Wu Yanfu stretched out his hand toward the phantom, but his eyes blurred, his body swayed, and he couldn't hold the white corpse on his back, allowing him to slip softly to his side. Wu Yanfu held him tightly in his arms, and exhausted himself on the sand. His mind was eroded little by little, and his body was gradually annihilated by heavy snow.

Alas, he opened his eyes, and the ice lake full of ghost vines was near.

He ecstatically rushed towards Bai Bai, but the ice lake disappeared like a mirage, leaving nothing but white snow, a frozen horse, and a pool of blood.

He realized that it was not a few years ago that he was no longer in Xumiyou Valley, but far away, and that ice lake was buried under the thick ice layer in the avalanche a few years ago, and he could no longer turn up.

He naturally had no luck like that.

He picked Bai Bai's life personally, but lost him personally.

"Hey, you want to leave as a teacher, it's not that easy, it's not that easy ..."

Wu Yanfu lowered his head and covered the boy's cold lips, and his blood was getting colder, as if frozen into ice. The petite body in his arms was more like a stiff ice sculpture, and even the smooth skin on his face changed. It had to dry up, producing fine cracks, as if he shoved even harder and shattered.

"Heaven is the quilt and the ground is the bed. This is our wedding room, my son."

Wu Yanfu murmured indistinctly, trying to tighten the boy tighter, but his body was unable to move.

This medicine body will die if it loses water for too long.

It seems so good that they died here together.

While half asleep and awake, Suddenly Wu Yanfu felt a pain in the back of his hand. He seemed to be bitten by something, and dragged hard, dragging his body from the frozen snow little by little.

He barely lifted his eyelids, and what he saw was a white furry body.

A small silver fox held his hand, and looked at him with those black eyes, seeing him motionless, and biting him anxiously, dragging his hand back and forth, trying to force him to wake up .

That expression looked so much like a white magpie.

Wu Yanfu stared at it for a while, raised his hand hard, and touched his head, but the little silver fox jumped away immediately, the fluffy tail stood up alertly, but did not run away, but Hesitantly made two rounds around him, suddenly catching the soul lamp that he was holding with his other hand, turned his head and ran.

Wu Yanfu was startled, but I didn't know where the strength was to stand up and chased the little silver fox staggering.

The little silver fox stopped for a few steps and ran for a while, then turned to look at him, as if he had intentionally led him somewhere, Wu Yanfu followed his paw prints all the way, and I didn't know how far he had gone, and suddenly a greenness appeared in front It was actually a forest. He walked through the forest and walked into the mist-filled valley. The warm spring flowers and flowing water in the valley are completely different from the deserts in the snow and ice outside the valley. It is a paradise.

Leading him to a stream, the little silver fox stopped and put the soul lamp on a stone. Before Wu Yanfu approached, he jumped into a tree and looked down at him timidly. . This turned out to be an excellent salamander tree, with several sedge flowers on the tree already in full bloom, lined with a small silver fox with white fur and white snow.

Wu Yanfu picked up the soul lamp and looked up at the small silver fox. This situation was so familiar.

He asked wryly, "Well, aren't you?"

The little silver fox stared at him quietly for a long while, jumping back to the entrance of the valley like a gust of wind, turning his head to look at him for a final look, and disappearing into the vast snow.

Wu Yan lost his soul for a long time, only to remember that today is the seventh night that Bai Yan died, it is his soul night.

He must have returned his life ... to say goodbye to him.

"Yier ... You really have a ruthless feeling ... So ruthless!" Wu Yanfu laughed, holding a white corpse's corpse waving his sword and dancing wildly, shaking a tree with flowers falling like snow falling. He danced dimly, and without a trace of strength, sat down against the tree and picked up a lotus flower and placed it next to the boy.

"How can you let go of the teacher? The moment it takes a moment, but for the life of the teacher ..."

Wu Yanfu closed his eyes and exhaled, and the center of despair regained thoughts, then returned to Taniguchi, raised the sun and waved at his heavenly cover, the blade had not hit his scalp, a strong wind came on his face, a The white shadow flashed in front of him, biting his hand holding the knife sharply, and shaking his head left and right.

His eyes were swift, his back was grabbed, and the little silver fox's tail was grasped tightly, lifting it up.

The little silver fox's head and feet were upside down, its four claws were suspended, and it was scratching and biting, whimpering, his voice sounded sharp.

Wu Yan Fuding stared at him: "You're the uncle, right?"

The little silver fox still screamed and couldn't understand what he was talking about, only to feel that his tailbone was scratched and itchy by him, terrified, and the furry tail exploded into a big fluff, his body crouched tightly into a ball.

