“The worm has lived for two hundred years and is the longest human being I have ever seen.”

The voice of the grandfather reverberated in the Dark Space, while He Chen Is to stay put.

Two hundred years?

This, this…

Has he cultivated?

At this point, the scene changed, and various life and combat training scenarios flashed by.

In the blur, He Chen can see that the white butterfly grandfather’s Catterpie period was very happy, always accompanied by Ling’s silver bell-like laughter, crisp, innocent and happy.

“Green worm, isn’t Leafage, a cat-shaped fruit, delicious?”

“Green worm, this fruit is so sweet!”

“Green chrysalis, It’s so comfortable to hold you, it’s cool.”

“Little White Butterfly, does this flower look good, hehe.”


It seems like a worm There is only one daughter of the spirit, and only one wife of the mother of the spirit.


In tribal times, this was very rare.

Many people don’t know who their father is at all, they only know who their mother is. There are very few people like this that almost form a family of three in later generations.

Of course, there are few people like the Green Worm Tribe, and the blood relationship is still clear.

“I spent a long time with Ling Ling, and finally evolved from a green worm, that is, Catterpie, to a white butterfly.” The voice of the grandfather of the white butterfly was full of emotion and memories.

Time flies.

In the end, Ling grew up and became a tall girl, with a round face elongated and became an oval face.

And, unlike others, girls love cleanliness very much, and their waist-length hair is clean and soft.

Because she is the only daughter of the Boss after more than 100 years old, Ling does not have to go out hunting with the hunting team, but is well protected and has never even seen blood.

However, this makes the spirit more pure and the temperament cleaner.

Like a bunch of white flowers in this savage, dirty world.

Growth’s Azure Lotus in the mud.

At this time, in the stone house.

A young girl is sitting on the ground, in front of which is a polished square stone like a table.

The girl’s hair fell on her shoulders, and there was a small white flower beside her ear.

“Little White Butterfly, do you want to mate with a female White Butterfly in the future?” The girl stomped her head, frowned.

The grandfather was flying around the house at this time, using Confusion to sort out the large and small stone pots and the flowers in the pots, as if she was doing housework and didn’t answer her.

Those flowers were brought back by the spirit.

“The day after tomorrow is the mating day, and A-Baba wants me to mate, but I don’t want to.” Bai Die grandfather was busy with housework and didn’t answer, the girl pouted and continued: “Or , will you go out with me? What is the outside world like? I’m so curious…”

Mating day is a very important festival for tribesmen. On this day, everyone must find Favorite mating object, and then hold mating activities to wait for the next year to give birth to cubs.

Mating day is a grand and solemn event that ensures a thriving population of bug tribes.

This is the case every year, endlessly.

At this time, the young white butterfly grandfather paused, and looked at the girl and let out a cry, meaning it was dangerous outside.

The girl’s eyes are black and black, and they look pure and divine, like the purity of the normal night sky: “Little White Butterfly, will you protect me?”

These years, The girl is responsible for naive romance and eat, drink, shit and piss, plus some flowers and grass at most.

The white butterfly grandfather often went out to train when Catterpie was in it.

The worm tribe is divided into many divisions, such as the green worm, the mealworm, and the mantis, and the Boss chose an ordinary green worm egg for his daughter.

So this green worm, the white butterfly grandfather, has attracted much attention.

It has been training with Ledyba, Threadball, Venonat and the like since the Green Worm days, and has played against Scizor, Heracross, Leavanny and the like in the White Butterfly.

Training in the morning, going out to play with the spirit in the afternoon, training in the evening, and doing housework with spinning or Confusion from time to time.

Full and busy.

But He Chen can feel the joy and joy.

Meanwhile, the battle strength of grandfather is not bad.

“Little White Butterfly, do you want to protect me?” It seemed that the white butterfly grandfather didn’t answer.


The grandfather of the white butterfly didn’t seem to have telepathy at that time, and could only express it through Growl.

It means: Dangerous outside, don’t go.

“Where is the danger outside? There are so many devil beasts out there, maybe some are as beautiful as you!” Ling smiled and hugged the grandfather, the white butterfly, and shook:

“Xiaobaidie, come with me~ Xiaobaidie~”

The girl’s eyes are bright and she is holding the grandfather Charm of the white butterfly.


