Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 478

Even though Catkin knew that her Husband had a Human Race bloodline, she couldn't help but be surprised. Because since she was sensible, the status of Human Race has been very low. Most of the heavens and Nine Realms, Human Race are slaves. Even if there is a dao cultivator, this status is also not high. The gods and demons belong to the sovereign born in this universe, but now, her Husband actually calls Heavenly Dao a revival of Human Race!

Wu Xin smiled and said: "Yes, although Human Race was born weak, but since their birth, Child of Destiny has always been born. They also competed for the right of Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. Even if they failed, Heavenly Dao seems to be particularly fond of them. Human Race and Child of Destiny were born. Isn't it Heavenly Dao who is revitalizing Human Race and reviving Human Race?"

Catkin listened, she was apparently dumbfounded in her place, and seemed to know these facts, which had an enormous impact on her existing values.

Wu Xin pulled a handful of catkins and said: "Human Race is actually very terrifying, I also have Human Race bloodline, I know what the bloodline is like, the person with this bloodline is smart, and he is also extremely talented in innate. The Celestial Court is suppressing the Human Race, but it's just to curb the development of this race. If the Celestial Court doesn't do this, maybe Heaven and Earth would have already changed hands."

Wu Xin coughed again , he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully with a smile: "But don't worry, ma'am, you will be fine with me, everything will be fine, and I will take care of you."


At this moment, in the Tian Yan Emperor Palace, Bai Lan and Su Taoer and the others seem to be still in a state of lingering fears.

It was almost at the crucial moment just now, but fortunately, the first-generation Human Emperor did not do anything to the three Divine Emperors of Celestial Court, and finally let them go.

This great hall was destroyed, but fortunately no one was injured.

The first-generation Human Emperor hugged Chang An and looked around everyone before saying with a smile: "Where's the Master, where did my Master go?"

He Those eyes full of infinite power and extremely deep, as if they could see through them all, he added again: "Every Junior Brother Junior Sister, look over and tell the Master, just say Disciple Yichu, come to see you Master!"

Everyone was still in shock, unable to recover for a long time, only the ancient Zhuyin was awe-inspiring, she bowed first and said, "Junior Sister Zhuyin, I have seen Eldest Senior Brother."

When the first-generation Human Emperor heard the words, he smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

Among all the Disciples present, only Gu Zhuyin had the highest seniority. After Gu Zhuyin was like this, they all approached to meet the older Senior Brother.

Even if he is as arrogant as a phoenix flame dance, this is the case. After all, in terms of realm, the first generation is already the Divine Emperor Tianying realm.

With that cultivation base breath, three Divine Emperors were shocked away!

Yi Chu was stroking his beard and laughed heartily, as if he was very satisfied with these Junior Brother Junior Sisters.

Gu Zhuyin has actually heard some rumors. It is said that the first-generation Human Emperor paid great attention to his face, and because he was very senior, he liked others to respect him.

Today, it was no exception.

Among so many people, only Mo Li was dumbfounded and didn't react, but she was of high seniority, so she didn't have to pay respect to Yichu.

On the contrary, Yichu reacted quickly. After all, he knew who was holding his child, so he hurriedly gave Mo Li a salute.

On the contrary, Mo Li himself was confused.

The first Human Emperor?

This first-generation Human Emperor, is it the Human Race's Great Emperor that her father Jiu Xiu Mojun mentioned last time, not long ago, the two sides fought against each other? ? ?

But at this time, Yong Ning, who was also a little bit not knowing what to do, came over again from behind, she came to Yichu's side, and then panicked: "Then... that, you give me the child first, He... he may have been frightened."

Yi Chu instinctively looked behind and saw that it was a very young woman, this realm has only arrived at the Spirit Emperor.

Even though this woman was wearing a fancy dress just now and was sitting on a high seat with Mo Li just now, how could Yichu have thought about it so much? The little sister has no opinion, why did you come up and beep, then coldly snorted, scolded to Yongning: "Go back, do you understand the rules? Junior!"


