“Duo 唷!”

A flame burst out from Xiao Bai’s eyes: battle battle battle!


He Chen turned his hands like a shudder.

Then there was nothing wrong with Xiaobai, and instead he covered his hands and blew.

“Fight the fart, Dabai is here, just stay with me!” He Chen’s hand hurt when he knocked, and he blew with a breath.

Xiaobai is estimated to be Totem-level, so there is an attraction to the existence of the Masquerain group’s elite or Totem-level.

This kind of attraction can also be said to be the attraction between competing opponents, attracting each other, and then fighting and winning.

Although He Chen doesn’t know what to do if he wins, he just likes to fight.

“Duo 唷~”

Xiao Bai was knocked by He Chen. Although he didn’t feel anything, he still cried out in grievance.

He Chen was too lazy to deal with it.

The Masquerain group is getting closer, making a flapping sound of wings flapping, and it can be seen that they are struggling to beat in the rain.


A long beep came from the top of Monument Mountain, which was the sound of the grandfather of the White Butterfly.

The Masquerains flew to the top of the mountain when they heard it, and then landed on the top of the mountain.

large and small Strings of Masquerain parked on the top of the mountain, with their wings folded, look like flowers blooming on the top of the mountain.

He Chen clicked one’s tongue in wonder while looking at the beautiful scenery in the rain.

There are so many Masquerains parked on the top of the mountain, layered from top to bottom, with wings in pink and white, it feels quite spectacular.

After the tree on the top of the mountain was broken, a wooden stake was left on which a huge Masquerain was parked.

“It looks like that’s the Totem.”

“But how long will they have to wait, it should be afternoon now?”

He Chen took a look In the direction of the jungle, several hunting groups have gone out, and they can’t come back for the time being.

“Little boy, you bring Xiaobai up, and Zi will come with you.”

Suddenly, He Chen received a telepathy from the grandfather of the white butterfly.

No way? go up?

It’s okay to receive guests, but if you have a battle…

It’s okay to battle!

He Chen suddenly thought about experience and leveling up.

Maybe after a few more battles, Xiaobai will evolve into Butterfree?


He Chen remembered that he had suggested Xiaobai not to train, and just now asked him not to fight, which is a double standard.

“Let’s go, Xiao Bai.”

“Duo 唷~”

Xiao Bai let out a cheerful cry, his eyes curved into crescents.

“When did you become a militant?” He Chen didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “By the way, Zi, let’s go together.”

White butterfly grandfather They both love purple, which has a special affinity for Pokémon.

The two of them walked up the mountain together.

Along the way, Masquerain looked at them curiously, especially Xiaobai.

Sixty percent of the eyes are on Xiaobai, and forty percent is on Zi.

He Chen is like a transparent person.

But he didn’t care, and continued to go up.

Coming to the top, the Masquerain on the stump flapped its wings gently, shaking the rain off its wings, and looked at Xiao Bai with a burning gaze.

Xiao Bai is now taller than He Chen, a giant Metapod.

It also stared straight at the Masquerain, with endless fighting intent in its eyes.



Two Totem-level Bug Type Pokémon looked at each other.

“Cub, fight it!”

Before entering the cave, the voice of the white butterfly grandfather also sounded at the right time.

Although I don’t know the significance of this annual battle, He Chen believes that the white butterfly grandfather will not harm them.

So he also looked at the Totem-level Masquerain.

Masquerain has a bright blue body and four diamond-shaped “feet” that function similarly to Pokemon’s wings.

Its head is shaped like an elongated teardrop, pink face and round black eyes with white pupils.

There is also a pair of big pink tentacles, which He Chen thought were wings before, but later learned that they were tentacles.

These tentacles look like a pair of Rage’s eyes and can be used to intimidate predators.

But with Masquerain’s appearance, it looks cute.

He Chen in his past life remembered that Masquerain could not fly in the rain, but these prehistoric Masquerains seem to be a little different and can easily fly in the rain.

“Masquerain, we challenge you!”

He Chen laughed kindly to Masquerain.

The Masquerain, which evolves and flies away every year, does not cause damage to the tribe, and is considered a friendly Pokémon.

“Do 唷——”

Xiao Bai also called out to Masquerain.

Then Masquerain fluttered his wings, looked towards Xiaobai, his eyes full of fighting intent.

He Chen knows, the battle is on!

He and Zi hurried to the side, and the surrounding Masquerain scattered.

The tribesmen at the bottom of the mountain wanted to watch the battle, but they had work to do, so it was just the two of them on the top of the mountain.

After He Chen and Xiaobai were in place, the antennae on Masquerain’s head vibrated violently, the two “eyes” looked quite terrifying, and Xiaobai’s body trembled slightly.

Characteristic Trait – Intimidation!

Intimidating the Characteristic Trait is to intimidate the opponent when it comes out and let it back down, which can reduce the opponent’s attack.

Xiao Bai’s attack should be reduced?

He Chen immediately entered the battle state: “Xiao Bai, use Spinning Silk!”

Use Spinning Silk to block its actions first!

Xiaobai spit out a thick and long silk thread from his mouth and quickly wrapped around Masquerain.

Masquerain Struggle a few times, but there is no Struggle open, so it is wrapped by the silk thread.

However, the rainwater around its body condensed and wrapped its body, and then the whole body galloped towards Xiaobai.

Water Type Ability – Aqua Jet!

“Xiao Bai, use Harden!”

Aqua Jet, or Aqua Jet, He Chen remembers watching it in a previous life, and the hit rate is 100%.

There are some shelters, but it is unavoidable in the open environment of the summit of Monument Mountain.

Xiaobai’s carapace became shiny, obviously improving his own defense.


Two giant Totem-type Pokémon collided, and Xiaobai was knocked away.

However, Xiaobai stood up again, and he didn’t seem to be hurt much.

“Xiao Bai, use Tackle!”

He Chen pointed finger towards Masquerain.


Xiao Bai’s eyes became sharp, and his body slammed into Masquerain.


Masquerain was Tackled from the air to the ground by Xiaobai, but flew again, and collided back at a super fast speed, forming an afterimage .

Quick Attack!

“Xiao Bai, use Tackle continuously to meet him!”

Xiao Bai used Harden at first, and the carapace became stronger.

This is not a game, Carapace Harden not only improves defense, at the same time, Tackle up will also make opponent more painful.

But it may be because of the level gap, Masquerain still knocked Xiaobai flying.

After the collision failed, Xiaobai instead the more fights the more brave is, stood up again, and then bumped into it.

“Bang”, “Bang”…

Two huge Bug Type Pokémon collided in mid-air, Xiaobai kept being knocked back, and then kept rushing up.

Xiaobai’s shell is full of muddy water, and there are still some traces of stones.

He Chen is helpless.

The gap is still a little big, after all, Xiaobai has only evolved for a few months.

“Okay, stop.”

He Chen stopped their fight.

Not a Life and Death Battle, there’s no need to go on like this.

However, Xiaobai didn’t listen to He Chen.


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