Please Stop Talking

Chapter 244: Immortal means (thanks to the twinkling stars for rewarding 10,000 book coins)

This genetic medicine is really strong!

Increase in all directions!

Not only physical fitness, but more importantly, intelligence!

What is the concept of five or six times the intelligence of ordinary people?

Everyone can become Einstein!

If these scientists like them take it, the overall science and technology will inevitably go to the next level!

Really a weapon of the country!

All the scientists on the scene were excited and full of boundless power!

They began to research and produce step by step according to the technical information given by Ye Feng, and strive to produce their own genetic medicine as soon as possible!

And Chen Hao was excited to go to the chief with the genetic medicine test data!

When the senior officials of Yan Country were shaken by Ye Feng's genetic medicine, Ye Feng was building an epoch-making intelligent robot!

The smart source code is already done, and the shell is the simplest, requiring only materials and technology!

Ye Feng had technology before, but no materials!

Last time, I used stealth fighter technology to exchange a lot of alloy materials and other precious resources, making it a powerful robot!

While Ye Feng is making intelligent robots, he is also paying attention to finding the son of luck!

It is best to be systematic!

Last time he swallowed the shared boyfriend system, Ye Feng got an enhanced version of the Thunder Fruit, so he was concerned about devouring the system of others to strengthen his own big fish system!


The child of luck is not what you want!

Sometimes there is only one in a world, or even none!

It was extraordinary that he could meet so many!

A week later.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Martial law was imposed on the conference room and outside of the Imperial Capital Headquarters, and military leaders and department leaders appeared in the conference room!

The general leader looked at everyone: "Some of you know about this meeting, and some may not be clear. Next, I would like Dean Li to introduce the situation!"


Dean Li stood up and went to the big screen in the conference room, with a solemn expression of excitement: "Everyone, we have discovered a gene enhancer. Through experiments, we found that his effect is very huge!"

"Not only can it greatly increase a person's strength, speed, reaction, and physique, reaching five or six times that of ordinary people, but what is even more frightening is that it can increase human intelligence, and it can also increase five or six times!"

"Look at the big screen, everyone. These soldiers are the changes that have taken place after the injection of genetic enhancers. Each of them has undergone a tremendous transformation in strength and intelligence!"

Dean Li's voice fell, and the crowd was in an uproar!

Many of them have not heard of it, even if they have heard it, it is only a little bit, and now they heard it, and there was a storm in their hearts!

"Dean Li, are you crazy? Gene medicine is something that is explicitly prohibited in the world. It is also impossible. Have you studied it before?"

"Yeah, this kind of medicine that has great harm to the human body and stimulates the human body's potential is of little use. This is a joke on the life of a soldier. How can you do this?"

"Who approved you?"

Many big bosses spoke up, their faces were very ugly.

Gene medicine is not a rare thing, all countries are researching it, but it is not available at all. Even if you strengthen your strength in a short time, future generations will be useless!

"Everyone, don't worry, listen to me!"

Dean Li pressed his virtual hand and said loudly: "This medicine is different from the stimulants you know about. So far, no side effects have been found!"

"At the top of the screen are the changes after each soldier injected the medicine. There are various data on it. Every one of them has undergone completely reborn changes. There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Secondly, this medicine was not developed by us, but provided by Dr. Fengye Ye!"

The audience was in an uproar again, they did not expect that this was actually provided by Ye Feng!

Many of them knew about Ye Feng because of the stealth fighter, but they never thought that Ye Feng was actually researching genetic medicine!

But they even more shocked the effect of genetic medicine!

"I won't talk about enhancing physical fitness, but how is it possible to enhance intelligence?"

"Yes, intelligence is the most difficult area to develop. How can it be directly increased five or six times without side effects?"

One by one the big guys spoke, their eyes full of doubt!

"Everyone, my niece has been injected with this medicine. So far, I haven't found any side effects, and my physique and intelligence have also skyrocketed!"

Chen Hao said, everyone was in an uproar, unexpectedly Chen Hao's niece would dare to try this medicine!

But after Chen Hao spoke, and the meeting was chaired by the general leader, even if they didn't want to believe it, they had to believe it!

After believing, everyone realized the importance of this genetic medicine!

No wonder this meeting is so solemn today!

