The jungle, by the lake.

“didn’t expect, we will end up on the return journey in this capacity.”

He Chen laughed at himself.

Zi and Li Wu have let go. After all, it wasn’t He Chen’s fault.

However, in He Chen’s sense, time has only passed for a while.

So, the oppression force that the king Deoxys brought him is still there.

He Chen wouldn’t just rush back alone until he figured out how to deal with the massive amount of outside Pokémon and how to deal with the king-level Deoxys.

Forbearance, then call back.

For a nobleman to take revenge, ten years are not too late.


Xiao Bai, they are here, and they have already dealt with the affairs of the territory.

Xiao Bai, Xiao Wu and Ao Ao all have excited rays of light in their eyes.

Xiao Bai left the territory directly, Xiao Wu was similar, and Ao Ao walked with his object.

Add Excadrill, which you can just walk away, and you’re done!

“Then let’s go!”

The spring is warm.

A giant Butterfree was flying in the air, with a person flying beside it, and below the Butterfree, branches and grass rustled.

It’s Xiaobai and He Chen!

He Chen now has no problem using about 30% or 40% of his power at will, and this power may have been contaminated with the nature of the lake water, so he has the power to heal.

And just below, Li Wu’s speed is not slow, let alone Zi, the speed has improved a lot compared to five years ago.

Xiao Wu and Ao Ao can easily catch up, but the speed of Excadrill is not so fast.

“It’s really good.”

He Chen is very satisfied to see this situation.

It seems that everyone has grown up.

Go south.

But it didn’t take long for Flying, and after he left the boundary of the lake, He Chen’s expression became solemn.

It was desolate.

Besides the forest just now, it seems to have entered another world.

There are desert scenes everywhere, it seems barren.

Looking back, the forest just now was lush and green.

Very abnormal.

Even after flying far away, there is still a desert, and the skeletons of large Pokémons can often be seen.

Like the forest they came from, the only Source of Life in desert.

I was thinking about the recent intrusion of Deoxys…

“Could it be that the three gods in the lake deliberately protected me and isolated this area?”

He Chen secretly guessed in his heart.

Then he thought about Lao Chuang again, wondering what they were doing, and why didn’t the king-level Deoxys come to help.

But he can’t get in touch with Lao Chuang, unless he explodes again and damages his body, which is unnecessary.

Flying for a long distance, it was almost evening, so several people had to find a place to rest.

all around is desolate, like the Gobi.

Fortunately they brought some meat out, so no need to bother looking for food.

I ate something at random. During the rest, He Chen found Xiaobai and them.

“Have you learned any new abilities?”

He Chen had some vague expectations.

Xiao Bai, Xiao Wu and Ao Ao glanced at each other.


Xiao Bai came out first, and then nodded signaled.

He Chen is looking forward to it.

Under the light of Moonlight, Xiaobai suddenly flapped his incomparable gigantic wings, up and down in the air, dancing lightly and gracefully, his wings swept through the air with bursts of waves.

Lightweight and mysterious.

Ability – Quiver Dance!

Xiao Bai has learned Quiver Dance!

Quiver Dance is an Ability that can be learned by a very high level, and the effect is to improve its own special attack, special defense and speed.

And not only that.

After Xiaobai’s Quiver Dance, his wings flapped violently, and then sent out several transparent air blades against the air.

Ability – Air Slash!

He Chen couldn’t help nodding with satisfaction.

It seems that Xiaobai is very good, these two abilities are very practical, and it seems that the formidable power is also very large.

Xiaobai showed it and then landed on the Ground again.

Next, is the small vortex.

The original abilities of Little Eddy are Water Pledge, Water Wave, Water Gun, Shadow Clone, etc.

And now, Whirlpool has evolved from Froakie to Boss Frog and then to Greninja.

This is a great improvement.

“gu gu.”

Xiao Wu stood on the spot, and then opened his mouth not far away.


A pitch-black Energy Ball spit out and turned into a cloud of smoke.

Ability – Smokescreen!

Then Xiao Wu’s silhouette suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Ao Ao.

Ability – Shadow Sneak!

Ao Ao is very arrogant, he closed his eyes in the face of the attack, and a mask suddenly appeared outside his body.

Ability – Protect!


The mask shattered suddenly, turning into a light spot and dissipating, leaving Ao Ao unscathed.

However, Ao Ao also took advantage of this opportunity to fight back.

“Da Jia!”

Xiao Bai is the old big brother who can’t fight (but can’t fight), can’t you fight yet?

Ao Ao condensed a green ball of light and threw it at Xiao Wu, but was avoided by Xiao Wu.

Ability – Leech Seed.

Leech Seed?

He Chen suddenly thought of a Snivy series, relying on the naysayers Characteristic Trait and Overgrow Characteristic Trait.

The naysayer Characteristic Trait is to reverse the change in ability, reducing when originally increased, and increasing when originally decreased.

Some people have found that the effect of Leaf Storm is a negative effect, which will greatly reduce the special attack of Pokémon who use the Leaf Storm Ability because of the reaction force.

The naysayer Characteristic Trait, the lower will be higher!

So as long as the Snivy series has enough HP for the naysayers Pokémon, you can always use Leaf Storm to accumulate special attacks.

So, He Chen is looking forward to it now, expecting Ao Ao to give him a surprise.

“gu gu!”

At this moment, the Water Type energy suddenly condensed in Xiao Wu’s hand, and it became the shape of a shuriken.

Ability – Water Shuriken!

“xiū xiū xiū ——”

Seven or eight water shurikens flew over, stuck on the Ground and fluttered.

Aoao avoided!

As jungle Totems, Aoao and Xiaowu have high speed and evasion.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew around Aoao after dodging, and the wind carried some green energy.

“This is…”

He Chen’s eyes revealed surprise.

Ability – Leaf Storm!

Appeared, He Chen was most looking forward to this Ability for Aoao just now.

Leech Seed Absorb life force, guarantee a certain amount of HP, and then accumulate special attacks!

However, Xiao Wu was not weak, and turned into dozens of Shadow Clones, attacking Ao Ao.

Shadow Clone also has levels, some Pokémon Shadow Clone can only come out a few, and can’t have extra actions.

Some Pokémon each Shadow Clone can do different actions, and some Pokémon Shadow Clone not only have a large number, but each Shadow Clone can do different actions.

And the small vortex is at this stage!

Small Eddy’s Ability proficiency is very strong, and there are a lot of Shadow Clones in the brush, and each Shadow Clone has a water shuriken.

“Not bad, not bad…”

He Chen is in a good mood, Xiao Wu and Ao Ao are both very strong.

It seems that they are very familiar with their abilities and know how to increase their strength.

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