Please Stop Talking

Chapter 239: Power beyond nature

The three of Ye Feng looked at the tablet computer in front of them, and saw that after Xiao Chen entered the rental house, his appearance began to change rapidly!

A brand-name clothing disappeared and turned into a big pants!

The original handsome appearance of Fengshen has also changed. His height has become shorter, his eight-pack abs disappeared, his lower abdomen has bulged, and his face is covered with acne. He looks like a full fat house.


Gu Qingcheng and Sun Xiaomeng opened their big ruddy and attractive little mouths, and they looked at Xiao Chen who had become alive on the screen incredible!

"How is this going?"

Sun Xiaomeng and Gu Qingcheng looked at Ye Feng. It was the first time they saw this power beyond nature with their own eyes!

This is definitely not explained by Disguise!

"This is what Xiao Chen really looks like. Don't you have a boyfriend sharing app on your phone? There is also one on Xiao Chen's phone, and that is the main body!"

"As long as you place an order, this app can turn Xiao Chen into what you want, and Xiao Chen cares so much about the five-star praise. Obviously this is very important to him, and it may enable him to master some special abilities!"

Gu Qingcheng's eyes widened and shocked: "That is to say, those skills Xiao Chen showed are only temporary?"

"Not bad!" Ye Feng nodded!

While Ye Feng was explaining to the two women, Xiao Chen couldn't help feeling sick when he looked at himself in the mirror and turned back to his original form!

After all, once a handsome guy, how can you continue to be a ugly guy!

He checked the shared boyfriend app over and over again, and said anxiously: "Why haven't you given me a five-star praise?"

The system seemed to know Xiao Chen's anxiety, and Sun Xiaomeng took the initiative to pop up an evaluation prompt on her phone!

"Negative Ratings!"

Sun Xiaomeng gave a bad review without even thinking about it!



"Sure enough, women are fickle!"

Xiao Chen was dumbfounded when he saw the bad reviews on his phone. Didn't he say that he would give him a five-star praise?

Why do you turn your head and refuse to recognize people?

He pretended to be a grandson for a day, and after he saddled his horse, he was punched by Ye Feng, and he got a bad review?

He was so angry that he picked up his cell phone to call Sun Xiaomeng!

Seeing the phone, seeing the dumbfounded and angry Xiao Chen in the tablet, Sun Xiaomeng's eyes were full of excitement, he hung up the phone, and then blocked it!

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Chen would definitely trouble her. She was not a masochist, so she didn't want to be scolded!

"Fuck! Bitch!"

"You wait for me, I will kill you sooner or later, let you cry under me for mercy!"

Seeing Sun Xiaomeng not answering the words and blacking him out, Xiao Chen couldn't help but explode anymore, yelling!


Sun Xiaomeng looked at Xiao Chen's foul language on the screen, and was very annoyed. She rolled her big Mengmeng eyes and put her arm around Ye Feng's arm, and said aggrieved:

"Woo, Feng Brother, this kid is bullying me, you have to call me the shots..."

As she said, her big eyes were slightly misty, it was really pitiful for me!

"speak nicely!"

Ye Feng knocked on her head and continued to watch Xiao Chen's movements!

At this time, Xiao Chen seemed to be talking to himself, and roared with red eyes:

"What? You have to punish me? It's all your fault for getting bad reviews this time. What martial arts master did you give me? Anyone who meets anyone will get a punch. You can't blame me!"

System: "The martial arts master is not the best in the world. You pretend to fail, and you have to swallow the tears in your pretense!"


The system sound fell, and a faint blue electric arc flashed, and Xiao Chen trembled violently, as if swinging, grinning in pain!

That taste is really sour!

One minute later.

The arc disappeared, and Xiao Chen was limp on the ground. There was a pool of water stains on the ground, and the smell was so stinking!


Sun Xiaomeng is in a good mood, with a look of disgust, and a look of excitement is not too big!

"Ye Feng, there really is a magical power that transcends nature in this world?"

Gu Qingcheng watched Xiao Chen being electrocuted out of thin air, and the sudden change in his figure and appearance before, and he felt a sense of subversion of the three views!

It turns out that this world really has an unknown side!

Just like Ye Feng seems to be able to predict the future!


She actually had a hint of doubt!

After all, it's too sensational!

But now I have to believe it!

"This world naturally has power beyond nature, but we usually can't see it!"

Ye Feng's voice is affirmative, since he has cleaned up pig's feet, that day the spiritual energy will recover and the monster will come, he will not be surprised!

"Of course, there are also ways to make science stronger!"

Ye Feng looked at Sun Xiaomeng and Gu Qingcheng, and said with a smile: "Do you want to see it?"

"Science becomes stronger?"

The two of them opened their eyes wide, and a heart suddenly raised!

"Yes! I want to dream!"

Sun Xiaomeng held Ye Feng's arm in excitement and kept shaking, Gu Qingcheng's eyes were also full of expectations!


Ye Feng kicked the accelerator and carried the two back to the villa!

Along the way.

The two are curious.

Science becomes stronger?

