
The soft body was wrapped by rays of light, and then began to change as it connected with He Chen’s power.

A fluffy hair grows out of the soft head and tail section, fluffy and flowing, with some round red spar, which contains a lot of Electric Type energy, zi zi.

The energy of Electric Type traveling in the air converges towards the soft and soft, like the king of thunder and lightning.

Mega Evolution!

Ruanruan went through Mega Evolution immediately after evolution and became Mega Ampharos!

He Chen looked happy.

He didn’t expect Ruan Ruan Mega Evolution before, after all Ruan Ruan is too smart, Normal will not encounter that kind of life-and-death crisis.

But after experiencing a life-and-death crisis, Ruan Ruan seized the flash of fetters because of her ingenuity and carried out Mega Evolution!

He Chen was overjoyed, so he directly sent the sound transmission to Ruan Ran: “Ruan Ran, use Power Gem!”

Ran Ran was taken aback for a moment.

It won’t!

But in the next instant, the way the power works will emerge in its heart.

The soft and agile eyes flashed a hint of joy, and then looked towards Rhyperior on the side.

Rock Type Ability – Power Gem!

one after another rays of light emanating from the soft red circular spar, gather together as a beam of light towards the Rhyperior.

Rhyperior’s Hammer Arm had raised high, but was attacked by the Power Gem’s rays of light, and went backwards.

The softness and special attack of Mega Evolution have been greatly enhanced.

And Rhyperior is not to be outdone, after all, its defense and attack power are extremely high, just two attacks can not be effective immediately.

“Soft, continue to use Dragon Pulse and Power Gem to attack its knees!!”

He Chen was keenly aware of Rhyperior’s weakness, just like the original Tyrantrum.

A large body means that the knees that support the body become extremely important.

Of course, Rhyperior isn’t as big as He Chen’s Tyrantrum, but it’s still a weak spot if you fall.


Softly followed He Chen’s lead and aimed the attack at Rhyperior’s left knee.

But Rhyperior sensed the soft intentions, palms together, and a radiance of energy flickered.

Rock Type Unique Ability – Rock Wrecker!

Rock Wrecker has great formidable power, but it also has disadvantages. After using this Ability, Pokémon cannot move to the second round.

“bang! !!”

The energy Tackle on both sides came together, making a loud noise in the forest, trees and sand and stones flying everywhere, and the formidable power of the collision can be seen great.

The forces also cancel each other out.


He Chen’s eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

This is a fucking process for the next generation!

After the battle, hit the opponent immobile, and then the next step is to lose the ball.

And he happens to have the Poké Ball made from the pink mandarin fruit in his hand!


He Chen arrived there at super fast speed and stood in the air.


Ruanruan cried out happily when she saw He Chen.

He Chen also laughed, then took out the pink Poké Ball from his arms and flinged out in front.

Rhyperior was unable to move under the influence of Ability, and was surprised when He Chen appeared.

This human being showed great divine might in the lake of life before, it knew it, it was so powerful, it couldn’t beat it.


“What did he throw at me!!”

Rhyperior was horrified to see the human throw something at him .

But after looking at it clearly, I found that it was just a pink Berry.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll run away later…”


I haven’t figured out the word for lake yet, Rhyperior I felt a whirlwind.


Rhyperior immediately went crazy with Struggle, but fortunately, it felt that the restraint force was not very strong and could break free.

“Move again and I’ll kill you!”

A voice suddenly appeared in Rhyperior’s mind.

And then, it’s honest.



He Chen threw a pink Poké Ball and smashed it on Rhyperior, a burst of red light poured out, wrapping the Lived Rhyperior’s entire body, then tucked into the ball.

The Pink Poké Ball fell to the ground and immediately shook violently.


A few cracks even popped up on the pink Poké Ball.

“Gan, it’s not going to fail, right?”

He Chen face changed, and immediately used Power of Primordial Chaos to bring Poké Ball over, but through the crack, he touched it. That Rhyperior.

He Chen immediately said fiercely: “If you move again, you will be killed!”

You must know that his success rate of conceding the ball so far is as high as 100%, and the record can not be Ruined here, cough cough.

