades. In the eyes of gods and demons, it is only fleeting, even a little Fruit Tree that is a little older can't compare.

In those wild times, Human Race ran out of food and groped in suffering.

There aren't many of them, and they don't even look down on the other races, and they also don't feel that this weak race will have any impact on them.

But until one day, in this weak race, a little baby was born.

Although this little baby was abandoned by his parents and almost froze to death on a cold winter night, after going through a lot of things later, he deeply realized that he came from this race, that he was this race. part of the race.

He is responsible for this race, and this is also the mission of his birth in this world.

In the end, he rose, from the ruins, in the ruins and ashes, leading his own race to rise.

He overthrew the Ancient Celestial Court and established a new world order. With his innate talent, he defeated one avenue cultivator after another, and finally, even himself became Heavenly Dao's cultivator.

He climbed to the top of the universe, and the power is only comparable to the Heavenly Emperor. He established the eighteen states of the Human Race, and for the Human Race to multiply and prosper, he maintained peace for nearly 300,000 years.

Although the individuals of Human Race are still weak, their numbers are increasing and their lifespans are getting longer. They at least live with dignity and hope.

Within the boundaries of the eighteen states of Human Race, even a Celestial Court priest can harm any ordinary mortal, even if he is a criminal pariah.

The emperor will also be severely punished.

In the eighteen states of Human Race, Celestial Court is never sacrificed, only the entire Heavenly God Palace is sacrificed. Every household has Divine Idol, who is dedicated to the Human Race Tianyan Emperor.

It was only later that the emperor fell.

After his fall, his race also fell into a catastrophe that, in many places, lasted for a million years.

Si Yan doesn't know how to express his feelings, he is not a vulnerable person.

He is very strong, his Dao Heart is very stable, he doesn't know how long he will live.

But only when he saw everything he saw today, when he saw the tragic situation of his own race in this kingdom, especially when he saw this kingdom, these clansman have been numb, as if Walking corpse, even if the wife is raped, the husband can only watch from the side, only when the Lord Divine Race is done, will he dare to hug his beloved wife who has been ravaged to the point of death, and he is still rejoicing. The woman's life is still alive.

A family of three who was originally poor but still happy, any god or devil who enters, can harass and humiliate a wife, and is cruel, like crushing an ant, killing her husband, in front of her. The face of its youngest son is facing a naked animal, like a lamb, ravaged.

There were still tears in his eyes.

His Dao Heart has not changed, not even a trace, and his emotions have not fluctuated too much, but this wisp of tears is dripping from the humanity deep in the depth of one's soul fall.

Because even though Si Yan cultivation success God has gone through countless years, he is still a human being and still maintains the most fundamental human nature.

He wept for his fellow man.

Lingwei was also stunned. How could he have imagined that he had not yet set off on the expedition, but this Zhong Yan would come to him first.

Moreover, Si Yan is even more daring, he has already dyed his son-in-law, and at this time he has been tortured to the point of almost no human form!

Ling Ran's dive blood has flowed all over the place, he is so wide open that he is stunned, the surprised and angry, the painful and mournful eyes, so he looks at his father Lingwei.

And what Lingwei can't understand the most is why Zhong Yan can sneak into the Imperial Palace so easily. This Imperial Palace Formation is tangled and complicated, as is the interior architecture. It is a Mo Sect structure, connected to the The place where Ling Ran is located can't be seen clearly from the sky, these palace maids can't leave the palace gate for half a step in this life, but now Fei'er was found by Zhong Yan...

Lingwei suddenly I silently meditated in my heart.

He almost forgot that he had a youngest daughter who was with Zhong Yan, and Lingwei heard that his youngest daughter is still a lover for Zhong Yan.

Lingwei was about to make a sound, but Si Yan gently tugged one of his fingers, which seemed to be a red thread, and slid across Lingran's neck quietly, and put his head, Primordial Spirit, all fell with it!

Lingwei was shocked immediately!

He even saw his own son's Divine Soul, and his eyes widened in horror, but this fear didn't last long, and the Divine Soul could no longer be maintained, and it began to dissipate gradually.

But Si Yan laughed wildly in the sky, and when Ling Ran could still hear it, she sternly said: "You killed her, Yi'er's child and her husband, today, I will take you Life! You! die without regret!!"

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