At this moment, Si Yan and Yuling, who are on another heaven with Yuling, do not know what happened in Profound Ascension World.

Both of them are still studying the tombstone and these inscription characters.

Yu Ling listened to Si Yan's interpretation, he speculated: "Master, it sounds like the person who erected a monument for this tomb master and wrote these inscriptions should be a woman, otherwise this would be a woman. How can the words be so emotional."

Si Yan looked at the series of inscriptions from the top, and said, "It should be like this, this tombstone records the past between her and the tomb owner, and it mentions It's a lot, um... But how can this be, this should be Turing's tomb, and it was done by those Ancient Gods, how could it be like this."

Si Yan is a little puzzled. , especially the last two sentences, guarding the tomb absolutely for you...

Yu Ling said: "Guarding the tomb absolutely, Master, will this tomb guard still be around here? "

" should be impossible." Si Yan said in surprise, "I remember correctly, this heaven should have disappeared from the Nine Realms for more than a million years, it was exiled In the back of the other void, how could there be someone willing to guard the tomb for a million years in a locked world."

Yu Ling reminded: "Guarding the tomb absolutely for a million years is also a million years. It's just a drop in the ocean."

Si Yan didn't know why the seven-star mixed dzi bead led him here, and he looked around, but saw nothing.

But also at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and the wind carried the snow, blowing up the thin snow that had just fallen today.

After the thin snow was blown away, the appearance around Suzuki finally showed in front of their master and disciple.

In fact, there are flowers everywhere around the mausoleum. These dazzling flowers spread out on both sides of the mausoleum, as if they were surrounded by them.

These flowers are a bit delicate, and under the embellishment of these snowflakes, they are particularly illusory.

"There are flowers, Master." Yu Ling squatted down and touched it, "Someone should be taking care of this, otherwise these flowers won't rise so well."

Yuling often takes care of the flowers and trees of Heaven Fate Pavilion, so he knows the growth of plants very well, not to mention that there are cut marks on the side branches of the flowers, these marks are very new, some of the ground is touched, there are still branches juice.

"What... someone is guarding Turing's tomb, is it still there?" He then said in surprise.

He then searched everywhere on the tombstone, but still did not see the name of the tomb owner, only the past between the woman who erected the monument and the tomb owner.

And the story is too long for Si Yan to finish it.

Si Yan was horrified again: "Is there really a woman who has guarded his tomb here for millions of years, and there is such an infatuated person in this world?"

However, That's why Si Yan was so strange, behind them there was the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow.

Their master and disciple turned around and saw a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old walking towards the mausoleum with a basket in her hand.

"A million years is just the beginning." The girl with the basket said so indifferently, "I will guard his grave for absolutely years, until the Great Desolate is destroyed, and until, I also decay. "

She was silent for a while, then added: "Until then, I'll be waiting forever."

――――――The dividing line

Ask for a monthly pass!

Chapter 262 Great Desolate Continuation

This girl is wearing a white and green dress, the skirt is over the knee, and there are some broken flowers, the shape looks like Like a peony flower.

She has bright eyes and bright teeth, a not too thin oval face, her cheeks are a little red, and her long hair is tied with a ribbon, and she can see that trace from her dignity. Skilled.

She is not too tall, but she is not too short among women, about the position of Si Yan's chin. As she spoke, she walked over to this side, her footsteps were very gentle, and she also stepped on a crisp and crunching sound in the snow.

She was wearing a pair of embroidered shoes, and Si Yan saw a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on these embroidered shoes, which was an obvious picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

This girl looked a little cold, but when Si Yan thought so, she suddenly laughed, as if she was deliberately trying to ease the atmosphere a little bit.

"Don't be nervous, don't worry, the person sleeping here is my Husband, he likes the liveliness the most, he will be very happy if you can come, come, you will sit by the side. After a while, I'll put some food and drink for Husband, and today I've made him his favorite dishes."

