Please Stop Talking

Chapter 209: I beat my son

As the so-called colleagues are enemies!

But it is not that simple for those building materials vendors to destroy them, otherwise they would have been destroyed!

"what do you mean……"

Wei Yuan calmed down at this moment, and he also felt unusual!

"Mr. Wei, think about it, we signed the agreement the day before yesterday afternoon and went to buy the goods the next day, but all the merchants are out of stock. Is this possible?"

"How could those building materials vendors get ready so soon? Unless they knew we would get tens of billions of orders, so they united in advance?"

It is impossible for one or two companies to cut off all their supplies unless everyone unites.

But the peers are enemies, it is so easy to unite!

Although time is tight for this incident, under Ye Feng's manipulation, everyone joined together to suppress Weijia Building Materials together!

"Do you mean that Xinghai Real Estate and those building materials dealers are working together to pit me?"

Although Wei Yuan was asking, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that was the case, otherwise Xinghai Real Estate suddenly gave him a tens of billions of orders!

Sure enough, there is no good thing in the sky!

"It's just that we did not offend Xinghai Real Estate, and we are also their suppliers, and our goods are guaranteed in quality and quantity. Why does Xinghai Real Estate set up a situation to pit me?

Wei Yuan couldn't figure it out. He could understand that other building materials vendors suppressed him, but Xinghai Real Estate had no reason to play tricks with other people!

"Mr. Wei, I think I might know why?"

At this time, the marketing manager raised his hand, and the weak spoke!

"what do you know?"

Wei Yuan glanced over!

The others also looked at the marketing manager!

"Mr. Wei, I have a college classmate who works at Xinghai Technology. On the afternoon you signed the contract, my classmate saw that Wei Shao had a conflict with Xinghai Group Ye Feng!"

The marketing manager felt a pair of eyes, stressed, and said bitterly.

"There was a conflict with Xinghai Group Ye Feng?"

Wei Yuan snorted in his heart, it seems that this is the reason.

They did not offend Xinghai Real Estate, but offended the big boss behind Xinghai Real Estate.

"This rebel! How could he have a conflict with Ye Feng?"

"Mr. Wei, you must also know that the president of Xinghai Technology An Xin is a beautiful woman, Shao Wei..."

Having said that, the marketing manager paused and did not continue!

But everyone understands!

Who is Wei Hong, can they not know?

It's just a **** who plays with women everywhere. It is said that sometimes they use strong, they despise it from the bottom of their hearts!

It's just that Wei Hong is the son of their boss, so naturally they dare not say anything!

But I didn't expect the other party to be so courageous!

Dare to go to Xinghai Technology to make women!

"Nizi! Nizi!"

Wei Yuan was so furious that he sent the people away and returned home alone.

Also called Wei Hong!

"It's over! It's over! Could it be the incident?"

Wei Hong received the call and walked into the house anxiously.

Ever since he offended Ye Feng and knew Ye Feng's identity, he was scared!

When he knew that his family had signed a tens of billions of orders, he thought that Ye Feng would not ask him to settle the accounts, and he was overjoyed, full of luck!

When he knew that the supply of goods at home had been cut off, his face turned pale and he immediately realized that it was not good!

Although he is dull, he is not a fool!

Ten billion orders, out of stock, liquidated damages...

These things combined, if he didn't know that Ye Feng was fixing him, he would be a fool!

But he dare not say!

He is afraid of breaking his leg!

"Dad, what's the matter with you calling me back?"

Entering the door, Wei Hong saw Wei Yuan sitting on the sofa in the hall with a pale face. He was a little bit guilty and could only bite the bullet and came in front of him, frightened.

"Say! Did you offend Xinghai Group Ye Feng?"

Wei Yuan stared at Wei Hong, and he didn't even play with women, but now he doesn't even have any eyesight. It's a waste!

Incompetent bungler!

"Dad, I didn't know in advance that he was Ye Feng!"

Wei Hong's body trembled and his legs softened. He knelt on the ground and cried, "And I didn't offend him. I just wanted to invite Anxin to have a meal, but he had his tooth knocked out. I had nothing else. do it……"

Wei Hong opened his mouth, a few of his front teeth were missing, and his speech leaked!


Seeing Wei Hong's unsatisfactory appearance, Wei Yuan became even more angry, grabbing a teacup and smashing it on his head.


The tea cup was broken, and the tea spilled over Wei Hong's face!


The blood flowed out with a scream, and Wei Hong fell to the ground and howled!

"Ah! Honger!"

A scream sounded, and a middle-aged woman rushed down from upstairs and saw Wei Hong's head smashed. She was distressed and angry!

"Wei Yuan!"

A roar of Hedong Lion resounded through the hall.

"You trash! I'm useless, I know what to do at home and beat my son. If you have something to do, you go out!"