"You are a puppet, if you are not a puppet, why do you want to come back? You clearly know that ... you can't bear to be a teacher." Wu Yanfu said to himself, the more he looked at it, the more he grasped the foxtail, the smaller The silver fox was placed on the young man in his arms, letting him look at himself. He didn't want it to raise his claws, scratched the young man's face twice, and caught two deep bloodstains.

Wu Yanfu's face changed suddenly, and he flung it to the side. He caressed the young man's face with pity. He shook his hand and dipped some medicine and blood to the wound. However, there was no way for a dead person to heal himself.

With red eyes, he looked up and down. The little silver fox got into a snow cave not far away and ran without a trace. He followed madly and reached in to pull the little silver fox out of the nest. Naturally It was dripping blood on his hands, smashing the fox's nest into a smash, and saw at a glance that there were a dozen foxes inside.

All of them are furry and snow-white, and they are generally in the same appearance.

They shuffled into a ball, shivering and wailing, as if they met a ferocious wild wolf.

Wu Yanfu just woke up like a dream, and felt that he was crazy and ridiculous, and forced a nest of foxes to such a situation.

How did he forget that Kunlun Snow Fox has a good temper and will rescue the people trapped in the heavy snow. There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that this little fox will save him. Maybe it has nothing to do with Bai Yan. It is just a coincidence and nature.

Seeing the ten or so only suddenly started to bite each other, Wu Yanfu hurriedly reached out to separate them. Rao is his martial arts, but still can't stop them from biting each other's fox hairs, blood dripping, lest they hurt Baiji Retract your hands, take a few steps back, cover Snow Nest again, then you can hear the movement calm down.

It turned out that he was pressing like this step by step, forcing Bai Yan into a situation like this little fox?

He looked down at the boy in his arms, kneeled in front of the fox nest, clenched his hands into fists, and still did not give up: "As a teacher, I am wrong ... If you are really a sorrow, it would be nice to come out and see the teacher again. Just a glance. "

There was deadly silence in the fox's den, and no fox poked out its head.

"Uninvited guests, although Xuehu is good-natured, he is also very stubborn. If you covet fox fur or intend to catch it in captivity, it is absolutely impossible to succeed. They would rather harm themselves than submit to others. You Only then did you make the mean way to seduce him to save you. You lied to it once and thought it would believe you a second time? "

An old voice came from behind, the crooning sound of crutches getting closer.

Wu Yan stunned and turned back, and saw an old man in a white cape walk slowly to his front. His hair was white, his face was blood-red totem, and his eyes seemed blind, but he could see through the world. all.

"If you continue to harass Snow Fox here, Hugh blame you for being rude to you."

Wu Yanfu asked eagerly: "Senior man is the shaman shaman who lives in the Kunlun tomb?"

"What about it?"

"Senior ... What can I do to help the younger generation resurrect their beloved wife? The younger generation is willing to pay any price."

The old witch in white sneered, and said lightly, "Hugh, let's talk nonsense here, get out of here."

The words didn't end, the ten little foxes heard the sound and gathered behind the old witch as much as possible.

The fiercest among them was a **** fingerprint on his tail, which was clearly the little fox who had just saved him.

Wu Yanfu was once turned away like this, unavoidably a little embarrassed, but still knelt on the ground motionlessly, clinging to his young man, could not help staring at the little fox, looked and looked, Then he looked up at the old witch in white and hissed word by word: "The juniors have been here for seven days and seven nights before coming here. Now I am fortunate to see such a superior man like my predecessors. What kind of luck is naturally not Stop there. As long as the seniors are willing to help each other, the younger people are willing to make every effort to achieve any wish for the seniors, go to the fire and go against the sky, and do whatever it takes. "

"Old wish?" The old witch in white watched him silent for a long time, stroked a goatee's beard, his eyes were empty, "I'm afraid I can only afford what you can afford, I can't get old eyes, old ones want, you Can't afford it. "

"The juniors are not incompetent puppets. I wonder if the juniors have heard of the junior slang-\ '天魔 \'?"

"Are you Wu Yanfu?" The old witch in white was shocked. "Aren't you dead?"

"The junior is the one who borrows the soul, but now the martial arts have recovered."

Seeing the old witch in white frowning suspiciously, Wu Yanfu didn't say many words. He struck out with a single palm. The palm wind rolled up a thousand piles of snow to the sky in a row of mountains and seas, bursting open, bursting into countless snowflakes, and falling. It was like mist and rain, but nothing fell on the old witch and the foxes, and they all melted in the air and turned into a smoke.

