"..." Wu Yanfu covered his abnormal shape with one hand, caught Bai Ye's hand stretched out to explore his veins, his head was swollen, and he was extremely impatient. He uttered a word with extreme difficulty, "Go."

As soon as the word came out, Bai Yan changed his face. It seemed that the old scar at the bottom of his heart was broken by life. Suddenly, the pain was unbearable. He raised his hand and wanted to fan Wu Yan, slap his face: "Don't you dare to let this seat roll?"

The voice didn't fall, and his other hand was also captured by Wu Yan Fukan, rubbing his palm against the other's cheek, brushing the bridge of his nose, and stopping for a moment on his lips, as if he wanted to kiss him, instantly, and was extremely fast. Ripped apart.

Bai Yan broke his hands and stepped back, Wu Yanfu stood up and turned his back.

It's as if the master and apprentice were only a step away from each other, but they were close to the earth.

Seeing that the other party had the intention of escaping again, Bai Ye came forward with a stride, and his heart was attacking. He just wanted to force this person to have a good time with him. Now he used a trick to "strike the magic palm" and attacked his vest. . Wu Yanfu turned around and avoided his arm with four or two pounds of elbows, and stretched out a hand to catch his tentative cover.

Seeing him using his killing tricks, Bai Yan's heart was stubborn, and he was unwilling to show weakness. He greeted with all his strength, and when the palms collided, he felt that the other party didn't use internal force at all. He was shocked and flew out a few feet backward, hitting a pillar in front of Shimiao. The stone pillar burst into pieces, and when Shimiao collapsed, he fell on the man below, crushing him heavily.

Bai Zheng was startled, only to realize that this man didn't want to hurt him at all, and hurried forward, his palms shattered the broken stones, and found that the lower body was dripping with blood, and the lower body was still pressed on a half stone pillar. Slap your palm, smash a thick post with one foot, and bend over to lift the opponent's neck.

"Hey, how are you?"

"..." Wu Yanfu closed his eyes and did not want to respond.

Bai Yan reached out to poke his nose, and accidentally brushed his fingertips over his lips.

"..." Wu Yanfu held his breath.

The baby doll hasn't left yet ... just make him think he's dead.

Bai Yan was so shocked that he grasped his wrist and went to explore his veins again.

Wu Yanfu condensed the blood in his veins, motionless.

Bai stunned for a while, unconsciously lying down, resisting the urge to lick the blood of medicine, put his ears to Wu Yanfu's heart, and the soft hair brushed his chin, arousing a heartburning itch meaning.

"Bang bang bang ..."

Wu Yanfu's heartbeat was chaotic.

Bai Yan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyebrows and looked at the man's face, reached out to pluck his eyelids, his wrists tightened tightly, and the man's closed blue eyes suddenly opened, staring coldly at him, breathing quickly: "You haven't left yet ? "

"You think this place wants you to live or die? If it wasn't for your blood ... it's a waste of so much blood." Then, Bai Yan stood up, only to see a sharp stone embedded in the wound next to his ribs. Quan Yong, startled, was busy holding Wu Yanfu who was about to get up, and carefully pulled it out for him.

This pain is nothing for Wu Yanfu--

At this moment Bai Yanmin was so close that he was really suffering.

The boy's natural body scent was like a mist of smoke digging directly into his nose and into the internal organs.

Wu Yanfu held his hands up, grasped a few pieces of gravel, felt that he was going crazy.

At this moment he was extremely certain that Bai Yan was his present-day newspaper. His uncle killed his mother, and his blood was heavy, but he had few rivals and only covered the sky with his hands, so God sent such a little devil to restrain him and torture him.

It wasn't enough to let him die for him once, he had to live and suffer.

He just couldn't see what he stepped down, he just looked at him to clean his wounds, bowed his head, his face carved with soft light, and his expression was seductive.

Wu Yanfu's eyes were confused, and he leaned closer to the juvenile earlobe and sniffed his body scent deeply. At that time, the sharp stone was pulled out abruptly, Wu Yanfu was shocked, and his blood was suddenly splashed against Bai's face.

He wiped his mouth and tried to lick up the wound, but he took a look at his face and took a sip of his fingers, but he did not know how to fall into Wu Yanfu's eyes, just like pouring oil on the fire. He pressed the boy into his arms with one hand, his lips against his delicate and small earlobes, and hissed his throat, "Do you know ... you are playing with fire ***?"

Bai Ye was startled by him, and when he reacted, he struggled to get up and listened to the sound of the cleft. His sleeves were torn off and his body was pushed to the side. The man in the stone pile stood up and stood up. He broke into the half-fallen stone temple, and then heard a thunderous thunder, and saw a stone Buddha flying across, blocking the narrow stone temple door tightly.

Bai Ranran, rushed to the door: "What the **** are you doing?"

"Go away." There was a suppressed low gasp from inside, like a trapped beast with nowhere to go.