"You actually did such a brutal attack on Hong'er, my old lady fights with you!"

Seeing that her hands were blood, and hearing Wei Hong's wailing, the middle-aged woman became angry and rushed towards Wei Yuan with her teeth and claws!

She is Wei Yuan's wife Bai Xiaojie.


Wei Yuan was initially upset, and was irritated by this Bai Xiaojie. He raised his hand and slapped the opponent directly!

"Is it enough trouble? If it wasn't for your **** to dote on him since he was a child, and let him develop a lawless character, this rebellious son can cause such a disaster?"

The more Wei Yuan thought about it, the more angry he became. He started from scratch and worked so hard for so many years to accumulate such a wealth of money. Now he is about to sink!

"Well, you Wei Yuan, do you dare to hit me? You are a bully, you know how to beat women!"

Bai Xiaojie was furious and pointed at Wei Yuan's nose and cursed: "Your business has a problem, but instead of solving it by yourself, you will cast your anger on our mother and son. What kind of man are you?

"Do you ask yourself what this bad guy does? If it weren't for this bad guy, would my business go wrong?"

Wei Hong angrily rebuked, "Is Xinghai Group Ye Feng something we can afford to offend? We still dare to steal women from others, and don't look at how many catties you are!"

"What are you yelling at? You know Weird Hong'er! If you didn't play with women all day long and broke Hong'er, would you have today's problem?"

Bai Xiaojie was unwilling to show weakness, the more he thought about it, the more angry, the grievances accumulated before burst out.

"Okay, let's think about how to solve it now!"

Wei Yuan was a little bit wrong and didn't want to continue arguing with Bai Xiaojie. He suppressed the anger in his heart and sat back on the sofa.


Bai Xiaojie snorted coldly, knowing the company's difficulties, and dare not go too far.

She hurriedly helped Wei Hong deal with the wound, but fortunately it just broke a little, not serious!

"Now the plan for the present is to ask Dong Ye to forgive me!"

Wei Yuan glared at Wei Hong and exhorted: "I will take you to apologize to Ye Dong later. If you don't cooperate well, I will break your leg!"

"I know, I must beg Ye Dong for forgiveness!" Wei Hong was unwilling in every way, but he did not dare to resist!

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

Soon, Wei Yuan found the phone number of Ye Feng's secretary Li Na and made a call!


Xinghai Technology, President's Office.

"Big villain, now that you are satisfied, you know to bully others!"

An Xin sorted out the messy clothes, and her pretty face flushed!

With infinite amorous feelings, she glanced at Ye Feng fiercely, "I don't even say you can submerge others, I believe your ghost!"

"Is this hidden? This is called Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand, hugged An Xin in his arms, and smiled: "Isn't you very happy just now? Didn't you recognize people so quickly?"

He tilted Erlang's legs, all over his body!


Different places, different scenery, and different experiences!

"Go away, I'm going to work!"

An Xin gave him a glance and turned on the air conditioner to clear the strange smell in the office!

Otherwise, as long as anyone with a little experience can smell it, that would be a shame!

"Just worked so long, don't be too tired!"

Ye Feng stayed for a while, gave An Xin a last hug before leaving the office!

"Boss, Wei Jia Building Materials and Wei Yuan called and said that he wanted to bring his son over and apologize for you!"

Seeing Ye Feng coming out, Li Na hurriedly greeted her!

Yu Guang glanced at An Xin's office, with a touch of shame and envy in her eyes, and her cheeks were slightly red!

Ye Feng and An Xin stayed inside for so long, they must have done something bad inside!

Thinking of this, her heart beats violently!

Will Ye Feng let her in the office...

It seems that it is not impossible to think of the prevailing secretary style before!

"Just tell him I didn't care, don't take it to heart!"

Ye Feng said casually.


Li Na called Wei Yuan back.

After waiting for half an hour, Wei Yuan, anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, heard the call, full of excitement, and quickly answered the phone with anxious expectation:

"Mr. Wei, Dong Ye is very busy now and can't spare any time, but Dong Ye said about you, he didn't care, don't worry about it!"

"The order matter..."

Wei Yuan just wanted to speak, but there was a busy tone on the phone, and he obviously hung up!

"Don't care? Don't worry about it?"

Wei Yuan smashed the phone to the ground, and roared hysterically: "You don't have to take it to your mother!"

You **** don't care, I'm going to be **** by you now!

But he knew that Ye Feng was determined to fix him!

"Dad, didn't Ye Dong say he didn't care?"

Wei Hong was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Wei Yuan was still angry.

"Why did Lao Tzu give birth to you such an idiot son? Why didn't he shoot you to the wall in the first place!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Yuan was so angry that he was too lazy to explain, and shouted impatiently:

"piss off!"


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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