Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1919: early morning

The hunt organized by Shi Xiaolei lasted only three and a half days.

Although the time is not too long, for Gwen, Harry, Peter and others who have been living in the city, the past few days when they can feel the primitive wild atmosphere all the time are full of freshness and give They bring a lot of fun.

Therefore, on the day of leaving the ark, several people showed expressions of reluctance, obviously carrying a feeling of unfinished business.

"Hehe, why do you have such an expression." He rubbed Peter's head, then patted Harry on the shoulder, his eyes fell on Gwen's face, and Shi Xiaolei comforted him with a smile: "I want to open up a bit, It's not that there will be no chance to come again in the future, as for this~."

"That's right, I'll come back next time when I have time, anyway, Xiaolei won't stop me."

With Shi Xiaolei's relief and Kang Na's interruption, the three of them finally recovered a bit.

Scratching his head, Peter put away the reluctance on his face, and put on a more natural tone: "That's right, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future. Harry, Gwen, let's go, let's pack things up, it's about time gone back."

Taking advantage of the time when several people were packing up the room and packing their bags, Shi Xiaolei and the ship girls divided up their work a bit, divided the various materials that needed to be taken out into several groups, and packed them into space backpacks or ship space.

After tidying up and down for about a quarter of an hour, after confirming that nothing was missing, Shi Xiaolei took the big guys out of the ark and returned to Niihao Island again.

"While there is still some time, let's send the things to the warehouse first." Looking at the sky, Shi Xiaolei ordered to the ship girls who were following him: "Send it earlier, and you can finish it sooner. Leave it alone." The tail is not fixed, it is always a bit uncomfortable."

"Well, we think so too." Nodding in agreement, King Kong raised his hand and greeted the sisters behind him: "Who is there? There are things in the warehouse. Come on, make a report." Count, come with me~."

Following King Kong's greeting, seven or eight ship maidens stood up and gathered around her.

"Commander, let's go first."

"Well, after finishing this work, go back to the dormitory to rest early. You have worked hard these few days." Patting King Kong on the shoulder, and then looking at the other girls, Shi Xiaolei smiled gently, and softly told the two sentence.

"I know~." Responding to Shi Xiaolei's bright smile, King Kong waved his hand, turned around and left with the seven or eight ship girls.

Since the materials are going to be sent to storage, the tool dragon caught this time will naturally also be sent to the place where it should go.

Thinking of this, 2B also stood up: "Locke, I'm going to the 'Beast Pen'."

"Well, don't get confused when registering. The batch that is scheduled to be sent to the domestic branch park must be separated separately."

"I'll keep that in mind, don't worry, nothing will go wrong." With a promise, 2B also turned and left in the direction of the 'Beast Pen' responsible for managing the tool dragon.

Half of the people stayed by my side, looked at the ship girls, then at Kang Na and the others, Shi Xiaolei smiled and clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone go back to each room to rest, contact us anytime if you have anything to do." .”

The ship girls left one after another, and went back to Chi Zhi's dormitory nearby.

As for Athena Asamiya and Sharna, they pulled Artemis and Lilima together and went to the pedestrian street next to the pier together, planning to go there to eat and drink and relax.

After a while, there were only four of Kang Na left in front of Shi Xiaolei.

"Let's go, let's go find a place to eat." Looking at the four of them, Shi Xiaolei smiled and made a suggestion: "How about a seafood feast? I've been eating meat these days, so I should have some." It’s time for a change.”

"I can eat whatever I want."

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to eat fish a little bit."

Peter and Harry both opened their mouths to respond. Although Gwen didn't make a sound, her expression clearly gave a signal of approval.

As for Connor...

That girl has never been picky about food, as long as the taste is good and the portion is sufficient, she will never have any opinions.

"Then let's go, I know a shop that does pretty good seafood." Seeing that there were no objections from the few people, Shi Xiaolei greeted and took the lead to walk in front.

Eat and drink enough, and then sleep well.

Waking up the next morning, Gwen found that she had recovered to a state full of energy, and the little fatigue accumulated in the previous few days had completely disappeared.

He came to the window and stretched his waist, then gently opened the curtains. Finding that the weather outside the window was very good, Gwen opened the window and lay down on the window sill to enjoy the refreshing and gentle sea breeze.

White clouds floated in the blue sky, and the waves on the sea slapped onto the beach one after another. Occasionally, one or two seagulls would fly past the window while quacking. Feeling the comfort of the sea breeze caressing her face, Gwen enjoyed immersing herself in the beauty of this morning.

Before I knew it, more than half an hour passed.

Some tourists gradually appeared on the beach in the distance, and the streets that were a little closer gradually became lively. As a triceratops that played a guest bus came slowly, it unloaded a group of passengers from the compartment on its back, and the slightly noisy conversation sounded into Gwen's ears with the sea breeze, and she slowly walked out of the car. Waking up in a daze.

His eyes became lively again, Gwen straightened his back and moved his arms.

"Hiss~." After half an hour of padding under the chin, it felt a little numb. Feeling the soreness from her forearm, Gwen grinned unconsciously.

Just then, the phone rang with an elegant melody. UU reading

Subconsciously turning around and coming to the bed, Gwen put her right hand under the pillow and took out the phone that was still ringing.

Gwen glanced at the caller ID on the screen, and a happy smile appeared on Gwen's face involuntarily: "Hi, Mommy, good morning~."

"Good morning, it's already noon here in New York."

"Uh, well, I was negligent and forgot about jet lag." Sticking out her tongue, Gwen smiled embarrassedly: "Mummy, are you at home? What's the weather like in New York?" So, will it be cold?"

"These two days are okay, it's not particularly cold. But according to the weather forecast, the temperature will drop again in two days. Gwen, when are you coming back? If the temperature drops in time, remember to change into something thicker when you come back. clothes, don’t catch a cold, you know?”

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, the reverse can also be established.

As soon as she heard her mother's words, she knew that the key point of her mother's words was 'when will she come back', Gwen smiled slightly, and immediately answered: "It's either today or tomorrow, anyway, it's only these two days. Mommy, don't worry, I will I will take care of myself. By the way, I have also prepared some small gifts, which I will bring to you when I go back."

"And a gift? What is it?"

"When I bring them back, you'll know what they are. Now, hehe, keep it secret~."

"I'm still playing this game with Mommy, okay, okay, I'm waiting for the moment when I unwrap the presents. Uh, I have something to do here, let's talk here first, so what, Gwen, remember to say it before you come back , I will ask your dad to pick you up."

"No, I myself..." Before Gwen could finish speaking, a busy tone came from the phone.

Looking down at the phone, Gwen could only smile helplessly.

(end of this chapter)

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