The white butterfly grandfather reluctantly succumbed to the girl.

So, they took advantage of the men’s hunting and the women’s grinding of stone tools to sneak out of the tribe.

The worm tribe Sky is patrolled by powerful Pokémon at all times, as well as warriors with stone blade spears walking around.

But they were all blocked by the spirit in various ways to deal with it.

Finally, one person and one bug got out of the tribe!


“That time, I shouldn’t have promised her, but I’m also glad that I did.”

White butterfly grandfather regretted.

He Chen was puzzled and watched the scene change.

The white butterfly grandfather was in his youth at that time, and not only had various Bug Type Ability, but also Confusion, and even He Chen saw the powerful Bug Type Ability “Quiver Dance”.

A devil beast that came to attack was knocked down, but the spirit did not allow the grandfather to kill them, but healed them instead.

She is too kind.

The kindness is not like the people of this era.

And has a naive, Rebecca, clean love that doesn’t belong in this era.

Before, the tribe was attacked by the Flying Type Pokémon group. Although it was repelled, it would kill some Primary Rank Bug Type Pokémon.

Even if a Catterpie dies, she will be sad for a long time.

However, to the young grandfather’s surprise, those Pokémon finally began to follow the spirit’s footsteps.

For example, a Sandslash that was defeated by it, such as a Girafarig who was wounded and dying, and then was rescued…

A devil beast followed her, just short Within two days, there were ten devil beasts behind them.

These two days, Ling only ate Berry because she was reluctant to kill devil beast.

“Did all the meat I eat come from this way?” she asked.

“Bah.” The white butterfly grandfather murmured.

The spirit was silent.

She thought of the scene she had seen earlier.

Kangaskhan was killed by Aerodactyl, and only the solitary little Kangaskhan was left crying.

Serperior and Torterra are fighting for territory, accidentally crushing some Rattatas.

There is also Rapidash who was attacked by a group of Houndooms after failing to compete for the Boss.

The cruelty of the grassland is the truth of nature.

In the past two days, it was displayed in front of her.


“I’m homesick, Xiaobaidie, let’s go back…” Ling was depressed.


He Chen sighed in these scenes, the love of the worm tribe Boss for spirits can really be said to be doting.

How can there be no blood in prehistoric times? Later generations are fine. In prehistoric times, it’s fine to be a minor. It’s better to see blood as an adult, otherwise it will be difficult to adapt to life.

However, He Chen found that it was more of the grandfather’s memories of spirits, and did not show the reason and process of the migration of the green worm tribe.

At this point, the memory continues to unfold.

“Little White Butterfly, is this flower good-looking?”

The spirit who was about to go home was very happy and returned to her previous liveliness.

She has a little white flower pinned to her ear, which makes her very pure and lovely.

She was riding on Girafarig, stroking Girafarig’s back, not teasing the other Pokémon next to her.

Looks innocent and unaffected and unearthly.

He Chen likes the White Butterfly grandfather, the Young Lord.

But just then, the scene changed.

He Chen pupils shrank.

Blood in front of my eyes.

In the sky, the unknown powerful existence is colliding and fighting, and various energies leak out from above, making a rumbling sound.

And the Horde is in ruins, full of corpses, both human and Pokémon.

Standing blankly outside the tribe, next to the young grandfather, and ten Pokémon behind him.

Dead, all dead.

The tribesmen who were supposed to celebrate the “mating day” are all dead.

And the reason seems to be caused by the existence of Sky.

The spirit just stared blankly at everything about the tribe.

Suddenly, she rushed into the Horde like a madman.

She wanted to rush into the house to have a look, but there was only a pile of stone ruins there.

“Abba… Eminem! Where are you…” she cried, and the tears remained.

She didn’t find the great bug horde boss “Worm”, nor did she find her mother.

Even the entire tribe died, leaving only a pile of ruins and corpses.

And Sky’s energy fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger, and it is about to hit the ground.

The grandfather made a decisive decision, immediately controlled the spirit with Confusion, and fled outside, and the ten Pokémon hurriedly followed.

But just as they were about to escape from the tribe, a voice rang in their ears.


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