“Let’s go!”

With a wave of the corner, he was ready to leave.


He Chen opened his mouth.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly came over.

“I wonder if your witch can come together in three days?” He Chen wanted to see the witch.

Perhaps more than a spiritual leader and a Pokémon breeder?

It was said that Vibrava flew so fast that the witch could actually see it.

Or, is it perceived?

This is the law of time and space? Or what?

“No, no, no.” Jiao refused directly: “Wu want to stay in the tribe.”

“That’s it.” He Chen suddenly thought of a good idea: “Let’s have a game Let’s fight!”

“Battle?” Not only the horns, but the other members of the Yellow Worm Tribe have never heard of this term, but the Green Worm tribe’s one is very clear.

“It is to use our partners to fight, we do not participate in the battle, we just command the side.” He Chen explained slightly: “If I win, then your witches come to see me, if you win, Then I’ll go see her.”

“Just let the partners fight?” Jiao is very interested: “Then we’ll watch them fight? Command?”

“Yes , are you coming?” He Chen looked at him.

“Just that green worm?” The corner laughed, pointing to the little white above He Chen’s head, and then to his own Beedrill: “And my wasp?” Next to

The yellow bug tribe people laughed, looking towards He Chen full of disdain.

Catterpie is the original form and Beedrill is the final evolution.

How to fight?

“Chen!” Di, who was beside him, was a little worried.

Even if He Chen is smart, he’s not that powerful, right? How many days was Xiaobai born?

Even Wing said, “Why don’t I come.”

“It’s fine.” He Chen waved his hand.

“Xiaobai and I will go.”

He Chen is sure to win, although not very sure, but it’s okay to lose.

He can go to the yellow worm or the yellow worm.

Because he planned to ask Suicune for help, safety would be guaranteed.

It’s just the best way to win, which can give the Yellow Bug tribe a deterrent.


“I grew up watching ‘stupid things’, and the Unique Ability of ‘stand up’ and ‘don’t admit defeat’ is too good!”

He Chen thought to himself.

There is also a “dodge” skill.

Also, the horns haven’t played against each other before, at first certainly can’t adapt quickly, this is He Chen’s chance.

A chance to exercise Xiaobai!

“Okay, let’s play with you little brat!”

The horn moved his hands and feet.

“Let’s go, go outside.” He Chen pointed to the fence.

Everyone filed out and stood on two sides in the open space, with He Chen and Jiao in the front.

He Chen put Xiaobai on the ground, Xiaobai has grown a lot now, and it is quite heavy to hold.

He stood up and looked towards Beedrill of the horn and the horn: “False Swipe, uh, forget you don’t understand, that is, if the devil beast loses the combat capability, it will be regarded as the end of the battle, and there is no need for a killer.”

“Sure enough, it’s a kid playing.” Jiao Disdain: “How to start?”

“Then let’s start directly!” He Chen pointed at Beedrill and said loudly: “Little Bai, use spinning!”

It was getting dark at this time, but he could still see the most basic things.

I saw a white thread spit out from Xiaobai’s mouth at a very fast speed, hitting Beedrill’s body instantly and wrapping it up.

Before Jiao could react, He Chen immediately instructed again: “Xiaobai, use Tackle!”


Xiaobai’s eyes Seriously, his body turned into an afterimage and slammed into Beedrill, who was wrapped in silk threads.


Beedrill was knocked to the ground, dusty.

“Xiao Bai, use Tackle continuously!” He Chen continued to command the corner before he could react.

Xiao Bai was very fast, his body turned into a green shadow, and he kept Tackle Beedrill.

Seeing his devil beast partner being beaten, Jiao looks like he wants to roll up his sleeves and pick up a knife himself, a habitual action.

However, he finally remembered that this was a battle, so he held back his anger and commanded:

“Wasp, use Rage!”

He Chen He glanced at the corner in surprise.

didn’t expect to respond very quickly.

Rage Ability increases attack power with increasing damage taken.

I saw a flash of red light on Beedrill’s body, and then raised his double needles to stab Xiaobai.

“Xiao Bai, avoid it!”

He Chen’s expression remained unchanged.

Xiao Bai’s speed is very fast, and this is all thrown at him every day.

Sure enough, Xiaobai easily avoided Beedrill’s double needles, but a red light appeared strangely from the needles and hit Xiaobai.


It was the first time Xiao Bai received this kind of blow, and he screamed and rolled twice on the ground.


Xiao Bai: Pain…

He turned his head and called out to He Chen in grievance.

He Chen is very distressed, but at this time, Xiaobai must learn to fight, not afraid or retreat, otherwise it will be bad to face bigger challenges in the future.

“Stand up, Xiaobai!”

He Chen hardened his heart.

You have to be hard-hearted, but if you’re soft-hearted, it’s over. This is the first battle of Xiaobai!

But Di, who was behind him, poked He Chen lightly and whispered, “Chen, isn’t Xiaobai standing all the time?”

“Uh, you brat.” He Chen was helpless.

At this time, Jiao did not wait for He Chen and Xiaobai to come over, but continued to command: “Wasp, double needle attack, kill him!”

“Xiaobai , use Tackle continuously!”

He Chen relented.

