Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 458

The Tathagata asked her: "disciple, are you in love?"

After thinking for a while, she nodded, shook her head again, and then said: "Master, Disciple doesn't, but Disciple doesn't hate that person."

The Buddha said: "But he's gone."

Recited: "Yes."

"It's a pity, is it heartache?"

"I don't know...but I want to wait for him."

When the Buddha heard the words, he smiled nodded first, and then said: "Yinzhenjia Ye Wu got it, he left, but you seem to have a knot in your heart."

Nian lowered his head and thought for a while, but he didn't seem to come to a conclusion.

And Nian asked the Tathagata again if he would let her go, but the Tathagata still did not agree.

The Tathagata said with a smile: "You have Demonic Will on your body, and you have obsessions in your heart. If I let you go, you will surely bring disaster to the world. I need to keep you in the Buddha realm and let you become a Buddha. , I will sit here in the future, let you sit."

After pondering for a long time, he said: "Really." Recite the scriptures."

So, the years are still coming back.

All of this seems like it never happened.

Nian started the life of Qingdeng Ancient Buddha again, and she was still allowed by the Tathagata to live in the house behind Spiritual Mountain.

This house was destroyed in the past, but the Tathagata ordered the monks to rebuild it for her. This house is more spacious than before. She has always lived here. Such simple and boring days, if not To remember, it seems to have passed very fast, hundreds of thousands of years, as if in the blink of an eye, and her realm also made a leap-like progress during this period.

Moreover, even Si Yan's silhouette is gradually fading in her mind, maybe she just vaguely remembers that there was a man who appeared in her life and they lived together For a while, that man took care of her daily life, cooked for her, did laundry for her, and combed her hair. It was a beautiful time, but perhaps, it was not hard to remember.

They are very delicate to each other, not lovers, but like relatives.

But that's all gone, and it doesn't exist anymore.

The man also disappeared, never to be seen again.

Until, perhaps one day, a very coincidental day, Nian'er, who had never opened the wardrobe again, found a sword book from the bottom of the inside.

This sword book was rewritten, and she knew the handwriting on it, because the owner of the handwriting was the one who edited the part that she continued to write, and was also the owner of the wardrobe.

——Cangchen Thirty Six Forms.

complete volume.

From the first sword style to the thirty-sixth sword style, all of them have been described, and they are all extremely smooth, atmospheric, heroic and vast!

Because this Sword Art is truly complete, because this is also the sword dao of her own father!

This sword book has only one line at the end - Nian'er, left for my father.

Chapter 228 There is no Tathagata, are you worthy?

Nian'er looked at this sword book, she stared and sluggish for a long time.

father, a person who may be very unfamiliar to her, is so close to her at this moment.

There is a bloodline connection between them, so there is that subtle resonance and intimacy.

Before, Nian had been thinking about how he would feel if he had a father, and would he like her if the father was there? But perhaps, these confusions and puzzles have long since been relieved today.

Even though she was still so expressionless, she couldn't control the fluctuations in the depths of her heart, the waves that were stirring up at the moment.

She may not know about love, but family love in the depth of one's soul will always be so hard to remember.

Father has come.

The person she has been dreaming of since she was a child, the man in her dreams, perhaps cold-blooded and ruthless, actually loves her very much. He is just as described by mother, he is gentle, he He has a good temper. If he is here, he will definitely treat her and mother well.

And not only that, the father will wash her clothes, cook for her, take care of her daily life, and take care of everything she needs.

That obsession, the obsession that has been ingrained in Nian'er's heart since she first stepped into Spiritual Mountain, seems to have become deeper under the influence of her father.

But she knew that the father must have his own difficulties, the father must love her, that's why she did that, but in the end, the father still had to leave.

Nian was quietly clenching the sword book in her hand, she made up her mind, must cultivate base Great Accomplishment as soon as possible, and then escape from Spiritual Mountain.

At the same time, the Tathagata in the Thunder Sound Temple seemed to feel a little strange.

But the Tathagata was still smiling, even though the Bodhi tree behind him was shaking slightly.

And the Tathagata also seemed to feel that this strange occurrence should have come from the little Disciple handed down by himself.

"What should come will always come, there is no way to avoid it, it will always be waiting." He murmured softly, "Let's go with the flow, karmic origin and karma die, the karma ends, me and her There is already a cause, and between us master and disciple, there will always be results."

The years pass by day by day, and the life of reading is as boring as usual.

But she is patient, she uses her perseverance to deal with all the current situation. During this period, her realm is also growing, but she has been hiding, and has been hiding herself waiting for an opportunity.

