“Economy, technology, education, culture.”

“These are the four dimensions, and they are also the four dimensions that must be vigorously developed in the current Great Wilderness.”


He Chen talked eloquently at the round table, and the elders of the Great Wilderness studied carefully.

There are people in the wilderness who see the scene here, they will be curious, but they will not come to disturb.

“The first is education, which is the foundation of everything…”

He Chen explained word by word, when encountering unfamiliar terms or unfamiliar knowledge, the elders of the Great Wilderness Just ask directly.

Of course, most of them were Mao, Grandma Mao, and Di Lai to ask questions, and everyone else was about to fall asleep.

I don’t understand anything, and suffer from lack of culture.

Mao is very smart, He Chen would discuss with him on many things before.

Grandma Mao was a person of peerless grace and elegance, who supported the Black Dog tribe into a medium-sized tribe, while Di was in charge of the Great Wilderness for many years and had rich experience.

As for Wing and Jian, although they were the bosses of the Green Worm Tribe back then, in He Chen’s view, the Green Worm Tribe was almost extinct back then, right?

Other small tribes had about 100 members, but the Green Worm tribe had only about 40 people back then.

Poor Wing and Jian, almost fell asleep.

And if the two of them can still understand a little bit, Nalie, Sha and Tiao are already asleep.

Even snoring, with Lie snoring the loudest.

These three people, the first two can only fight and kill, while Tiao only understands some things in the engineering department, and most of the others do not understand.

But He Chen is still very happy.

Xiao Di is very thoughtful and experienced. Grandma Mao is also experienced and meticulous. Mao can come up with some novel ideas from time to time.

The inapplicability of some later knowledge is also being resolved little by little.

Education, including text, courses, teachers and students, tuition fees, educational age, compulsory education, etc. one after another.

Economy, including money, prehistoric rudimentary banking, accounting, commerce, etc., discusses the implementation of probability.

Technology, including military technology, civilian technology, R&D investment, direction, etc., is subdivided and planned by Dahuang Laboratory again.

Culture, this is not too much of an idea. There is a single way of entertainment. When the Great Wilderness Culture has not yet been carried forward, if the winner of the war is the Great Wilderness, then some people say it later.

Actually, culture is also very important. For example, in He Chen’s previous life, there were scholars who died for their confidants and committed suicide by cutting their stomachs. There were also cases where surrender was feasible and correct, life Supreme and the like.

Some people think that on the battlefield, life is the most important thing, and some people think that there are always some things that are higher than life, such as the motherland, nation and belief.

So culture is also an ultimate weapon, which is very important.

Of course, these things can’t be rushed now. The result of the discussion just now is to slow down and start with education.

“…Then, that’s roughly it.”

He Chen thought for a while, but had nothing to add: “Tomorrow, Xiaobai and I will go directly to the southwest. Come back after you’ve dealt with those two tribes.”


They were nodded.

“Then the meeting is over!”

When the voice fell, He Chen ignored them and flew straight to the house and hurried back to eat.

Mao and the others also woke up the sleeping people and went back through their own methods.


The Great Wilderness is hotly debated.

This Elder Council has more and more comprehensive discussions than the previous two.

Even the omnipotent morning witch, the plan animal skin book for this purpose has dozens of pages.

Even the most knowledgeable Mao can’t understand many words, but the explanation is very simple and easy to understand.

Nothing else, the most important thing is that there will be more posts in the Great Wilderness in the future!


This term means work and contribution point!

More work to do, more contribution points to take!

However, there are also people in the Great Wilderness who are more concerned that, for example, in the future, the cubs before half an adult will not be able to work, but must go to a place called “school” to study.

Have your own Pokémon sidekick after half an adult, and then have to go on a trip!

Yes, travel.

Just like the morning witch, out of the wild.

Then you have to come back every two years, take a break and continue to go out until you are an adult before you can settle in the Great Wilderness.

There are exams every time in school, and exams are also taken after the trip. The exams are all about travel, such as the number of Pokémon captured, Pokémon ability level and so on.

And the morning witch when the time comes will set some places that the cubs must challenge.

Every year they come back to take the exam, in addition to Pokémon, they will also be assessed on their challenges in the designated location of the morning witch outside.

Simply put, it means…the half-adults go out to travel, and the designated places for travel are various tribes, and the half-adult cubs must go to each tribe designated by the Morning Witch to challenge.

After the challenge is successful, there will be a token, collect all eight tokens within a year, and then accept the general assessment of the Great Wilderness, which is the final assessment.

Rewards and various rewards will be issued according to the assessment results.

In this way, until the cubs become adults, they can stay and settle in the Great Wilderness and contribute to the Great Wilderness.

And if you haven’t survived the six years from the age of ten to sixteen, you can only say sorry, the Great Wilderness does not raise waste.

Some people support this system, and some people are depressed – the opposition is impossible, and the words of the morning witch are definitely right, how can they be opposed.

These depressed people, it’s not that their own cubs will die outside. The people of the Great Wilderness have survived all kinds of battles and are not afraid of death at all.

The point is, these half-adult cubs can work and earn money!

You must know that Normal will let the cubs do some simple work such as weeding, delivering things, sowing, and picking fruits.

There is a family in the Great Wilderness, with eight children in five years.

And in addition to the case where Mega can give birth, other families are not to be outdone, four, five, four or five.

Then because the children work and can subsidize the family, these families plan to continue giving birth.

The people of the Great Wilderness will count. In the future, these children will grow up and do more work, so they will have more income.

So other jealous families also joined the army.

So when we met at that time, Xiao Di had to mention, “There are a lot of cubs in the Great Wilderness now.”

The people in the Great Wilderness, who were a little depressed at first, died after the civil servants advertised to everyone and made a calculation.

Morning Witch, as expected of a Morning Witch!

The civil servant’s reckoning is simple.

Some of the positions set by the Morning Witch in the future will require a corresponding “educational degree” to be competent.

The first is the half-adult assessment, and the second is the adult assessment.

The semi-adult assessment is calculated by the scores of each subject, and the adult assessment is calculated by the quantity and quality of the credits.

From the war department to the medical department, the recruitment of each department post after five years is based on these things.

For example, the Ministry of Health requires the scores of “Plant” and “Animal” subjects before half adulthood, and the token of the corresponding tribe after adulthood.

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