"You!" Bai Ao held her hands tightly for a month, turning her mind, taking a few steps back, pretending to leave, but jumping lightly, falling silently to the top of the stone temple, leaning over to listen inside movement.

Hearing that there was no movement outside, Wu Yanfu just unlocked his acupuncture point, stumbled against the back of the Buddha and sat down. He spilt blood into his throat and was swallowed forcibly by his back.

Just before the slapstick, Bai Ba has delayed the best time to clear the blood.

So, only ...

The forest was very quiet in the night, only the wind passed through the dense forest, rustling.

A stream of gasps from the cracks in the stone wall became clear.

This gasp is dull and dull, mixed with an inscrutable desire-desire.

The same man, when Bai Yan heard it, he realized what he was doing in the stone temple.

He just looked like that, is it that the fan-xiangchun-medicine is not successful?

Wanting to understand why this person was nervous to ask him to leave, Bai Zheng was frightened, thinking that this person took advantage of him three or five times. He succeeded in martial arts. If he couldn't control it just now ...

He shook his head, huh, pretending to hide for so long, still want to pretend to be a gentleman!

Hearing the gasps inside, Bai Yan could no longer sit still, and he wanted to leave.

"Uh ..." But at this moment, a pleasant hoarse murmur came from inside.

The person who knew Xiao Xun was close at hand, Wu Yanfu was extremely excited for a while, his sweaty hands became faster, and he also indulged himself, his throat overflowing with a roar of unbearable noise.

Hey, can you hear it? Let you listen every night.

Bai Yan jumped up from the top of the stone temple, fled into the desert, and rushed into the forest breathlessly, the whole spine was soft and out of shape, leaning against a tree, he did not fall to the ground. The cheekbones became enthusiastic, and the foxtail was squirming like a foxtail. He couldn't help but pinch the cheek trunk.

"Hmm!" Bai Hyun hit a shock and stood upright.

He's like this, it's almost like a fox hair-spring, and all the trees are up, how can it happen ...

Bai Yan covered her face in shame, resting her head on the trunk, and disgusted herself.

After patience for a while, the cheekbones grew hotter, leading him to rub his waist and hips against the tree unconsciously.

Bai Yan was so anxious to die, he looked around, and when he saw no one around, he walked up the tree, found a thick branch, and lay on his head to masturbate. The leaves were rustling and rustling, as if whispering, and the dense shadow of the tree covered everything, giving him a secret place without having to take care of others.

At the end of the day, Bai Yan felt very lacking. He looked at the night dome above the tree branches with a leaf in his mouth, his legs hanging down, and a pair of bare feet dangling unconsciously in the air.

From this point of view, in the future, the zygomatic bones will start to attack ... Find a tree to solve it ...

At least the tree will not lose him, will not hurt him, there will be no grief, and no love is needed.

Will not cause him to spread his cheekbones, let alone his short life.

He stretched out his hand, and looked at his palm by moonlight.

-The lifeline seems shorter than yesterday. Bai Ye thought about it and understood it.

It turned out that with each movement of his diseased cheekbones, he moved closer to death.

Why does his cheekbone always move because of nature?

Is he indifferent to him?

As soon as this idea came out, Bai Yan was startled.

how is this possible!

He was thinking chaotically. Suddenly, a series of "窸 窸窣 窣" movements caught his attention. Someone stepped on the grass. He sat up alertly and looked around: "Who?"

"It's a subordinate." A familiar voice answered, coming out of the tree shadow. Before the barrier cleared a branch in front of him and walked under the tree where the boy was, it seemed as if he had returned to many years ago.

At that time, when he was collecting wine for the master, occasionally he could see Bai Zhi hiding like that in a tree like a cat. Later, he gradually discovered that as long as Bai was angry or sad, in the house, he liked to drill the bed, and outside the house, he liked the tree. He just chased out for a while, but found no one. When he found that there was no wind in a nearby tree, it turned out that Bai Zhi was indeed on the tree.

It's just ... I accidentally saw what I shouldn't.

"When did you come?" Bai Ai stared at him and asked in a low voice.

"Subordinates heard the noise here in the distance, only to find the leader ..." Li Bare was afraid to look directly at Bai Yan's eyes, and the fragrant picture before him could not help but be glad that he was wearing a mask, "The leader Why did he run out alone in the middle of the night? His subordinates thought something had happened. "

"It's no big deal." Bai Yan tied his belt, jumped down from the tree, and glanced at the direction of the stone temple, thinking of the man at the lakeside, said, "You can follow me there."


The two returned to the side of the lake where the ship had just passed, but the falling water disappeared.

Rest assured that the person who was still in the stone temple, Bai Ye turned back with Li Barrier again. As soon as he was near the stone temple, he saw a figure in front of the stone temple, stretched his hands, and twisted his body with his toes. Slowly dancing. His dancing is extremely sorrowful, and wearing a purple dress, his face is pale. In this moonlight, in the dense forest, in front of the abandoned temple, it looks like a lonely ghost.