Then, the Rhyperior inside didn’t dare to move.


This made He Chen discover a 100% Poké Ball subduing routine.

Deterrence for a while, and then rein in red and white.

Add a little goal intimidation.

He Chen was thinking about some things, and the Poké Ball over there had stopped spinning, and Ruan Ruan also exited the Mega Evolution state, fell down and sat down, gasping for breath.

“Successful capture!”

He Chen happily held the slightly cracked pink Poké Ball in his hand.

Although Ruan Ruan next to her was happy, she couldn’t help rolling the eyes.

As He Chen’s partner, it is very clear about He Chen’s strength.

If you want to subdue Pokémon, just go up and punch and kick? Do this shit.

“Okay, Ruan Ruan.”

He Chen turned his head when he was happy: “Go to the Lake of Life to recover, you have evolved, we should go to other places too. The place is.”

The purpose of this trip is to save little Ho-Oh, and He Chen also wants to go to the north to see the battlefield of the past, and then to the prairie.

He didn’t dare to go before, but now he has to go, to investigate the situation for the sake of all beings.

As for the tribes and Pokémon Totems you will meet along the way, you must unite to convince people or convince people with reason.

“Meh baa.”

Softly agreed, it also received damage in the battle just now and vomited a lot of blood.

He Chen used Power of Primordial Chaos to take him and Ruan Ruan to the Lake of Life, and He Chen glanced at the sky on the way.

As it’s getting close to night, the stars will appear.

“I don’t know how many of the messengers who have spread out will bring me good news.”

Desert wasteland.

Jiao looked up at the bright stars in the sky and tightened his clothes.

Desert nights are the coldest.


Blaziken moved closer to provide Jiao with some heat, and the people around Jiao also moved closer together, and the fire next to him was erratic.

“Fortunately there is no strong wind tonight, otherwise I can’t find a place to sleep.”

A person leaned against his nonsense tree and let out a sigh of cold.

“Who said no?”

A female man rubbed his hands and cooked.

“Boss, how long are we going to be outside.”


Everyone calm down, rub their hands together, close their eyes and rest.

But ears pricked up.

They have been outside for a while. According to the time distribution and calendar set by the morning witch, it should have been a month or two.

Some of them want to live in the Great Wilderness, think about the warmth and coolness of the Great Wilderness, and think about the Great Wilderness’s food… They want everything about the Great Wilderness.

Want to go home.

But it’s all up to Jiao to decide.

“During this period of time, we encountered fifty-one oases, fifteen tribes, one giant tribe, three large tribes, and more than thirty Totem-level devil beasts. Joined a lot of allies to join the Great Wilderness Alliance…”

Jiao opened his mouth to narrate, and the surrounding entire group immediately became fascinated.

It turns out that they have encountered so much, it turns out that they have united so much.

A sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

“…But!” Jiao’s words turned: “However, there are countless invaders outside the sky, they are too strong for us to resist, and only the morning witch and Rayquaza can resist! “

“The Morning Witch is running around for us to unite and fight, and we also have to fight for ourselves!”

“We must become the spear and shield of the Morning Witch, not the Great Wilderness.” It’s a burden.”

The ratio of classic weapons in Dahuang now is a contradiction.

“I want to continue to fight in the desert.”

“I remember the morning witch said that we are going to make sparks.”

“The gathering is a fire. , the scattered sky is full of stars!”

Jiao expressed his opinion.

He looked around and found that fighting spirit rekindled in everyone’s eyes.

“Who wants to be with me!”

An unknown towering mountain range with a cave halfway up the mountain.

“Dear Regigigas, we are here on behalf of the Dawn Witch, Lord of the Great Wilderness.”

Yong from the dungeon sat on his Metagross, and behind him were a few restrained men. People, and their mighty Pokémon, are all male.

At this point, Metagross is communicating with Regigigas.

And the Pokémon in front of them is the mighty Regigigas.

Regigigas has a large white torso without a distinct head.

The center of the trunk has a Yellow stripe structure from back to front, with 7 round holes on it, arranged in a Big Dipper shape, very mysterious.

