I shouted a few times like this, but there was no response.

Bai Yan was strange. He sent people to search the ship up and down. After Xu Yan, someone heard the shout in the cabin on the second floor: "Master, it's not good!"

A few people heard the sound, along the stairs one and two floors, opened the hatch, a **** smell rushed to the face, and then looked intently, on the ground was lying a flesh-blooded man, burly, wearing a head Felt hat, not Soto? He had been opened with a laparotomy, his internal organs were completely missing, his body was almost broken in two, and his death was torn apart by some beast alive, and it was extremely miserable.

"It's that puppet, that puppet has been here!" Mi Lansheng was startled.

Bai Yan was so frightened that he slept under him last night, but he didn't notice it. There are several masters on this ship. Soto, as the man of the altar, is also very skillful, but the savage man was killed and devoured some corpses, but he did not alarm other people at all. Horrible.

"Sure enough, the legend is true. The scumbag is like a ghost, and it is invincible. He came for Fu Lin, and he must be hiding here, and Fu Lu must have come."

Bai Yan said: "It was no coincidence that I wanted to come to see the catfish last night. She probably saw Fulu before chasing it out. Just when I came, I saw it that day, and the rosary was on Fulu's neck."

"Bai Jiaozhu suddenly felt very fond of the human rosary." Mi Lansheng took a deep look at him. He didn't understand. Since the little demon sinner was so curious about his Master's past, why did he want to marry him?

"In the ugly words, in front of me, the rosary of human bones is our sacred object, and it is not allowed to be touched by others. Even with the help of Bai Jiao, the sacred object can only be used by the elders. There must be no greed or else it would be shameless for the people of the world, even if they were the masters of the martial arts. "

Bai Yan was stunned by him and snorted coldly: "What kind of person do you think of this seat? This seat is only interested in the position of overlord of martial arts. Those who are not holy are the **** in this seat's eyes. . "

"You!" Mi Lansheng stared angrily.

"Hey, the leader Bai and the master say too much." The old shaman intervened. "The old man believes that the white man is upright and far-sighted. He is definitely not a person who betrays his beliefs. The old man only hopes that the floating religion and the mandala will be in the future. You can make good friends for 100 years, become allies, and go hand in hand. "

"Senior is still transparent." Bai Yi laughed a little, how long he could live, he didn't care much, just cared for life enough and beautiful, without regret, human bone rosary can make people come back to life. But he didn't want to live again. He held up three fingers, "I vowed here, there is no heart of rosary beads. If you violate this vow, Tian Da Lei will not die!"

As soon as the words fell, Skyrim really had a faint burst of thunder.

Then there was a violent wind and heavy clouds, and it seemed that a torrential rain was about to make a loud noise.

He twisted away from the barrier-free apex and clenched his fist.

The sky is thunder and thunder, you ca n’t die ... Master, you know, how can you die?

If you really want to be condemned, you must be ashamed of the people in the world ... that person will not be you.

He was instructed to dispose of the corpse of Soto, and Bai Yan turned and walked down the stairs to the cabin where Fu Lin was. The ill young man had been cleaned and lay on the couch, wearing his robes, and he was fit because of his body shape. He closed his eyes, his eyelashes couldn't stop trembling, and his chest was undulating violently, as if a huge beast was approaching in his sleep, which made him extremely frightened.

Bai Yan looked at him like this, but there was a touch of compassion in his heart, and he covered him with a blanket.

Although he intended to take Fu Lu as a hostage, he did not intend to hurt him, and did not want to humiliate him so much, especially such unbearable things ...

I accidentally brushed the teenager's skin with my hands, feeling very hot, and frowned, and looked at his forehead, and found that he was really hot, so he took some wine from the jug on the table next to him, Silka was soaked, and gently wiped the boy's hot pale cheeks.

After a few wipes, he felt his sleeves tugged: "You ..."

The boy shook his eyelids, his eyelids were exposed under the eyelids, and his bloodless lips moved a little, making a tiny mosquito groan, almost drowned in the thunderstorm outside.

"You have fewer cats crying and ratting false mercy."

It seemed afraid that he couldn't hear, and the teenager tried to raise the volume again.

"It's so humiliating to Xiao Wang, and now to Wang Xiao again, do you think Xiao Wang will thank you?"

Bai Ye put away Sipa, stood up, and turned his back: "It's not an order under this seat." He paused, and said, "Besides, that man was also killed by your uncle. He happened to teach me. Lord of the altar, he made a mistake, your uncle killed him, and I don't care about you, what else do you want! "

"Don't care about me ... remember to me," the boy trembled, coughed a few times, and laughed. "My dad hurts me so much, I won't spare you!"

