The three goddesses of destiny looked at a series of actions by hercules, apollo, and athena, saying: "Zeus is to temporarily expel Paris from the fate of Troy. Torrent? "

The three goddesses of destiny represent the past, the present, and the future, and at the same time a hint of sensation is produced, and the body suddenly shakes.

They are goddesses in charge of fate, which is a warning to them by fate.

Cloto frowned, saying, "This move seems a bit bad, and I feel that the fate of the destiny is huge, and it may cause a lot of changes."

"Fate has always followed the existing trajectory, and it is normal to have a slight deviation, which can be corrected at any time, but now there is such a big change, or we should explain to the gods to stop this dangerous move because Paris was expelled from Troy. Destiny torrents can cause great variables, "said Lachésis.

The three goddesses were about to get up, but at this time the goddess Croto (atropos) "stunned" and said, "Although the temporary expulsion of Paris from the torrent of Troy fate will cause great changes in fate, but this is in line with the past For a period of time, Paris must be expelled from Troy. "

"Until Paris's fate remains unchanged, he will remain active on the Troy battlefield until his arrow dies on Mount Ida."

"But now that Zeus has expelled Paris from Troy's torrent temporarily, his fate has changed, and he seems to be in line with the past."

"It's just incredible, I haven't seen such a contradictory destiny." The three goddesses groaned, facing the "paradox" of Paris's fate and falling into a dilemma.

Regardless of the choice made, the end result of fate does not seem to be ideal.

"But the great Zeus has made up his mind to correct deviation from destiny. Although it will cause greater changes in destiny, we can only follow it." Atlobos said.

"Both are deviations and fate, then we leave it to fate to decide." The three goddesses of fate can only give Paris to fate itself.

Hera seemed to feel that after giving the wind bag to Athena, she went to Zeus and filled him with wine: "Dear, the wind bag has been given to Hercules, but it will be Paris's expulsion will not have a bad effect? ​​"

Zeus sat on a throne made of ivory and gold, took a drink and drank, saying, "Fate arranges for Paris to start the battle of Troy, but after the gear of fate turns, Paris is active in the battle of Troy and it seems to have appeared Some deviations, and these deviations are getting bigger and bigger, and now I am just correcting the deviation of destiny. "

"Hera, don't worry. Although fate has some influence on our gods, it's just that we don't want to pay any price."

Hera knew that Zeus was telling the truth. In fact, every deity is constantly interfering with destiny, but the stronger the destiny, the more it takes strength and price to reverse it.

Many gods are just not worth doing this, not not.

Just when Zeus and Hera and the three goddesses of fate discussed each other, they did not find that there was a phantom at the foot of the mountain, a mysterious lady. She looked at Mount Olympus with a smile and muttered. "I feel a change in destiny. There are many changes in destiny, which lead to different paths, and the one I need has finally arrived."

As soon as the words fell, the next moment, the mysterious lady appeared on the lava of the Etna Mountain to suppress Tifeng.

Mount Etna, still billowing in smoke, the magma was tumbling from time to time.

Because of the heavy smoke, the situation here is not visible. As long as Tifeng did not make much noise, the gods would not immediately notice the problem here.

Tifeng found the mysterious lady for the first time, and said with a little doubt: "Mother, what's wrong?"

Zeus became the new master of the world, and Gaia gave birth to a group of sons, that is, the Titan gods, all entered Hell Taltalos. Gaia was so angry that he had made them break through hell. Came out of the fields.

Arcuneus took the scepter and lightning, Enkerados conquered the ocean, Ludous took the reins in the hand of the sun god, and Perfirion went to occupy Delphi's temple-this riot After failure, Zeus was wary of Gaia.

It's just that Gaia can't break into **** or kill, or the world will collapse.

However, the newly-ruled Protoss kept an eye on Gaia.

Usually, Gaia rarely comes out. Last time, he paid a lot of money himself. Why did he suddenly take the initiative this time?

"I said, I'm not Gaia ... forget it, the treasure you are looking for, when the time has come, you can get it, but you have to sacrifice your three descendants for the sacrifice, and also It takes your three drops of hard work, and it will give you this treasure. "

"Thank you so much for your mother," said Tifeng, in an excited tone. He has waited for this treasure for a long time, and now finally has a chance to get it.

The shadow of the black giant was tumbling in the magma at the moment, and the magma that had risen hit the surrounding rock walls, sparking waves of Mars.

"Don't make too much movement, don't get the attention of the gods." Mysterious lady reminded that when she came here, she was most worried about Tifeng's control of the unknown emotions, making noises and attracting the gods.