Although the old witch in white can't see, he can perceive the martial arts skill of this person. It is rare in the world, freely releasable, and relaxed, and the martial arts knowledge is really extraordinary. It cannot be achieved without decades of practice.

He slowly approached Wu Yanfu, stretched out a hand, and touched his wrist from his shoulder, his face changed.

"Why is there a ghost vine on your body?"

"The junior who borrowed the body to return his soul was a medicine man who used to renew his life."

"So it is ..." The old witch in white nodded his head, narrowed his eyes, thought for a long time, and said, "It seems that you will come here, and meet the old, it is indeed doomed in the deep, you can die, you can salvation……"

Wu Yanfu frowned, faintly thought of something, surprised, but said lightly: "The junior is narrow-minded and cares nothing about the world, and only has the heart to save this person, but the younger is willing to destroy the world for this person, and also to save the world for this person . The seniors may wish to make it clear that the juniors have something to do with the eclipse of the eclipse, the ghost door is wide open, and the demons' prophecy? "

The old witch in white was silent for a moment: "You said, you are willing to pay any price, is this true?"


The old witch in white with a slight jaw head: "Old death can help you, but as soon as old death approaches your beloved wife's corpse, you will know that your beloved wife has lost her soul, but only a ray of remnant has fallen into the beast and attached to one of the snow foxes. She has already entered reincarnation, and she has forgotten all the past. Even if she is reborn, she will never recognize you again. "

Wu Yanfu's heart trembled, and he stared at the snow fox-it was his son, his son.

"And you need to know that even if you rescue your beloved wife, you do n’t have much time to get together with her. The moment of the eclipse is coming, and if you do n’t go where you deserve, you will be battered with life, just like your wife Will kill you. "

"Younger ... I know."

The old witch in white turned around: "So you will follow the old."

"Wait." Wu Yanfu carried the young man's body on his back, slowly stood up, walked to a relatively soft snow, and half-knelt down. "The junior destroyed the snow fox's nest, and the junior would do it for them again. Repair a new one. "

After all, he digs up snow with his bare hands. "Also." The old witch in white shook her head and walked into the valley first.

Bai Yan tilted his head curiously at the freak who dug the snow with his bare hands, shaved the snow with his front paws, and hesitated to get closer. He couldn't wait to get into the hole, but he was afraid of scratching his tail. The man lingered around the entrance of the cave, showing a fierce appearance from time to time, and snorted, urging him to dig faster.

Wu Yanfu deliberately digs slowly and slowly, staring at it intently, just to miss a glance, digging his fingernails and falling off without knowing it, blood dripping from his fingertips, and dripping into the snow.

Bai Yan smelled the **** smell in the air, and his sharp nose twitched twice.

This taste, like this person, makes him feel like he has known him.

It seemed to be familiar, very familiar. But it just can't remember anything.

But instinct told him that it couldn't approach him, as soon as he approached, he would get hurt, very badly.

Although he pretended to be fierce, he was actually very timid, very painful and fragile.

Wu Yanfu dug the snow hole a bit larger, reached out his hand, dripped the blood closer to the little silver fox, and said hoarsely and softly: "Come, come closer, sir, your favorite. Drink the blood of the teacher. "

Bai Yan stretched his neck, sniffed the sweet blood, watched the person in front of him vigilantly, licked a small mouth, and shrank a bit, pouting, and couldn't help but get closer, licked the second mouth.

Wu Yanfu slowly gathered his hands a little and dropped blood in front of himself.

Bai Ye licked along the blood, patted it bit by bit, getting closer and closer to his hand, the red fingerprint on his tail was still there, but it seemed that he had been caught by this person's tail After I got to my head, I licked my nose until I ran into the man's finger along the nose, trying to escape into the hole.

But Wu Yanfu grabbed his tail again, folded his arms, and hugged them into his arms.

Bai Yan shuddered in fear, struggling, his two front paws scratched and scratched on the man's chest, and his two hind feet kicked and kicked wildly, but the man just choked him to death, even shivering even more than it To be great.

"Hey, don't move, don't move, the teacher just wants to hug you for a while ... just for a while."

Of course, Bai Ye couldn't understand what he was talking about, but he couldn't help touching his tail's hand so softly that it felt vaguely that this person didn't seem to want to hurt himself-maybe, just wanted to hold him for warmth.

Thinking so ignorantly, the little silver fox gradually stopped struggling, licked the blood leaking from the wound he caught on his chest, and wrapped his neck with the furry tail, turning it into a scarf .

Wu Yanfu buried his face in the soft fox fur, closed his eyes, and restrained the things that were about to seep out of his eyes.

It took him a long time to release his arm.

Bai Yan twisted and arched out of his arms and into the snow cave.

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