Bai Yan squinted at him and couldn't help asking: "I hurt you, and made you an aunt?"

After the boy laughed, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "What do you know! Becoming an aunt, I'm the dad's most powerful weapon. He takes pride in me and cannot leave me."

Listening to this remark, there was a hint of ambiguous meaning, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised and muttered in his heart. Such a tone was not like an ordinary son relying on his father, but it seemed like an abnormal love.

Worried that Fu Lin would wake up to attract both the Tatar and Fulu, Bai Zhuan turned back and nodded his sleeping place.

When I reached the deck, the rain had stopped, but the sky was still gloomy, like night.

I do n’t know when a layer of mist filled the lake, and when I looked at it from afar, there were scattered lights flashing in the fog, more and more, there was a tendency of Liaoyuan, apparently many ships were coming towards the shore.

Bai Yan's eyes narrowed, did people from other schools come?

Mi Lansheng walked to him, took out his eagle glasses from his sleeve, and looked at the lake for a while, his heart sank: "Bai, we'd better go to the island first. You have a bad reputation and you are rewarded by Fulu. Many people think of you as stabbing in your eyes. When you are on the island and enter the six reincarnation arrays, it is safer. After six reincarnation arrays, you enter the Tibetan Dragon City, and there are orderly consciousnesses in the city. I want to treat you. Unfavorable people will not act lightly. To fight, they can only go upright on the platform. But if they are here, they can attack them.

Bai Yan said with a whisper, "What is a" Juezhe "?"

It seemed that Mi Lansheng didn't worry that he would become the target of public criticism. Instead, he asked inquisitively, surprised and funny: "The enlightened person is the living Buddha. This Tibetan island was a place for meditation by some monks, hundreds of years ago, these monks. Throughout my life, I worked hard in my heart, never went out of the island, and became a living Buddha. The flesh is not rotten, and I still have the will to live, and I have always guarded the Dragon City. A Buddha relic, the enlightened people obeyed that person, and regarded that person as Emperor's release and respected him as Lord Buddha. "

"That's it." Bai Yan felt his heart, secretly, was this blood relic he had dug out of Wu Yanfu's heart the Buddha relic he had obtained when he ascended to the position of master of martial arts?

Doesn't it mean that as soon as he enters the Tibetan Dragon City, those who are enlightened will obey him?

He touched his chin, if it was so easy, it would be boring.

"It seems that the master of the Bai religion has a good idea?" Mi Lansheng couldn't help asking.

Bai Yan covered his mouth before realizing that he actually blurted out what he thought, and laughed: "That's natural. This martial art is so high. Who's afraid of it? In Loulan, this seat also fought with Fulu. He is not his opponent at all, and he is the master of martial arts.

Mi Lansheng laughed at the corner of his mouth when he heard his incomparable tone. After getting along for a few days, he felt more and more that this man was not as insidious and vicious as he imagined, more like a stubborn child, disguising himself as a pair of femme fatale, but he was actually straightforward inside.

Really ... it can't be hated.

"Well then, I wish the Preacher Bai ascends to the throne in advance."

"Wish to be the Lord of the Mimen." Bai Yan straightened his waist and looked at the lights on the lake, and he really felt the world. "Then we will start earlier and seize the opportunity."

Before the ships approached the shore, a shipman had packed his bags and set foot on Canglong Island. It didn't take long before a strange stone forest appeared in front of him. Most of the magic stones in the stone forest are a dozen feet high and hundreds of meters wide. They are like natural barriers. Looking at the stone forest from the outside, it seems ordinary, but the terrain inside the stone forest is complicated and there are many traps. The illusion is designed by the monks of the heavens to test those who have come to practice in this year. It is comparable to a maze. Because there are six levels that correspond to six reincarnations, they are called "six reincarnation arrays."

The old shaman said: "Can you bring a compass with you?"

Everyone took out the compass from their bags, and Bai Ye also took the one handed over from the barrier-free and pondered it in his hands. Because he hadn't gone down a few times, he didn't even use the compass, but at this time he was embarrassed to ask anyone, so he learned to hold it in his hands and observe the compass.

This compass is divided into seven layers inside and outside, and thirty-five star places, twelve-day dry earth branches and sixty jiazis can be seen in turn. There is a copper fish in the center. At this time, the head and tail are facing south and north.

