He Chen quietly closed his eyes.

Time, space, world, soul.

He now has a lot of insight, but he has a feeling that he is almost there.

As long as you hit the door, it may be a breakthrough.

And this time on the battlefield.

Charon Dragon went to Spirit World to defend the sneak attack of the mysterious dragon-shaped Pokémon, and the Unowns blocked the black hole passage to prevent entry and exit.

Dialga and Palkia are on the left and right of Arceus, quietly confronting the king-level Deoxys.

At this time, whichever side moves first, may be found to have a weak spot, which will affect the whole body, step by step, and step by step.

So they didn’t move, just waiting for the battle below to end.

No matter which side is dominant, there will be enormous pressure on the other side.

If Groudon and the others are victorious, they can come and fight the King Deoxys together.

“Today’s battle…”

He Chen closed his eyes and gradually realized that something was wrong.

The King Deoxys are so peaceful!

If you look at the numbers, these Deoxys are clearly coming out in full force.

And the Deoxys are now at a disadvantage. In front of the Divine Beast and the Totem, the number and racial advantage of the Deoxys have finally been erased.

But even in this state, the king-level Deoxys was unmoved.

It should have a certain wisdom and see the situation clearly.

However, from the very beginning to now, that king-level Deoxys has been lying low on the Ground, sleeping.

“No, not right!”

He Chen opened his eyes suddenly.

The hustle and bustle of the battlefield could not affect his thinking and sight.

“Old Chuang, attack!”

He Chen didn’t explain much, and directly sent sound transmission to Arceus, and then turned into a stream of light and slammed into the king-level Deoxys in the distance.

Arceus, Dialga and Palkia didn’t have time to react, and they attacked with He Chen’s voice.

Arceus is exclusive to Ability – Judgement!


Dialga and Palkia also moved.

Dialga is exclusive to Ability – Roar of Time!

Palkia is unique to Ability – Spacial Rend!

Sanctioned Light contains the law of the world, which can differentiate different attributes. Roar of Time uses Time Law and will issue time-distorting attacks. Spacial Rend contains Space Law, Tearing Space to tear enemy.

Three massive attacks, accompanied by a streamer attack from He Chen’s transformation to King Deoxys.

This is the power of this world pinnacle!

At this time, the king-level Deoxys on the Ground raised his head and looked towards Arceus.

A large, split mouth suddenly appeared on its face, and it let out a silent roar, and inside it was a thick darkness.

Defensive Form!

The king-level Deoxys changed form in an instant, and at the same time used a lot of abilities in an instant.

Ability – Mirror Coat!

Ability – Amnesia!

Ability – Iron Defense!

Ability – Protect!

Instant, all instant!

It uses a whole bunch of defensive moves before the attack arrives!

But Arceus and their attacks are not covered.



The sky became extremely bright almost instantly, and the Pokémon who were fighting on the battlefield looked up.

The king-level Deoxys, like a mountain, was hit by a blanket of energy and fell back, revealing what was hidden beneath.

Countless tiny holes!

“How dare you!!!”

At this time, Arceus found those holes and issued angry roar.

He Chen was sighed in relief.

Just now he was experiencing the rules of the world and soul, and then he realized what the king-level Deoxys was doing.

The countless tentacles of the King Deoxys were just burrowing through those holes, down!

It is taking this opportunity to explore World Source!

Be aware that at any other time, changes in power and laws will alert Arceus and He Chen.

But now there’s a battle on the field, with tidal waves of energy all over the place, obscuring the king-level Deoxys’ attempts.

The King Deoxys want to invade the origin of the world!

Each world, or in other words, every planet has its own origin, and the origin determines how long the world can survive.

Like He Chen, he used to be able to rely on the authority of creation and use the World Source to come to any place, as long as that place has his “coordinates”, that is, a token of the Great Wilderness.

But He Chen just uses World Source as amplifier and medium instead of using World Source.

But this Deoxys is definitely not the same as He Chen!

Maybe the purpose of its invasion of the world is to absorb and devour the origin of the world!

Fortunately, among the laws that He Chen is comprehending, there is the law of the world. He sensed the fluctuations and let Arceus stop it.

“Deoxys, destroy it.”

He Chen increased his speed to the extreme and came to Dialga’s side. One person and three Pokémon surrounded Deoxys.

“Everyone, go back!”

At the same time, He Chen’s Power of Primordial Chaos was transformed into Aura Force, covering a dozen or more li battlefields.

In the upcoming battle, it is basically useless until the Divine Beast level. Some weak races have no help for the Totem level and the king level. For example, the king level of Wishiwashi is estimated to be the same as the Sharpedo of the Ordinary level. big.

In the face of powerful individuals, the group advantage is not obvious.

So He Chen evacuated all the under-level Pokémon that might be affected.

But Deoxys won’t wait for them to disperse slowly, but they will chase and fight all the way, and some return to support the king-level Deoxys, but they are stopped by various Divine Beasts.

The humans of the Great Wilderness Alliance took this opportunity to retreat quickly, and some less powerful Pokémon followed, and the attacks of the invaders such as Deoxys, Beheeyem, and Minior were resisted by Divine Beast and Totem.


The retreating people looked back, their morning witch was now with Deoxys Tackle.

He Chen’s body turned into a light, hitting Deoxys like a shooting star, looking like the horn of a Bug Type Pokémon.

Ability – Mega Horn!

Bug Type Ability is very restrained against Psychic Type and Dark Type!

And the extremely rich Black energy on the king-level Deoxys is very similar to the Dark Type energy.

Psychic Type plus Dark Type, quadruple restraint!

“I, impose sanctions!”

Old Chuang’s Ability, Judgement!

Endless Energy Ball strikes on Deoxys, along with Dialga and Palkia’s unique Unique Ability.

Once again, the world’s top-ranked force is attacking Deoxys!

This time Deoxys didn’t sit still.


A gust of wind blew, and the silhouette of King Deoxys disappeared.

Ability – Teleport!


Deoxys avoided the four attacks, those attacks hit the Ground, and the Fissure collapsed.

“Not good, watch your back!”

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