Please Stop Talking

Chapter 269: The tragic killer god

"I must steal them all!"

"Such a treasure is only worthy of my thief!"

Ji Kang secretly vowed to check the surrounding environment without a trace!

It was the first day of the exhibition for three days, and he was not in a hurry to start!

Other thief killers are similar!

They mixed in in various ways!

Sun Xiaomeng and others also mixed in the crowd to observe and find the suspect!

The powerful power brings them keen senses and eyesight, and five times the intelligence of ordinary people makes them unforgettable!

Even if they are not detectives, they have taught themselves for a few days, and their powerful facial features allow them to observe the details, and soon they find many people with weird eyes!

And on the other side,

The ace agent Xuan Nv frowned!

"Report, Sun Xiaomeng was found in Area One!"

"Report, Gu Qingcheng was found in Area Two!"

"Report, Enron was found in Area 3!"

"Report, Area Four..."

Xuan Nu was puzzled: "Why are these women who have a close relationship with Ye Feng here?"

It is excusable for other people to observe the zodiac signs!

But they still use it here to observe?

It is said that the Chinese zodiac is a gift from Ye Feng!

of course!

Where these people appear is their freedom!

She has no right to question and interfere!

But here dragons and snakes are mixed!

If anyone is injured or killed, things will be big!

Ye Feng is still not shaking the sky?

"All units pay attention, if they find them in danger, protect them immediately. This order is in the first sequence!"

Xuannv looked helpless, and ordered the agents under her hand.

The safety of these people is much more important than the Chinese zodiac!

Although the Chinese zodiac is a priceless national treasure, it is only made by Ye Feng, and it is completely incomparable to the safety of these people!


Although these agents are not very clear about Ye Feng's status, they know that Ye Feng is a big terrorist, and they can't offend them anyway!

They have heard that the ace agent Huolong was killed by Ye Feng!

The ace agent is like a **** to them!

But Ye Feng can beat the fire dragon with one move, and he lives better than all of them. They have to protect his family!

Ye Feng's strength status can be imagined!


Ye Feng didn't care about these, and he was not even interested in the thieves who came to steal his treasures!

Xinghai can monitor all electronic devices. Which thieves do not use electronic devices?

It can be said!

When they entered Tianhai City, they were already on Ye Feng's blacklist!

It was too easy for Ye Feng to solve them!

It's like an elephant tramples an ant to death without any interest at all!

He is now interested in systematic pig feet!


He was resting on Athena's slender and round thighs, surrounded by Yueyue and Lianxing. The three of them had already experienced countless trials, and there was no need to catch thieves!


Everyone ran to catch the thief, who would serve him?

Although he has no interest in thieves, he also pays attention to the performance of the women. The big screen in front of him is surveillance video everywhere!

Even above the museum, there is an invisible drone he developed. The lens is aimed at the museum, allowing him to monitor the whole thing!

"Oh, Qingcheng has posted a suspicious character, who is actually the **** of thieves, Ji Kang!"

Ye Feng was enjoying the service of Athena and looking at the big screen. He didn't expect Gu Qingcheng to be so lucky!

The king of thieves was discovered directly!

"What thief god, when encountering sister Qingcheng, his myth will be shattered!"

Athena's white jade hands gently massaged Ye Feng's temples and sneered at the so-called Pirate God.

She is now despised!

She was originally a martial arts master and was born as a mercenary. She can even appreciate the power of the enhanced version of Deadpool ability and the power of Thunder Fruit!

Unlike Sun Xiaomeng, Gu Qingcheng and others, they don't understand power. They only know that they are strong, but they don't have an accurate concept of how strong they are and how strong they are than others!

Yaoyue and Lianxing couldn't help but mourn for the thieves at this moment. They are also masters and killers were born!

The understanding of power is no worse than Athena!

Even stronger!

They know that they and these people are already people in two worlds!

Like the killer gods whom they used to regard as the goal of their struggle, now in their eyes, they are just ants, who can be killed with one slap!

of course!

They understood even more that these powers were bestowed by Ye Feng!

Ye Feng is terrible, the three of them have a deep understanding!

It did not expand because of the skyrocketing power, but became more awed and loyal!

"Huh, Mengmeng actually met the killer god?"

At this time, Ye Feng saw Sun Xiaomeng staring at a middle-aged man wearing a black suit, like a Western aristocrat!

This man is the **** of killers!

Others don't know, but Ye Feng has Xinghai, and he has already investigated these people clearly!

"He is the **** of killers?"

Yaoyue and Lianxing looked over curiously. When they became killers, they grew up listening to the legends of these people!

But they have never seen the killer god!

If Ye Feng hadn't said it, they wouldn't have thought that this man who looked like a nobleman was actually a terrible killer!

"It seems that their senses are quite keen!" Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction, and the other women also found some thieves!

"With the master, you personally teach it to clean up a few little thieves!" Athena smiled and said flatly!

