
“Run, it’s going to collapse!”

All the coalition troops panicked.


The ground shook more and more, and everyone couldn’t even stand.

Big Earthquake!

Behind the crowd, Xiao Bai and Li Wu were originally leading the crowd.

But now, they’re the last of the bunch.

“Follow me!”

While shaking, Li Wu quickly looked left and right to determine the direction, and then walked into a small cave.

Xiao Bai waited for the Pokémon to immediately follow along.

But at this moment, the water following the passage just entered accidentally tripped.

Li Wu turned around and wanted to run out to grab some water.


“Protect my Teacher!”

Water gritted his teeth, then roared hoarsely.

Li Wu was stunned, then turned his head and ran to Li Wu.

Behind him, Shui looked at his feet.

It’s swollen.

He has limited mobility, which in this situation means dead end!

But he doesn’t care!

He Chen has taught him a lot, and he knows that as long as his Teacher and the Morning Witch don’t die, the world will have hope of dealing with Deoxys!

The morning witch is hope!

As for the morning witch’s Disciple…

Even if you can’t help the morning witch, at least don’t be the morning witch’s oil bottle.


Water closed his eyes as he watched the passage in front of him collapse.


“This way!”

Li Wu distinguished the direction and looked serious.

A few coalition soldiers followed Xiaobai closely, protecting He Chen and Zi.

In their eyes, the most important thing is He Chen.

People like water can die as much as they want. He Chen must be protected.

This is what the coalition believes in!

Because there were many times, He Chen was trying to protect the coalition army from serious injuries.

And now, it’s time for the coalition to protect He Chen.

Gradually, it twists and turns.

The sound of the collapse behind him became more and more, and the smoke was densely covered and then blown away by Xiaobai.

Ahead, it’s dark!

“It’s almost here!”

Li Wu was delighted.

There are glowing plants in many places underground, and the darker places are either places where some plants can’t grow, or… open to the outside world!

“bang! !!”

But just then, a Deoxys appeared!

Under the ground, an Ordinary Level Deoxys appeared!

This Deoxys found Li Wu and his party.

“Damn, Excadrill…”


Li Wu just wanted to tell Excadrill to fight, and was held by Xiaobai Confusion The great cruelty suddenly roared.


The big ferocious tail condenses a lot of Water Type energy.

Ability – Aqua Tail!

“This is…”

Li Wu was stunned.


At this moment, Ruan Ruan also jumped on the big murderous head and issued a Charge Beam.

The great ferocity gave everyone a look.

Meaning, stay with it and limp, let them go.

They’re staying to stop Deoxys!

Li Wu brows tightly knit, for a while, I don’t know whether to kill them or run away.


Little white’s eyes flashed with sparkling tears, and then motioned to Li Wu to lead the way.

No help, go!


The big murderous body wrapped around, wrapping around Deoxys.

Deoxys instantly transforms into defensive form.

Ruan Ruan also goes up to release Ability, Help is brutal.

Li Wu took the opportunity to bypass, and then continued to ascend with the crowd.

I don’t know how long they ran. Along the way, Xiao Wu and Ao Ao looked back from time to time, but they could only see darkness, and could only hear the sound of the earth collapsing and cracking.

Xiaobai’s eyes are full of determination.

Yes, take the brother out!

Gradually, the eyes became darker and darker, and after passing a certain place, it became brighter and brighter.

Everyone’s Pokémon’s spirits shook.

Exporting soon!


A cold wind blows from the exit, and there are some frozen frozen soil around the entrance.


Someone yelled.

Finally, it’s out!

Li Wu rushed out with Excadrill first, and Xiaobai followed closely from behind.

It will be late.

In the north, a huge silhouette can be vaguely seen, which is constantly emitting white light and strikes Ground.

“Yang Wu… Yang Wu they…”

Protecting one of He Chen, his lips trembled, and tears suddenly fell from his eyes.

“Hey…my father, meat witch, is it over there…”

Li Wu shook the head and wiped away tears: “Let’s go, let’s go Go south.”

“bang! !!”

Just then, the Ground they escaped from collapsed.

The coalition forces, the great ferocity and the soft…


“Let’s go, let’s go quickly.”

Li Wu felt the shaking Ground and immediately trotted.

Xiao Bai and several others followed immediately.

I’m still on the run, so it’s too late to mourn.


In the distance behind him, a crack across the earth suddenly appeared.


Everyone heard the sound and couldn’t help but stop and look.

I saw that bottomless fissure traversed the earth from east to west, and some hills fell into the fissure, like an abyss.

Some subterranean Pokémon also suddenly emerged from the cracks and fell into the abyss.

“The earth is cracking…”

Li Wu felt that his mind was about to be lost today.

Never, never experienced such a thing!

But now, the morning witch’s life is in his hands, and he takes responsibility!

“Let’s go!”

Li Wu shouted, then turned his head to continue to escape.

However, everyone saw a terrifying scene at this time.

The black hole channel on the north side of the sky has a densely packed black spot.


No, more than that!

Deoxys, Beheeyem, Elgyem…

The densely packed Pokémon got out of that big hole and moved towards all directions.

There’s a big wave of Pokémon moved towards here.

Cosmic Pokémon, massive invasion!


Li Wu looked at the groups of Pokémon, sweating coldly.

“Run separately! Run separately!”

Li Wu yelled.

This kind of moment, if gathered together, is likely to attract many enemies.

The whole thing is broken, and there is still a chance to escape!


Xiao Bai immediately took He Chen and Zi Fei out, and Xiao Wu and the others followed along.

The few coalition troops saw Xiaobai flying away with He Chen, gritted his teeth and ran in the other direction with his Pokémon.

However, Xiaobai’s body is too big, plus Aunt Bag and Bisharp, it is already extremely conspicuous.

“All disperse, disperse!”

I don’t care so much anymore, Li Wu only wants He Chen to survive, but he doesn’t care about He Chen’s other Pokémon.

Of course, he and Excadrill are small enough to go along.

At this time, Deoxys, who was flying very fast, found them and chased after them.


Aunt Bag was out of breath at this time, and the Performance seemed to have reached its limit, then stopped and waved at Xiaobai.


Xiao Bai didn’t turn his head back, but his eyes were glistening with tears.

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