Although she was not afraid of them, it was always troublesome if they found her here.

"Yes, mother." Tifeng replied, possibly because of the huge body. As soon as there is a sharp emotional fluctuation, it will cause great disturbance to the surrounding environment. In this case, the gods are easy to notice.

"But the effort and the three sacrifices you want are simple." Tifeng said that the effort can be extracted from the body. As for the children, most of them are innumerable, and they don't care about the thin blooded descendants.

After speaking, Tifeng endured great pain. When he patted his heart, three drops of blood slowly floated out of his body.

"Mother, then." Tifeng controlled three drops of blood and hurried towards the mysterious lady. The blood was strange, red, but not deep, a little light red, and white.

With a wave of her hand, the mysterious lady took away three drops of energy that had been shot quickly and said, "During this time, don't make any noise, the treasure will be sent to you soon."

"Okay, mother." Tiffon replied respectfully, and then the mystery of the mysterious lady had disappeared on Mount Etna.

After the mysterious lady left, Tifeng's huge body rolled again in the magma, and her heart was extremely happy.

If he gets this treasure, his strength will easily break the blockade, and even with this treasure, he can counterattack Mount Olympus.

The lava was boiling, and the billowing smoke was denser.


Hermes appeared in the hall, and the little white feathers behind the ears and at the heels slowed down from the rapid slap. It reported to Zeus and said, "I don't know what happened just now, on Mount Etna. There was a change, but when I went to inspect, I didn't find any abnormalities. "

Zeus frowned slightly, Hermes' rank was not too high among the gods, but even Apollo was difficult to escape. If Hermes did not find any abnormalities, there were only a few gods. Only with this strength to cover up.

"Well, I see. You continue to follow the movement of Mount Etna." Zeus ordered.

"Okay," Hermes answered.

Troy Prince House

Helen buried her head in Pei Ziyun's arms and whispered, "Dear Paris, how long are you going this time?"

Pei Ziyun hugged Helen and kissed her forehead gently. He said, "Helen, I will be back soon. When I am alone at home, I can communicate more with Ononie. It is not difficult for her to speak."

Pei Ziyun went to Ononie again, hugged her, and said, "Dear Ononie, I will be back soon, don't worry, but when I'm not at home, Helen comes to a foreign country, you remember to take care of it."

Ononie has initially accepted Helen. Because she also knows that Helen and Paris are not things that Paris can decide. This is an arrangement of the gods. She nodded and said, "Paris, rest assured, but When you go far away, you must take care of yourself. "

Pei Ziyun nodded heavily, turned on the chariot, watched Ononie and Helen wave farewell at the gate of the mansion, and raised their hands, they were able to stand at least together to send themselves, which made him very pleased, not ordinary Some effort.

As for loving each other, to be practical, Pei Ziyun did not have this idea at all.

This is too fantasy.

Helen watched Pei Ziyun's distant figure, and a sudden heartache ~ ~ A certain unpredictable premonition emerged, saying "Dear ..."

But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't speak, and it seemed to be stuck in his throat by something.

Ononie also had a bad hunch. She looked at Helen, who was too restless, and without speaking, she turned back and said to her servant, "Go to the river Köblen."

The servant nodded, and quickly went down to prepare the car. Ononi boarded the car. The driver whip the whip and took Ononi to the Kebulun River.

Ononi quickly rushed to the Kebrun River in a carriage. She hurried off the carriage, ran to the river, raised her gold cup and filled it with wine sacrifices, and said, "Father, Paris is going to Koror this time. Nai Kingdom, I have a bad feeling, please give instructions. "

The river was sparkling in front of him, and there was no response. Ononie was still dead, and continued to say, "Father, please answer me."

But there was no response from the Kebrun River in front of him. This was the first time that Ononie had encountered such a thing.

In the past, as long as she had something to look for her father, she just had to gently call on the side of the Kebulun River, and her father would come out to meet her or give instructions.

But now there is no response. Doesn't this directly indicate that he is right to have a bad feeling this time, and even his father is powerless?

Ononie's face changed drastically, knowing that Paris's voyage might be in great danger. She thought about it now, and quickly got in the car, and ordered her servant to go to the port.

The car was speeding all the way. As soon as it arrived at the port, Ononie saw the ship that had just left, so he rushed up and shouted loudly towards the ship in the distance: "Paris, Paris ..."

Facing the open sea, the ship had set off for a while, and Pei Ziyun did not hear Ononie's shout, and in a blink of an eye, disappeared all over the sea. .

Ononie stared blankly at the distant ship and burst into tears.

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