Wear thousands of things, don't wear flattery!

But what she said is not unreasonable. Ye Feng not only gave them invincible power, but also let them experience in the virtual world!

If they can't even catch a few small thieves, it's really rotten wood!


Night is coming!

Through the night, countless cows, ghosts and snakes came out!

The Pirate God Keikang quietly left from the temporary residence, ready to go to the museum to explore the bottom to see if he could steal the treasure!

It's just that he had just left the house when he saw a woman in a white costume and a golden mask standing in front of him!

"who are you?"

Pirate God is wary in his heart, knowing that those who come are not good!

But this kind of person who hides his head and reveals his tail, he instinctively regards it as a companion!

"Do you want to steal the Zodiac?"

Gu Qingcheng's cold voice sounded, and she couldn't hear the slightest emotion. The golden mask on her face was designed and made by Sun Xiaomeng!

Sun Xiaomeng also has one of his own, and also got himself a red cloak!

Originally wanted to help Gu Qingcheng get one, but Gu Qingcheng felt too ashamed to want it!

"What? You want to stop me?"

The thief **** narrowed his eyes, don't think he is a thief, his strength is also a master!

Without strength, no matter how good the robbery is, it is useless!

"You want to steal my things, do you think you should stop you?" Gu Qingcheng slowly said, thinking about what to do with this thief!

"What's your thing? Treasures can live in, we all rely on our means!"

Pirate God Ji Kang didn't want to have a conflict with Gu Qingcheng, as that would increase the risk of exposure, so he turned around and left!

"Want to run?"

Gu Qingcheng glanced, and reached out!


A flash of lightning fell!

Keikang's pupils shrank and he let out a scream, then he was chopped into coke!

"It seems too hard!"

Gu Qingcheng glanced at Ji Kang who couldn't die anymore, his body turned into a flash of lightning, and he headed towards Fenglin Villa!

She has killed people in the virtual game world. The senses of the virtual world are the same as the real world. She has adapted to it long ago, so there is no discomfort!


the other side.

Sun Xiaomeng met the killer god!

She was standing on a pillar several meters high, with a red cloak hunting in the wind, looking at the killer **** with excitement:

"Little hair thief, the goddess of thunder is here.

"Where is the yellow girl who dares to stand in the way of the old man, she is really reckless!"

The killer **** looked up and down Sun Xiaomeng with a cold gaze, and he could tell that Sun Xiaomeng was young!

It is estimated that after a few days of martial arts practice, I thought I was invincible in the world!

He has seen many such people!

"My old man will teach you tonight what is so high and thick!"

While talking, the killer **** rushed towards Sun Xiaomeng, fast.

With a cruel and perverted smile in his eyes:

"Don't worry, the old man will not kill you immediately, but will ‘pain’ you well!"

He has been in the dark all year round, killing countless people, and his heart is abnormal. What he likes most is torturing beautiful women and venting the negative emotions in his heart!

Whenever he went to a place, he would catch some top-quality girls to play with and try something new!

If it is a general killer, dare not do this!

Easy to expose!

But who is he?

The killer god?

Even if he is found, he wants to leave, who can stop him?

"Old pervert!"

Sun Xiaomeng was so angry that the two big snow mountain monsters were shaking, and the eyes of the **** of killer brightened. Tonight, you must have fun with these two big monsters!

Although he didn't see the face, listening to this voice and seeing this superb figure is worth playing for him.

"Old pervert, let you know the consequences of angering this goddess today!"

Sun Xiaomeng stretched out his hand and pointed, five silver lights flew out quickly, as fast as lightning!

"not good!"

The killer **** was horrified, as a transcendent existence, his reaction was not unpleasant!

He flipped in the air, avoiding five direct silver lights!

However, just when he thought he had escaped, the five silver lights slammed a bend and slammed on his limbs!


A screaming scream sounded, the **** of killer fell to the ground, and his spiteful and terrified eyes looked at Sun Xiaomeng!

I never thought that the ‘hidden weapon’ would turn around, and it was so fast and sharp that it was impossible to guard against!

"You are an old pervert, do you know that this goddess is amazing?"

Sun Xiaomeng wears a golden mask, condescending, surrounded by a thousand alloy bees, as if a witch came to the world!

"What the **** is this?"

The killer **** stared at the alloy bee, his eyes widened!

He thought it was a hidden weapon that had conspired against him just now, but he did not expect it to be a bee-like creature. This creature is terrible!

"Trick him!"

Sun Xiaomeng did not answer, and directed the alloy bee to fly towards the killer god!

"Ah, no……"

"Please... let me go... stop it..."


The killer **** screamed bitterly, tears of regret flowed from his eyes.

He once liked torturing beautiful women the most. Hearing their screams and pleading, he felt extremely excited and passionate.

However, karma, he enjoyed the pain of his women today.


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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