Sunshine, grassland, earth.

A young man sat blankly on the ground, staring at the grass on the ground in a daze.

There is a small simple wood house not far from him.



A plump Stantler body was thrown not far from the young man, and a tall girl appeared there.

The dazed young man didn’t speak, and was still sitting there.

The girl started cutting Stantler’s body with a cold light dagger strapped to her thigh.

Bring clean spring water to wash, then find firewood and the like, make a fire, and start Roasted meat.

Gradually, the aroma of meat began to permeate.

The young man who was sitting on the side smelled the smell of meat, and immediately walked over from there, then sat beside the girl, folded his hands on his knees, and put his chin on his knees, staring at Roasted meat in a daze.

“Sit far away, it will be roasted later.”

The girl whispered.

The young man moved his body obediently and stepped back.

After a while, the meat was cooked.

The girl took off the meat, blew it to cool it, and handed it to the young man.

The young man took it obediently, then chewed and swallowed it in small bites.

After eating, the young man stared blankly at the girl again.

The girl immediately handed over a wooden jar, which looked like it had been made with a dagger or something.

The wooden jar was filled with water, and the young man immediately took a few sips, burped, and sat there staring at the fire in a daze.

The girl cleaned up again, and then sat down beside the young man.

The two were in a daze together.

When it got late, the girl whispered again: “Rest.”

The boy slowly got up, followed the girl into the room, and lay on the wooden bed.

The girl hugged the young man, and the young man was lying upright like a log. The two maintained this position all night, almost motionless.

second day, still the same.

The time goes by.

The teenager never spoke, and what the girl said can be counted on one’s fingers.

day after day, year after year.

One day, a ignorant beetle flew here and landed on the shoulder of the boy.

Then there are more and more Bug Type Pokémons.

All kinds of Bug Type Pokémon are gathered here, it seems to be all because of that boy.

In fact, there are not only Bug Type Pokémon, but many Pokémon, but they were forced back by the girls.

Girls only let Bug Type Pokémon in.

Especially Catterpie, Metapod and Butterfree.

One day, humans will appear.

A dirty little girl, estimated to be around five or six years old, holding a red and hot Bug Type Pokémon.

The girl asked: “Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing here?”

The little girl replied timidly: “I am the suffering of the insect tribe, and our tribe has been destroyed. , I’m a witch, I’m the devil beast of Larvesta.”

The girl was silent.

Then, the life of two people and one beetle, since then, there will be a little girl, and many, many Bug Type Pokémon.

This small piece of grassland is full of Bug Type Pokémon, and it seems to have become the territory of Bug Type Pokémon. Totem is that girl.

One day, the little girl bitterly asked the young man: “Who is this person?”

The girl replied: “The one I love.”

bitter He asked again, “What is love?”

The girl was silent.

Ku asked again: “Why can’t he speak? Why does Larvesta like him so much?”

This time the girl replied: “He is injured and brain-dead.”


Ku Suanran: “It seems to be the case that he hurts his brain, so what’s his name?”

The girl hesitated, thinking about whether to say that name.

“Would you like to call him ‘Insect’? Everyone in our Insect Tribe who was most liked by the Insect Devil can call him ‘Insect’.”

Kuxing Chongchong, as if she was very happy to name a person without a name.

The girl was silent again.

day after day, year after year.

One man and two women are becoming more and more familiar, especially Ku, who is particularly familiar with this pair of men and women, and regards them as her relatives.

And many people came from the south one after another, and they were all people who were destroyed by some “stones that fell from the sky”.

The girl named Ku has grown up and is sixteen or seventeen years old, and the man and the woman are still the same, without any change.

Kuri knows how special the two of them are, because that man can sit all day without eating, drinking, pulling or spreading.

And women know a lot, teach Ku how to hunt, how to conquer devil beast, and how to farm.

Three people, but with lots and lots of food.

As a result, suffering began one day, gathering those homeless savages and establishing a tribe.

The tribe’s name is “Insect”.

The bug tribe.

Time passes.

The worm tribe has grown from three people to dozens of people, to hundreds of people… The scale of the tribe is getting bigger and bigger, and the food is getting more and more.

Bitter as the witch, the person she named “Insect” as the Boss, and the female as Mrs. Boss.

The man called “worm” was forced to farm, fight, and hunt.

Because she didn’t want to see the girl she regarded as an elder sister serving this man all day long.

But Ku is also privately teaching this man how to be a boss, how to hunt, how to fight, and how to be nice to girls.

Under the guidance of bitterness, this man and his beetle, Pokémon, beat the surrounding tribes invincible and established his prestige, so that the tribes who coveted the food of the insect tribe dared not act rashly.

The powerful large tribe – the worm tribe!

And it seems that because of the change in mentality, the person called “bug” is less and less like a “brain”, but like a normal person who follows the teaching of bitterness every day to hunt and fight , to farm.

Then go home and sleep with the girls in the tribe.

The body of the “worm” began to change at a certain time, becoming strong, tall, and thick.

Like a Little Giant.

A hundred years have passed.

The worm tribe is famous, and the bitter witch also began to decline from the Peak age and became a beautiful woman.

“Insect” still did not speak, just like a robot repeating every day, doing such and such things under the teaching of bitterness.

As long as you point at the girl and say “for her own good”, the “bug” will do anything.

And then one day, Ku came across people from her tribe, who were carrying a stone the size of a millstone and were being chased by a flying humanoid Pokémon.

Ku immediately asked the Insect Tribe to support it, but it couldn’t be beaten at all.

And on that day, the girl was dispatched.

Ku knew for the first time that her elder sister was so powerful that she brought an Insect Devil beast to kill the humanoid devil beast.

But the girl just killed the devil beast, and went home to continue serving the “bug”.

And the people of the original bug tribe were hunted down because of a stone.

Ku immediately understood the importance of this stone.

So she personally took the stone and Volcarona, which Larvesta evolved into, to a lake, buried the stone, and planted a Berry seed.

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