Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 201: Hella's plan

Hela's identity is very special. If she casually discloses her existence, it may cause a commotion and cause turmoil in the situation.

To be on the safe side, Odin and his wife temporarily withheld information about Hela, and even Thor and Loki didn't know about it.

Of course, Heimdall and Sif are the only exceptions. The former is the gatekeeper of the Rainbow Bridge, with a pair of eyes that can see through the Nine Realms, it is impossible to hide from him, while the latter, who accompanied Frigga to the earth for so many days, is in close contact with Hela every day... With her It's impossible not to see the flaws in her IQ, so instead of waiting for her to discover it herself and having doubts in her heart, Frigga felt that it would be better to tell her directly.

After all, she is the candidate for her future daughter-in-law, so there is no need to doubt it. And from a certain point of view, Hela's matter is also a family affair of her own family. If she told Sif the truth earlier, it would give her a feeling of 'recognized and accepted'.

Perhaps, it can also promote the development of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Overall, the results of Frigg's trip to the atrium were quite good.

Let's turn our eyes back to Earth again.

Because Frigga made a promise that after she went back, she would definitely find a way to help Hela return to Asgard... Anyway, sooner or later, she could go back, so why risk an injustice? Therefore, after Frigga and Sif left, Hela temporarily pressed her thoughts of her hometown.

Before, it was a last resort, but now, I have changed my mind and decided to settle down on Earth for a while.

The attitude is completely different, and the enthusiasm has also increased a lot.

"What did you say? Did I hear it right?" Looking at Hela who was sitting on the sofa in front of him, Shi Xiaolei looked surprised: "Go to school? Are you sure?"

"Is there any problem?" With Erlang's legs crossed, Hela squinted her eyes with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

"No..." His mind was a little confused, and he didn't know how to complain. After a few seconds, Shi Xiaolei said speechlessly: "I said eldest sister, you are two or three thousand years old... The recorded history of mankind is so long. Moreover, a dignified goddess of Asgard, run Don't you think it's a little weird to go to a university to study human history?"

"I'm happy, can't I?"


"Speak, can you do it? No, I'll find someone else."

What else can I say? Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to give up thinking about the reason, scratching the back of his head helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll try."

Entrusted by Odin, he promised to take good care of Hela, and naturally he must fulfill this duty. Besides, Odin has given so many gold and silver treasures... For the sake of money, he has to do his best.

How to do it specifically?

"By the way, Stark is a well-known alumnus. If you ask him to help write a recommendation letter, you should be able to handle this easily..." Thinking of this method, Shi Xiaolei frowned and took out his phone from his trouser pocket.

When he opened the address book and was about to call Stark, another thought popped into Shi Xiaolei's mind: 'Wait a minute, would it be better if you asked Natasha to do it? ’

Asking Stark for help is convenient and quick, and there will be no complications. Just looking at convenience, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

But considering Hela's identity...

'With SHIELD's attention to Tony, if it is a student he recommends, it will definitely be noticed by SHIELD. Natasha has seen Hela before, which means that Nick Fury must also know her...' Suddenly realizing this, Shi Xiaolei shook his head with a wry smile: "Forget it, let's call Natasha directly. Anyway, as long as Hela shows her face, she will definitely not be able to escape the sight of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Instead of keeping it and making those people suspicious, it's better to expose it directly.

On the one hand, it can have the effect of confusing and deceiving, making Natasha mistakenly think that she still doesn't know her identity.

On the other hand, because Natasha had witnessed Hela's force with her own eyes, when she swaggered out, the S.H.I.E.L.D. side would feel some pressure to some extent.

Then, whether or not they find a 'temporary ally' relationship between their family and Hela, they can get some benefits on their side - if they define Hela as an enemy as before, then, because they can If you suppress Hela by force, you and your family will definitely get higher attention from them. On the other hand, if S.H.I.E.L.D. knew the truth, it would also carefully think about the question of 'why it turned an enemy into a friend'...

Whether they guessed right or not, their family will appear more mysterious in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. In this way, they will definitely be more cautious and dare not act rashly.

Keeping bandits self-respecting?

The fox and the tiger's might?

never mind. Anyway, after exposing Hela, it will definitely bring some pressure to S.H.I.E.L.D., deter them, and the Hydra hidden among them. Shi Xiaolei, who was afraid of trouble, thought it was a good idea to avoid SHIELD or Hydra from causing trouble for him, so he quickly made a choice.

Dig out the contact number and dial.

After two beeps, the call was connected, and Natasha's voice came from the receiver: "Hello, Mr. Locke."

"Hey, Natalie." Pretending to greet him casually, Shi Xiaolei continued, "I have something I want to ask you. Do you know which of the universities near New York has a better history-related major?"

"History-related majors? Please wait." After about half a minute, Natasha replied: "In New York and its there are four better universities to choose from, they are Columbia University, New York University, City University of New York, Fordham University, among them, Columbia University is an Ivy League school, New York University…”

Perhaps she directly invoked the internal information of S.H.I.E.L.D. The answer given by Natasha was much more detailed than what could be found online.

"OK, I get it." After a while, Shi Xiaolei continued to ask: "If a friend of mine wants to join a class to audition, such as Columbia University, can you help me get a place?"

"No problem." She gave the answer first, and then Natasha added: "However, the specific cost and time need to be combined with the actual situation of your friend. If she agrees to the conditions, things will go smoothly, otherwise, it may be It will be more time-consuming and the cost will be slightly higher.”

"Is that so..." It wasn't that he couldn't understand, Shi Xiaolei nodded: "I understand, you can help me collect the information first. I'll discuss with her here too, seeing that she's more interested in that school, I'll turn around and decide. Now, I'll call you again."

"Okay, it may take me a day to collect the information. If you don't mind, I'll send it to you tomorrow?"

"Okay, emmm, come here around three o'clock in the afternoon. There are no customers in the store at that time. I have time. Let's talk carefully."

"Okay, Mr. Locke."

"See you tomorrow then."

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