As the woman spoke, a stone table suddenly appeared between Si Yan and Yuling. And the stone chair, trying to look at each other first, and then take their seats separately.

As for the woman, before the mausoleum, she took out dishes of wine and vegetables in the basket and placed them on the steps in front of the mausoleum.

Her basket seemed to be a magic weapon in space. There were so many dishes, she easily took out more than a dozen dishes from it, and at the end, she also took out a large bowl of steam with both hands from the basket. Fresh fish and sheep are coming.

This fish and sheep fresh seems to be very delicious, and it is still a copper pot. There is a charcoal fire underneath, and the soup is already thick milk-white. It's an overflowing aroma.

But the woman suddenly remembered something and woke up again: "oh! Husband, it's rare to have a Fellow Daoist to see you today, you must be happy, why don't you have a drink with the two Fellow Daoists?"


Following this, the woman quickly put all the dishes into the basket, came over again, and placed them on Si Yan's table, and she also took out the dishes and chopsticks. To Si Yan and Yu Ling, and then, she placed an empty tableware next to her, said with a smile: "Husband, this Fellow Daoist is good-natured, sit here."

Si Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he raised the glass that the woman had filled for her, and said to the empty place: "Then... Let's toast Fellow Daoist first."


Si Yan and Yuling also had a drink, and then sat in front of the table looking like they didn't know what to do.

But the woman seemed a little apologetic in her expression: "You two, I don't know anyone visiting today, and the reception was not good. Please forgive me."

Si Yan hurriedly Said: "We rush in, it's our fault, why are we not entertaining this?"

Yu Ling only looked at nodded, and he seemed a little hungry, so first each minding their own business eat up.

But the questions in Si Yan's heart kept popping up one after another, such as who is this woman, and who is in this mausoleum. But he pretended to be calm first, and then said: "This girl, look at the inscription on the tombstone, this tombstone was erected by you?"

She pursed her lips and said, "It's me, I It has been more than 1.3 million years to accompany Husband to sleep here, and it has been waiting here since the beginning of the Haotian era."

Si Yan listened and pretended Zuo Ran, then probed: "Girl, I have read some ancient books, and I can understand Taoism, and according to this tomb form, this tomb should be the tomb of Turing's Ancient Race, girl, I guessed it right. ?"

She has been filling the empty bowl beside her with food, and in the process, she also put some food for Yu Ling and Si Yan, all as her own hospitality.

The girl nodded and said: "Yeah, Husband has Turing bloodline, and the size of the tomb is suitable."

Yu Ling was eating this table full of dishes. , ate all his cheeks bulging, quite a bit gobbled up.

Si Yan frowned at first, feeling that the dish didn't taste good, but after eating a chopstick, he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but praise: "The girl's craftsmanship is good!"

The woman then said with a smile: "This is natural, I have a hut on the side of the snow peak, I usually either live here, or live in that house, when I have leisure here , I like cooking, I know how to hunt prey, keep livestock in captivity, and grow vegetables and fruits, so I have also practiced good cooking skills.”

In fact, the Disciple of Si Yan Heaven Fate Pavilion is basically Everyone above is gluttonous, including himself, but at this time, Yu Ling's eating appearance is a bit ugly, and even when he is drinking soup, he will make a loud noise.

Si Yan was about to shout, but the girl puci again and said happily: "If my husband sees Fellow Daoist eating so well, he must be very happy, my husband is the best. Guest, make friends without permission, this Fellow Daoist, you must eat some, my Husband must be very happy to see it!"

Yuling heard the words and immediately said that he knew, Unceremoniously continue to bury your head and eat.

Si Yan's face inevitably has some black lines.

Because Si Yan knows, this woman is obviously not very simple.

With his current realm, he can't see through the strength of this woman at all, and even Divine Sense detection has been blocked.

But this woman has been guarding this place for 1.3 million years, yet she still looks so young, and there is not even a trace of years on her face. This cultivation realm is at least the Divine Emperor. Heavenly Infant is realm, or maybe, even higher...