If this kind of medicine is promoted in the military, the Academy of Sciences and their senior officials, it will not only greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of soldiers, but also enhance the science and technology of the country!

Ordinary people have five or six times the intelligence!

It's just against the sky!

When the time comes, what will Yan Guo be afraid of?

"What a magical medicine!"

Everyone is hot in their hearts, and they can’t wait to inject one into themselves now!

"Dr. Ye Gaoyi, admirable!"

"This gene medicine is comparable to the artifact of the country, and it must be kept secret carefully!"

"Old Liu, your Special Security Department should take precautions, especially foreign agents and spies!"

The big men looked at Liu Changdong, Minister of Special Security, and reminded.

"I know this too, it's just hard to handle!"

Liu Changdong looked at the people and said helplessly: "This medicine was provided by Dr. Ye. As far as I know, the women around Dr. Ye have basically used it!"

"Moreover, Dr. Ye doesn't like us to protect, and we don't want to send someone to protect him and his woman!"

The big guys opened their eyes wide, unbelievable: "What? You didn't send someone to protect Dr. Ye and his family?"

"How can this be done? Dr. Ye has mastered so much high technology and developed genetic medicine. Many people must pay attention to him. The highest level of protection must be given!"

"Yeah, the technology that Dr. Ye has mastered is enough to change the world. Once the wind leaks, all countries in the world will be crazy because of Dr. Ye. Dr. Ye and his family should be taken to Yancheng for strict protection!"

"Yes, if Dr. Ye loses a hair, it will be a huge loss!"

Everyone spoke up one after another. Many of them had only heard of Ye Feng and didn't know Ye Feng too much!

"Dr. Ye is extraordinary, he hates others to protect him, after all, in his opinion, protection is surveillance!!"

Liu Changdong said with a wry smile.

Before the ace agent Fire Dragon was beaten to the ground by a single move, he still remembers it fresh!

"Dr. Ye is extraordinary, but there are always times when people make mistakes, and even if he can protect himself, what about his family?"

"What if the enemy threatens him with his family?"

"Although Dr. Ye has made a huge contribution, he can't help his temper in safety!"

The big guys started talking!

"If an enemy threatens me with my family, then I will destroy him!"

At this moment, a calm, indifferent, domineering and arrogant voice sounded abruptly in the conference room. Everyone was shocked and looked out the window!

But there was no one outside the window!

You know they are on the 15th floor!

There are master guards around!

"Ye Feng?"

Chen Hao's eyes widened, and he heard Ye Feng's voice for the first time!

Not only him, Dean Li and others who have seen Ye Feng heard it!

But many big guys who have never seen or are not familiar with Ye Feng are still at a loss!


At this moment, a flash of lightning burst out of the window!

"not good!"

Everyone was shocked!

next moment.

The air seemed to freeze, everyone's eyes widened, as if seeing the most incredible thing in the world!

I saw that thunder turned into a handsome and handsome young man, with a youthful temperament, extraordinary and refined, and there was a domineering attitude between my brows!

"Dr. Ye?"

Dean Li looked at Ye Feng in amazement, and cried out tentatively!

This way of appearance is too scary!

"Dean Li, long time no see!"

Ye Feng smiled and greeted.

"Ye Feng, why are you here?"

Chen Hao suppressed the doubt and horror in his heart, and asked in shock!

"I count all the leaders here for a meeting, come and see if there is anything I can help?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

He actually didn't want to come over, but he knew that as he showed more things, he had to show enough power to protect himself if he didn't want to be'protected' by others!

"Welcome to Dr. Ye, please sit down!"

The commander stepped forward and smiled at Ye Feng!

"Thank you!" Ye Feng sat next to him!

"Here today, on behalf of Yan Guo and the people, I solemnly thank Dr. Ye for the stealth fighter technology and genetic technology!"

"The leader is serious!"


Ye Feng and everyone took this opportunity to reach many strategic cooperations, and both parties are very happy!

As for the issue of protection.

No one mentioned it again!

End of the meeting.

Ye Feng turned into a thunder and disappeared into the sky!

"Dr. Ye is really a **** and man!"

"It's a magic trick!"

Everyone looked out the window with a look of wonder, unable to return for a long time!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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