Regigigas has long arms, Yellow discs on the shoulders and wrists, and ends with three white fingers, but his legs are relatively short.

Its head, waist, back, and limbs are covered with black zigzag lines, and green vegetation covers the top of the head and the sides and feet.

There are three pairs of eyes Normal dots on both sides of the center of the torso, the colors are red, blue, and gray from top to bottom.

The whole body is filled with a powerful and mysterious feeling.


At this time, Regigigas was coming out of the cave. In the cave behind it, glaciers and lava could be vaguely seen wrapped in three masks. and Rock.

And in the cave, you can also see some dolls looking out.

If He Chen is here, it’s all Baltoy!

“Dear Regigigas…”

Yong got off the Metagross and raised the wooden token in his hand.

Regigigas has a deep breath, but it doesn’t look like a tyrannical Pokémon.

Regigigas saw the wooden token, his breath fluctuated a little, he stepped forward and knelt down and watched intently.

The Baltoys behind it were immediately excited when they saw the wooden token, swarming out one by one, circling around Yong, and happily Growl.

“This is…”

Yong watched this scene strangely, then turned his head and looked towards a restrained big man.

This is someone on their team who can understand Pokémon, special ability.

The big guy has a facial expression grave and has been listening to the voices of Regigigas and Baltoy.

“Ray… Regigi…”

After a while, Regigigas finished his observation and made a “Bzz Bzz” sound at the user.

“Captain, Regigigas means that it is willing to join the Great Wilderness Alliance, but it wants to borrow a token.”

Da Han translated it again, and then pointed to these Baltoy’s strangely said : “These puppets have been calling the token ‘Aba’, strange…”

Everyone ignored what Baltoy said, but cheered when they heard that Regigigas was willing to join the Great Wilderness Alliance.


Courageously, without the slightest hesitation, handed the wooden token to Regigigas and placed it in Regigigas’ hands.


Regigigas walked into the cave after getting the wooden token.

“It allows us to follow.”

The big man hesitated, and everyone looked towards Yong.

“Let’s go.”

Yong waved his hand, then to Metagross instructed: “You stay outside, don’t let any creatures disturb you.”

Then They go in with the entire group.

The cave was empty, and inside were three extremely conspicuous spheres of energy that looked like ice, lava, and rock.

And beside the cave, there are some Baltoy around the large and small red gem Rest.

“This gem is pretty nice.” Yong muttered.

“Ray.” Regigigas responded, and the big guy who could translate was stunned, then pointed at the gems, his lips trembling.

“It…it said, this…this is made by the Morning Witch!”

“It was made by the Morning Witch?!”

“Yes! It says that these devil beasts are all because the morning witch made this cosmic gem, and then the cosmic gem turned these dolls into devil beasts!”

“The cosmic gem is from Deoxys!”

The crowd was immediately shocked.

At this moment, Regigigas brought the wooden token in his hand close to the three strange energies.

“Bzz Bzz——”

With a slight tremor, the energy of the wooden token was pulled and turned into three strands of glaciers, lava and Rock Absorb.

The energy is absorbed more and more, and the wooden token also vibrates.


With a crisp sound, Yong and the others let out a cry out in surprise, and their originally calm expressions changed dramatically.

You must know that this token turned bad luck for them all the way, and also taught their Pokémon partners a lot of abilities, so they carefully protected the token along the way, for fear of bumping into it.

And now, the token has cracked!

Yong and their expressions changed wildly, and they saw that Regigigas’s actions had devastating damage to the wooden token.

But before it could be stopped, the energy in it was emptied, but the three groups of energy still seemed unsatisfied.


Regigigas turned around.

“You…you destroyed the token!”

Yong’s eyes instantly turned red: “Kill! Kill it!”

For whatever reason , no matter what it is, destroy the sacred relic in their hearts, and fight it to the end!

A group of brawny men who are full of vigor

But at this moment, a mysterious wave descended from the sky, and the crowd suddenly couldn’t stand up.

“I am the lord of the Great Wilderness, the sharer of the authority of the world, the ruler of the Spirit World channel, the commander of the Human Alliance… Who dares to kill the people of the Great Wilderness! It’s not too soon… eh…”

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