Not only did he drag his tired body to cook a delicious meal, but in the end, when the little boy's mother came to pick up the little boy, Qian Cheng also gave the little boy a gift.

  Which Monkey King doll was the gift, Qian Cheng's favorite toy.

  The scene drifted away in the wind like a sand painting.

  Fang Ming took a deep breath and found himself in the little boy's house.

  The little boy and his mother had obviously just entered the house. A middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa watching TV. It was his father.

  Seeing them coming back, the middle-aged man asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

  Little boy: "I ate it, I ate it at Qian Cheng's house."

  The middle-aged man frowned slightly: "The one who put out the fire?"

  The little boy nodded: "Well, when that uncle came back, I saw that his face was still hurt."

  The middle-aged man snorted disdainfully: "It's normal, now who is stupid enough to be a firefighter? You can't be like him in the future. You grow up to be an official and make a lot of money."

  Little boy: "Does it make a lot of money as a teacher?"

  His mother immediately interjected: "Of course you can, silly child, look at your father, he just brought back fifty or sixty thousand to our family a few days ago. After becoming an official, it will be easier to make money, and you will learn from your father in the future. point."

  The middle-aged man nodded proudly, and said in a tone: "Well, your mother said it well, after becoming an official, you are full of oil and water, delicious and spicy, aren't our car houses all like this. "

  The little boy nodded, "but Qian Cheng told me that his parents are heroes."

  Middle-aged man: "What kind of bullshit hero, a fool is a hero, look at the people in his family, a firefighting and a life-saving one, not to mention the danger of exhaustion, no time to accompany the children, and only a few hard-earned money, where is it? it is good?"

  The boy's mother: "your father is right. That family is stupid. You will play less with Qian Cheng in the future. I think Liu Chengyuan in your class is not bad. His father is the leader of the county. You should play with him more."

  The little boy nodded with a vague understanding, and with a sigh, he threw the Monkey King that Qian Cheng had given him to the trash can at the door.

  Fang Ming's fists clenched again.

  In the end, it turned into a sigh.

  The scene changed again, and Fang Ming returned to the school.

  Qian Cheng sat down in his seat depressed and wrote in his notebook: "Why doesn't he play with me, why doesn't he play with me, why doesn't he play with me..."

  After class, Qian Cheng went to question the little boy, and the little boy said, "My parents told me not to let me play with you. Your family are all fools, and you will die at some point."

  Then, Qian Cheng got into a fight.

  This is Qian Cheng's first fight.

  He hit the little boy with a bruised nose and a bruised face.

  The teacher called the parents, but Qian Cheng's father went to put out the fire, and his mother wanted to join the team, but no one came.

  The little boy's father came over and scolded Qian Cheng fiercely, as well as the school.

  He was very illustrious, and the teacher nodded and bowed.

  In the end, the school punished Qian Cheng, made a major demerit, and paid the little boy's medical expenses.

  When Qian Cheng's parents found out, their expressions were a little gloomy, but they didn't say anything.

  Just tell Qian Cheng, study hard, and let others speak. Mom and Dad can't hear it and won't care, study hard, and be a useful person to society in the future.

  That night, Qian Cheng hid in the bed and cried aggrieved.

  The picture changed again, Qian Cheng has become a big guy.

  He likes a girl.

  The girl is not beautiful, but she is very attractive. He wants to confess but has never had the courage.

  Because he had always been the most withdrawn student in the class, everyone avoided him.

  On this day, after school, he just came out of school but saw the girl holding a boy.

  The boy was very familiar. He was a neighbor of his community, the little boy from the beginning.

  Qian Cheng was a little stunned, and at the same time felt a pain in his heart.

  It was as if something had been taken from his heart.

  Lost in his soul, he made his way home.

  It always feels like fate is playing tricks on him.

  Fang Ming silently followed behind him.

  It's a very uncomfortable feeling to see the girl you like being with someone who has hurt you.

  However, this is just the beginning.

  High school is no better than elementary school, and it's a bit far from home.

  After walking for a while, Qian Cheng was going to eat at a roadside restaurant.

  But at this moment, he heard the girl's silver bell-like laughter from behind.

  Before he could turn around, he saw the boy riding a bicycle and passing the girl in front of him.

  The girl leaned happily on the boy's back.

  The two chatted and laughed, and drove forward in a hurry.

  Qian Chengzhi stared at them blankly, the smell of the girl still wafting in the air.

  He felt a rumbling in his head.


  A screech of sudden braking pulled Qian Cheng back from his trance.

  He saw a small car crashing towards the bicycle that the boy and the girl were riding at a very fast speed. It was obviously out of control, and there were screams from passers-by on the side of the road.

  Originally, he should be happy at this time.

  However, he involuntarily rushed over and flew, knocking down the bicycle and the pair of men and women on it.

  Then, he felt a gust of wind blowing suddenly around him.


  There was a sharp pain in the leg. .

Chapter 44

  The moment Qian Cheng ran out, Fang Ming subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab him.

  But with a single hand, it was empty.

  He was like a transparent person, his palm passed through Qian Cheng.

  Then, watching Qian Cheng helplessly, as if going crazy, he ran the fastest speed in his life. When the out-of-control evil car was about to hit the bicycle, he flew out with radiance all over his body and pushed the self-confidence car out.

  This scene, Fang Ming used to see often in movies.

  Every time he thinks that these people are too stupid, is it worth it?

  But at this time, Fang Ming felt that Qian Cheng had never thought about whether it was worth it.

  Qian Cheng's screams sounded terribly.

  Seeing how he kept wailing and rolling on the ground, Fang Ming thought, "He must be in pain."

  Boys and girls were stunned.

  After the two were pushed out by Qian Cheng, they all fell heavily on the side of the road.

  Before he could insult him, he saw Qian Cheng's miserable appearance.

  After a while, the ambulance came, and so did the police car.

  Qian Cheng was carried into an ambulance.

  The scene slowly dissipated, and Fang Ming appeared in a ward in a blink of an eye.

  Qian Cheng was lying on the hospital bed, one leg covered in plaster.

  His parents were all by his side, looking tired and old.

  "Chengcheng, Mom asked you to take two months' leave. Take a good rest."

  "Well, don't worry about your studies. When you are well, Dad will find someone to make up for you."

  Qian Cheng ate the banana silently, and after a while he said quietly, "I can rest now, so when can you rest?"

  Qian Cheng's parents froze slightly, sighed and did not speak.

  At this time, there were people in the ward, that boy and which girl.

  The two of them were carrying schoolbags and fruit in their hands, and they seemed to have just arrived from school.

  Seeing the girl, Qian Cheng's dim eyes lightened slightly.

  But seeing the boy, the light was hidden again.

  The girl and the boy came over and expressed their gratitude to Qian Cheng for saving his life.

  Qian Cheng said at a loss, it was what he should do, no thanks.

  After chatting awkwardly for a while, the two left.

  Qian Cheng watched the backs of the two slowly disappear into the doorway, his eyes full of reluctance.

  "Love makes many people stupid."

  Fang Ming said softly and followed the man and woman out of the ward.

  This idea came out of nowhere, as if he should do it.

  Following them all the way downstairs, I heard the boy say, "I feel like he should like you."

  The girl was a little surprised: "Huh? I didn't speak to him in the class."

  The boy shook his head: "He's a weird guy. He's been weird since he was a kid. He even got into a fight with me when he was a kid."

  Girl: "Is there such a thing?"

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