Jiao they seem to have escaped the range of that terrifying Ability, and when they look back, they see something spectacular.


In addition to the towering Volcano, other small Volcano groups made dull noises at the same time, and black smoke gurgled from the Volcano’s mouth.

Jiao they stopped and stared blankly at everything in the distance, the sun was dazzling.

Especially Coke.

He held his wooden token in his hand, and his lips trembled slightly: “Failed…failed…”

Even his eyes were a little red, just because of the high temperature and tears If you can’t get out, it will evaporate.


The billowing smoke in the distance became more and more, and even spread out, covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

“We… let’s go!”

Jiao looked left and right, turned and walked away.

“Jiao Captain, that mission…”

His team members were stunned, they knew how much their Captain cared about this mission.

Jiao paused, said a word, and then continued to walk:

“The morning witch said that life is the most important.”

In his heart , if the mission fails, the morning witch can also send someone else, or go out in person.

But if the player dies, it really dies.

Like the two players who were just attacked around Volcano.

Being attacked by such a dense boulder Ability, bode ill rather than well.


Jiao’s team members were moved, and immediately followed him.


The sun is like fire.

Jiao’s team members are sitting in the oasis, and a Totem-level Torkoal is resting not far away.

——This Torkoal is the Sovereign of this oasis. At present, after being persuaded by Jiao and them, he has already indicated that he has joined the Great Wilderness Alliance.

Everyone didn’t speak, and those who were covered in dirt were quietly watching Ground in a daze.

“Ganta Eminem, why don’t we kill them back, and then…”

Some man couldn’t bear this kind of sadness and depression, so he stood up with a fierce look on his face.

“Then go back and die?”

Coldly snorted, glared at the big man: “Sit down for me!”

The man also stunned Eye: “Captain, let them die in vain! The task has not been completed yet, this is the morning witch…”

“I’ll let you sit down!”

Jiao glared at the big man again, and the big man sat down all of a sudden, then turned his back to Jiao and sulked like a little child.

Sighed: “That demon… the Lord of the Earth and Lava doesn’t seem to have a good temper. If we rely on us, it is very likely that we will all die and will not be able to complete the mission.”

Hearing Jiao’s words, everyone’s eyes focused, and the sullen big man also pricked up his ears to listen.

“It’s very possible that in the end, only the Chen Wu will have to go out in person.”

Jiao’s tone was low.

The other team members were hearing this, shaking their heads and sighing.

No way, that’s how they felt when they saw the devil beast before.

Full of tyranny, mania, and Rage.

It’s like seeing Volcano itself about to explode, not a sane creature.

“Let’s do it, you two go back and report the letter. The rest of us will look for more in the desert and try to unite with some Totem-level devil beasts.”

Jiao only thinks of this compensation now. The way to do it, so as not to completely fail the task of the morning witch, then he let the two fastest people return, and the others continued.

“Ai, the Lord of the Earth and Lava, why are you so violent…”

Jiao was still a little depressed, then shook his head again: “Forget it, let’s Go drink some water and go hunting.”

After saying that, everyone immediately took action.

The main quest has failed, and there are side quests that can be done.

As for the two people in the team, they were holding something to block the sun and ran directly towards the direction of the Great Wilderness.

Go back to the Morning Witch.


Several people gathered at the foot of a Volcano, around the fire to keep warm.

Besides is the finished Dodrio bone, and now there are two people holding a huge roasted bird leg gnawing.

And Jiao has been thinking about the two teammates who died tragically, and a Pokémon companion.

There is also a Typhlosion that has been whimpering in a low voice, because his master died in the previous escape, but the good quality of the Great Wilderness Pokémon made it stubborn.


Jiao couldn’t help but sighed again, clenching his fists and piercing his nails directly into the flesh.

And other people are helpless, or gnashing teeth, or shaking their heads and lamenting.

The mood fell again.

“If the morning witch were there…”

A big man whispered.

Suddenly, this sentence resonated with everyone.

If the morning witch was there, the devil beast probably wouldn’t be able to make any waves and would be easily suppressed.

Not to mention the morning witch, even a powerful Xiaobai can handle the Lord of the Earth and Lava.

If twelve Elders, several Bosses, and Captains go into battle at the same time, no matter how powerful this devil beast is, it will be hated.

Unfortunately, they don’t have such powerful Pokémon companions. Although their Pokémon companions are well-known figures, they do not have outstanding innate talents.

And when forming a team, Jiao did not consider simple battle strength, but comprehensive abilities, such as survival in the wild, mentality and the like.

After all, before the Great Wilderness, the World’s fist was the biggest. After the Great Wilderness, although the World also relies on the fist to speak, but they have the biggest backer, in fact, there is no need to overemphasize the fist.

Is it not death of thirst if you can’t find a source of water? Can’t find food, don’t know how to hunt, or starve to death? If you don’t know how to avoid heat and cold in the desert, don’t you want to die from heat and cold?

So, in order to complete the mission of the joint mission, Jiao did not choose a particularly strong person, but formed the current balanced team, and he is the strongest.


“However, I’m still too weak.”

Jiaoxin was unwilling, clenched the wooden token in his hand, and tried to calm himself down , to experience the mystery in the wooden token.

——There is the breath left by the morning witch on it, which can comprehend the use of a lot of energy.

But at this moment, Blaziken and Houndoom suddenly stood up and looked towards the distance.

“What’s wrong with Blaziken?”

“Houndoom, sit down.”

“Are they on guard?”

Focus they found Unexpectedly, they all opened their mouths to ask.

Then they turned their heads at the same time, looking towards the distance, because they felt it too.

Feeling, a powerful imposing manner is approaching them from far to near.

In the night sky, a gray light cut through the night like a shooting star, approaching Jiao and the others.

closer, closer.

Jiao they didn’t feel panic or fear, but bursts of joy.

This… is the morning witch!

I saw the morning witch flying back with the two and four Pokémon who had already returned to the Great Wilderness, with a stern expression on the faces of the browsers tightly knit.


After He Chen approached, he landed and saw the entire group covered in dirt, his voice softened: “Thank you for your hard work, here Wait for me.”

Then He Chen looked towards Volcano in the distance.

“No creature can slaughter my Great Wilderness messenger at will!”

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