Please Spare Me! Apprentice! Chapter 514

Small Mirror, still hovering beside him at the moment, is also reminding: "Dad, we may not be able to stay for too long!"

Nian'er belongs to Divine Sense at the moment Her sensitivity in this regard may also exceed Si Yan's judgment and prediction of herself.

Si Yan, who is still in the battle inside the formation, already seemed very anxious. When he looked up at Wen Ye's current situation, he still shouted again: " Wen Ye! You can go! You know how to get out of this realm! Don't fight!! You can't bear it alone! Wait until the end, what will not be left!!"

Seventh State The origin and establishment of the world are very early.

It was actually Si Yan's adoptive mother at first, and Si Chang ruled and managed. Si Chang is very good at spatial Taoism, and it is she who moved this realm into this spatial gap to hide it.

The seventh state border has experienced at least about three generations of hard work and hard work, and it has also prepared for various disasters in preventing foreign enemies.

From the large number of Defensive Arrays in the entire city-state, as well as some special passages, they are managed and known by three generations of rulers, so Wen Ye is no exception, she knows how to leave. What's more, Space Dao Fa belongs to Si Chang's Dao Fa scope. Si Chang has many successors in the seventh state. She also taught Wen Ye some Dao Fa concepts. Therefore, if Wen Ye wants to go, even Even if the Heavenly Emperor came in person, it would be difficult to keep her, let alone a Yun Gehuan.

Shouting at this time, Si Yan even felt that his voice was a little disintegrated. The feeling he brought before made his facial features and his hearing seem to be being generated. The influence is gradually distorted, and even the sound of his shouting seems to gradually disappear, disappearing from this Far Ancient Era.

Wen Ye didn't seem to hear Si Yan's voice, but felt something, and looked down again.

Her eyes were very complicated, with some expectations and some confusion, but after smiling, she could only decide.

In this city-state, it has long been a ruin and a beacon fire.

There is also war everywhere, and there are mourning and wailing everywhere.

This is the realm under her jurisdiction and protection.

And the people of this seventh state border, a long time ago, were people who migrated from the Nine Realms with her family.

Wen Ye, she was originally born into a wealthy family, and she was just an ordinary person at first.

When she lived in the Nine Realms, she was also unruly and self-willed. She also feels that she is noble, and even has a serious class and status ideology. She looks down on those poor farmers, and she doesn't like those dirty children on the edge of the village. Although the children of the farmers loved her very much, every time she passed by the door, the children liked to circle around her, shouting one by one, one by one called Eldest Young Lady, and some girls, boldly said, Eldest Young Lady is so pretty, so pretty.

But even so, she didn't like it. Although she often gave them a little food when the mood came up, it was just casual. Not that she likes it.

Wen Ye just doesn't like that these children are always so hungry and so thin. Even if she was reprimanded by her family, she would still give alms.

But of course, she would never touch a dirty child.

Every time she divides things, those little children are scrambling for a very difficult to deal with, and they are desperately trying to stuff them into their mouths.

Because that era was different.

The Nine Realms then were not the same as the Seventh State line today. At that time, the Nine Realms Human Race bullied itself, the foreign race bullied the Human Race, there was famine everywhere, and almost everyone was hungry. So then there will be so much competition.

However, until the place where they were, after being looted and slaughtered by an alien race, all of Wen Ye's values and beliefs were completely destroyed.

That scene, she will never forget.

The entire village, and even a large number of fields in front of the village, are completely caught in the raging fire. That is the grain that is about to be harvested in autumn, and it is an important ration for the whole village to survive the winter. , they were all burnt to the flames in the catastrophe of the alien race against them.

The parents are also whereabouts unknown, and the villagers are like walking corpse, wandering around in the disaster.

Those children who often surrounded her also became scorched corpses.

Wen Ye remembered that she was holding her servant daughter, who was dying. It was in her arms that she finally swallowed her breath after calling Eldest Young Lady.

Moreover, the child was still laughing at the end, because Eldest Young Lady was actually willing to hold her, unlike before, she disliked them as dirty and didn't even bother to touch them. She seemed to be here for this. Feeling joy, a faint smile appeared, as if she felt content and warmth before her insignificant life was gone.

It is also when she loses these, when she loses the people she thinks are unimportant, that Wen Ye really knows what everyone, this race and everyone mean to her.

If it weren't for the later, the person who changed her and her brother's life, who appeared in her youth back then, would have been plundered by aliens, and she would have also become the target of bullying.

Nowadays, the people in the seventh state border are all those who moved to the seventh state border in those painful times. It is her family, the descendants of her relatives.

The emperor is gone, everyone is gone, and only she can support everything, it's time to bear everything.

Yun Ge Huan saw Wen Ye staying there the whole time, and even cut his wrist with a Qing sword, splattering a lot of dive blood.

He laughed and sneered: "Why, don't you have only so much ability, but show me more resistance?"

