He Chen, who leaped down from the top of the mountain and flew to the wilderness, suddenly saw the shadow of Celebi.


This is a Pokémon that roams in the power of time, and can also take others on time travel.

Divine Beast!

He Chen immediately expanded Power of Primordial Chaos and wanted to get in touch with Celebi.

“little fellow, wait!”

He Chen sensed that Celebi was looking for Berry to eat, so he tried his best to appear harmless, and at the same time released the breath of creation authority come out.

Celebi turned around and was a little curious when she saw He Chen’s, and the curiosity on her face became even stronger when she felt the aura of creation authority.

This breath gives Earth beings a “mother” feeling because Arceus created them.

But He Chen was a little puzzled.

This Celebi, haven’t you seen him before? How come you don’t know him now?

But in a flash, He Chen thought of the reason.

Because this Celebi is not the Celebi he saw before.

Accurately speaking, this Celebi is the past of the future Celebi, which is the current Celebi.

Maybe Celebi will meet him and know him in the future, but now Celebi hasn’t brought that person to see him, so he doesn’t know him at all.

In this case, perhaps the perception of the mystery of time can be obtained from Celebi.

He settled down, He Chen slowly descended.

Celebi stands on a branch with two small feet, light and small.

He Chen came over very gently, floated in midair, and looked at Celebi.

“little fellow, are you looking for something to eat?”


“I’ll take you to a place with a lot of Berry, okay? Ok?”

He Chen smiled, like a scumbag who kidnapped children.

Celebi immediately nodded, then flew over, sat on He Chen’s shoulder, and rubbed He Chen’s cheek, very intimate.

He Chen turned his head and touched Celebi’s head lightly: “It’s so good.”

It’s so easy!

The current He Chen, by virtue of his affinity for the authority of creation, is already much larger than Zi’s affinity for Pokémon.

Easy to abduct Celebi, He Chen was not complacent, nor was he in a hurry to feel the power of time immediately, but took off again and flew to the wilderness.

A year has passed, and the messengers of the Great Wilderness should have returned long ago.

And he already felt the oppression from the north.

Evil Power is approaching!

That’s why he stopped comprehend on the mysteries of time.

No time! We must hurry back, immediately rush all the forces, drive the invaders out, and then destroy the black hole channel.

Then he was a morning witch, and he and Zi traveled to the Mountain Water Sport to retire, leaving the Great Wilderness to the Elder Council to develop on his own.


didn’t expect , seeing He Chen hurrying on the road, Celebi let out a happy cry, and lightly tapped He Chen’s body with her little hand.

“weng! !!”

“What’s going on?!”

He Chen was already, and the cold sweat broke down.

Suddenly, he flew here at twice the speed from the position just now.

Speed up!

No, Time Acceleration!

He Chen looked at Celebi in amazement, and Celebi also looked at He Chen happily, silly.

“Celebi, do it again.”


“Fuck, cool, do it again!”



Then continued for a while, He Chen felt that his speed was many times faster than before.

fast as lightning!

But he can also feel the muscle twitching, which is a sign of a lot of stress.

This is still his excellent physical fitness.

Otherwise, in the case of the ordinary person, it is estimated that the fleshy body could not bear the collapse for a long time.

So, He Chen made reasonable use of Celebi’s magic skill to rush his way.

So and so, a few days have passed.


The Great Wilderness, Monument Mountain.

He Chen just arrived here last night, soothed the little whites, chatted with Zi Qingqing who had brought back the cones, and chatted with the white butterfly grandfather all night on the top of the Monument Mountain.

And this morning, the people of the Great Wilderness saw their morning witch standing above Rayquaza’s head, flying out of Monument City.

“The Morning Witch is back!?”

“Great, the Morning Witch is back!”

“Those damn Deoxys!”

Everyone in the Great Wilderness has Deoxys gnashing teeth, but fortunately, He Chen’s return has given everyone a boost.

He Chen also came back and learned that Deoxys had attacked many times this year!

But fortunately, the Great Wilderness has the white butterfly grandfather, the Ghost Type Pokémon transformed by the Heroic Spirits of Monument Mountain, and the Divine Beast and Totem-level Pokémon gathered from all directions.

So, Deoxys fail miserably almost every time!

And now, He Chen has returned, and the City Lords of each city and the twelve elders of the Great Wilderness have spit bitterness to him.

So, He Chen decided.

Start the general attack as soon as possible!

At this time, He Chen came to the outside of Monument City, where the Pokémon Totems rested.

Those Totems got up immediately when they saw the grandfather flying over.

In particular, a huge pressure came from the top of Rayquaza’s head, and the audience was under constant pressure.

“Humans and Pokémons who came from all over the wasteland!”

He Chen floated in the air immediately after arriving here, and the Power of Primordial Chaos spread out in waves. , forming an extremely powerful coercion.

The Pokémon Totem was horrified.

“Yo!!” “ao!!” “roar!!”…

However, the Divine Beasts did not give in immediately, but responded to He Chen’s perception with their heads held high .

Yveltal, the god of destruction, was rebellious and shouted directly, and the terrifying dark aura quickly expanded in the air to resist the pressure of He Chen.

The god of life, Xerneas, raised his head slightly, the huge antlers on it shone slightly, and the atmosphere of Fairy diffused, breaking through the dark aura.

“Ray… Regigi…”

Regigigas rumbled to his feet, seemingly trying to persuade everyone not to fight, but Yveltal and Xerneas’ aura let him It also passively inspired its own slow-start Characteristic Trait.

Slow start: Over five turns, the attack and speed are halved, that is, the Regigigas moves slower and slower.


At this moment, four petite silhouettes stood together and let out a long cry.

Characteristic Trait inspires – righteous heart!

righteous heart This Characteristic Trait, when attacked by Dark Type’s moves, will increase its attack due to the sense of justice.

And the dark aura of Yveltal has an extremely powerful Dark Type energy!

“roar!!” “ao!!!”

Black Dragon and White Dragon also started to get excited.

Reshiram and Zekrom!


Seeing the scene suddenly in chaos, He Chen looked helpless.

No, I just want to give a speech, are you so excited?

So what is the skin doing? So excited for what?

Looking for a fight?

Look at the rambunctious young Divine Beasts below, He Chen complexion sank.

A huge Power of Primordial Chaos erupted from within him.

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