Please Stop Talking

Chapter 211: Pool party

The large crystal chandeliers worth tens of millions of dollars are arranged neatly on the dome of the hall.

A large sofa of more than ten meters, a mahogany coffee table.

The first floor is the smooth floor, starting from the stairs and going up, all covered with a soft and delicate carpet.

There is a smart shoe cabinet at the entrance of the hall. Under the control of Xinghai, it is usually hidden in the wall and pops up automatically when someone comes in!

After Ye Feng and the girls changed their slippers, the smart shoe cabinet was automatically hidden and disappeared!

"Brother Feng, your shoe cabinet is too smart, right?"

Sun Xiaomeng's big eyes were full of curiosity, and after testing it back and forth several times, she found that the smart shoe cabinet was not rigid at all and was very smart.

"Ye Feng's intelligent robot is called an intelligent. Isn't it easy to make such a shoe cabinet?"

Gu Qingcheng smiled, not surprising.

Many of them know that Ye Feng has intelligent robots.

This is no secret.

After entering the door, the women became more curious about Ye Feng's new home, and were full of enthusiasm. Under Ye Feng's leadership, they looked at all places except the laboratory.

The first floor is mainly the kitchen, hall, gym, swimming room, and wine cellar.

The second floor and the third floor are mainly entertainment venues, including family cinema, KTV, billiards room, badminton room, table tennis room, yoga room, mahjong room, yoga room, steam room, etc.

From the third floor to the seventh floor are the bedrooms, study, cloakroom.

The eighth floor and the ninth floor are naturally Ye Feng's laboratory.

After the visit, every eye is full of shock!

They are not shocked by various entertainment facilities and luxurious decorations.

Most of them are white, rich and beautiful, and these are not very impactful for them!

They are shocked by the various high-tech and smart devices in Ye Feng's home!

It's really smart, all kinds of doors and windows, electric lights, TVs, and all kinds of electrical equipment are all intelligently controlled!

Of course, if you are not used to intelligence, you can also do it manually!

Anyway, it gives them the feeling that they are not walking into a mansion, but a high-tech mansion full of science fiction!

After visiting.

Everyone came to the huge indoor swimming pool and held a pool party here tonight!

In the locker room by the swimming pool.

There are various styles and models of swimsuits, all of which are international famous brands!

These swimsuits are enough to open a swimsuit store, which is a luxury!

But to Ye Feng, it was just a little money!

The life of the rich is so unpretentious!

It's March, and it's not cold in Tianhai City. Swimming is just right!

Ye Feng only wore a pair of swimming trunks. The abdominal muscles of the upper body were very conspicuous. The bronzed skin and the abdominal muscles were exposed.

But it's not the muscular man's abdominal muscles that look like iron bumps, but just right, perfect lines, golden ratio!

"God, boss, your figure is too explosive, this abdominal muscles, this muscle, this figure... I'm going, it's so sultry!"

An Ran was the first to change into a swimsuit, and when she saw Ye Feng, her eyes became straight!

It's like a gangster seeing a peerless beauty without clothes!

She trot to Ye Feng with her expression as if she had discovered a new world, and her slender fingers poked Ye Feng's chest, exclaiming:

"I thought that the boss's face was already invincible, but I didn't expect that this figure is even more masculine. Which little girl can live it!"

"How can you say so exaggerated!"

Ye Feng smiled and looked at An Ran, who was wearing a white bikini swimsuit, showing a beautiful figure!

She has fair skin and a very predictable figure, and I am afraid that she can be more relieved than her sister!

"I go!"

"Oh my goodness, the boss is such a good figure, it's almost!"

"So manly!"

At this time, Li Na, Tan Taiyue, Cai Yan, Gu Liying and others also chose their favorite swimsuits and came out!

When they saw Ye Feng, everyone was sluggish!

Ye Feng's body proportions are superb, with a height of 1.9 meters, a slender figure, and perfect muscles, the girls who have seen it for the first time are horrified!

Even if Sun Xiaomeng, Gu Qingcheng, and An Xin had met people, they couldn't stand it from the bottom of their hearts. It was so sultry!

"Brother Feng, this figure is really amazing, every time I see it is a visual feast, a powerful impact!"

Sun Xiaomeng was wearing a water blue bikini swimsuit and ran up and down.

The posture of Taishan's top pressure was also eye-catching and overwhelming the audience.

Worthy of being a cute bear!

of course.

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Liying, Tan Taiyue and others all have their own merits and styles.

The girls gathered together, surrounded by fat and thin, Yingying and Yanyan, forming a beautiful landscape, Ye Feng was dazzled!


Suddenly, water splashed everywhere, and the sound of falling water awakened everyone who was immersed in Ye Feng's beautiful figure.

When they looked around, they saw Gu Liying falling into the pool like a mermaid.

She is wearing a white one-piece swimsuit, swimming in the water in an extremely standard posture!

She uses butterfly stroke!

In swimming styles, it can be roughly divided into breaststroke, butterfly stroke, backstroke and freestyle!

The butterfly stroke is the most beautiful and most beautiful!

Gu Liying has a slender figure and a graceful curve. Her feet are close together, her body sinks slightly, and she swims fast in the water, like a mermaid, with curvy curves and very graceful!

Her movements are extremely standard and her skills are very high!

Watching her swim is simply a visual pleasure!

"President Gu is really good at swimming. Watching her swim is like watching a visual feast!"

Tan Taiyue looked at Gu Liying who quickly swam to the other side, and exclaimed.

Seeing Gu Liying's two straight white legs gently kicked, she easily landed.

One after another, crystal drops of water slid down from her cheating Saixue's skin, showing infinite style.

"Sister Liying can swim very well, even a professional swimmer may not be her opponent!" Sun Xiaomeng envied.

She also wants to swim freely in the water like a fish, but she is just a dog in the water and can only dig!

"Brother Feng, can you swim?"

Qin Qingqing stood beside Ye Feng, feeling nervous, especially seeing Gu Liying swimming so well, the invisible pressure enveloped her heart.

She has never learned to swim, not at all.

"I know a little……"

As soon as Ye Feng spoke, countless knowledge poured into his mind, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, freestyle...

All kinds of postures, all kinds of knowledge, everything, like a swimmer who has been swimming for decades!

"Brother Feng, why don't you come to Bibi?"

Sun Xiaomeng looked at Ye Feng, Mengmeng's big eyes full of expectation.

"no problem!"

Ye Feng had just gotten a god-level swimming skill, so he couldn't bear it and wanted to try it.

of course.

Even if there is no god-level swimming skills, with Ye Feng's abnormal physique, no one will be his opponent!

"I can't do it, I can do it, you can compare it to Sister Liying!"

Sun Xiaomeng felt Ye Feng's gaze, coughed awkwardly, and pointed to Gu Liying who had just swam over from the other side.

"Qingcheng, you too! Sister Gu family decisively fight the big devil Ye Feng!"

Sun Xiaomeng pushed Gu Qingcheng next to him, lest the world would not be chaotic.


Gu Qingcheng gave Sun Xiaomeng a hard look, what a good girlfriend!

I knew she pitted her!

"Uh... when did I become a demon king?"

Ye Feng touched his nose and smirked.

at this time.

Gu Liying has come to the shore and has not refused Sun Xiaomeng's competition. She is confident in her swimming skills.

You must know that swimming is no better than others. Without technique, even if you have a strong force, you will not be able to perform in the water!

Can only stare!

Gu Liying is also the proud girl of heaven, but Ye Feng crushes her in every way, making her desperate!

If you can win Ye Feng in swimming, you must have a sense of accomplishment!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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