Please Stop Talking

Chapter 281: Han Muxue was robbed (three shifts)

A villa on the outskirts of Tianhai City.

There is a Juyi Hall in the villa. In front of the hall is enshrined Guan Erye, and wisps of incense smoke lightly float up!

A middle-aged man with a scar on his face held incense in both hands, said goodbye, and then inserted the incense into the candlestick!

"Second brother, today happens to be your first seven. God has eyes, so I awakened my superpowers!"

A touch of hatred and coldness appeared in the eyes of the scarred man, and a faint yellow halo filled his body. With the fluctuation of the yellow halo, the earth also undulated like water!

"You have a spirit in the sky and watch it carefully, and you must avenge Xuehen for your brother, so that Han Muxue's **** can't survive or die!"

"Let her be like a dog. Every day, Chiguo kneels in front of your spiritual position, praying for you day and night, and then sends her down to accompany you, as a slave to you!"

The scarred man has vicious eyes. His real name is Li Sanwa. He was tricked out of his hometown and Zhang Qi in a remote area at the age of fifteen!

However, although the two of them are uneducated, they are very clever, and they are slowly rising with a fierce force that is not afraid of death and unscrupulous!

Use drugs to control girls selling silver and sell all kinds of disgusting illegal drugs...

Killing, annihilating, extorting...

His hands are stained with countless blood, and he does nothing wrong!

Eventually became the famous underground power leader Li San, known as San Ye!

The second brother in his mouth is Zhang Qi, known as Qi Ye!

But the good times are not long.

Two months ago.

They were exposed, and they happened to be cleaned up by Han Muxue. After a fierce battle, his men were almost killed and injured!

He was kicked to the bottom by Han Muxue, and he was directly abandoned!

Zhang Qi was shot twice in the leg and couldn't run away, and finally dragged Han Muxue to buy him time to escape!

Seven days ago, Zhang Qi was executed according to law!

Although the two of them are not brothers and treat others more cold-bloodedly, they are closer to each other than their brothers!

He left the villa with hatred and drove to outside Jingchasi, Tianhai City.

According to the news, Han Muxue is in the Jingcha Division today!

Dressed in black and wearing a peaked cap, Li San walked directly to Jingchasi.

The two guards at the door looked at Li San as they walked, and a vigilance flashed in their eyes. Although they didn't know Li San, they didn't look like a serious person when they looked at Li San's dress!

Although they were wary, they didn't say anything!

After all, don’t you allow others to wear this?



Two sharp soil thorns emerged from the ground, and instantly penetrated the bodies of the two guards, stringing them in the air!

"Enemy attack!"



Accompanied by a loud roar, the alarm sounded. After the guard gave an alarm, there was no breath!

Li Sanqing saw it and smiled contemptuously. The soil thorns that penetrated the guard disappeared, and his body also merged into the ground, disappearing!


"Be careful, everyone, there may be superpowers!"

One by one, the mirrors rushed out from the inside, without seeing the enemy, their eyes became more vigilant!

Since the aura has recovered, various superpowers have emerged!

They know it too!

Dare to attack them, awakening super powers in all likelihood!

Otherwise, I don't have the guts!

"what happened?"

Han Muxue rushed out from the inside, and her aura recovered. Although she did not have awakened superpowers, her strength in martial arts was soaring!

It is more than ten times stronger than the martial arts master before the aura recovery!

"Captain, the guard just issued an alarm, but no one was seen, and the guard is"

Before a Mirror Chaser finished speaking, his words were stiff, and countless blood gurgled out of his mouth, but a soil thorn penetrated his body from below!


"It's an earth elemental superpower!"

"Be careful!"

There were bursts of exclamation, everyone was terrified, this kind of superpower hiding in the ground is really terrifying to them!

Bang bang bang!

Han Muxue took out his pistol and pointed it at the ground!


Suddenly, a big hole broke in the ground under Han Muxue's feet. Han Muxue was wary and fell straight down!

"not good!"

Han Muxue wanted to jump out, but the soil above suddenly closed, and she was directly trapped underground!

"team leader!"

Everyone exclaimed, people with super powers came, but without soil attributes, there is no way to get underground Li San!

Han Muxue fell into the ground and was taken away without any resistance in the hands of Li San, the earth element superpower!

"Quick! Like above for help!"

"Look for the hoe, the captain might be below!"

"Be careful that the other party may not leave!"

Some were alert, some called for help, some looked for a hoe, everyone was busy!

"When the people above arrive, the captain is afraid it will be cold!"

Luo Tian's eyes were full of sadness. He knew that the other party had come to attack Jing Chasi, and in all likelihood they were criminals who had grudges against them!

The other party didn't kill Han Muxue directly, I'm afraid it was...

I shudder when I think about it!

A beautiful police flower fell into the hands of those murderous criminals, and still has grudges. Needless to say...

Want to die is a luxury!

"Right, and Ye Dong!"

Han Muxue’s assistant, Zhao Feifei, was anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, waiting for the rescue from above, the day lily was cold!

Moreover, the opponent is the master of the earth element, and ordinary superpowers can't deal with it at all!

Zhao Feifei quickly called Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng is not an earth element superpower, there is no doubt that Ye Feng is powerful, and he may not be unable to deal with Li San!

And she remembered that Han Muxue said that Sun Xiaomeng is an earth element superpower!


Qinling, deep in the continuous mountains.

A handsome and extraordinary young man strolled in the forest, ignoring the powerful mutant beasts around him!

Sitting on his shoulders was a snow-white little fox. The little fox held up his pretty little head, and his eyes were gazing at all directions!

Fox fake tiger!

Nothing more!

This young man is naturally Ye Feng.

Along the way, he swallowed many mutant beasts!

There are tyrannical bears that control the earth element, the huge willows that control the wood element, and the iron-clad crocodile that controls the water element!

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, he now lacks the gold element!

and so.

He is looking for mutant beasts with metallic abilities!

call out!

At this time, a mutant bamboo leaf green suddenly violent, biting like Ye Feng's neck!

It is hidden on the branches, secretly lurking, as long as it does not move, it is generally difficult to find!


A flash of lightning suddenly cleaved the green bamboo leaves into coke!

"Squeak! (Master is mighty, little stupid snake, overwhelming!

The little fox was not scared at all, waving his little paws and shouting in excitement. He has seen this situation countless times!

Countless mutant beasts that attacked Ye Feng were all ended in the end!

Was chopped into coke!

Therefore, it sat on Ye Feng's shoulders, overlooking the mutant beasts around him, a group of scum, and dared to attack the owner, it was really looking for death!

Ye Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the head of the little fox. The soft fur is smoother than silk, and it feels great!

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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