At the border of the seventh state In addition, there are a large number of gods and demons pushing and pulling the heavens.

This seventh state boundary gradually got out of the wonderful space behind the Nine Realms, and gradually came to the outside.

The state border is huge, and when it emerges from the sky, there is a lot of lightning, a lot of frantic spiritual power and thunderstorms around the border.

Because the seventh state border is in a wonderful space, this space is isolated from Myriad Realms, even the Nine Hells cannot reach through the Netherworld River, even the Nether Soul within the border, It was also towed to the Nine Realms by the state border itself, and then extradited by the shepherd.

When the seventh state border, the origin of the human civilization, reappeared above the Nine Realms, from the underworld, from the Nine Nether magic capital, they all came across the border. .

Many of them know that one day, the seventh state boundary will be found and eradicated sooner or later. Some feel sad, some feel sorry, and some feel sad.

They have different emotions, but none of them will stop this one-sided slaughter and catastrophe.

But on the other side of the distant universe, there is someone who is moving in ecstasy.

She has always been calm, composed, and a little eccentric.

The main body of the Eastern Emperor Qinghua, at this moment, is standing on a snowy peak in the heavens, from laughing wildly, to a faint and overflowing expression, and finally to calm.

At the end, after staring at the snow peaks in the heavens for a moment, she said: "Qi, the human religion is destroyed, you can rest in peace, he is completely dead and gone."


After a while, the East Emperor seemed to have noticed something strange and felt strange. She seemed to be looking for something, but after searching around with Divine Sense, there was nothing, so after this short celebration was over , she quickly disappeared above this vast snow peak.


At this moment, in the seventh realm.

Si Yan sees Wen Yi here, and sees her swaying her dive blood over the entire City of Tomorrow, and she immediately knows what she is going to do.

He almost roared: "Wen Ye! Wen Hai and Susu are not here, you can't support that world array alone, it was drawn by us together, you can't support it! You will waste money. Use all your true essence and Primordial Spirit!!"

There is a large formation hidden in the seventh state border, which is also preparing for today's situation.

Si Chang was the first to draw this great formation, and after that, Si Yan and Cheng Su completed it together.

But the Formation needs to consume the true essence of the sorcerer, and the formidable power of the Formation cannot be supported by a single Divinity Emperor Realm.

"Stranded Beast's Struggle." Yun Gehuan still seemed to be indifferent.

Yun Ge Huan saw Wen Ye's dive blood disappearing around, and after forming a large number of thin lines, after drawing out each graphic Formation, he still maintained the original arrogant attitude . Even this big formation is enough to wrap the entire city of tomorrow, and even extend far to the outside.

Besides, he saw that Wen Ye was trembling at the moment in order to support the Tianying realm and wake up this great formation, all the more so.

He roared wildly up to the sky: "I have half footed into the Heavenly Dao Realm world! In this world, the All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the Ancient God can't go out, who can go out of my way? "

Wen Ye's mana is overdrawn to a certain extent, even Divine Soul.

Her nasal cavity was studying abroad, and so were her beautiful eyes, after she vomited a mouthful of blood.

Among these Formations, some Divine Idol silhouettes finally emerged.

This is one dharma branding of the deity!

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Divine Emperor Hooking Fire

When the seventh state boundary was gradually separated from the alien space to the outside, the connection between the seventh state boundary and the outside was Sustainability and perception are also becoming stronger and stronger.

Those who could not detect the existence of the seventh state boundary before, also knew what happened to this boundary.

But for those who led the fight against Human Race, including Nine Heavens, they just had to know that fact, and the process didn't matter.

Just because after the fall of the leader of the Human Race, the seventh state became the last independent homeland of the Human Race, and the thoughts of the Human Race were also included in it. The human religion can no longer be held, and the seventh state border is also destined to be destroyed.

For Nine Heavens, this is such a simple and desirable outcome.

apart from this , they don't care anymore.

But the perception that this realm appears and is about to be destroyed is an extremely tragic and a particularly terrifying fact in the hearts of some people.

It is also a tragedy of the complete collapse and destruction of beliefs and ideas.

Now All Heavens and Myriad Realms are scattered all over the universe and all over the Star Sea.

Above a densely forested sky, in a world of pitch black and pouring rain, at this moment there is a man crawling in the darkness, he wants to go, but he can't , his legs are gone, he is completely crippled.

He is a cripple now, even if he looks handsome, even if he was young and promising, handsome, but these have long been accompanied by his failure, his physical disability has become the past, Not anymore.

And after the last war, not only his fleshy body and Primordial Spirit, but also Dao Heart collapsed completely. In these days, since he was able to survive to this day, he has been suffering all the time. Torment on Dao Heart.

Although he can use his mana to escape and float, he wants to walk, and he wants to stand on his legs, in order to prove a fact that has been denied. So he ended up crawling in the mud.

