“I am… the king of the sky!”

The dark green devil beast held his chest high and glanced sharply at the intruders around him.

“White…white butterfly grandfather!!!”

The tree standing at the entrance of Monument Mountain suddenly exclaimed, he hugged little Ho-Oh and looked at the green in the sky Dragon Pokémon slaughter all sides, then I remembered that the voice of telepathy before was clearly the white butterfly grandfather!

The grandfather is still alive! And it becomes a new Pokémon!

Not just trees, but anyone who has come into contact with the grandfather and Pokémon recognize it, this is the voice of the grandfather!

“ang ——”

sky, the grandfather’s voice is deafening, its silhouette gliding and circling freely in the sky.

The white butterfly grandfather’s dragon eyes looked at what Monument City was experiencing and had already encountered.

“Great Wilderness, I’m late…”

It’s eyes dimmed, but then the rays of light turned on again.

“No, it’s not too late!”

It looked towards Monument City and then towards the sky invaders.

Ability – Extreme Speed!

Deoxys on Monument Hill are dragged by Ghost Type Pokémon and Little Eddy.

At this time, the white butterfly grandfather launched a massacre.

“ka-cha” “ka-cha” “ka-cha”…

Its claws and teeth are the sharpest weapons, in the Extreme Speed state, it only needs light The Minior’s casing can be shattered with a single stroke.

“en? This kind of energy…”

After the white butterfly grandfather Crunch had a Minior shell, she suddenly felt that the Minior in her mouth was very attractive.

It’s like a stomach rumbling with hunger meets a savory roasted Rattata.

So the white butterfly grandfather tried the Crunch Minior’s core and quickly took it off.

“This…this energy…”

The grandfather’s eyes suddenly lit up.

It was a long time ago that the soul was connected with the big Rock under it, and it started to merge.

It’s not a Rock, it’s a dead egg!

This dead egg inherits from the bug tribe, and after coming here, after coming to Monument Mountain, the life force of the dead egg seems to be activated by Monument Mountain.

And Monument Mountain, used to be a huge Meteorite…

Dead eggs are absorbing the energy of Meteorite!

And later, the white butterfly grandfather got old, and the soul naturally began to overflow, and these souls would not be absorbed by the dead egg.

But because of the “overactivity” of the grandfather a few times, it caused the soul to overflow greatly and connect with the dead egg.

Dead eggs have life force again but the soul in them has long since dissipated.

The grandfather’s soul is extremely powerful, but the life force is dissipating.

So, they’re done merging.

This fusion lasted for many, many years, and finally, just before, the white butterfly grandfather Shell Smash came out and became a whole new life.

But the grandfather of the White Butterfly hasn’t bred the best yet, because if the grandfather of the White Butterfly absorbs all the Monument Mountain, it’s nothing to lose the Monument Mountain, and the Monument City at the foot of the mountain may be destroyed.

So I dragged it until just now.

White butterfly grandfather finally chose the imperfect state Shell Smash and came out.

Now, however, the grandfather has discovered that the inner core of these Miniors actually makes up for the flaws in its life form!

“The energy of this invader is good for me.”

Therefore, the grandfather now has one more reason to slaughter these Miniors.


However, although these Lunatone, Solrock and Minior were afraid of the grandfather, they still attacked.

It was an innocuous attack.

The body of the white butterfly grandfather twisted and circled in the sky, and the Miniors were scattered in all directions, but they were still hit by the sharp claws Crush Grip and the dragon head Crunch.

one after another attacked by dodge, or strikes on grandfather, but was unscathed.

The white butterfly grandfather is getting faster and faster, and even the body has grown a bit.

However, the Pokémons on Monument Mountain had lost their strength, and those Deoxys suddenly changed their forms, leaving the Pokémons on Monument Mountain and came to the sky instead.

Attack Form, Defense Form, Speed Form!

Meanwhile, they launched an attack.

Ability – Extreme Speed!

Ability – Zap Cannon!

Ability – Spirit Boost!

Ability – Confusion!


“They are not here for little Ho-Oh!”

At this moment, Xiao Di, who had fainted beside him, woke up, Covering his stomach, he came to the tree, blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The tree just picked up the injured Pikachu and went over to help Xiao Di.

These Deoxys aimed directly at Monument Mountain when they first arrived, and the elite Deoxys later changed their minds after seeing little Ho-Oh.

In addition to some secrets that Xiao Di knows, for example, the demise of the insect tribe was because of Deoxys, because of that boulder!

So, the Deoxys are looking for boulders, or domes!

The tree is stupefied, I don’t know what to say.

And at this moment, the white butterfly grandfather in the sky let out a painful Roar.

one after another formidable power A huge attack hit the grandfather with Deoxys’ power, enough to damage it.

“Go to Help Grandfather!”

Xiao Di yelled at the Pokémon in Monument Mountain.

Elephant is killed by ants, even more how is one of a dozen Deoxys beat white butterfly grandfather.

Not only Monument Mountain, there are also attacks in Monument City aimed at the sky to support the white butterfly grandfather.

In the attack of the grandfather just now, a large number of Lunatone, Solrock and Minior died, and the pressure on Monument City was greatly reduced.

“bang!” “bang!” “Tzzzzzzz”…

A variety of attacks hit Deoxys who can hit them.

The grandfather tried to take this opportunity to escape, but the Deoxys stopped it again.

“ang !!!”

White butterfly grandfather just crunched a Deoxys body in his mouth, the next moment he was hit by a Zap Cannon, and the last moment cut Deoxys ‘s body, and then his arm was interrupted by Extreme Speed.

The white butterfly grandfather coughed up blood and issued a Rage and weak Roar.

The people in Monument City watched the white butterfly grandfather at first showed great divine might, and now they have been defeated by a large number of Deoxys, and they felt sad in their hearts.

“The white butterfly grandfather…”

Flower fell to the ground, tears rolling down her face.

This strong woman has never cried under any circumstances, but now she is like a child.

It’s not just her, many people in the original green worm tribe are sad when they hear the white butterfly grandfather’s painful roar.

The grandfathers have been guarding their tribe long before their parents’ parents.

Even today, the grandfather is doing its best to protect the Great Wilderness.

It was as if the elders were being beaten, and they could only watch helplessly.

Sadness, Rage, powerlessness, drowned the wasteland, until…

“ao wu ——”

A loud and long chirping resounded through the wasteland, a A giant Ninetales suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the field outside Monument City, ran wild in the field, and… with a man on his back!

“Deoxys, are you…courting death?”

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