Nian also knew a lot of things. She learned from Disciple of the Discipline Academy that the father came to her and just wanted to see her once. But in the end, there was a conflict with the Disciplinary Academy and the three Buddhas. The father was surrendered by the three Buddhas, and was tied to a high platform for nearly a month. The Canaan Venerable, the precepts institute, even beat her father with a stick to torn skin and gaping flesh.

Nian after knowing this, she secretly wrote it down, and she never forgot it before she left Spiritual Mountain.

And during this period, reciting is also devoted to cultivating Buddhahood.

She never expresses herself too much in front of outsiders. Her understanding of Buddhist scriptures is also getting deeper and more thorough, and at the bottom of her heart, she feels more and more disgusted.

Time flies so fast, time flies like an arrow, even several Buddhas have changed their temperament greatly, and Junior Sister, who has devoted herself to practicing Buddhism, is highly praised.

But they, Junior Sister, still like to be alone and never have much contact with them. Only when discussing the Dharma are they willing to argue with a few Senior Brothers.

What's more, when Nian refutes the Dharma, he never uses delusions. Instead, he carefully analyzes the meaning with them.

Nian also often encounters a familiar person at Thunder Sound Temple. When Nian sees him, he calls out first: "Junior Brother."

The young monk The same salute: "Senior Sister."

There is no more connection and contact between them.

This time has gone by so fast.

Especially after mindfulness comes into contact with that realm.

Maha and Subhuti praised and happily said in front of the Buddha: "Master, Sister Junior's Buddha-nature is getting deeper and deeper, waiting for her to become a Divine Emperor, she can also become a Buddha. This is of great significance. If she becomes a Buddha and enters the realm of the Divine Emperor, that would be the glory of my Buddha realm. In this Buddha Country, this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, I don’t know how many women there will be who are willing to sincerely worship the Buddha. It's the same."

Subhuti did the same, he also said with a smile from his heart: "Yes, Master, now Junior Sister has been in my Spiritual Mountain for 70,000 years, I feel Her breath and the Divine Emperor's Nine Lives are getting closer and closer to the Great Perfection Realm, her breath is even more of a mystery, she does have the innate talent to become the Divine Emperor!"

But the Buddha It was just a smile. He said, "She originally had Buddha-nature that was transcendent, and her Buddha-nature was also the deepest, far surpassing yours."

Nilu was born in the ordination institute, so he also It was extremely strict. The Buddha who first quarreled with Si Yan was him, so Nilu still had some prejudice against Nian: "But she is a little arrogant. Seeing our senior brothers, it is not too respectful."

Buddha said with a smile again: "She treats me like this, and she scolds me. Yesterday, the master passed by her, and she scolds. She calls you Senior Brother, Not bad, it's just to save face."

Nelyu had to admit it first when he heard the words.

But Maha happily said: "Junior Sister sees me okay, she respects me before."

The Buddha smiled again, but still did not make a sound.

But at the end, the Buddha added: "Now your Junior Sister has been in my Spiritual Mountain for more than 70,000 years, and she can also be on her own. This time, the master is going out to teach the Fa at All Heavens and Myriad Realms. , I will leave this Spiritual Mountain to you to take care of... Well, you can call all my Buddhist high level disciples and hold a Dharma conference together, what are your intentions?"

Maha Buddha The three of them naturally responded.

As for the Buddha, he also left very quickly, and took a Bodhisattva, a new Buddhist son, to the heavens to teach the Dharma. This time, it may be several decades.

As for inside Spiritual Mountain, several Buddhas hurriedly prepared their own pujas.

This time, there are hundreds of thousands of Buddhist disciples and believers who participated in the Fa conference.

Disciples handed down by Buddha are also here.

Maha, as the elder disciple, is also the first Buddha under the Buddha, and he presides over this puja.

Maha and the others are seven direct disciples in total, including the Upa Li Venerable.

Reading is naturally at a high position.

And the position of the recitation is very high, which is just lower than that of the absent Buddha. Her futon is on the side of the Buddha.

But she was a woman, so she sat opposite several Senior Brothers to show their separation.

So, even those Bodhisattva are very envious that she can have such a status.

But among them, there are also some Bodhisattva who hold grudges very much, especially some Bodhisattva with high status, who feel that they are not enough to have this honor.

As for those All Heavens and Myriad Realms, those believers are discussing spiritedly, whether they should give Nian a golden body in the temple.

The Buddha and the others are above, talking about the Dharma, analyzing the Profound Truth profound mystery of Buddhism, and then comprehending a paragraph by Disciples.

