Night, Arctic Ice Field, below the Black Passage.

He Chen stood in the air, still maintaining the shape of Transform into Deoxys.

Some Deoxys also flew around him, forcing him to retreat.

He looked towards the black hole-like passage in the sky, Power of Primordial Chaos surged out, and when he touched the passage, he transformed into the white and dazzling Psychic he used to be.

“bang! !!”

It was dark at this time, and the passage part was pitch black as ink, but a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from the passage.

It’s like daytime.

The surrounding cosmic Pokémon, especially the Deoxys, immediately moved towards that point of light and flew out.

“get lost!!”

He Chen’s face was cold and silent, with his body as the center, one after another invisible wave quickly spread out.

He Chen Edition Ability – Synchronoise!

This Ability uses magical radio waves to damage all surrounding Pokémon with the same Attribute as its own.

But here at He Chen, the Power of Primordial Chaos simulates all energies and targets every cosmic Pokémon.

Three percent!

With the Synchronoise and the energy output at the Sky channel, He Chen has stimulated a total of 30% of his power!


A series of Pokémon around Deoxys, Beheeyem, Minior, etc. immediately covered their heads, and their bodies were shaking violently, obviously suffering great pain .

“bang bang! !!”

More violent fluctuations came from the channel.

He Chen has increased his power output!

Five percent! Half of it is used to interfere with surrounding Pokémons.

“Not enough?”

He Chen sensed the power of this black hole channel as if it was against him.

No, not just fighting, but trying to integrate into He Chen’s Psychic.

Incorporate Psychic!

He Chen was startled, and immediately stopped the output of power, and the night returned to silence.

You must know that when Psychic and that kind of Evil Power merge, they will form Power of Primordial Chaos!

Power of Primordial Chaos!

Who knows what will happen if this channel incorporates Power of Primordial Chaos?

Standing on the spot, He Chen looked ugly.

Even Psychic and Power of Primordial Chaos can’t use this channel, it seems that there are no other methods.

No! He Chen suddenly remembered the attack just now, which actually caused the channel to fluctuate violently.

If there are enough Pokémon, enough attributes and energy in the future, maybe there is still a chance!

Thinking of this, He Chen looked better.

He glanced around at the black-eyed Deoxys who were about to attack him.

“hmph, go to hell.”

He Chen didn’t even bother to look at them, so he directly used 30% of the Power of Primordial Chaos to turn it into an attack.


“puchi!” “puchi!”…

one after another head exploded suddenly, turned into a cosmic gem and fell, and then He Chen wiped out the soul in it.

He Chen glanced coldly at other universe Pokémon like Minior: “I don’t care about surviving in Earth, but if I want to kill other creatures, I will kill!”

Those universes Pokémon heard the voice in his head and was scared to the point of shivering by the killing intent contained in it.

“Go away!”

These Pokémon immediately disperse all around.

He Chen looked towards the passage, and felt that a Pokémon seemed to want to investigate because of the change in the passage, and immediately flew south.

Coming to where Ruan Ruan and Heatran were hiding, He Chen Power of Primordial Chaos transformed into Ground Type energy.

He Chen Edition Ability – Dig!

While descending Dig, He Chen probed for Heatran and Ruanluan trails, and found them in a short while.

And…He Chen also came to an Underground Path!

You must know that many of the tribes on the icefield lived underground.

For example, the large-scale tribal Kongshi tribe created by Li Wu, the son of the ice witch, lives in the Underground World.

In those days, the arrival of the king-level Deoxys destroyed all the vitality here.

Many Pokémon and human tribes were destroyed underground when large passages collapsed.

Meanwhile, the earth changes.

Originally, all kinds of energies in the world were extremely unstable. Before the Divine Beast Pokémon like Groudon Kyogre was born, just a slight change caused the earth to crack.

With the interference of the king-level Deoxys…

Standing in a half-collapsed passage, He Chen was silent.

His Disciple Water, his follower Ye, and many, many, many creatures died here.


Ruan Ran and Heatran saw He Chen like this and immediately came over and gave him a hug.


He Chen sighed: “Let’s go, let’s go back to the Great Wilderness…”

He sat on Heatran, and the destruction of the passage failed again. In addition to touching the scene, his emotions were lowered.

Ruan Ruan also sat on Heatran’s back, protected by He Chen.

But at this moment, He Chen suddenly noticed something strange.

Heatran climbed up there were some mounds and a small hole that seemed to go straight to the outside.

And just under this little hole, there is a shoe!

Straw sandals!

This straw sandal has basically been damaged and weathered. After all, it is not made of superb craftsmanship.

But He Chen was suddenly excited.

These are straw sandals made by him! And judging from the size, it should be used for water supply!

Looking at the almost collapsed hole above, He Chen instantly thought of a probability.

Water is not dead!

He listened to Xiaobai and they said that Shui had chosen to stay in order not to let the large army be dragged down by him because of the swelling of his feet.

didn’t expect the water survived!

He Chen could only imagine how much willpower he had to use to climb out of the ground with the water that had swollen his feet.

So the water must have survived!

But five years later, why hasn’t the water come to him?

He Chen was still a little puzzled, but he was relieved immediately.

Don’t look at He Chen’s ease, in fact, continent danger lurks on every side can easily kill people.

The Remoraid tribe, where the water was originally, were raised as pigs.

If He Chen hadn’t found out, it is estimated that someday water will be eaten by people.

And out of the tribe, if not for the protection of the coalition, a weak existence like water can easily be hunted by Pokémon in jungles, rivers, grasslands, and glaciers.

So after the water goes out, maybe it will find a place to live, maybe… Maybe even if a catastrophe is avoided, it will die somewhere.

He Chen’s face changed for a while. He was just happy that Shui was still alive, and suddenly thought that Shui might have escaped the catastrophe, but was eaten by an unknown Pokémon predator in the jungle.

“Shui that little fellow is so clever that he won’t be eaten…isn’t he?”

He Chen is also not sure.

But seeing the Ground, He Chen decided not to think any more.

Whether it’s life or death, he hasn’t been seen for five years, and before he sees Shui…

Take your Disciple as dead!

At this point, the aged water witch sneezed.

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