To his surprise, Xiaobai didn’t even look back at him, but turned his head all of a sudden, with Ember in his eyes, and followed He Chen’s order to use Tackle.

“Have the courage! This is easy to handle!”

He Chen is delighted.


Although he successfully Tackled to Beedrill, Xiaobai was also stabbed by Beedrill’s double needles. He Chen could feel that Xiaobai was sluggish. some.

“Okay, then it’s trainer time!” He Chen smiled confidently: “Xiao Bai, run to the woods!”


After Xiaobai fell to the ground, he disregarded the pain in his body, turned into an afterimage and got into the woods next to the clearing.

“Catch it up! Double needle attack!” Corner laughed dismissively.

At this time, the sun has disappeared, the moon has risen, and the silver light has been cast down.

The old man of the Green Worm tribe came out of the cave, lit a bonfire, and watched the battle from a distance.

He Chen watched Beedrill get into the woods, laughed, and shouted loudly: “Xiao Bai, use spinning! The more the better!”

Xiao Bai made no sound.

But everyone saw that one after another spun silk shot out from the forest, sticking and hanging between the big trees, surrounded by layers of Beedrill who had just entered the forest.

“Wasp, break through these threads!” Jiao was surprised, but gave the order immediately.

Beedrill went on a rampage, hitting Xiaobai directly.

“Xiao Bai, it’s now!”


Xiao Bai let out a neigh, spit out a silk thread and pulled it hard.


Several big trees fell in response, and Xiaobai’s mouth also carried a string of blood flowers.

Injured from pulling the thread too hard.


He Chen’s eyes lit up.

Before Xiaobai’s spinning, the training method was to strangle the tree. Unlike the game, in reality, not only Ability can cause damage.

The fallen tree can also form attack power.

But seeing the blood on the corner of Xiaobai’s mouth, He Chen couldn’t help feeling distressed, and immediately ran over to check the situation.

Xiao Bai has only been training for a few days now, and he still doesn’t have the ability to break the tree.

Others followed.

Three or four big trees were pulled down by silk threads, and the Beedrill in the middle was crushed to the point of losing its combat capability.

Xiao Bai stood upright and shouted proudly:


Xiao Bai: Bull is not bull!

He Chen was a little distressed and a little funny, and quickly squatted down and picked up Xiaobai: “You pull so many trees at once, do you think you are Rayquaza?”

He wiped Xiaobai He stood up and looked towards the corner: “I won, so be it! Remember that three days later, I will bring the witch, the woman and the cub.”

After he finished speaking, he hugged Xiaobai Run up the mountain.

“humph.” The horn carried his Beedrill, coldly snorted: “Let’s go!” With a wave of his hand, the Yellow Worm tribe disappeared into the dark jungle with Beedrill.

After Jiao and the others left, the members of the Green Worm tribe happily followed the morning jog up the mountain.

Zhi: “Chen Zi, you are too powerful!”

Ming loudly: “That’s it! Chen Zi is not you.”

Wing glared at the two of them: “What is the morning cub, the morning cub? It’s called the witch! The morning witch!”

“Yes, the morning witch!”

“Our tribe has Witch!”

Others complied, happily dispersing, to prepare the bonfire and roasted meat.

He Chen and Di stayed at the entrance of the cave to take care of Xiaobai.

He held Xiaobai and evenly smeared the wound medicine given by Hua on the corner of Xiaobai’s mouth.


Xiao Bai let out a pitiful cry.

“Don’t talk!” He Chen said ill-humoredly: “I’ll let you break two trees, just look at you, seven or eight, you deserve it!”

Little Bai looked at He Chen aggrievedly.

He Chen softened his heart and touched Xiaobai’s head: “But Xiaobai was great today and defeated Beedrill.”


Xiaobai: (*≧▽≦)

“Right, Xiaodi.” He Chen raised his head: “Go and bring me an orange fruit, and Leafage, remember to bring it too, It’s time for dinner.”

The orange fruit can replenish physical strength, which is just right for Xiaobai.

As for Leafage…

He Chen gave Dibby a look.

Di nodded, lamenting in my heart:

“Don’t blame me, Xiaobai, it was Chen who asked me to add more Leafage.”



While waiting, He Chen spread out his palm, and there was a slightly shiny stone in the middle.

The stone is oval in shape, with a soft yellow light in the middle, which is warm and warm to the touch.

“It’s not like pure crystal, nor is it a mega stone…” He Chen looked at it for a while, and found that the more he looked, the more he looked like “Shiny Stone”.

“Well, there is no flame, no lightning, only light, it should be a Shiny Stone, right?”

He Chen is sure that this is a Shiny Stone: “A Shiny Stone, if you change it to A large population, twenty women, a child, ten Weedle eggs, a good deal, hehe.”

Smiled twice, but fell silent again.

Prehistoric women and children are the most deprived of human rights.

A problem that cannot be solved even in future generations, even more so now.

He actually did what a slave dealer would do.

This world’s first slave dealer?

“Ai, the initiator, there is no future?”

Sighed pretentiously, and then stopped thinking about it.

A world where you can’t get enough to eat, why do you want to do all this mess? Let’s wait eight hundred years later!

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