"The direction of Hidden Dragon City is where the dragon heart is, which is the direction of the heart, Shangxing." The old shaman pointed at the outermost part of the compass, "When the head of the copper fish points to Shangxing, You are going in the right direction. At this moment, don't worry about what's ahead, you have to go all the way. Don't be confused by the illusion. "

Bai Yan silently remembered these words in his heart, looking towards the direction of the stone formation, but at a glance, he saw a figure passing in front of him, submerged into the stone formation, like a woman.

Could it be your aunt? Worried about the danger of the sturgeon, Bai Yan caught up immediately.

"Leader!" When he saw barrier-free, he immediately stopped, but Bai Ye's figure disappeared immediately. He chased into the stone forest immediately, and in a blink of an eye, the strange stones that were not more than a dozen feet high suddenly became obscured. Day, into the sky, people feel that they are extremely small, like ants.

From the barrier-free mind, this is because entering the outermost layer of Stone Circle, the first of the six reincarnation-the heavenly path.

This road has been improved by Wu Yanfu, the most difficult to break.

From the barrier-free, you can't look up, just look at your feet, and fumble forward, you are reminding Wu Yanfu to warn in the past-"There are people in the sky, there is a sky outside, and Mo is higher than the sky, and only walks down the road."

Suddenly he turned back to the boy who was 16 years ago, respectfully bowed down under the Wuyan floating seat, took the deviating cone he gave himself, stood up again, and let the other person put on his head to protect him crown.

He remembered that Wu Yanfu looked down at him at that time, smiling slightly, and there was no lack of joy in his eyes.

"Accessibility, you are the most outstanding apprentice of the division for decades, and you will not be disappointed in the future."

The backlog of guilt swelled from the bottom of my heart, kneeling away from the barrier, and struck three loudly.

"Master, the difference between the apprentice's thoughts and the regrets caused you to die. Now you still have to rely on what you teach and teach to get out of the dilemma. It is really a sin. I have no regrets, but I swear here that I am willing to fall into the beast after death, and I will never be human again. "

Having said that, he took out the "three poisons" in his arms and put them on the overgrown ground: "three poisons, take me to find him."


Bai Yan looked up and frowned. He remembered that these strange stones did not look high when he came in. Who knew that when he entered the forest, the surroundings became a different sight, and his heart was astonished.

He glanced at the compass in his hand, the copper fish kept turning, and there was no way to determine where to go, to go around and pass around a few odd stones, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a statue of the Buddha appeared in front of Bai Kui. Riding a peacock, with four sides of its head, is a state of beings, which is clearly the Brahma.

After the Great Brahma Buddha statue, there is a majestic temple, which is as high as seven storeys high and surrounded by clouds.

Why can't I see this temple outside and the stone wall is not so high?

Could it be an illusion?

Bai Yan's back was cold, and he approached the statue carefully, and reached out and touched it.

——The rough and hard texture of the stone is real.

As soon as he stepped on the head of a peacock, he turned over and jumped onto the bergamot, and then he jumped on the shoulder of the statue with the bergamot, overlooking the scene, but he saw the stone wall, and the lake in the center of the oasis did not even see a corner. Seeing that there is a lotus seat under the Buddha statue, four fingers point to all directions, and there is a flash of light in my mind.

It is to be understood that the Brahma is a four-faced god, with four hands pointing east, west, south, and north, respectively, and unchanged from ancient times. It is the **** of the way in the twenty days of Buddhism. It must be cast here, and it must have any necessary intention.

Bai Yan raised the compass, and sure enough, he saw that the copper fish had calmed down, and pointed to the south and north.

At this point Shang Shang was in his southwest direction. It seems that it should be the direction of Hidden Dragon City, but the top priority is to find her aunt and not let her go to death.

When thinking this way, a shadow swept past his afterglow.

He turned his head and looked at it, and immediately hesitated.

A slender man in black clothes stood in front of the temple door, facing his back, standing with his hands on his back.

It was like ... Wu Yanfu.

Bai Yan's heart was pounding, knowing that this must be a fantasy.

But the man turned around at this time, looked up, and seemed to smile at him: "Hey, what are you doing up there? You are naughty again. If you don't get down quickly, you will go up and catch you."

Bai Yan closed his eyes and ignored them. He sat cross-legged, but heard a wind hit him.

"Yier." The man's deep, quiet voice sounded close at hand, as if standing under him.

White frowned, motionless.

"Menger, come and taste the Menghua wine made for the teacher. Strangely, this year's wine seems to be a bit sweeter than in previous years. I wonder if it was the relationship between Menger accidentally falling into the well last time.