Because of more than one million years, even the Divine Emperor will still have some traces of time.

If it is the defective Human Race of Lifespan Innate, it is even more so. Youxin Human Emperor is now a middle age person, and Yichu is an old man.

Moreover, he felt that this woman's mental state might have some ups and downs. When she came to this realm cultivation base, how could she not know Dao Soul, but she clearly knew that, but she still left tableware and chopsticks on the side. To my husband, this behavior is quite abnormal in itself.

What's more, this woman made him feel a little uncomfortable. Her appearance should have a cold temperament, but she seemed a little eccentric. Switching between comfortable feelings.

And smiling, her voice actually cooled down, and she seemed to become extremely gloomy all of a sudden.

This woman actually said in a very low voice: "Hey, do you want to know how Husband and I met?"

Si Yan and Yuling, at this moment, are staring at each other with this girl whose tone suddenly became strange. Compared with Si Yan, Yuling, whose realm is lower, seems to be particularly frightened, even the back of the neck. It's all white sweat.

What's more, this girl's eyes are so wide, bloodshot around her eyes, the corners of her mouth are still twitching unnaturally, and even her fists are fiercely clenched.

Si Yan was about to put down his glass, so he had to do it, after all, he was really interested.

But just as he was about to speak, the surrounding scenery also changed, and the scenery began to distort into a whole new scene.

At this moment, what Si Yan presented to Si Yan was an endless land.

This scene is very strange, but vaguely familiar.

Si Yan then reacted and knew that this was the Great Desolate Era, which was the era of the Eastern Emperor.

In the era of the Eastern Emperor, this world was still in the midst of a wild era, the Divine Ability Taoism was not as prosperous as it is now, and the etiquette has not yet arisen, except for the most powerful intelligent creature in this world, Turing Ancient Race. In addition to the established Celestial Court, many places exist in the form of large tribes. Even if there are ancient city-states, these city-states are also very rough, and the buildings are only piled up by some large stones.

Whether it is Turing Ancient Race or other races, they are not bound by the law, Turing Ancient Race only worships Heavenly Dao, and their leader Donghuang Taiyi, in this wild age, is trying to Fleshy body and Primordial Spirit, the true way of cultivation success.

Even when he didn't notice, a race called Divine Race was gradually rising, growing up in one corner of the world, they were blessed by Heavenly Dao, they came from the forest and the sea gradually prosper.

Their innate talent is no worse than Turing's. Whether it is fleshy body or lifespan, they are destined to compete with Turing for the Sovereign of this universe in the future.

And in this era, Human Race is even more unbearable, this race is the weakest, they are still in the stone age, even iron tools will not be refined, not to mention the same as gods and demons, even if it is an ordinary one. The wild beast is enough to kill them, and they are still groping in the dark...

But in such an era, one day, in a Divine Race tribe, a girl from Riding a boat on the river outside the tribe, while admiring the scenery along the way, I met the young man.

In fact, the two of them just looked at each other, but this look seemed to be imprinted in the depth of one's soul.

They fell in love at first sight and told each other their love for each other.

But at that time, the Divine Race was not completely unified, and there were also contradictions between the Divine Race tribes, so their love also encountered many ups and downs.

However, it seems that it is these ups and downs that have caused more tests between the two of them, and the love between them has become deeper and deeper.

Si Yan looked at this scene, although he couldn't see the appearance of the boy and girl in the illusion, but at this moment, the girl sitting opposite them was staring at this picture of herself. The scene created was a little crazy, and her eyes were always on the boy.

"He is very difficult to deal with, he is a genius." She said, "If he is still there, he must be above the Nine Heavens now, his status is not inferior to the four emperors, and he is not afraid of Nine Nether. Nine prisons and two gods."

"Then how did he die?" Yu Ling asked aloud.

The girl was silent. At this time, not far from there, another silhouette appeared. On the Great Desolate land, she met the boy and girl.

"He killed," she said coldly.

――――――Separation line

Gradually restore the double update!

Chapter 263 Green

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