Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1357: settle

As Ben's wife, May is well aware of her husband's character and preferences.

Although she really wanted to be more formal in her heart to ensure that it could achieve the effect of 'dispelling disasters' as the master said, but considering that Ben might not like it, Mei finally suppressed her inner impulse and just invited Three or five friends gathered together, and did not make the battle too big.

Including Alexei, who had only been settled for two days, less than ten people attended Ben's birthday party.


How could he come to the party? What's going on here?

What happened is actually quite simple.

After being asked by Natasha, Shi Xiaolei used the teleportation ability he mastered after obtaining the space gem to go to the prison where Alexei was being held. Counting the time it took to find Alexei among the many prisoners, it only took about half an hour before and after he picked up Alexei, who was confined in the depths of the prison.

Speaking of which, although Natasha was by his side, the misunderstanding was avoided for the first time, but after leaving the prison, Alexei still touched Shi Xiaolei because he could not control his emotions.

Perhaps it was because he returned to the United States again, which stimulated the obsession in his heart to be loyal to the motherland; or perhaps it was because Natasha said that she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and felt that she was too derelict as a father; It is also possible that he misunderstood the relationship between Shi Xiaolei and Natasha, thinking that his daughter paid a certain price in exchange for his own escape...

Not to mention what Alexei was thinking about, and which nameless fire finally melted the nerve that was tense to the limit. In short, after he suddenly burst out, Shi Xiaolei immediately responded.

To say whether to stay or not, the answer is yes. After all, Alexei has only undergone a primary transformation, and his physical fitness is even worse than that of the US team, far from being able to withstand Shi Xiaolei's heavy punch.


Even though Shi Xiaolei was defending the whole time, he only occasionally had one or two counterattacks. From Alexei's point of view, it was also a fat beating that he could hardly bear.

It will take a few days to recover from the injury.

In addition, his character is too violent, making Natasha and Yin Lianna a little worried. After some deliberation, Natasha made a decision - she and Yin Lianna will go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and report back to Nick Fury. For Alexei and Melina, they will temporarily settle on Long Island, New York.

Although she had already made a judgment in her heart, she didn't think the two of them would do anything wrong at this juncture, but considering the attitude of the bureau, Natasha felt that she should still do her best. To put it simply, it means that the two cannot be left alone and let them move freely. At least one person has to be arranged to keep an eye on them.

Out of selfishness, I don't really want the agents to supervise. Also thinking about not bothering the second master, Natasha took advantage of the situation and asked Shi Xiaolei to "help take care of the two for a while".

Shi Xiaolei didn't think too much about it. Not only did he agree very clearly, but the arrangement was also quick. Just like when he was commissioned by Hela to arrange Thor, Shi Xiaolei took Alexey and Melina to the rescue station for granted. Get them to work as temporary workers.

It is Parker and his wife who are in charge of operating the rescue station.

With Ben Parker's charisma and his ability to soothe people's hearts...Although he has only been in contact with him for two or three days, Alexei already regards him as a confidant. In addition, I have received a lot of help in the past two or three days, so when Alexei heard the news of the birthday party, he took the initiative to say that he would also participate.

Of course, attending Ben's birthday party didn't mean that Alexei would immediately fit into the coterie.

After all, he just arrived, and his background is a bit special.

As an ordinary person, Ben Parker does not treat him differently, but Tony Stark, Norman Osborn and others who also attended the birthday party, it is impossible to accept newcomers immediately. Alexei, treat him as a friend.

Whether he can be recognized or not depends on how he behaves in the future.


"I see. Anything else?"

"I'd like to take some time off if I can." Looking at Nick Fury, Natasha applied.

There is no need for Natasha to say the reason, and with Nick Fury's shrewdness, it is impossible to guess.

"Two weeks, is that enough?" Looking up at Natasha, Nick Fury reminded him, "Remember to keep in touch. Although the probability is not high, no one can guarantee that there will be no problems during this period of time. ."

"I know." Nodding, Natasha smiled: "Then I'll go first."

"Well." Nick Fury waved his hand: "Go, go home and have a good rest. Oh, by the way, help me inform Coulson after you go out and let him come over."


With a promise, Natasha left the director's office.

Although he has joined S.H.I.E.L.D., and his personal combat power is not much worse than Natasha, he is still a temporary worker who has not turned into a regular. As Yin Lianna, he is not qualified to go to the director's office to meet Nick Fury.

Staying in the lounge, after waiting for a while, I finally saw Natasha who had finished reporting.

"What did he say?" Throwing away the impurities that she didn't dare to be interested in, she stood up from the bench, and Yin Lianna couldn't wait to ask her sister.

"He didn't object." Natasha replied with a smile: "Look, the result is the same as what I said before."

"Really?" There was a bit of surprise in her eyes, and Yin Lianna confirmed it again with some surprise: "I can still understand what my father said. But those research results of my mother... Did he really make other arrangements? ?"

" Natasha nodded again: "It should be the same as what I guessed. The reason for bringing all that information back is just to make sure it doesn't leak out and cause unnecessary turmoil. As for development and utilization... To be honest, that kind of method is really a bit shameful. Out of some scruples, he shouldn't have that thought. "

"What do you mean... According to his own personality, he should prefer to develop and utilize it, but because of some scruples, he has to temporarily seal it?" After a moment of hesitation, Yin Lianna frowned: "That is to say, in the future, At some point, it's still possible for those of us to be..."

"No." Before Yin Lianna could finish her grunting, Natasha had already interrupted her speculation: "Even if you want to use it, it will not be directly copying the current usage. Using similar means to control other people's minds is Violating taboos, even he would not dare to violate this principle. Therefore, you don't have to worry about him becoming the next Drykov, and the scene you imagined may not actually happen. "

"Are you sure? Do you trust him that much?"

"I'm pretty sure. But not because of trusting him, but... Forget it, you'll find out later."


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