How to become stronger?

Until they saw Ye Feng coming out with two syringes and medicine, the two of them suddenly felt thoughtful, and their eyes burned and said, "What is this?"

"Gene Pharmacy!"

"Genetic medicine?"

Sun Xiaomeng's mind trembled. Even if he had guessed before, he was shocked. Is there really such a thing as genetic medicine in this world?

"Brother Feng, can you become a Superman by injecting this genetic medicine?" Sun Xiaomeng's eyes were bright, full of expectation!

If she becomes a superman, wouldn't she be able to punch bullies, kick aliens, go to heaven and earth, and live forever!

"Become from Superman? Put on underwear and save the world?"

Ye Feng gave her a thump in her head and joked.

"Hmph, knock again, you will knock your head stupid!"

Sun Xiaomeng pouted her mouth, looking at Ye Feng with faintly small eyes!

"Who said Superman would wear underwear back?"

"This gene potion can only make you five or six times stronger. It's a long way from becoming a Superman!"

Ignoring Sun Xiaomeng’s muttering, Ye Feng took a syringe and took out the medicine, looking at Sun Xiaomeng and Gu Qingcheng.

"Which of you two will come first?"

Seeing the silvery gleaming and sharp needle, Sun Xiaomeng shrank her neck, afraid and said, "Brother Feng, can I take it orally?"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Feng glanced at her and comforted: "Don't worry, it won't hurt, it will be well soon!"

"I read little, don't lie to me!"

Sun Xiaomeng looked at Ye Feng with big eyes, but couldn't help but tempted to step forward, "Brother Feng, you wouldn't use me as a white mouse?"

"Don't forget, I still save one!"

Ye Feng pretended to sigh and wanted to put away the potion!

"Brother Feng, people are joking, I'm ready, come on!"

Sun Xiaomeng’s face was afraid of disappearing in an instant, and his soft, soft, rugged body lay on Ye Feng’s legs, looking like Renjun picked it up!


Ye Feng's movements became stiff, in fact, it is possible to inject into the arm, but since Sun Xiaomeng has misunderstood, he naturally can't tell the truth!

He lifted Sun Xiaomeng's clothes, the latter trembling slightly, and his heart was full of tension!

Gu Qingcheng stood aside, seeing the ambiguous movements of the two, her pretty faces flushed like blood, her thoughts turned, and she was extremely entangled!

She is not as familiar with Ye Feng as Sun Xiaomeng!

She really didn't know what to do at this time!

I want to go, but I can't make it!

Stay and shy!

Needless to say, genetic medicine is extremely precious. If she accepts Ye Feng's genetic medicine, it means she has accepted Ye Feng!

Although she has a good impression of Ye Feng, she feels too fast!

Especially Ye Feng has many women!

It's hard to follow for a while!


Just as her heart turned thousands of times, Ye Feng had already taken off Sun Xiaomeng's short skirt, holding her tender body in one hand and a syringe in the other!


Take a needle!


Sun Xiaomeng cried out!

Following the injection of genetic medicine, this process is even more painful!

"Wow, Brother Feng, you big liar, it doesn't hurt!"

Sun Xiaomeng yelled in pain, although the scream was terrible, but his body did not move!

"You are a great dramatist, does it hurt so much since you are such an adult?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but pat her hips gently, and said with a smile: "Okay, it will be done soon!"

"Am I going to do this later?"

Gu Qingcheng's cheeks were hot, and there was a shiver in his mind when he was lying on Ye Feng's leg and letting Ye Feng give an injection!

"Qingcheng, it's your turn!"

After Sun Xiaomeng's injection, the genetic medicine hadn't been effective yet, so it didn't hurt for the time being. She pulled Gu Qingcheng over!


Gu Qingcheng exclaimed, caught off guard, and fell into Ye Feng's arms!

At this time, she didn't get up, nor did she get up!

Thinking that gene medicine can increase the effect five or six times, I simply acquiesced.

She closed her eyes, lay on Ye Feng's legs, and let them do it!

"This little girl looks crazy, but she actually understands it very well in her heart. This is called Da Zhi Ruo Yu!"

Ye Feng could see Sun Xiaomeng's thoughts at a glance.

Obviously it is good and I have not forgotten my good girlfriend for many years!

She knew that Gu Qingcheng hadn't broken the relationship with Ye Feng, and she wouldn't take the initiative with her embarrassment, so she helped Gu Qingcheng!

of course.

Another thing to be careful is that she was so embarrassed just now, she can't let Gu Qingcheng read the jokes!

It's not ashamed to lose face together!

Seeing the graceful and graceful figure in his arms, the virgin body fragrance penetrated into his nose, and Ye Feng's heart moved.

It was the first time that he was so close to Gu Qingcheng!

As for Sun Xiaomeng, Ye Feng treated her for three months, except for the last layer!

Every other place is very familiar!

Converging the charm in his heart, Ye Feng lifted Gu Qingcheng's dress.

The latter's body was trembling, his whole body tense, obviously very nervous!



(Five thousand words, there are more tonight!!!)

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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