But at this moment, Disciple suddenly came to report and said to the Maha Buddha: "Master, the Hidden Scripture Pavilion at the back is on fire!"

These words As soon as it came out, there were so many Buddhist Disciples in this Spiritual Mountain puja, and I couldn't help being shocked. This Spiritual Mountain place, which is also the Buddhist classic Hidden Scripture Pavilion, is actually burning now.

But Maha Buddha frowned and said to the Disciple: "Go and put out the fire first, don't panic."

The large number of scriptures in the Hidden Scripture Pavilion , Although he didn't remember everything, the Buddha also knew it, and the Hidden Scripture Pavilion was also fireproof. It wasn't a big problem and he could handle it properly.

Not to mention that All Heavens and Myriad Realms gathered so many Buddhist Disciples, and besides Spiritual Mountain, there were even more Buddhist Country people listening.

But Nian, who was sitting opposite Maha and Nilu, suddenly spoke up, she said with a faint smile: "Several Senior Brothers, I burned the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, I have long ago It's not good to see it there."

When Maha Buddha and Nilu heard the words, their eyes widened until after the meeting, the Maha Buddha whispered angrily: "Shut up!"

No one seems to have discovered this detail.

The Dharma Conference is still going on, and every Buddhist Disciple with high qualifications will come to explain their own understanding.

But every Disciple who came to approach them all gave them a charming smile, which made them all shake their minds.

Just because this Senior Sister is so beautiful, so beautiful.

And the Senior Sister is also the Buddha Junior Sister, the Buddha's personal handed down, how can they be in the heart, not even a little thought or ripple.

Buddha's personal inheritance is a symbol and will, and when this symbol seems to bewitch them, they will be more confused.

At the end, Canaan Venerable from the Precepts Academy came forward to explain his own perception, he smiled happily, and called out: "Senior Brother."

Canaan quickly smiled and raised his head, and read a Divine Ability cast, causing it to burst both Primordial Spirit and flesh on the spot!

When the audience saw him, there was an uproar.

"Evil Obstruction!" Nilu Buddha stood up suddenly, "Impudent!!"

Nilu Buddha was shouted, the dive light wheel at the back of his head jumped out, nine lives hooked The fire is also burning up!

Maha was also furious: "Nian, what are you doing!! You dare to kill the same sect in the Thunder Sound Temple!!"

"Today, I am no longer a Buddhist Disciple ." Nian slowly got up from her futon, "Today, I am leaving the Buddhist realm, and I will officially leave your Buddhist realm, and have nothing to do with it anymore." Towering, under his rage, his vibrating voice stirred the entire Spiritual Mountain, and the Divine Emperor's coercion was getting stronger and stronger, he said madly: "Rampant! I Buddha Spiritual Mountain, you want to walk to walk. Earth, today, I'm going to clear the door for the Master!!"

Subhuti and Maha also approached and said: "Junior Sister, you massacred the same sect in public, you have not cultivated success Divine Emperor, but you think Go, is it too naive?"

The Buddhas stood up one after another and stood in front of Nian's body.

The aura of the realm of recitation also opened all the way, and stepped straight into the Divinity Emperor Realm: "I want to go, you want to block me?"

Although Maha and Nilu were shocked She cultivated into the Divine Emperor, and it only took her more than 70,000 years to become the Divine Emperor. But he was still stunned and said, "Even if you become a Divine Emperor, you won't be able to leave! The six Disciples that I have personally passed down are all here, you want to leave!"

When Nilu's When the voice sounded, those Buddhist Disciples all stood up one after another, Bodhisattva, Vajra, Venerable, Disciplinary Academy, all fierce appearances!

Nian smiled again, the Divinity Emperor Realm's aura surged again and again, and a Star Sea appeared behind her head. Above the Star Sea, there was a slowly flowing, scarlet and Heavenly Dao blended with blue and blue, that is the highest avenue, is the new Heavenly Dao opened up by Nian!

"Want to block me." She said shallowly with a smile, "Without the Tathagata, are you worthy?"

――――――The dividing line

Ask for a monthly pass! !

Chapter 229 I want her to hate me even more

When Nian'er stood up from the futon, the breath of her whole body was almost suffocated. raised to a critical point.

She has been in Spiritual Mountain for more than 70,000 years, and she has finally become a Divine Emperor, and she has entered the realm Great Perfection of Tianying.

Nian'er opened up and created a brand new Heavenly Dao, which belongs to her creation and understanding.

She has already understood the law of Heavenly Dao, its existence and supreme, and she has touched the tip of the iceberg of the existence of this universe!

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