Seeing who the man was, Bai Yi was shocked, and his intentions were abrupt.

He remembered the last humiliation.

No revenge, when will it be? "Mingyuelou retired alone, the wine became sad and turned into acacia tears ..." A song "Su Muzhe" was sung softly by the man at this time, like a sorrow groaning in the sea, like laughing but not crying, crying but crying At last, it turned into a sigh and turned back and forth, "Master, do you think Siyou dance posture is good or not?"

The leader in his mouth must not be him, it must be the old devil.

Bai Yan raised his eyebrows and saw that Si You's expression was crazy and mad, could not help secretly, this person is crazy? With a glance at the side and the barrier-free, you can see that the other person thinks the same.

Although he was arrogant and cruel, but did not want to bully a lunatic, he pulled back Yueyue from his sleeve.

"Since you were a child, you most like to watch Si You dance. This dance was edited by Si You for three years. Before you can watch it, you are dead. When Si You finishes the dance, she will accompany you. . "

After all, his dance steps sped up, spinning like a hurricane dance, three thousand crows were scattered, his clothes were torn apart by the howling wind that burst from his body, as if the wings of a bird fluttered and the leaves twitched.

Actually want to commit suicide on the spot.

At this moment, there was a bang, and a sound came from the stone temple. A slender figure flew out, landed in front of Si You, and hit his hole with a lightning flash. Si You collapsed into the arms of the white-haired man as if he had taken a bone, and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Bai Yan couldn't help but cling to his feet, stepping on a dead branch.

Wu Yanfu lifted his eyes and glanced, seeing the figure in the dense forest, his pupils shrank.

"God ... you still can't let me down." Si Youru moaned moaningly and rested his head on the man's solid shoulder contentedly. "You don't want me to die so miserably, do you?"

"The heart is unhindered, and the mind is irrelevant. Unblock the mind and release the soul, there is no soul." Wu Yanfu covered his lip in his arms and whispered the Qingxin curse into his ears. When he was breathing slowly, he was taken Hold up horizontally.

"Leader ... this medicine man ..." Li Wujue wondered, "How do you know Si You?"

how come? Isn't that hard to think about?

A anger rushed to my heart, and the flames ignited, Bai Yan pressed the moon tightly, and stepped from the forest to the two in front of the stone temple step by step: "It turns out ... you two are in a group and did a play in Loulan ! "

Having said that, he jumped up and waved his sword.

Wu Yan Fuying the person in his arms, exerting his merits, and evading back, Bai Ye saw this person's nurse was so tightly guarded. Somehow, he felt nothing but piercing his eyes, his anger was even worse, his intention was surging, and he jumped At the same time, the sword was slashed to Si You's head, and Wu Yanfu avoided it very quickly. The sharp knife wind still cut a blood mark on the side of Si You's neck.

When he missed, Bai Yan turned and cut again, Wu Yanfu popped a needle straight into the flaw in his armpit, and the blade was biased, rubbing against Wu Yanfu's back, cutting a few strands of white hair, and rubbing his shoulder for a moment, Bai Ye freed his other hand to grab the Tianlinggai in his arms, but was slammed open by the opponent's palm. When he withdrew his palm, his palm brushed his cheek, slapping him ruthlessly.

Coming close to barrier-free, it turned into a black mist and rushed towards the person, but the other party seemed to have a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes, a gold needle pierced into his Yufu acupoint, and blinked to break his barrier-eye method, palm The wind was like a bamboo shoot, and he slapped him with a slap, teaching his juniors how to beat him down and fall to the ground.

Bai Yan covered her cheeks, her fingers rattled, and Yue Yue was like a poisonous python in her palms, and her coldness rose. Seeing Wu Yanfu turned around and jumped over the stone temple, she meant to grow up, and was about to catch up with her cheekbones. But there was a slight pain, and it spread to the entire back, causing him to kneel immediately. He reached down and held his cheekbone, only to feel a stinger sticking himself there.

"Woo, it hurts ..." He bit his lip and whimpered unbearably.

From childhood to age, he was extremely coquettish and extremely anxious. After Yueyin Palace and his party, he was as scared of the flesh as he was, and he was not scared of death, but such a severe pain was really unbearable. , Suddenly burst into tears.

I walked away from the barrier, and lifted up Bai Bai, seeing his face full of tears. He seemed to be in pain. He panicked and wiped his face with his sleeve. He said softly, "Teacher, what are you doing?" Anymore? "

"It hurts ... I must be, I must be dead ..." Bai Yan rose, sobbing.

"Well, what a stupid thing to say!" Li Wuxin turned into a stream of water, hugged the petite teenager in his arms, stood up, only to feel that he was as light as a piece of paper, and a gust of wind was about to disappear.

"Fear, your subordinates will take you back to the boat."

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