At the end, he coughed a few times. He was a strong injury, and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with rain and blood and penetrated into the muddy ground.

His long hair is disheveled, and his body is equally filthy.

But even so, he continued, even though he didn't know how long it had been.

And it was in this instant that he felt the seventh state boundary, and he felt the imprint of his own law!

It was until this time that he suddenly lifted the head, because he knew that the seventh state was being attacked, and now that the great formation has been opened, Wen Ye is ready either the fish dies or the net splits decision!

And the seventh state border, since Wen Ye was completely blocked for self-protection, is already their last place!

He was roared towards the sky, trying to get up again, he was like crazy, standing up from the mud, he cheered up his true essence, one after another aura behind his head gradually jumped He came out and kept roaring: "I can still fight! I am not defeated, I am not defeated!! Wen Ye, Wen Hai entrusted you to me, and the emperor entrusted you to me! I can't let them down, I can still I can still fight!!"

Under his roar, he overdrawn the Divine Soul at the cost of burning the Primordial Spirit and stepped into the Divinity Emperor Realm again. The Wheel of Life is shining hot, and he is also using his great magic power to open a door connecting the space. This space channel is directly connected to the seventh state border, but before, in order not to reveal the position of the state border, even if the situation At this point, they have never been to the seventh state boundary.

But now, he is ready for the final battle. If this is the last swan song of the Human Church, then he must be willing to be one of them, singing and fighting for dignity. A heroic death in a roar!

However, just as his ears and nose were bleeding from the burning Divine Soul, not far in front of him, a silhouette slowly appeared, and the silhouette was dressed in pure white in this dark rainy night. The Confucian shirt, the figure is particularly tall and burly.

He suddenly stretched out his hand with self-movement method, and directly destroyed the space door that was condensed with mana.

Xu Xian was so startled. After knowing why, he seemed to be crazy. Between all kinds of strange roars and screams, he held his imperial sword and went there. The silhouette flew away with a sword, and this sword also turned into countless sword shadows!

But the Scholar Garments Old Man is still motionless in the same place, his sight has not changed, he just took out a scroll, this scroll is like the dancing of water sleeves, a scroll in the sky. , it turned all sword shadows into an emperor sword again, wrapped in a scroll.

Xu is still yelling wildly at the opposite side, constantly cursing the Scholar Garments Old Man.

Because that space channel is in his current state, he can no longer open the second one.

But after a while, Xu suddenly became quiet. He was stunned, surprised, and fell into extreme panic and loss.

Because of Scholar Garments Old Man, he looked at the emperor sword wrapped in the picture scroll in his hand, sighed, and shook his head like that: "Xu Fellow Daoist, why are you doing this, you are useless, you My sword is also rusted, the rusted sword can't kill anyone, and it can't do anything."

After hearing this, he didn't shout anymore.

All that was left was crying.


Because his sword was rusted, it was the emperor sword forged by the emperor.

Now, like him, it's all useless.

He is disabled, and the sword is rusted.

Even though, he still wants to go to the battlefield and realize the final value of his life...

In addition, in this era, in the other extreme of the universe, there are still people hiding.

Her injuries are also very serious, but she is not as embarrassed as Ah Xu, and has her usual elegance.

She was sitting among the bamboo forests, in front of a small house, gently turning the umbrella in her hand, so that the delicate drizzle turned into some mist, dispersed around her, as if in the Dotted with a particularly quiet atmosphere at this time.

But at this moment, she also felt a change, and detected the natural phenomenon of the seventh state boundary, as well as her own dharma image, which was also activated by Formation.

Her previously dull eyes also gradually became fierce. Around her, with the rippling of her mana, even the rain curtain completely froze in the air.

But at this moment, the child in her arms, the child with some burn marks on her chin, murmured softly, as if she was hungry, or a little cold, or something Frightened by Cheng Su's appearance, she burst into tears.

In the end, Cheng Su's pale lips seemed to ease, she gently comforted a few times, the little girl she rescued from the war and ruins, looked inside again, That voice that is still dying, and may be dying at any time.

Cheng Su only sighed softly and dissipated his mana.

But because of this, a tear slowly flowed from the corner of her eyes.

She sang softly.

This is a very old ballad. It was a ballad that everyone sang and commemorated when Human Race migrated from the Nine Realms to the seventh state in a distant era.

And now, she is singing herself with this child.

It's just that the song that used to be full of yearning, pinned on the future and beauty, is so sad at this time.

But at least, she didn't want it to be forgotten.

Hopefully someone can keep inheriting.


In the seventh state border, Wen Ye, who is presiding over the grand formation at this moment, has completely raised her mana, her spirit and will to a critical and limit, and Because of the load generated by this large formation, blood was constantly oozing from her nasal cavity.

Those blood also became scarlet threads, passing through her body, absorbing her mana and maintaining the integrity of this Formation.

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