Bai Yan finally could not help but opened his eyes. Where is he above the statue of Buddha? He is sitting on the burnt-out Brahmin tree, which is burnt by him.

Xuanyi man jumped up to the tree, pried away a flowering branch in front of him, and reclined down on the branch beside him, holding the bottle of wine in one hand, resting his head in one hand, and smiling lazily: "Hey, come here, come in arms for the teacher."

The scene was so real and nothing like an illusion. Bai Ai blinked, and then shrank back, and stood up, slipping at his feet with a stunned spirit, and rushed to the man.

The head bumped into a strong chest, the palm touched the smooth silk, the bewildering scent of fragrance on the man's nose ran into his nose, and his long fingers slowly stroked his cheek: "昙 儿 ……"

Except for the voice of the man, there was silence all around, no wind, no birdsong. Bai Ye knew it was false, and he instinctively wanted to escape, but his pair of narrow and starless eyes without stars and moon, the whole portrait was I was so indifferent that I didn't listen, and my body was stiffened, and my head was dizzy.

The man took a sip of wine on his neck, grabbed his chin with his fingers, lowered his head, and if his thin lips stained with wine rubbed the roots of his ears, bite a pimple on his head and put it in his mouth. Between him, he chuckled: "The beauty of the flowers, the fragrance of the flowers and flowers, but nothing compares to you ..."

"Hey, is it good to be here with my teacher for the rest of my life?"

Bai Yan was stunned, but his cheekbones shook twice at this time, and he nodded in a hurry, suddenly waking him up.

He gritted his teeth, and when he reached out to call Yueyue, he slashed hard at the people in front of him.

When he died, the figure shattered, the petals were fluttering, and the illusion was broken.

"The origins are gone and the ends are gone.

A whisper sounded from behind, Bai Yan turned around and saw a black-faced red robe monk fluttering.

He was frightened, and evaded backwards, stepped out of the air, and fell down from the shoulder of the Buddha. The black-faced monk hurried down, and gave birth to countless strange hands behind him, grasping him like a spider. Come.

Bai Yan turned to the ground and cut it off with a knife. He was cutting the neck of the black-faced monk. If he cut it on the diamond, he wiped out a flame of light. The black-faced monk stepped back at him without failing to retreat. Under siege, Bai Zhuo left and right pimple, fighting with this monk, just felt as if he was doing tricks with dozens of masters at the same time, but he could not hurt each other with a single move, and after a while he was physically weak.

He had just moved his cheekbones, his body was weak, and he saw the wind fall.

At the moment of danger, he was suddenly entangled with something soft around his waist, his body was surrounded by a net and he fell into the embrace of a man, flew towards the temple, and fell under the Buddha statue in the temple. .

The black-faced monk chased to the door and instantly solidified into a stone statue.

"That's the 'consciousness'. It's an immortal body. It can't be beaten. It can only be hidden."

Bai Yan immediately broke away from the man's embrace, took a few steps back, and looked sideways: "Why are you again?"

The white-haired man smiled squintingly: "A idiot came here when he felt that his master was in trouble."

"Three swords on both sides." Bai Yiqi didn't hit one, and said coldly, "Aren't you with Si You? Where is he?"

Wu Yanfu avoided lightly and said: "The host is so angry, isn't it delicious?"

Bai Yeyang wanted to slap him, but his wrist was entangled with a few ghost vines.

"My master hasn't drank blood for several days. Can he stand it?"

"Get out!" Bai Yan broke his hand, his breathing was tight, and he hurriedly turned around. Not to mention, it is still tolerable. At the same time, the thirst for thirst and addiction has surged up, just scratching his heart.

Seeing Bai U ’s intention to go away, Wu Yanfu opened his sleeves, rubbed his nails across his palms, and held the person in his arms, covering his mouth. Bai Yan was caught with a mouthful of medicine and blood. He had not drank blood for several days. As long as a person who has been abstained for a while, he couldn't help it anymore. He grabbed Wu Yanfu's hand and sucked it. After a few big swallows, my body was weak.

Wu Yanfu sat down against the wall, clenched the soft boy in his arms, sniffed seductively his seductive body fragrance, and couldn't help but regret that he had faded away from this pretending to be a drug addict.

So, it's really hard to get close to this toothy claw little wolf cub.

However, earlier, it will save him from accepting this picture in the future.

Hey, I wonder what happens when you get a human rosary from his population?

Would you drop a tear for your teacher? Would you like to return to the embrace of the teacher?

As a teacher ... it can't wait.

Wait a second, wait for the teacher to put on the wedding dress of the master of the Western Region martial arts for you.

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